Example #1
    def _writeLTLFile(self):
        regionList = [r.name for r in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions]
        sensorList = self.proj.enabled_sensors
        robotPropList = self.proj.enabled_actuators + self.proj.all_customs
        # Allow the option of not running decomposition
        if self.decomposedSpecText is not None:
            text = self.decomposedSpecText
            text = self.proj.specText

        spec, traceback, failed = writeSpec(text, sensorList, regionList, robotPropList)

        # Abort compilation if there were any errors
        if failed:
            return None

        adjData = self.parser.proj.rfi.transitions

        createLTLfile(self.proj.getFilenamePrefix(), sensorList, robotPropList, adjData, spec)

        return traceback
Example #2
    def _setSpecificationInitialConditionsToCurrent(self, proj):
        """ Remove any existing initial conditions from the guarantees portion of the LTL specification
            and replace them with the current state of the system.

            Propositions that don't exist in both old and new specifications are ignored in the process."""

        # TODO: support doing this at the language level too?
        # TODO: what if state changes during resynthesis? should we be less restrictive?

        # parse the spec so we can manipulate it
        ltl_filename = proj.getFilenamePrefix() + ".ltl"
        assumptions, guarantees = LTLFormula.fromLTLFile(ltl_filename)

        # TODO: do we need to remove too? what about env?
        # add in current system state to make strategy smaller
        ltl_current_state = self.getCurrentStateAsLTL() # TODO: constrain to props in new spec
        gc = guarantees.getConjuncts()

        if ltl_current_state != "":

        # write the file back
        createLTLfile(ltl_filename, assumptions, gc)
Example #3
    def _setSpecificationInitialConditionsToCurrent(self, proj):
        """ Remove any existing initial conditions from the guarantees portion of the LTL specification
            and replace them with the current state of the system.

            Propositions that don't exist in both old and new specifications are ignored in the process."""

        # TODO: support doing this at the language level too?
        # TODO: what if state changes during resynthesis? should we be less restrictive?

        # parse the spec so we can manipulate it
        ltl_filename = proj.getFilenamePrefix() + ".ltl"
        assumptions, guarantees = LTLFormula.fromLTLFile(ltl_filename)

        # TODO: do we need to remove too? what about env?
        # add in current system state to make strategy smaller
        ltl_current_state = self.getCurrentStateAsLTL() # TODO: constrain to props in new spec
        gc = guarantees.getConjuncts()

        if ltl_current_state != "":

        # write the file back
        createLTLfile(ltl_filename, assumptions, gc)
Example #4
    def _writeLTLFile(self):

        self.LTL2SpecLineNumber = None

        #regionList = [r.name for r in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions]
        regionList = [r.name for r in self.proj.rfi.regions]
        sensorList = deepcopy(self.proj.enabled_sensors)
        robotPropList = self.proj.enabled_actuators + self.proj.all_customs

        text = self.proj.specText

        response = None

        # Create LTL using selected parser
        # TODO: rename decomposition object to something other than 'parser'
        if self.proj.compile_options["parser"] == "slurp":
            # default to no region tags if no simconfig is defined, so we can compile without
            if self.proj.current_config == "":
                region_tags = {}
                self.hsub = handlerSubsystem.HandlerSubsystem(
                    None, self.proj.project_root)
                config, success = self.hsub.loadConfigFile(
                if success: self.hsub.configs.append(config)

                region_tags = self.hsub.executing_config.region_tags

            # Hack: We need to make sure there's only one of these
            global _SLURP_SPEC_GENERATOR

            # Make a new specgenerator and have it process the text
            if not _SLURP_SPEC_GENERATOR:
                # Add SLURP to path for import
                p = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
                sys.path.append(os.path.join(p, "..", "etc", "SLURP"))
                from ltlbroom.specgeneration import SpecGenerator
                _SLURP_SPEC_GENERATOR = SpecGenerator()

            # Filter out regions it shouldn't know about
            filtered_regions = [
                region.name for region in self.proj.rfi.regions
                if not (region.isObstacle or region.name.lower() == "boundary")
            LTLspec_env, LTLspec_sys, self.proj.internal_props, internal_sensors, results, responses, traceback = \
                _SLURP_SPEC_GENERATOR.generate(text, sensorList, filtered_regions, robotPropList, region_tags)

            oldspec_env = LTLspec_env
            oldspec_sys = LTLspec_sys

            for ln, result in enumerate(results):
                if not result:
                        "Could not parse the sentence in line {0}".format(ln))

            # Abort compilation if there were any errors
            if not all(results):
                return None, None, responses

            # Add in the sensors so they go into the SMV and spec files
            for s in internal_sensors:
                if s not in sensorList:

            # Conjoin all the spec chunks
            LTLspec_env = '\t\t' + ' & \n\t\t'.join(LTLspec_env)
            LTLspec_sys = '\t\t' + ' & \n\t\t'.join(LTLspec_sys)

            if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
                # substitute decomposed region names
                for r in self.proj.rfi.regions:
                    if not (r.isObstacle or r.name.lower() == "boundary"):
                        LTLspec_env = re.sub(
                            '\\bs\.' + r.name + '\\b', "(" + ' | '.join([
                                "s." + x
                                for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]
                            ]) + ")", LTLspec_env)
                        LTLspec_env = re.sub(
                            '\\be\.' + r.name + '\\b', "(" + ' | '.join([
                                "e." + x
                                for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]
                            ]) + ")", LTLspec_env)
                        LTLspec_sys = re.sub(
                            '\\bs\.' + r.name + '\\b', "(" + ' | '.join([
                                "s." + x
                                for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]
                            ]) + ")", LTLspec_sys)
                        LTLspec_sys = re.sub(
                            '\\be\.' + r.name + '\\b', "(" + ' | '.join([
                                "e." + x
                                for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]
                            ]) + ")", LTLspec_sys)

            response = responses

        elif self.proj.compile_options["parser"] == "ltl":
            # delete comments
            text = re.sub(r"#.*$", "", text, flags=re.MULTILINE)

            # split into env and sys parts (by looking for a line of just dashes in between)
            LTLspec_env, LTLspec_sys = re.split(r"^\s*-+\s*$",

            # split into subformulas
            LTLspec_env = re.split(r"(?:[ \t]*[\n\r][ \t]*)+", LTLspec_env)
            LTLspec_sys = re.split(r"(?:[ \t]*[\n\r][ \t]*)+", LTLspec_sys)

            # remove any empty initial entries (HACK?)
            while '' in LTLspec_env:
            while '' in LTLspec_sys:

            # automatically conjoin all the subformulas
            LTLspec_env = '\t\t' + ' & \n\t\t'.join(LTLspec_env)
            LTLspec_sys = '\t\t' + ' & \n\t\t'.join(LTLspec_sys)

            if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
                # substitute decomposed region
                for r in self.proj.rfi.regions:
                    if not (r.isObstacle or r.name.lower() == "boundary"):
                        LTLspec_env = re.sub(
                            '\\b(?:s\.)?' + r.name + '\\b', "(" + ' | '.join([
                                "s." + x
                                for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]
                            ]) + ")", LTLspec_env)
                        LTLspec_sys = re.sub(
                            '\\b(?:s\.)?' + r.name + '\\b', "(" + ' | '.join([
                                "s." + x
                                for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]
                            ]) + ")", LTLspec_sys)
                for r in self.proj.rfi.regions:
                    if not (r.isObstacle or r.name.lower() == "boundary"):
                        LTLspec_env = re.sub('\\b(?:s\.)?' + r.name + '\\b',
                                             "s." + r.name, LTLspec_env)
                        LTLspec_sys = re.sub('\\b(?:s\.)?' + r.name + '\\b',
                                             "s." + r.name, LTLspec_sys)

            traceback = []  # HACK: needs to be something other than None
        elif self.proj.compile_options["parser"] == "structured":
            import parseEnglishToLTL

            if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
                # substitute the regions name in specs
                for m in re.finditer(r'near (?P<rA>\w+)', text):
                    text = re.sub(
                        r'near (?P<rA>\w+)', "(" + ' or '.join([
                            "s." + r for r in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[
                                'near$' + m.group('rA') + '$' + str(50)]
                        ]) + ")", text)
                for m in re.finditer(
                        r'within (?P<dist>\d+) (from|of) (?P<rA>\w+)', text):
                    text = re.sub(
                        r'within ' + m.group('dist') + ' (from|of) ' +
                        m.group('rA'), "(" + ' or '.join([
                            "s." + r for r in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[
                                'near$' + m.group('rA') + '$' +
                        ]) + ")", text)
                for m in re.finditer(r'between (?P<rA>\w+) and (?P<rB>\w+)',
                    text = re.sub(
                        r'between ' + m.group('rA') + ' and ' + m.group('rB'),
                        "(" + ' or '.join([
                            "s." + r for r in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[
                                'between$' + m.group('rA') + '$and$' +
                                m.group('rB') + "$"]
                        ]) + ")", text)

                # substitute decomposed region
                for r in self.proj.rfi.regions:
                    if not (r.isObstacle or r.name.lower() == "boundary"):
                        text = re.sub(
                            '\\b' + r.name + '\\b', "(" + ' | '.join([
                                "s." + x
                                for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]
                            ]) + ")", text)

                regionList = [
                    "s." + x.name for x in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions
                for r in self.proj.rfi.regions:
                    if not (r.isObstacle or r.name.lower() == "boundary"):
                        text = re.sub('\\b' + r.name + '\\b', "s." + r.name,

                regionList = ["s." + x.name for x in self.proj.rfi.regions]

            spec, traceback, failed, self.LTL2SpecLineNumber, self.proj.internal_props = parseEnglishToLTL.writeSpec(
                text, sensorList, regionList, robotPropList)

            # Abort compilation if there were any errors
            if failed:
                return None, None, None

            LTLspec_env = spec["EnvInit"] + spec["EnvTrans"] + spec["EnvGoals"]
            LTLspec_sys = spec["SysInit"] + spec["SysTrans"] + spec["SysGoals"]

            logging.error("Parser type '{0}' not currently supported".format(
            return None, None, None

        if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
            regionList = [x.name for x in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions]
            regionList = [x.name for x in self.proj.rfi.regions]

        if self.proj.compile_options["use_region_bit_encoding"]:
            # Define the number of bits needed to encode the regions
            numBits = int(math.ceil(math.log(len(regionList), 2)))

            # creating the region bit encoding
            bitEncode = bitEncoding(len(regionList), numBits)
            currBitEnc = bitEncode['current']
            nextBitEnc = bitEncode['next']

            # switch to bit encodings for regions
            LTLspec_env = replaceRegionName(LTLspec_env, bitEncode, regionList)
            LTLspec_sys = replaceRegionName(LTLspec_sys, bitEncode, regionList)

            if self.LTL2SpecLineNumber is not None:
                for k in self.LTL2SpecLineNumber.keys():
                    new_k = replaceRegionName(k, bitEncode, regionList)
                    if new_k != k:
                            new_k] = self.LTL2SpecLineNumber[k]
                        del self.LTL2SpecLineNumber[k]

        if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
            adjData = self.parser.proj.rfi.transitions
            adjData = self.proj.rfi.transitions

        # Store some data needed for later analysis
        self.spec = {}
        if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
            self.spec['Topo'] = createTopologyFragment(
            self.spec['Topo'] = createTopologyFragment(

        # Substitute any macros that the parsers passed us
        LTLspec_env = self.substituteMacros(LTLspec_env)
        LTLspec_sys = self.substituteMacros(LTLspec_sys)

        # If we are not using bit-encoding, we need to
        # explicitly encode a mutex for regions
        if not self.proj.compile_options["use_region_bit_encoding"]:
            # DNF version (extremely slow for core-finding)
            #mutex = "\n\t&\n\t []({})".format(" | ".join(["({})".format(" & ".join(["s."+r2.name if r is r2 else "!s."+r2.name for r2 in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions])) for r in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions]))

            if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
                region_list = self.parser.proj.rfi.regions
                region_list = self.proj.rfi.regions

            # Almost-CNF version
            exclusions = []
            for i, r1 in enumerate(region_list):
                for r2 in region_list[i + 1:]:
                    exclusions.append("!(s.{} & s.{})".format(
                        r1.name, r2.name))
            mutex = "\n&\n\t []({})".format(" & ".join(exclusions))
            LTLspec_sys += mutex


        # Add in a fragment to make sure that we start in a valid region
        if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
            self.spec['InitRegionSanityCheck'] = createInitialRegionFragment(
            self.spec['InitRegionSanityCheck'] = createInitialRegionFragment(
        LTLspec_sys += "\n&\n" + self.spec['InitRegionSanityCheck']

        LTLspec_sys += "\n&\n" + self.spec['Topo']

        createLTLfile(self.proj.getFilenamePrefix(), LTLspec_env, LTLspec_sys)

        if self.proj.compile_options["parser"] == "slurp":
            self.reversemapping = {
                self.postprocessLTL(line, sensorList, robotPropList).strip():
                for line in oldspec_env + oldspec_sys
            self.reversemapping[self.spec['Topo'].replace("\n", "").replace(
                "\t", "").lstrip().rstrip("\n\t &")] = "TOPOLOGY"

        #for k,v in self.reversemapping.iteritems():
        #    print "{!r}:{!r}".format(k,v)

        return self.spec, traceback, response
Example #5
    def compileCentralizedSpec(self):
        Compile centralized spec.
        # synthesize our new centralized controller again
        self.compiler = specCompiler.SpecCompiler()
            'synthesizer'] = 'slugs'  # use slugs
        self.compiler.proj.project_root = os.path.dirname(
            os.path.realpath(__file__))  #set directory to save slugsin
        self.compiler.proj.project_basename = self.filePath
        createSMVfile(self.filePath, self.smvEnvPropList,
                      self.smvSysPropList)  # create a new SMV file

        # create a new LTL file
        LTLspec_envList = []
        LTLspec_sysList = []

        # append new sys and env init
        currentEnvInitState = '(' + self.currentState.getLTLRepresentation(
            include_outputs=False) + ')'
        currentSysInitState = '(' + self.currentState.getLTLRepresentation(
            include_outputs=True) + ')'

        ## construct specification
        for specType in self.spec.keys():
            if specType in ['EnvInit', 'SysInit']:
                if specType == 'EnvInit':  # append init state

            for robot in self.coordinatingRobots:
                # here we will skip the goals and join them together below
                if specType in ['SysGoals']:
                elif specType in ['SysInit', 'SysTrans']:

        # join the goals of the robots so that the goals are pursued at the same time
        specSysGoals = " &\n ".join(
            filter(None, [
                for x in self.spec['SysGoals'].values()
        LTLspec_sysList.append("[]<>(" + specSysGoals +
                               ")" if specSysGoals else specSysGoals)

        # set up violation check object
        specSysGoalsOld = " &\n ".join(
                [x.strip().lstrip('[]<>') for x in self.sysGoalsOld.values()]))
        logging.debug("specSysGoalsOld:" + str(specSysGoalsOld))
        if specSysGoalsOld:
            self.sysGoalsCheck = LTLParser.LTLcheck.LTL_Check(
                None, {}, {'sysGoals': specSysGoalsOld}, 'sysGoals')

        createLTLfile(self.filePath, " &\n".join(filter(None,
                      " &\n".join(filter(None, LTLspec_sysList)))
        startTime = time.time()
        #HACK: Make it to recovery mode to try it out
        #self.compiler.proj.compile_options['recovery']=True # interactive strategy auto synthesizes with recovery option
        self.compiler.cooperativeGR1Strategy = True
        self.compiler.onlyRealizability = True
        realizable, realizableFS, output = self.compiler._synthesize()
        endTime = time.time()
        If realizable, load AUT and return status to each robot. The execution of each robot resumes.
        if realizable:
            logging.info('Strategy synthesized in ' +
                         str(endTime - startTime) + ' s.')
            # load strategy and initial state
            #self.strategy = strategy.createStrategyFromFile(self.filePath + '.aut', self.smvEnvPropList, self.smvSysPropList)
            self.strategy = strategy.createStrategyFromFile(
                self.filePath + '.slugsin', self.smvEnvPropList,
            # TODO: need to be finished
            self.strategy.current_state = self.strategy.searchForOneState(
            logging.info('Starting at State ' +
            logging.error('cannot synthesize a centralized patch')
Example #6
    def _writeLTLFile(self):

        self.LTL2SpecLineNumber = None

        #regionList = [r.name for r in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions]
        regionList = [r.name for r in self.proj.rfi.regions]
        sensorList = deepcopy(self.proj.enabled_sensors)
        robotPropList = self.proj.enabled_actuators + self.proj.all_customs
        text = self.proj.specText

        response = None

        # Create LTL using selected parser
        # TODO: rename decomposition object to something other than 'parser'
        if self.proj.compile_options["parser"] == "slurp":
            # default to no region tags if no simconfig is defined, so we can compile without
            if self.proj.currentConfig is None:
                region_tags = {}
                region_tags = self.proj.currentConfig.region_tags
            # Hack: We need to make sure there's only one of these
            global _SLURP_SPEC_GENERATOR
            # Make a new specgenerator and have it process the text
            if not _SLURP_SPEC_GENERATOR:
                # Add SLURP to path for import
                p = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
                sys.path.append(os.path.join(p, "..", "etc", "SLURP"))
                from ltlbroom.specgeneration import SpecGenerator
                _SLURP_SPEC_GENERATOR = SpecGenerator()
            # Filter out regions it shouldn't know about
            filtered_regions = [region.name for region in self.proj.rfi.regions 
                                if not (region.isObstacle or region.name.lower() == "boundary")]
            LTLspec_env, LTLspec_sys, self.proj.internal_props, internal_sensors, results, responses, traceback = \
                _SLURP_SPEC_GENERATOR.generate(text, sensorList, filtered_regions, robotPropList, region_tags)

            oldspec_env = LTLspec_env
            oldspec_sys = LTLspec_sys
            for ln, result in enumerate(results):
                if not result:
                    logging.warning("Could not parse the sentence in line {0}".format(ln))

            # Abort compilation if there were any errors
            if not all(results):
                return None, None, responses
            # Add in the sensors so they go into the SMV and spec files
            for s in internal_sensors:
                if s not in sensorList:

            # Conjoin all the spec chunks
            LTLspec_env = '\t\t' + ' & \n\t\t'.join(LTLspec_env)
            LTLspec_sys = '\t\t' + ' & \n\t\t'.join(LTLspec_sys)
            if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
                # substitute decomposed region names
                for r in self.proj.rfi.regions:
                    if not (r.isObstacle or r.name.lower() == "boundary"):
                        LTLspec_env = re.sub('\\bs\.' + r.name + '\\b', "("+' | '.join(["s."+x for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]])+")", LTLspec_env)
                        LTLspec_env = re.sub('\\be\.' + r.name + '\\b', "("+' | '.join(["e."+x for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]])+")", LTLspec_env)
                        LTLspec_sys = re.sub('\\bs\.' + r.name + '\\b', "("+' | '.join(["s."+x for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]])+")", LTLspec_sys)
                        LTLspec_sys = re.sub('\\be\.' + r.name + '\\b', "("+' | '.join(["e."+x for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]])+")", LTLspec_sys)

            response = responses

        elif self.proj.compile_options["parser"] == "ltl":
            # delete comments
            text = re.sub(r"#.*$", "", text, flags=re.MULTILINE)

            # split into env and sys parts (by looking for a line of just dashes in between)
            LTLspec_env, LTLspec_sys = re.split(r"^\s*-+\s*$", text, maxsplit=1, flags=re.MULTILINE)

            # split into subformulas
            LTLspec_env = re.split(r"(?:[ \t]*[\n\r][ \t]*)+", LTLspec_env)
            LTLspec_sys = re.split(r"(?:[ \t]*[\n\r][ \t]*)+", LTLspec_sys)

            # remove any empty initial entries (HACK?)
            while '' in LTLspec_env:
            while '' in LTLspec_sys:

            # automatically conjoin all the subformulas
            LTLspec_env = '\t\t' + ' & \n\t\t'.join(LTLspec_env)
            LTLspec_sys = '\t\t' + ' & \n\t\t'.join(LTLspec_sys)

            if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
                # substitute decomposed region 
                for r in self.proj.rfi.regions:
                    if not (r.isObstacle or r.name.lower() == "boundary"):
                        LTLspec_env = re.sub('\\b(?:s\.)?' + r.name + '\\b', "("+' | '.join(["s."+x for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]])+")", LTLspec_env)
                        LTLspec_sys = re.sub('\\b(?:s\.)?' + r.name + '\\b', "("+' | '.join(["s."+x for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]])+")", LTLspec_sys)
                for r in self.proj.rfi.regions:
                    if not (r.isObstacle or r.name.lower() == "boundary"):
                        LTLspec_env = re.sub('\\b(?:s\.)?' + r.name + '\\b', "s."+r.name, LTLspec_env)
                        LTLspec_sys = re.sub('\\b(?:s\.)?' + r.name + '\\b', "s."+r.name, LTLspec_sys)

            traceback = [] # HACK: needs to be something other than None
        elif self.proj.compile_options["parser"] == "structured":
            import parseEnglishToLTL

            if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
                # substitute the regions name in specs
                for m in re.finditer(r'near (?P<rA>\w+)', text):
                    text=re.sub(r'near (?P<rA>\w+)', "("+' or '.join(["s."+r for r in self.parser.proj.regionMapping['near$'+m.group('rA')+'$'+str(50)]])+")", text)
                for m in re.finditer(r'within (?P<dist>\d+) (from|of) (?P<rA>\w+)', text):
                    text=re.sub(r'within ' + m.group('dist')+' (from|of) '+ m.group('rA'), "("+' or '.join(["s."+r for r in self.parser.proj.regionMapping['near$'+m.group('rA')+'$'+m.group('dist')]])+")", text)
                for m in re.finditer(r'between (?P<rA>\w+) and (?P<rB>\w+)', text):
                    text=re.sub(r'between ' + m.group('rA')+' and '+ m.group('rB'),"("+' or '.join(["s."+r for r in self.parser.proj.regionMapping['between$'+m.group('rA')+'$and$'+m.group('rB')+"$"]])+")", text)

                # substitute decomposed region 
                for r in self.proj.rfi.regions:
                    if not (r.isObstacle or r.name.lower() == "boundary"):
                        text = re.sub('\\b' + r.name + '\\b', "("+' | '.join(["s."+x for x in self.parser.proj.regionMapping[r.name]])+")", text)

                regionList = ["s."+x.name for x in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions]
                for r in self.proj.rfi.regions:
                    if not (r.isObstacle or r.name.lower() == "boundary"):
                        text = re.sub('\\b' + r.name + '\\b', "s."+r.name, text)

                regionList = ["s."+x.name for x in self.proj.rfi.regions]

            spec, traceback, failed, self.LTL2SpecLineNumber, self.proj.internal_props = parseEnglishToLTL.writeSpec(text, sensorList, regionList, robotPropList)

            # Abort compilation if there were any errors
            if failed:
                return None, None, None

            LTLspec_env = spec["EnvInit"] + spec["EnvTrans"] + spec["EnvGoals"]
            LTLspec_sys = spec["SysInit"] + spec["SysTrans"] + spec["SysGoals"]

            logging.error("Parser type '{0}' not currently supported".format(self.proj.compile_options["parser"]))
            return None, None, None

        if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
            regionList = [x.name for x in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions]
            regionList = [x.name for x in self.proj.rfi.regions]

        if self.proj.compile_options["use_region_bit_encoding"]:
            # Define the number of bits needed to encode the regions
            numBits = int(math.ceil(math.log(len(regionList),2)))

            # creating the region bit encoding
            bitEncode = bitEncoding(len(regionList),numBits)
            currBitEnc = bitEncode['current']
            nextBitEnc = bitEncode['next']

            # switch to bit encodings for regions
            LTLspec_env = replaceRegionName(LTLspec_env, bitEncode, regionList)
            LTLspec_sys = replaceRegionName(LTLspec_sys, bitEncode, regionList)
            if self.LTL2SpecLineNumber is not None:
                for k in self.LTL2SpecLineNumber.keys():
                    new_k = replaceRegionName(k, bitEncode, regionList)
                    if new_k != k:
                        self.LTL2SpecLineNumber[new_k] = self.LTL2SpecLineNumber[k]
                        del self.LTL2SpecLineNumber[k]

        if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
            adjData = self.parser.proj.rfi.transitions
            adjData = self.proj.rfi.transitions

        # Store some data needed for later analysis
        self.spec = {}
        if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
            self.spec['Topo'] = createTopologyFragment(adjData, self.parser.proj.rfi.regions, use_bits=self.proj.compile_options["use_region_bit_encoding"])
            self.spec['Topo'] = createTopologyFragment(adjData, self.proj.rfi.regions, use_bits=self.proj.compile_options["use_region_bit_encoding"])

        # Substitute any macros that the parsers passed us
        LTLspec_env = self.substituteMacros(LTLspec_env)
        LTLspec_sys = self.substituteMacros(LTLspec_sys)

        # If we are not using bit-encoding, we need to
        # explicitly encode a mutex for regions
        if not self.proj.compile_options["use_region_bit_encoding"]:
            # DNF version (extremely slow for core-finding)
            #mutex = "\n\t&\n\t []({})".format(" | ".join(["({})".format(" & ".join(["s."+r2.name if r is r2 else "!s."+r2.name for r2 in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions])) for r in self.parser.proj.rfi.regions]))

            if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
                region_list = self.parser.proj.rfi.regions
                region_list = self.proj.rfi.regions

            # Almost-CNF version
            exclusions = []
            for i, r1 in enumerate(region_list):
                for r2 in region_list[i+1:]:
                    exclusions.append("!(s.{} & s.{})".format(r1.name, r2.name))
            mutex = "\n&\n\t []({})".format(" & ".join(exclusions))
            LTLspec_sys += mutex

        self.spec.update(self.splitSpecIntoComponents(LTLspec_env, LTLspec_sys))

        # Add in a fragment to make sure that we start in a valid region
        if self.proj.compile_options["decompose"]:
            self.spec['InitRegionSanityCheck'] = createInitialRegionFragment(self.parser.proj.rfi.regions, use_bits=self.proj.compile_options["use_region_bit_encoding"])
            self.spec['InitRegionSanityCheck'] = createInitialRegionFragment(self.proj.rfi.regions, use_bits=self.proj.compile_options["use_region_bit_encoding"])
        LTLspec_sys += "\n&\n" + self.spec['InitRegionSanityCheck']

        LTLspec_sys += "\n&\n" + self.spec['Topo']

        createLTLfile(self.proj.getFilenamePrefix(), LTLspec_env, LTLspec_sys)
        if self.proj.compile_options["parser"] == "slurp":
            self.reversemapping = {self.postprocessLTL(line,sensorList,robotPropList).strip():line.strip() for line in oldspec_env + oldspec_sys}
            self.reversemapping[self.spec['Topo'].replace("\n","").replace("\t","").lstrip().rstrip("\n\t &")] = "TOPOLOGY"

        #for k,v in self.reversemapping.iteritems():
        #    print "{!r}:{!r}".format(k,v)        

        return self.spec, traceback, response