Example #1
def main(configFile, filename):

    #Read config
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    dcmconfig = {
        'patid': config.get("DCMCONFIG", "PATID"),
        'patname': config.get("DCMCONFIG", "PATNAME"),
        'studydes': config.get("DCMCONFIG", "STUDYDES"),
        'seriesdes': config.get("DCMCONFIG", "SERIESDES"),
        'stationname': config.get("DCMCONFIG", "STATIONNAME"),
    tag = dicom.tag.Tag(config.get("DCMCONFIG", "TAG").split(','))

    dcmconfig['studydate'] = datetime.strptime(
        config.get("DCMCONFIG", "STUDYDATE"), '%Y%m%d')
    dcmconfig['studytime'] = datetime.strptime(
        config.get("DCMCONFIG", "STUDYTIME"), '%H%M%S')

    aet = config.get("SERVERCONFIG", "AET")
    destip = config.get("SERVERCONFIG", "IP")
    port = int(config.get("SERVERCONFIG", "PORT"))

    #Get file content
    with open(filename) as f:
        payload = ''.join(f.readlines())

    #Create DCM
    tmpdicom = create_dicom.create_dicom(tag, payload, filename, dcmconfig)

    #Send to PACS
    if config.get("SERVERCONFIG", "IP") == "":
        print("No IP specified in config.ini; saving dicom file locally")
        savename = filename + '.dcm'

            storescu.StoreSCU(aet, destip, port, tmpdicom)
            print('Failed to send file to DCM4CHEE, check server settings?')
Example #2
def main(configFile,filename):
    #Read config
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    dcmconfig = {
    tag = dicom.tag.Tag(config.get("DCMCONFIG","TAG").split(','))

    dcmconfig['studydate'] = datetime.strptime(config.get("DCMCONFIG","STUDYDATE"), '%Y%m%d')
    dcmconfig['studytime'] = datetime.strptime(config.get("DCMCONFIG","STUDYTIME"), '%H%M%S')

    aet =  config.get("SERVERCONFIG","AET")
    destip = config.get("SERVERCONFIG","IP")
    port = int(config.get("SERVERCONFIG","PORT"))
    #Get file content
    with open(filename) as f:
        payload = ''.join(f.readlines())

    #Create DCM
    tmpdicom = create_dicom.create_dicom(tag, payload, filename, dcmconfig)

    #Send to PACS
    if config.get("SERVERCONFIG","IP") == "": 
        print("No IP specified in config.ini; saving dicom file locally")
        savename = filename+'.dcm'

            storescu.StoreSCU(aet, destip, port, tmpdicom)
            print('Failed to send file to DCM4CHEE, check server settings?')
Example #3
def main(configFile):
    PROCESSED_FILEPATH = "processed_files.txt"
    open(PROCESSED_FILEPATH, 'a').close()

    #Read config
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    sourcedir = config.get("FILECONFIG", "SRCDIR")
    fileext = config.get("FILECONFIG", "EXT")

    #Convert comma-separated values into list
    contains = [
        s.strip() for s in config.get("FILECONFIG", "CONTAINS").split(',')
    not_contains = [
        s.strip() for s in config.get("FILECONFIG", "NOT_CONTAINS").split(',')

    dcmconfig = {
        'patid': config.get("DCMCONFIG", "PATID"),
        'patname': config.get("DCMCONFIG", "PATNAME"),
        'studydes': config.get("DCMCONFIG", "STUDYDES"),
        'seriesdes': config.get("DCMCONFIG", "SERIESDES"),
        'stationname': config.get("DCMCONFIG", "STATIONNAME"),
    tag = dicom.tag.Tag(config.get("DCMCONFIG", "TAG").split(','))

    aet = config.get("SERVERCONFIG", "AET")
    destip = config.get("SERVERCONFIG", "IP")
    port = int(config.get("SERVERCONFIG", "PORT"))

    #Processed filepaths
    with open(PROCESSED_FILEPATH, 'r') as f:
        processed = [f.strip() for f in f.readlines()]

    #Find all files in `sourcedir` with extension `fileext`
    allfiles = [fn for fn in os.listdir(sourcedir) if fn.endswith(fileext)]

    #Filter allfiles
    filepathlist = []
    for filename in allfiles:
        #Include filenames which contain all substrings in `contains`
        if not all([substr in filename for substr in contains]):
        #Exclude filenames which contain any substring in `not_contains`
        if any([substr in filename for substr in not_contains]):

        #Include if file hasn't been processed before
        path = os.path.join(sourcedir, filename)
        if path not in processed:
            filepathlist.append(os.path.join(sourcedir, filename))

    for path in filepathlist:
        print os.path.basename(path)

        #Get file content
        with open(path) as f:
            payload = ''.join(f.readlines())

        #Get date and time from filepath
        match = re.findall(r'\d+', path)
        print 'match', match
        dcmconfig['studydate'] = datetime.strptime(''.join(match[0:3]),
        dcmconfig['studytime'] = datetime.strptime(''.join(match[3:5]),

        #Create DCM
        tmpdicom = create_dicom.create_dicom(tag, payload, path, dcmconfig)

        #Send to PACS
        #storescu.StoreSCU(aet, destip, port, tmpdicom)

        #Add path to processed_files.txt
        with open(PROCESSED_FILEPATH, 'a') as f:
            f.write("\n" + path)
Example #4
def main():
    my_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    #Parse command line arguments
    #can be used to overrule several parameters from config.ini
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="INIFILE", default=os.path.join(my_path, 'config.ini'),
                         help="read configuration from FILE", metavar="FILE")
    parser.add_argument("-src", "--source", dest="SRCDIR", help="read files from SRCDIR")
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--processed", dest="PROCESSEDDIR", default=my_path,
                         help="store processed item status files in DIR", metavar="DIR")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--stationname", dest="STATIONNAME",
                         help="use station name NAME", metavar="NAME")
    parser.add_argument("-e", "--extension", dest="EXTENSION", default='xml',
                         help="use file extension EXT", metavar="EXT")
    parser.add_argument("-i", "--patientid", dest="PATIENTID",
                         help="use PatientID ID", metavar="ID")
    parser.add_argument("-n", "--patientname", dest="PATIENTNAME",
                         help="use PatientName NAME", metavar="NAME")
    parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True,
                         help="don't print status messages to stdout")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    configFile = args.INIFILE

    #Read config
    config = configparser.ConfigParser(comment_prefixes=('#',';'),inline_comment_prefixes=(';',))

    # only load some values from config if not specified on command line
    sourcedir = args.SRCDIR or config.get("FILECONFIG","SRCDIR")
    fileext = args.EXTENSION or config.get("FILECONFIG","EXT")
    processedDir = args.PROCESSEDDIR
    stationName = args.STATIONNAME or config.get("DCMCONFIG","STATIONNAME")
    patientName = args.PATIENTNAME or config.get("DCMCONFIG","PATNAME")
    patientID = args.PATIENTID or config.get("DCMCONFIG","PATID")

    if args.verbose:
        print("Reading configuration from  : {}".format(configFile));
        print("Storing processed status in : {}".format(processedDir));
        print("Reading QA files from       : {}".format(sourcedir));

    #create new file if it doesn't exist
    PROCESSED_FILEPATH = os.path.join(processedDir, "processed_files.txt")
    open(PROCESSED_FILEPATH, 'a').close()
    if args.verbose:
        print("Lookup file for processed files: {0}".format(PROCESSED_FILEPATH))
    with open(PROCESSED_FILEPATH, 'r') as f:
        processed = [f.strip() for f in f.readlines()]
    #Convert comma-separated values into list
    contains = [s.strip() for s in config.get("FILECONFIG","CONTAINS").split(',')]
    not_contains = [s.strip() for s in config.get("FILECONFIG","NOT_CONTAINS").split(',')]

    if args.verbose:
        print("Using QA file extension     : {}".format(fileext));
        print("Including QA files with     : {}".format(contains));
        print("Excluding QA files with     : {}".format(not_contains));
        print("Using station name          : {}".format(stationName));
        print("Using patient name          : {}".format(patientName));
        print("Using patient ID            : {}".format(patientID));

    dcmconfig = {
        'patid': patientID,
        'patname': patientName,
        'studydes': config.get("DCMCONFIG","STUDYDES"),
        'seriesdes': config.get("DCMCONFIG","SERIESDES"),
        'stationname': stationName
    tag = dicom.tag.Tag(config.get("DCMCONFIG","TAG").split(','))

    my_aet =  config.get("SERVERCONFIG","MY_AET")
    remote_aet =  config.get("SERVERCONFIG","REMOTE_AET")
    destip = config.get("SERVERCONFIG","IP")
    port = int(config.get("SERVERCONFIG","PORT"))
    #Find all files in `sourcedir` with extension `fileext`
    allfiles = [fn for fn in os.listdir(sourcedir) if fn.endswith(fileext)]

    #Filter allfiles
    filepathlist = []
    for filename in allfiles:
        #Include filenames which contain any substrings in `contains`
        if not any([substr in filename for substr in contains]):
            print("{} contains".format(filename))
        #Exclude filenames which contain any substring in `not_contains`
        if any([substr in filename for substr in not_contains]):
            print("{} not contains".format(filename))
        print("{} filtered out".format(filename))
        #Include file if it fits the matching/exclusion criteria
        #and hasn't been processed before
        path = os.path.join(sourcedir, filename)
        if path not in processed:
            filepathlist.append(os.path.join(sourcedir, filename))

    for path in filepathlist:
        #dicom encapsulate scan and send to wad server
        print("preparing wadqc dicom object for: {0}".format(os.path.basename(path)))
        #Get file content
        with open(path) as f:
            payload =  bytes(''.join(f.readlines()), 'utf-8')

        #Get date and time from filepath
        match = re.findall(r'\d+', path)
        studydate = match[-2]
        studytime = match[-1]
        dcmconfig['studydate'] = datetime.strptime(studydate, '%d%m%Y')
        dcmconfig['studytime'] = datetime.strptime(studytime, '%H%M%S')
        dcmconfig['seriestime'] = datetime.strptime(studytime, '%H%M%S')
        filename_noext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
        dcmconfig['seriesdes'] = filename_noext


        #Create DCM
        tmpdicom = create_dicom.create_dicom(tag, payload, path, dcmconfig, verbose=args.verbose)

        #Send to PACS
        print("sending to wadqc dicom node: {0}@{1}:{2}".format(remote_aet,destip,port))
        status=storescu.StoreSCU(remotehost=destip, remoteport=port, dicomobject=tmpdicom, aec=remote_aet, aet=my_aet, verbose=args.verbose)

        if status:
            #Add path to processed_files.txt
            with open(PROCESSED_FILEPATH, 'a') as f:
Example #5
def main(configFile):
    PROCESSED_FILEPATH = "processed_files.txt"
    open(PROCESSED_FILEPATH, "a").close()

    # Read config
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    sourcedir = config.get("FILECONFIG", "SRCDIR")
    fileext = config.get("FILECONFIG", "EXT")

    # Convert comma-separated values into list
    contains = [s.strip() for s in config.get("FILECONFIG", "CONTAINS").split(",")]
    not_contains = [s.strip() for s in config.get("FILECONFIG", "NOT_CONTAINS").split(",")]

    dcmconfig = {
        "patid": config.get("DCMCONFIG", "PATID"),
        "patname": config.get("DCMCONFIG", "PATNAME"),
        "studydes": config.get("DCMCONFIG", "STUDYDES"),
        "seriesdes": config.get("DCMCONFIG", "SERIESDES"),
        "stationname": config.get("DCMCONFIG", "STATIONNAME"),
    tag = dicom.tag.Tag(config.get("DCMCONFIG", "TAG").split(","))

    aet = config.get("SERVERCONFIG", "AET")
    destip = config.get("SERVERCONFIG", "IP")
    port = int(config.get("SERVERCONFIG", "PORT"))

    # Processed filepaths
    with open(PROCESSED_FILEPATH, "r") as f:
        processed = [f.strip() for f in f.readlines()]

    # Find all files in `sourcedir` with extension `fileext`
    allfiles = [fn for fn in os.listdir(sourcedir) if fn.endswith(fileext)]

    # Filter allfiles
    filepathlist = []
    for filename in allfiles:
        # Include filenames which contain all substrings in `contains`
        if not all([substr in filename for substr in contains]):
        # Exclude filenames which contain any substring in `not_contains`
        if any([substr in filename for substr in not_contains]):

        # Include if file hasn't been processed before
        path = os.path.join(sourcedir, filename)
        if path not in processed:
            filepathlist.append(os.path.join(sourcedir, filename))

    for path in filepathlist:
        print os.path.basename(path)

        # Get file content
        with open(path) as f:
            payload = "".join(f.readlines())

        # Get date and time from filepath
        match = re.findall(r"\d+", path)
        dcmconfig["studydate"] = datetime.strptime(match[-2], "%d%m%Y")
        dcmconfig["studytime"] = datetime.strptime(match[-1], "%H%M%S")

        # Create DCM
        tmpdicom = create_dicom.create_dicom(tag, payload, path, dcmconfig)

        # Send to PACS
        storescu.StoreSCU(aet, destip, port, tmpdicom)

        # Add path to processed_files.txt
        with open(PROCESSED_FILEPATH, "a") as f:
            f.write("\n" + path)