def __init__(self, default_port='/dev/ttyUSB0', default_update_rate=30.0): """ @param default_port: default tty port to use for establishing connection to Turtlebot. This will be overriden by ~port ROS param if available. """ self.default_port = default_port self.default_update_rate = default_update_rate self.robot = Create()#Turtlebot() self.create_sensor_handler = None self.sensor_state = TurtlebotSensorState() self.req_cmd_vel = None rospy.init_node('create') self._init_params() self._diagnostics = TurtlebotDiagnostics() if self.has_gyro: self._gyro = TurtlebotGyro() else: self._gyro = None dynamic_reconfigure.server.Server(TurtleBotConfig, self.reconfigure)
class TurtlebotNode(object): def __init__(self, default_port='/dev/ttyUSB0', default_update_rate=30.0): """ @param default_port: default tty port to use for establishing connection to Turtlebot. This will be overriden by ~port ROS param if available. """ self.default_port = default_port self.default_update_rate = default_update_rate self.robot = Create()#Turtlebot() self.create_sensor_handler = None self.sensor_state = TurtlebotSensorState() self.req_cmd_vel = None rospy.init_node('create') self._init_params() self._diagnostics = TurtlebotDiagnostics() if self.has_gyro: self._gyro = TurtlebotGyro() else: self._gyro = None dynamic_reconfigure.server.Server(TurtleBotConfig, self.reconfigure) def start(self): log_once = True while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: self.robot.start(self.port) break except serial.serialutil.SerialException as ex: msg = "Failed to open port %s. Please make sure the Create cable is plugged into the computer. \n"%(self.port) self._diagnostics.node_status(msg,"error") if log_once: log_once = False rospy.logerr(msg) else: sys.stderr.write(msg) time.sleep(3.0) self.create_sensor_handler = TurtlebotSensorHandler(self.robot) = True if rospy.get_param('~bonus', False): bonus(self.robot) self.robot.control() # Write driver state to disk with open(connected_file(), 'w') as f: f.write("1") self._init_pubsub() def _init_params(self): self.port = rospy.get_param('~port', self.default_port) self.update_rate = rospy.get_param('~update_rate', self.default_update_rate) self.drive_mode = rospy.get_param('~drive_mode', 'twist') self.has_gyro = rospy.get_param('~has_gyro', False) self.odom_angular_scale_correction = rospy.get_param('~odom_angular_scale_correction', 1.0) self.odom_linear_scale_correction = rospy.get_param('~odom_linear_scale_correction', 1.0) self.cmd_vel_timeout = rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param('~cmd_vel_timeout', 0.6)) self.stop_motors_on_bump = rospy.get_param('~stop_motors_on_bump', True) self.min_abs_yaw_vel = rospy.get_param('~min_abs_yaw_vel', None) rospy.loginfo("serial port: %s"%(self.port)) rospy.loginfo("update_rate: %s"%(self.update_rate)) rospy.loginfo("drive mode: %s"%(self.drive_mode)) rospy.loginfo("has gyro: %s"%(self.has_gyro)) def _init_pubsub(self): self.joint_states_pub = rospy.Publisher('joint_states', JointState) self.odom_pub = rospy.Publisher('odom', Odometry) self.sensor_state_pub = rospy.Publisher('~sensor_state', TurtlebotSensorState) self.operating_mode_srv = rospy.Service('~set_operation_mode', SetTurtlebotMode, self.set_operation_mode) self.digital_output_srv = rospy.Service('~set_digital_outputs', SetDigitalOutputs, self.set_digital_outputs) if self.drive_mode == 'twist': self.cmd_vel_sub = rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_vel) self.drive_cmd = self.robot.direct_drive elif self.drive_mode == 'drive': self.cmd_vel_sub = rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Drive, self.cmd_vel) self.drive_cmd = elif self.drive_mode == 'turtle': self.cmd_vel_sub = rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Turtle, self.cmd_vel) self.drive_cmd = self.robot.direct_drive else: rospy.logerr("unknown drive mode :%s"%(self.drive_mode)) def reconfigure(self, config, level): self.update_rate = config['update_rate'] self.drive_mode = config['drive_mode'] self.has_gyro = config['has_gyro'] if self.has_gyro: self._gyro.gyro_scale_correction = config['gyro_scale_correction'] self.odom_angular_scale_correction = config['odom_angular_scale_correction'] self.odom_linear_scale_correction = config['odom_linear_scale_correction'] self.cmd_vel_timeout = rospy.Duration(config['cmd_vel_timeout']) self.stop_motors_on_bump = config['stop_motors_on_bump'] self.min_abs_yaw_vel = config['min_abs_yaw_vel'] return config def cmd_vel(self, msg): # Clamp to min abs yaw velocity, to avoid trying to rotate at low # speeds, which doesn't work well. if self.min_abs_yaw_vel is not None and msg.angular.z != 0.0 and abs(msg.angular.z) < self.min_abs_yaw_vel: msg.angular.z = self.min_abs_yaw_vel if msg.angular.z > 0.0 else -self.min_abs_yaw_vel if self.drive_mode == 'twist': # convert twist to direct_drive args ts = msg.linear.x * 1000 # m -> mm tw = msg.angular.z * (WHEEL_SEPARATION / 2) # Prevent saturation at max wheel speed when a compound command is sent. if ts > 0: ts = min(ts, MAX_WHEEL_SPEED - abs(tw)) else: ts = max(ts, -(MAX_WHEEL_SPEED - abs(tw))) self.req_cmd_vel = int(ts - tw), int(ts + tw) elif self.drive_mode == 'turtle': # convert to direct_drive args ts = msg.linear * 1000 # m -> mm tw = msg.angular * (WHEEL_SEPARATION / 2) self.req_cmd_vel = int(ts - tw), int(ts + tw) elif self.drive_mode == 'drive': # convert twist to drive args, m->mm (velocity, radius) self.req_cmd_vel = msg.velocity * 1000, msg.radius * 1000 def set_operation_mode(self,req): if req.mode == 1: #passive self._robot_run_passive() elif req.mode == 2: #safe self._robot_run_safe() elif req.mode == 3: #full self._robot_run_full() else: rospy.logerr("Requested an invalid mode.") return SetTurtlebotModeResponse(False) return SetTurtlebotModeResponse(True) def _robot_run_passive(self): """ Set robot into passive run mode """ rospy.logdebug("Setting turtlebot to passive mode.") #setting all the digital outputs to 0 self._set_digital_outputs([0, 0, 0]) self.robot.passive() def _robot_reboot(self): """ Perform a soft-reset of the Create """ msg ="Soft-rebooting turtlebot to passive mode." rospy.logdebug(msg) self._diagnostics.node_status(msg,"warn") self._set_digital_outputs([0, 0, 0]) self.robot.soft_reset() time.sleep(2.0) def _robot_run_safe(self): """ Set robot into safe run mode """ rospy.logdebug("Setting turtlebot to safe mode.") self._set_digital_outputs([1, 0, 0]) = True self.robot.control() def _robot_run_full(self): """ Set robot into full run mode """ rospy.logdebug("Setting turtlebot to full mode.") = False self.robot.control() b1 = (self.sensor_state.user_digital_inputs & 2)/2 b2 = (self.sensor_state.user_digital_inputs & 4)/4 self._set_digital_outputs([1, b1, b2]) def _set_digital_outputs(self, outputs): assert len(outputs) == 3, 'Expecting 3 output states.' byte = 0 for output, state in enumerate(outputs): byte += (2 ** output) * int(state) self.robot.set_digital_outputs(byte) self.sensor_state.user_digital_outputs = byte def set_digital_outputs(self,req): outputs = [req.digital_out_0,req.digital_out_1, req.digital_out_2] self._set_digital_outputs(outputs) return SetDigitalOutputsResponse(True) def sense(self, sensor_state): self.create_sensor_handler.get_all(sensor_state) if self._gyro: self._gyro.update_calibration(sensor_state) def spin(self): # state pos2d = Pose2D() s = self.sensor_state odom = Odometry(header=rospy.Header(frame_id="odom"), child_frame_id='base_footprint') js = JointState(name = ["left_wheel_joint", "right_wheel_joint", "front_castor_joint", "back_castor_joint"], position=[0,0,0,0], velocity=[0,0,0,0], effort=[0,0,0,0]) r = rospy.Rate(self.update_rate) last_cmd_vel = 0, 0 last_cmd_vel_time = rospy.get_rostime() last_js_time = rospy.Time(0) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): last_time = s.header.stamp curr_time = rospy.get_rostime() # SENSE/COMPUTE STATE try: self.sense(s) transform = self.compute_odom(s, pos2d, last_time, odom) # Future-date the joint states so that we don't have # to publish as frequently. js.header.stamp = curr_time + rospy.Duration(1) except select.error: # packet read can get interrupted, restart loop to # check for exit conditions continue # Reboot Create if we detect that charging is necessary. if s.charging_sources_available > 0 and \ s.oi_mode == 1 and \ s.charging_state in [0, 5] and \ s.charge < 0.93*s.capacity: rospy.loginfo("going into soft-reboot and exiting driver") self._robot_reboot() rospy.loginfo("exiting driver") break # Reboot Create if we detect that battery is at critical level switch to passive mode. if s.charging_sources_available > 0 and \ s.oi_mode == 3 and \ s.charging_state in [0, 5] and \ s.charge < 0.15*s.capacity: rospy.loginfo("going into soft-reboot and exiting driver") self._robot_reboot() rospy.loginfo("exiting driver") break # PUBLISH STATE self.sensor_state_pub.publish(s) self.odom_pub.publish(odom) # 1hz, future-dated joint state if curr_time > last_js_time + rospy.Duration(1): self.joint_states_pub.publish(js) last_js_time = curr_time self._diagnostics.publish(s, self._gyro) if self._gyro: self._gyro.publish(s, last_time) # ACT if self.req_cmd_vel is not None: # check for velocity command and set the robot into full mode if not plugged in if s.oi_mode < 3 and s.charging_sources_available != 1: self._robot_run_full() # check for bumper contact and limit drive command req_cmd_vel = self.check_bumpers(s, self.req_cmd_vel) # Set to None so we know it's a new command self.req_cmd_vel = None # reset time for timeout last_cmd_vel_time = last_time else: #zero commands on timeout if last_time - last_cmd_vel_time > self.cmd_vel_timeout: last_cmd_vel = 0,0 # double check bumpers req_cmd_vel = self.check_bumpers(s, last_cmd_vel) # send command self.drive_cmd(*req_cmd_vel) # record command last_cmd_vel = req_cmd_vel r.sleep() def check_bumpers(self, s, cmd_vel): # Safety: disallow forward motion if bumpers or wheeldrops # are activated. # TODO: check bumps_wheeldrops flags more thoroughly, and disable # all motion (not just forward motion) when wheeldrops are activated forward = (cmd_vel[0] + cmd_vel[1]) > 0 if self.stop_motors_on_bump and s.bumps_wheeldrops > 0 and forward: return (0,0) else: return cmd_vel def compute_odom(self, sensor_state, pos2d, last_time, odom): """ Compute current odometry. Updates odom instance and returns tf transform. compute_odom() does not set frame ids or covariances in Odometry instance. It will only set stamp, pose, and twist. @param sensor_state: Current sensor reading @type sensor_state: TurtlebotSensorState @param pos2d: Current position @type pos2d: geometry_msgs.msg.Pose2D @param last_time: time of last sensor reading @type last_time: rospy.Time @param odom: Odometry instance to update. @type odom: nav_msgs.msg.Odometry @return: transform @rtype: ( (float, float, float), (float, float, float, float) ) """ # based on otl_roomba by OTL <*****@*****.**> current_time = sensor_state.header.stamp dt = (current_time - last_time).to_sec() # this is really delta_distance, delta_angle d = sensor_state.distance * self.odom_linear_scale_correction #correction factor from calibration angle = sensor_state.angle * self.odom_angular_scale_correction #correction factor from calibration x = cos(angle) * d y = -sin(angle) * d last_angle = pos2d.theta pos2d.x += cos(last_angle)*x - sin(last_angle)*y pos2d.y += sin(last_angle)*x + cos(last_angle)*y pos2d.theta += angle # Turtlebot quaternion from yaw. simplified version of tf.transformations.quaternion_about_axis odom_quat = (0., 0., sin(pos2d.theta/2.), cos(pos2d.theta/2.)) # construct the transform transform = (pos2d.x, pos2d.y, 0.), odom_quat # update the odometry state odom.header.stamp = current_time odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(pos2d.x, pos2d.y, 0.), Quaternion(*odom_quat)) odom.twist.twist = Twist(Vector3(d/dt, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, angle/dt)) if sensor_state.requested_right_velocity == 0 and \ sensor_state.requested_left_velocity == 0 and \ sensor_state.distance == 0: odom.pose.covariance = ODOM_POSE_COVARIANCE2 odom.twist.covariance = ODOM_TWIST_COVARIANCE2 else: odom.pose.covariance = ODOM_POSE_COVARIANCE odom.twist.covariance = ODOM_TWIST_COVARIANCE # return the transform return transform