def main(genomeFiles, cpuToUse, outputFile, bsr, BlastpPath, min_length, verbose, chosenTrainingFile, inputCDS, prodigal_mode): #~ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This program call alleles for a set of genomes provided a schema") #~ parser.add_argument('-i', nargs='?', type=str, help='List of genome files (list of fasta files)', required=True) #~ parser.add_argument('-o', nargs='?', type=str, help="Name of the output files", required=True) #~ parser.add_argument('--cpu', nargs='?', type=int, help="Number of cpus, if over the maximum uses maximum -2", #~ required=True) #~ parser.add_argument('-b', nargs='?', type=str, help="BLAST full path", required=False, default='blastp') #~ parser.add_argument('--bsr', nargs='?', type=float, help="minimum BSR similarity", required=False, default=0.6) #~ parser.add_argument('-l', nargs='?', type=int, help="minimum bp locus lenght", required=False, default=200) #~ parser.add_argument('-t', nargs='?', type=str, help="taxon", required=False, default=False) #~ parser.add_argument('--ptf', nargs='?', type=str, help="provide own training file path", required=False, default=False) #~ parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", dest='verbose', action="store_true", #~ default=False) #~ #~ args = parser.parse_args() #~ #~ genomeFiles = args.i #~ cpuToUse = args.cpu #~ outputFile = args.o #~ BlastpPath = args.b #~ bsr = args.bsr #~ chosenTaxon = args.t #~ chosenTrainingFile = args.ptf #~ verbose = args.verbose #~ min_length = args.l if verbose: def verboseprint(*args): for arg in args: print(arg, end="") print else: verboseprint = lambda *a: None # do-nothing function # avoid user to run the script with all cores available, could impossibilitate any usage when running on a laptop if cpuToUse > multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 2: print( "Warning, you are close to use all your cpus, if you are using a laptop you may be uncapable to perform any action" ) taxonList = { 'Campylobacter jejuni': 'trained_campyJejuni.trn', 'Acinetobacter baumannii': 'trained_acinetoBaumannii.trn', 'Streptococcus agalactiae': 'trained_strepAgalactiae.trn', 'Haemophilus influenzae': 'trained_haemoInfluenzae_A.trn', 'Yersinia enterocolitica': 'trained_yersiniaEnterocolitica.trn', 'Escherichia coli': 'trained_eColi.trn', 'Enterococcus faecium': 'trained_enteroFaecium.trn', 'Staphylococcus haemolyticus': 'trained_staphHaemolyticus.trn', 'Salmonella enterica': 'trained_salmonellaEnterica_enteritidis.trn', 'Staphylococcus aureus': 'trained_StaphylococcusAureus.trn', 'Streptococcus pneumoniae': 'trained_strepPneumoniae.trn' } #~ if isinstance(chosenTaxon, str): #~ trainingFolderPAth = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'TrainingFiles4Prodigal')) #~ try: #~ chosenTaxon = os.path.join(trainingFolderPAth, taxonList[chosenTaxon]) #~ #~ if os.path.isfile(chosenTaxon): #~ print("will use this training file : " + chosenTaxon) #~ else: #~ print("training file don't exist") #~ print(chosenTaxon) #~ return "retry" #~ except: #~ print("Your chosen taxon "+chosenTaxon+" is not attributed, select one from:") #~ for elem in taxonList.keys(): #~ print(elem) #~ return "retry" if isinstance(chosenTrainingFile, str): trainingFolderPAth = os.path.abspath(chosenTrainingFile) try: chosenTaxon = trainingFolderPAth if os.path.isfile(chosenTaxon): print("will use this training file : " + chosenTaxon) else: print("training file don't exist " + chosenTaxon) return "retry" except: print("The training file you provided doesn't exist:") print(chosenTaxon) return "retry" else: chosenTaxon = False scripts_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print("Will use this number of cpus: " + str(cpuToUse)) print("Checking all programs are installed") print("Checking Prodigal installed... " + str(which('prodigal'))) starttime = "\nStarting Script at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y") print(starttime) listOfGenomes = [] fp = open(genomeFiles, 'r') for genomeFile in fp: genomeFile = genomeFile.rstrip('\n') genomeFile = genomeFile.rstrip('\r') listOfGenomes.append(genomeFile) fp.close() listOfGenomes.sort(key=lambda y: y.lower()) # check if remnant files from previous run exist, prompt user if exists to know if it's his run and want to continue or start a new one basepath = os.path.join((os.path.dirname(outputFile)), "temp") if not os.path.exists(basepath): os.makedirs(basepath) # ------------------------------------------------- # # RUN PRODIGAL OVER ALL GENOMES # # ------------------------------------------------- # if inputCDS == True: CreateSchema.main(listOfGenomes[0], min_length, cpuToUse, False, outputFile, BlastpPath, bsr, verbose) shutil.rmtree(basepath) return True elif inputCDS == False: print("\nStarting Prodigal at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) # Prodigal run on the genomes, one genome per core using n-2 cores (n number of cores) print("chosen taxon :" + str(chosenTaxon)) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(cpuToUse) for genome in listOfGenomes: pool.apply_async( runProdigal.main, (str(genome), basepath, str(chosenTaxon), prodigal_mode)) pool.close() pool.join() print( "\nChecking all prodigal processes created the necessary files...") listOfORFCreated = [] for orffile in os.listdir(basepath): if orffile.endswith("_ORF.txt"): listOfORFCreated.append(orffile) if len(listOfGenomes) > len(listOfORFCreated): message = "Missing some files from prodigal. " + str( (len(listOfGenomes)) - (len(listOfORFCreated))) + " missing files out of " + str( len(listOfGenomes)) shutil.rmtree(basepath) raise ValueError(message) else: print("All prodigal files necessary were created\n") print("Finishing Prodigal at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) createSchemaPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '') # ---CDS to protein---# # translate the genome CDSs, load them into dictionaries and fasta files to be used further ahead # listpairs=[] pairID = 0 # while len(processed)<len(toprocess): with open("proteinID_Genome.tsv", 'w') as f: f.write("Genome\tcontig\tStart\tStop\tprotID") while len(listOfGenomes) > 0: pair = [] dictPairs = {} for genomeFile in listOfGenomes: # toprocess.append(listOfGenomes) if len(pair) < 2: pair.append(genomeFile) else: dictPairs[pairID] = pair pairID += 1 pair = [] pair.append(genomeFile) # if total unpair, keep the remainig listOfGenomes = [] if len(pair) == 2: dictPairs[pairID] = pair pairID += 1 elif len(pair) > 0: listOfGenomes.append(pair[0]) numberOfPairs = len(dictPairs.items()) extraCpu = 0 if numberOfPairs >= cpuToUse: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(cpuToUse) else: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(numberOfPairs) extraCpu = cpuToUse - numberOfPairs # print dictPairs for item in dictPairs.items(): k = item[0] v = item[1] newgGenome = "protogenome" + str(k) pathFornewgGenome = os.path.join(basepath, newgGenome, newgGenome + ".fasta") listOfGenomes.append(pathFornewgGenome) extraCpuPerProcess = extraCpu / numberOfPairs print("running analysis for pair : " + str(v[0]) + " " + str(v[1])) pool.apply_async(checkGeneStrings, args=[ v[0], v[1], newgGenome, basepath, int(extraCpuPerProcess + 1), BlastpPath, createSchemaPath, verbose, bsr ]) pool.close() pool.join() verboseprint("finished running pair analysis") if len(listOfGenomes) == 1: verboseprint( "___________________\nFinal step : creating the schema") lastFile = listOfGenomes.pop() CreateSchema.main(lastFile, min_length, cpuToUse, False, outputFile, BlastpPath, bsr, verbose) #~ proc = subprocess.Popen( #~ [createSchemaPath, '-i', lastFile, '-l', str(min_length), '--cpu', str(cpuToUse), "-b", BlastpPath, "-o", #~ outputFile, "--bsr", str(bsr)]) #~ p_status = proc.wait() verboseprint("Schema Created sucessfully") shutil.rmtree(basepath) print(starttime) print("Finished Script at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y"))
def checkGeneStrings(genome1, genome2, newName, basepath, cpu, blastp, createSchemaPath, verbose, bsr): if verbose: def verboseprint(*args): for arg in args: print(arg, end="") print else: verboseprint = lambda *a: None # do-nothing function pathForTemp = os.path.join(basepath, newName) if not os.path.exists(pathForTemp): os.makedirs(pathForTemp) listOfGenomes = [genome1, genome2] dictprots = {} dictprotsLen = {} dictprotsName = {} newlistOfCDS = {} proteinsEqual = 0 smallProteins = 0 protid = 0 genomeProts = "" genomeProtsTrans = "" try: for genomeFile in listOfGenomes: genomename = (os.path.basename(genomeFile)).split(".") genomename = genomename[0] listOfCDS = {} currentCDSDict = {} currentGenomeDict = {} filepath = os.path.join( basepath, str(os.path.basename(genomeFile)) + "_ORF.txt") newfilepath = os.path.join(basepath, str(newName)) #g_fp = HTSeq.FastaReader(genomeFile) for contig in SeqIO.parse(genomeFile, "fasta", generic_dna): sequence = str(contig.seq.upper()) currentGenomeDict[] = sequence # after the first iteration, genomes are already defined by their cds and no longer have a cds dictionary pickle file try: with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: currentCDSDict = pickle.load(f) except: for k, v in currentGenomeDict.items(): currentCDSDict[k] = [[v]] j = 0 counter = 0 tsvProtidGenome = "" for contigTag, value in currentCDSDict.items(): for protein in value: protid += 1 # at first iteration we use the genome file and after a cds only multifasta file try: seq = currentGenomeDict[contigTag][ protein[0]:protein[1]].upper() aux = [ genomename, contigTag, str(protein[0]), str(protein[1]), str(protid) ] tsvProtidGenome += "\n" + '\t'.join(aux) except Exception as e: seq = str(protein[0]) try: protseq, orderedSeq = translateSeq(seq) lengthofProt = len(str(protseq)) except: verboseprint(str(genome1) + " " + str(genome2)) pass # check if any protein with size on dict try: if len(str(protseq)) < 67: smallProteins += 1 pass elif dictprotsLen[lengthofProt]: proteinFound = False listproteinsid = dictprotsLen[lengthofProt] for elem in listproteinsid: if protseq == dictprots[elem]: proteinFound = True proteinsEqual += 1 break if not proteinFound: dictprotsLen[lengthofProt].append(protid) dictprots[protid] = protseq newlistOfCDS[protid] = orderedSeq try: protein[1] idstr = ">" + str( genomename) + "|protein" + str(protid) idstr2 = ">" + str( genomename) + "|protein" + str(protid) except: idstr = ">" + str(contigTag) idstr2 = ">" + str( (contigTag.split(" "))[0]) genomeProts += idstr + "\n" genomeProtsTrans += idstr2 + "\n" genomeProts += str(orderedSeq) + "\n" genomeProtsTrans += str(protseq) + "\n" dictprotsName[protid] = idstr2 except Exception as e: try: dictprotsLen[lengthofProt] = [protid] dictprots[protid] = protseq newlistOfCDS[protid] = orderedSeq try: protein[1] idstr = ">" + str( genomename) + "|protein" + str(protid) idstr2 = ">" + str( genomename) + "|protein" + str(protid) except: idstr = ">" + str(contigTag) idstr2 = ">" + str((contigTag.split(" "))[0]) genomeProts += idstr + "\n" genomeProtsTrans += idstr2 + "\n" genomeProts += str(orderedSeq) + "\n" genomeProtsTrans += str(protseq) + "\n" dictprotsName[protid] = idstr2 except: pass else: pass listOfCDS = '' currentGenomeDict = '' currentCDSDict = '' with open("proteinID_Genome.tsv", 'a') as f: f.write(tsvProtidGenome) verboseprint("Checked equal proteins for: " + str(genome1) + " " + str(genome2)) verboseprint("Starting with a total of loci: " + str(protid)) verboseprint("equal proteins : " + str(proteinsEqual)) verboseprint("small proteins : " + str(smallProteins)) fastaFile = os.path.join(pathForTemp, newName + ".fasta") with open(fastaFile, 'a') as f: f.write(genomeProts) newlistOfCDS = {} genomeProtsTrans = '' genomeProts = '' # check if any protein is substring of a larger, mantaining the larger one # ordering the sequences by length, larger ones first auxlist = dictprotsLen.keys() auxlist = sorted(auxlist, key=int) auxlist = auxlist[::-1] finalProtDict = {} genomeProtsTrans = '' auxprotlist = [] contained = 0 finalnumber = 0 verboseprint("Looking for contained proteins in : " + str(genome1) + " " + str(genome2)) counter = 0 for elem in auxlist: counter += 1 for protid in dictprotsLen[elem]: str2 = str(dictprots[protid]) try: auxprotlist[0] for elem2 in auxprotlist: isContained = False if len(elem2) < len(str2): break else: if str2 in elem2: isContained = True contained += 1 break if not isContained: str1 = dictprotsName[protid] genomeProtsTrans += str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" finalnumber += 1 auxprotlist.append(str2) except Exception as e: str1 = dictprotsName[protid] genomeProtsTrans += str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" finalnumber += 1 auxprotlist.append(str2) auxprotlist = [] dictprots = {} dictprotsLen = {} dictprotsName = {} verboseprint("number of contained proteins : " + str(contained)) verboseprint("total of loci to blast : " + str(finalnumber)) proteinFile = os.path.join(pathForTemp, newName + "_proteins.fasta") with open(proteinFile, 'a') as f: f.write(genomeProtsTrans) genomeProtsTrans = '' # run createschema for the final protogenome verboseprint("running blast will use this number of cpu: " + str(cpu)) CreateSchema.main(fastaFile, 200, cpu, proteinFile, fastaFile, blastp, bsr, verbose) #~ proc = subprocess.Popen( #~ [createSchemaPath, '-i', fastaFile, '-l', "200", '--cpu', str(cpu), '-p', proteinFile, '-o', fastaFile, #~ "-b", blastp], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) #~ p_status = proc.wait() verboseprint("finished blast") os.remove(proteinFile) except Exception as e: verboseprint(e) return e return True
def main(genomeFiles, cpuToUse, outputFile, bsr, BlastpPath, min_length, verbose, chosenTrainingFile, inputCDS, translation_table, st): if verbose: def verboseprint(*args): for arg in args: print(arg, end="") print else: verboseprint = lambda *a: None # do-nothing function # avoid user to run the script with all cores available, could impossibilitate any usage when running on a laptop if cpuToUse > multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 2: print('\nWARNING: you provided a --cpu value close to the ' 'maximum number of available CPU cores.\n' 'This might degrade system performance and lead ' 'to system unresponsiveness.\n') time.sleep(2) if isinstance(chosenTrainingFile, str): trainingFolderPAth = os.path.abspath(chosenTrainingFile) try: chosenTaxon = trainingFolderPAth if os.path.isfile(chosenTaxon): print("Prodigal training file: " + chosenTaxon) else: print("Training file does not exist "+chosenTaxon) return "retry" except: print("The training file you provided does not exist:") print(chosenTaxon) return "retry" else: chosenTaxon = False scripts_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print("Number of CPU cores: " + str(cpuToUse)) print("\nChecking dependencies...") print("Blast installation..." + str(which(str(BlastpPath)))) print("Prodigal installation..." + str(which('prodigal'))) start_date = start_date_str = dt.datetime.strftime(start_date, '%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y') print('\nStarted at: {0}\n'.format(start_date_str)) listOfGenomes = [] fp = open(genomeFiles, 'r') for genomeFile in fp: genomeFile = genomeFile.rstrip('\n') genomeFile = genomeFile.rstrip('\r') listOfGenomes.append(genomeFile) fp.close() listOfGenomes.sort(key=lambda y: y.lower()) # check if remnant files from previous run exist, prompt user if exists to know if it's his run and want to continue or start a new one basepath = os.path.join((os.path.dirname(outputFile)), "temp") if not os.path.exists(basepath): os.makedirs(basepath) # ------------------------------------------------- # # RUN PRODIGAL OVER ALL GENOMES # # ------------------------------------------------- # if inputCDS is True: CreateSchema.main(listOfGenomes[0], min_length, cpuToUse, False, outputFile, BlastpPath, bsr, verbose) shutil.rmtree(basepath) return True elif inputCDS is False: print("Starting Prodigal at: " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) # Prodigal run on the genomes, one genome per core using n-2 cores (n number of cores) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(cpuToUse) for genome in listOfGenomes: pool.apply_async(runProdigal.main, (str(genome), basepath, str(chosenTaxon), translation_table)) pool.close() pool.join() print("Finishing Prodigal at: " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) print("\nChecking if Prodigal created all the necessary files...") listOfORFCreated = [] for orffile in os.listdir(basepath): if orffile.endswith("_ORF.txt"): listOfORFCreated.append(orffile) if len(listOfGenomes) > len(listOfORFCreated): message = "Missing some files from prodigal. " + str( (len(listOfGenomes)) - (len(listOfORFCreated))) + " missing files out of " + str(len(listOfGenomes)) shutil.rmtree(basepath) raise ValueError(message) else: print("All files were created.\n") createSchemaPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '') # ---CDS to protein---# # translate the genome CDSs, load them into dictionaries and fasta files to be used further ahead pairID = 0 with open("proteinID_Genome.tsv", 'w') as f: f.write("Genome\tcontig\tStart\tStop\tprotID") while len(listOfGenomes) > 0: pair = [] dictPairs = {} for genomeFile in listOfGenomes: if len(pair) < 2: pair.append(genomeFile) else: dictPairs[pairID] = pair pairID += 1 pair = [] pair.append(genomeFile) # if total unpair, keep the remainig listOfGenomes = [] if len(pair) == 2: dictPairs[pairID] = pair pairID += 1 elif len(pair) > 0: listOfGenomes.append(pair[0]) numberOfPairs = len(dictPairs.items()) extraCpu = 0 if numberOfPairs >= cpuToUse: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(cpuToUse) else: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(numberOfPairs) extraCpu = cpuToUse - numberOfPairs # print dictPairs for item in dictPairs.items(): k = item[0] v = item[1] newgGenome = "protogenome" + str(k) pathFornewgGenome = os.path.join(basepath, newgGenome, newgGenome + ".fasta") listOfGenomes.append(pathFornewgGenome) extraCpuPerProcess = extraCpu / numberOfPairs print("Running analysis for pair: " + str(v[0]) + " " + str(v[1])) pool.apply_async(checkGeneStrings, args=[v[0], v[1], newgGenome, basepath, int(extraCpuPerProcess + 1), BlastpPath, createSchemaPath, verbose, bsr]) pool.close() pool.join() if len(listOfGenomes) == 1: verboseprint("___________________\nFinal step : creating the schema") lastFile = listOfGenomes.pop() CreateSchema.main(lastFile, min_length, cpuToUse, False, outputFile, BlastpPath, bsr, verbose) verboseprint("Schema Created sucessfully") shutil.rmtree(basepath) end_date = end_date_str = dt.datetime.strftime(end_date, '%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y') delta = end_date - start_date minutes, seconds = divmod(delta.total_seconds(), 60) print('\nFinished at: {0}'.format(end_date_str)) print('Elapsed time: {0:.0f}m{1:.0f}s'.format(minutes, seconds))