Example #1
def mappings(mbid=None):
    """Get mappings to Spotify for a specified MusicBrainz ID.

        List containing Spotify URIs that are mapped to specified MBID.
    if _base_url is None:
        flash(lazy_gettext(_UNAVAILABLE_MSG), "warning")
        return []

    resp = cache.get(mbid, _CACHE_NAMESPACE)
    if not resp:
            session = requests.Session()
            session.mount(_base_url, HTTPAdapter(max_retries=2))
            resp = session.post(_base_url + 'mapping',
                                    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        except RequestException:
                    "Spotify mapping server is unavailable. You will not see an embedded player."
                ), "warning")
            return []
        cache.set(key=mbid, namespace=_CACHE_NAMESPACE, val=resp)
    return resp
def review_list_handler():
    """Get list of reviews.

    :json uuid entity_id: UUID of the release group that is being reviewed
    :json string entity_type: One of the supported reviewable entities. 'release_group' or 'event' etc. **(optional)**
    :query user_id: user's UUID **(optional)**
    :query sort: ``rating`` or ``created`` **(optional)**
    :query limit: results limit, min is 0, max is 50, default is 50 **(optional)**
    :query offset: result offset, default is 0 **(optional)**
    :query language: language code (ISO 639-1) **(optional)**

    :resheader Content-Type: *application/json*
    # TODO: This checking is added to keep old clients working and needs to be removed.
    release_group = Parser.uuid('uri', 'release_group', optional=True)
    if release_group:
        entity_id = release_group
        entity_type = 'release_group'
        entity_id = Parser.uuid('uri', 'entity_id', optional=True)
        entity_type = Parser.string('uri', 'entity_type', valid_values=ENTITY_TYPES, optional=True)

    user_id = Parser.uuid('uri', 'user_id', optional=True)
    sort = Parser.string('uri', 'sort', valid_values=['rating', 'created'], optional=True)
    limit = Parser.int('uri', 'limit', min=1, max=50, optional=True) or 50
    offset = Parser.int('uri', 'offset', optional=True) or 0
    language = Parser.string('uri', 'language', min=2, max=3, optional=True)
    if language and language not in supported_languages:
        raise InvalidRequest(desc='Unsupported language')

    # TODO(roman): Ideally caching logic should live inside the model. Otherwise it
    # becomes hard to track all this stuff.
    cache_key = cache.gen_key('list', entity_id, user_id, sort, limit, offset, language)
    cached_result = cache.get(cache_key, Review.CACHE_NAMESPACE)
    if cached_result:
        reviews = cached_result['reviews']
        count = cached_result['count']

        reviews, count = Review.list(
        reviews = [p.to_dict() for p in reviews]
        cache.set(cache_key, {
            'reviews': reviews,
            'count': count,
        }, namespace=Review.CACHE_NAMESPACE)

    return jsonify(limit=limit, offset=offset, count=count, reviews=reviews)
Example #3
def review_list_handler():
    """Get list of reviews.

    :json uuid entity_id: UUID of the release group that is being reviewed
    :json string entity_type: One of the supported reviewable entities. 'release_group' or 'event' etc. **(optional)**
    :query user_id: user's UUID **(optional)**
    :query sort: ``rating`` or ``created`` **(optional)**
    :query limit: results limit, min is 0, max is 50, default is 50 **(optional)**
    :query offset: result offset, default is 0 **(optional)**
    :query language: language code (ISO 639-1) **(optional)**

    :resheader Content-Type: *application/json*
    # TODO: This checking is added to keep old clients working and needs to be removed.
    release_group = Parser.uuid('uri', 'release_group', optional=True)
    if release_group:
        entity_id = release_group
        entity_type = 'release_group'
        entity_id = Parser.uuid('uri', 'entity_id', optional=True)
        entity_type = Parser.string('uri', 'entity_type', valid_values=ENTITY_TYPES, optional=True)

    user_id = Parser.uuid('uri', 'user_id', optional=True)
    sort = Parser.string('uri', 'sort', valid_values=['rating', 'created'], optional=True)
    limit = Parser.int('uri', 'limit', min=1, max=50, optional=True) or 50
    offset = Parser.int('uri', 'offset', optional=True) or 0
    language = Parser.string('uri', 'language', min=2, max=3, optional=True)
    if language and language not in supported_languages:
        raise InvalidRequest(desc='Unsupported language')

    # TODO(roman): Ideally caching logic should live inside the model. Otherwise it
    # becomes hard to track all this stuff.
    cache_key = cache.gen_key('list', entity_id, user_id, sort, limit, offset, language)
    cached_result = cache.get(cache_key, Review.CACHE_NAMESPACE)
    if cached_result:
        reviews = cached_result['reviews']
        count = cached_result['count']

        reviews, count = Review.list(
        reviews = [p.to_dict() for p in reviews]
        cache.set(cache_key, {
            'reviews': reviews,
            'count': count,
        }, namespace=Review.CACHE_NAMESPACE)

    return jsonify(limit=limit, offset=offset, count=count, reviews=reviews)
Example #4
def get_album(spotify_id):
    """Get Spotify catalog information for a single album.

        Album object from Spotify. More info about this type of object is
        available at https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/object-model/#album-object.
    namespace = "spotify_album"
    album = cache.get(spotify_id, namespace)
    if not album:
        album = requests.get("%s/albums/%s" % (BASE_URL, spotify_id)).json()
        cache.set(key=spotify_id, namespace=namespace, val=album,
    return album
Example #5
def search(query, type, limit=20, offset=0):
    """Get Spotify catalog information about artists, albums, or tracks that
    match a keyword string.

    More information is available at https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/search-item/.
    key = cache.gen_key(query, type, limit, offset)
    namespace = "spotify_search"
    result = cache.get(key, namespace)
    if not result:
        result = requests.get("%s/search?q=%s&type=%s&limit=%s&offset=%s" %
                              (BASE_URL, urllib.quote(query.encode('utf8')),
                               type, str(limit), str(offset))).json()
        cache.set(key=key, namespace=namespace, val=result,
    return result
Example #6
def get_release_by_id(id):
    """Get release with the MusicBrainz ID.

        Release object with the following includes: recordings, media.
    key = cache.gen_key(id)
    release = cache.get(key)
    if not release:
            release = musicbrainzngs.get_release_by_id(id, ['recordings', 'media', 'release-groups']).get('release')
        except ResponseError as e:
            if e.cause.code == 404:
                return None
                raise InternalServerError(e.cause.msg)
        cache.set(key=key, val=release, time=DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION)
    return release
Example #7
def get_artist_by_id(id):
    """Get artist with the MusicBrainz ID.

        Artist object with the following includes: url-rels, artist-rels.
    key = cache.gen_key(id)
    artist = cache.get(key)
    if not artist:
            artist = musicbrainzngs.get_artist_by_id(id, ['url-rels', 'artist-rels']).get('artist')
        except ResponseError as e:
            if e.cause.code == 404:
                return None
                raise InternalServerError(e.cause.msg)
        artist = artist_rel.process(artist)
        cache.set(key=key, val=artist, time=DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION)
    return artist
Example #8
def get_place_by_id(id):
    """Get event with the MusicBrainz ID.

        Event object with the following includes: artist-rels, place-rels, series-rels, url-rels.
    key = cache.gen_key(id)
    place = cache.get(key)
    if not place:
            place = musicbrainzngs.get_place_by_id(
                id, ['artist-rels', 'place-rels', 'release-group-rels', 'url-rels']).get('place')
        except ResponseError as e:
            if e.cause.code == 404:
                return None
                raise InternalServerError(e.cause.msg)
        cache.set(key=key, val=place, time=DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION)
    return place
Example #9
def browse_release_groups(artist_id=None, release_types=None, limit=None, offset=None):
    """Get all release groups linked to an artist.
    You need to provide artist's MusicBrainz ID.
    if release_types is None:
        release_types = []
    key = cache.gen_key(artist_id, limit, offset, *release_types)
    release_groups = cache.get(key)
    if not release_groups:
            api_resp = musicbrainzngs.browse_release_groups(artist=artist_id, release_type=release_types,
                                                            limit=limit, offset=offset)
            release_groups = api_resp.get('release-group-count'), api_resp.get('release-group-list')
        except ResponseError as e:
            if e.cause.code == 404:
                return None
                raise InternalServerError(e.cause.msg)
        cache.set(key=key, val=release_groups, time=DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION)
    return release_groups
Example #10
def get_release_group_by_id(id):
    """Get release group with the MusicBrainz ID.

        Release group object with the following includes: artists, releases,
        release-group-rels, url-rels, work-rels.
    key = cache.gen_key(id)
    release_group = cache.get(key)
    if not release_group:
            release_group = musicbrainzngs.get_release_group_by_id(
                id, ['artists', 'releases', 'release-group-rels', 'url-rels', 'work-rels']
        except ResponseError as e:
            if e.cause.code == 404:
                return None
                raise InternalServerError(e.cause.msg)
        release_group = release_group_rel.process(release_group)
        cache.set(key=key, val=release_group, time=DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION)
    return release_group
Example #11
def mappings(mbid=None):
    """Get mappings to Spotify for a specified MusicBrainz ID.

        List containing Spotify URIs that are mapped to specified MBID.
    if _base_url is None:
        flash(lazy_gettext(_UNAVAILABLE_MSG), "warning")
        return []

    resp = cache.get(mbid, _CACHE_NAMESPACE)
    if not resp:
            session = requests.Session()
            session.mount(_base_url, HTTPAdapter(max_retries=2))
            resp = session.post(_base_url + 'mapping',
                                headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
                                data=json.dumps({'mbid': mbid})).json().get('mappings')
        except RequestException:
            flash(lazy_gettext("Spotify mapping server is unavailable. You will not see an embedded player."), "warning")
            return []
        cache.set(key=mbid, namespace=_CACHE_NAMESPACE, val=resp)
    return resp
    def get_popular(cls, limit=None):
        """Get list of popular reviews.

        Popularity is determined by rating of a particular review. Rating is a
        difference between positive votes and negative. In this case only votes
        from the last month are used to calculate rating.

        Results are cached for 12 hours.

            limit: Maximum number of reviews to return.

            Randomized list of popular reviews which are converted into
            dictionaries using to_dict method.
        cache_key = cache.gen_key('popular_reviews', limit)
        reviews = cache.get(cache_key, Review.CACHE_NAMESPACE)

        if not reviews:
            # Selecting reviews for distinct release groups
            # TODO(roman): The is a problem with selecting popular reviews like
            # this: if there are multiple reviews for a release group we don't
            # choose the most popular.
            distinct_subquery = db.session.query(Review) \
                .filter(Review.is_draft == False) \

            # Randomizing results to get some variety
            rand_subquery = db.session.query(aliased(Review, distinct_subquery)) \

            # Sorting reviews by rating
            query = db.session.query(aliased(Review, rand_subquery))

            # Preparing base query for getting votes
            vote_query_base = db.session.query(
                Vote.revision_id, Vote.vote, func.count().label('c')) \
                .group_by(Vote.revision_id, Vote.vote) \
                .filter(Vote.rated_at > datetime.now() - timedelta(weeks=4))

            # Getting positive votes
            votes_pos = vote_query_base.subquery('votes_pos')
            query = query.outerjoin(Revision).outerjoin(
                votes_pos, and_(votes_pos.c.revision_id == Revision.id,
                                votes_pos.c.vote == True))

            # Getting negative votes
            votes_neg = vote_query_base.subquery('votes_neg')
            query = query.outerjoin(Revision).outerjoin(
                votes_neg, and_(votes_neg.c.revision_id == Revision.id,
                                votes_neg.c.vote == False))

            query = query.order_by(desc(func.coalesce(votes_pos.c.c, 0)
                                        - func.coalesce(votes_neg.c.c, 0)))

            if limit is not None:
                # Selecting more reviews there so we'll have something
                # different to show (shuffling is done below).
                query = query.limit(limit * 4)

            reviews = query.all()
            reviews = [review.to_dict(confidential=True) for review in reviews]
            cache.set(cache_key, reviews, 1 * 60 * 60, Review.CACHE_NAMESPACE)  # 1 hour

        shuffle(reviews)  # a bit more variety
        return reviews[:limit]
Example #13
    def get_popular(cls, limit=None):
        """Get list of popular reviews.

        Popularity is determined by rating of a particular review. Rating is a
        difference between positive votes and negative. In this case only votes
        from the last month are used to calculate rating.

        Results are cached for 12 hours.

            limit: Maximum number of reviews to return.

            Randomized list of popular reviews which are converted into
            dictionaries using to_dict method.
        cache_key = cache.gen_key('popular_reviews', limit)
        reviews = cache.get(cache_key, Review.CACHE_NAMESPACE)

        if not reviews:
            # Selecting reviews for distinct release groups
            # TODO(roman): The is a problem with selecting popular reviews like
            # this: if there are multiple reviews for a release group we don't
            # choose the most popular.
            distinct_subquery = db.session.query(Review) \
                .filter(Review.is_draft == False) \

            # Randomizing results to get some variety
            rand_subquery = db.session.query(aliased(Review, distinct_subquery)) \

            # Sorting reviews by rating
            query = db.session.query(aliased(Review, rand_subquery))

            # Preparing base query for getting votes
            vote_query_base = db.session.query(
                Vote.revision_id, Vote.vote, func.count().label('c')) \
                .group_by(Vote.revision_id, Vote.vote) \
                .filter(Vote.rated_at > datetime.now() - timedelta(weeks=4))

            # Getting positive votes
            votes_pos = vote_query_base.subquery('votes_pos')
            query = query.outerjoin(Revision).outerjoin(
                and_(votes_pos.c.revision_id == Revision.id,
                     votes_pos.c.vote == True))

            # Getting negative votes
            votes_neg = vote_query_base.subquery('votes_neg')
            query = query.outerjoin(Revision).outerjoin(
                and_(votes_neg.c.revision_id == Revision.id,
                     votes_neg.c.vote == False))

            query = query.order_by(
                    func.coalesce(votes_pos.c.c, 0) -
                    func.coalesce(votes_neg.c.c, 0)))

            if limit is not None:
                # Selecting more reviews there so we'll have something
                # different to show (shuffling is done below).
                query = query.limit(limit * 4)

            reviews = query.all()
            reviews = [review.to_dict(confidential=True) for review in reviews]
            cache.set(cache_key, reviews, 1 * 60 * 60,
                      Review.CACHE_NAMESPACE)  # 1 hour

        shuffle(reviews)  # a bit more variety
        return reviews[:limit]