Example #1
def make_crits_object(cybox_obj):
    Converts a CybOX object instance to a CRITs EmbeddedObject instance.

    :param cybox_obj: The CybOX object.
    :type cybox_obj: CybOX object.
    :returns: :class:`crits.core.crits_mongoengine.EmbeddedObject`

    o = EmbeddedObject()
    if isinstance(cybox_obj, Address):
        o.datatype = "string"
        o.object_type = "Address"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.category)
        o.value = str(cybox_obj.address_value)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, URI):
        o.datatype = "string"
        o.object_type = "URI"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type_)
        o.value = str(cybox_obj.value)
        return o
        raise UnsupportedCRITsObjectTypeError(cybox_obj)
Example #2
def make_crits_object(cybox_obj):
    Converts a CybOX object instance to a CRITs EmbeddedObject instance.

    :param cybox_obj: The CybOX object.
    :type cybox_obj: CybOX object.
    :returns: :class:`crits.core.crits_mongoengine.EmbeddedObject`

    o = EmbeddedObject()
    if isinstance(cybox_obj, Address):
        o.datatype = "string"
        o.object_type = "Address"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.category)
        o.value = str(cybox_obj.address_value)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, URI):
        o.datatype = "string"
        o.object_type = "URI"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type_)
        o.value = str(cybox_obj.value)
        return o
        raise UnsupportedCRITsObjectTypeError(cybox_obj)
Example #3
def make_crits_object(cybox_obj):
    Converts a CybOX object instance to a CRITs EmbeddedObject instance.

    :param cybox_obj: The CybOX object.
    :type cybox_obj: CybOX object.
    :returns: :class:`crits.core.crits_mongoengine.EmbeddedObject`

    o = EmbeddedObject()
    o.datatype = "string"
    if isinstance(cybox_obj, Account):
        o.object_type = "Account"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.description)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Address):
        o.object_type = "Address"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.category)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.address_value)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, API):
        o.object_type = "API"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.description)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Artifact):
        o.object_type = "Artifact"
        o.value = [cybox_obj.data]
        if cybox_obj.type_ == Artifact.TYPE_GENERIC:
            o.name = "Data Region"
            return o
        elif cybox_obj.type_ == Artifact.TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM:
            o.name = "FileSystem Fragment"
            return o
        elif cybox_obj.type_ == Artifact.TYPE_MEMORY:
            o.name = "Memory Region"
            return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Code):
        o.object_type = "Code"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.code_segment)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Custom):
        if cybox_obj.custom_name == "crits:String":
            if cybox_obj.custom_properties[0].name == "value":
                o.object_type = "String"
                o.value = [cybox_obj.custom_properties[0].value]
                return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Disk):
        o.object_type = "Disk"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.disk_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, DiskPartition):
        o.object_type = "Disk Partition"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.device_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, DNSQuery):
        o.object_type = "DNS Query"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.question.qname)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, DNSRecord):
        o.object_type = "DNS Record"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.description)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, DomainName):
        o.object_type = "URI - Domain Name"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.value)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, EmailMessage):
        o.object_type = "Email Message"
        o.value = [cybox_obj.raw_body]
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, GUIDialogbox):
        o.object_type = "GUI Dialogbox"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.box_text)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, GUIWindow):
        o.object_type = "GUI Window"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.window_display_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Library):
        o.object_type = "Library"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Memory):
        o.object_type = "Memory"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.memory_source)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Mutex):
        o.object_type = "Mutex"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, NetworkConnection):
        o.object_type = "Network Connection"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.layer7_protocol)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Pipe):
        o.object_type = "Pipe"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Port):
        o.object_type = "Port"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.port_value)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Process):
        o.object_type = "Process"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, System):
        o.object_type = "System"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.hostname)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, URI):
        o.object_type = "URI - URL"
        o.name = cybox_obj.type_
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.value)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, UserAccount):
        o.object_type = "User Account"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.username)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Volume):
        o.object_type = "Volume"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinDriver):
        o.object_type = "Win Driver"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.driver_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinEventLog):
        o.object_type = "Win Event Log"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.log)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinEvent):
        o.object_type = "Win Event"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinHandle):
        o.object_type = "Win Handle"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type_)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.object_address)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinKernelHook):
        o.object_type = "Win Kernel Hook"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.description)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinMailslot):
        o.object_type = "Win Mailslot"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinNetworkShare):
        o.object_type = "Win Network Share"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.local_path)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinProcess):
        o.object_type = "Win Process"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.window_title)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinRegistryKey):
        o.object_type = "Win Registry Key"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.key)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinService):
        o.object_type = "Win Service"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.service_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinSystem):
        o.object_type = "Win System"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.product_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinTask):
        o.object_type = "Win Task"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinUser):
        o.object_type = "Win User Account"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.security_id)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinVolume):
        o.object_type = "Win Volume"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.drive_letter)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, X509Certificate):
        o.object_type = "X509 Certificate"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.raw_certificate)
        return o
    raise UnsupportedCRITsObjectTypeError(cybox_obj)
Example #4
def make_crits_object(cybox_obj):
    Converts a CybOX object instance to a CRITs EmbeddedObject instance.

    :param cybox_obj: The CybOX object.
    :type cybox_obj: CybOX object.
    :returns: :class:`crits.core.crits_mongoengine.EmbeddedObject`

    o = EmbeddedObject()
    o.datatype = "string"
    if isinstance(cybox_obj, Account):
        o.object_type = "Account"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.description)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Address):
        o.object_type = "Address"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.category)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.address_value)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, API):
        o.object_type = "API"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.description)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Artifact):
        o.object_type = "Artifact"
        o.value = [cybox_obj.data]
        if cybox_obj.type_ == Artifact.TYPE_GENERIC:
            o.name = "Data Region"
            return o
        elif cybox_obj.type_ == Artifact.TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM:
            o.name = "FileSystem Fragment"
            return o
        elif cybox_obj.type_ == Artifact.TYPE_MEMORY:
            o.name = "Memory Region"
            return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Code):
        o.object_type = "Code"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.code_segment)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Custom):
        if cybox_obj.custom_name == "crits:String":
            if cybox_obj.custom_properties[0].name == "value":
                o.object_type = "String"
                o.value = [cybox_obj.custom_properties[0].value]
                return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Disk):
        o.object_type = "Disk"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.disk_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, DiskPartition):
        o.object_type = "Disk Partition"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.device_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, DNSQuery):
        o.object_type = "DNS Query"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.question.qname)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, DNSRecord):
        o.object_type = "DNS Record"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.description)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, DomainName):
        o.object_type = "URI - Domain Name"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.value)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, EmailMessage):
        o.object_type = "Email Message"
        o.value = [cybox_obj.raw_body]
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, GUIDialogbox):
        o.object_type = "GUI Dialogbox"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.box_text)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, GUIWindow):
        o.object_type = "GUI Window"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.window_display_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Library):
        o.object_type = "Library"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Memory):
        o.object_type = "Memory"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.memory_source)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Mutex):
        o.object_type = "Mutex"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, NetworkConnection):
        o.object_type = "Network Connection"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.layer7_protocol)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Pipe):
        o.object_type = "Pipe"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Port):
        o.object_type = "Port"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.port_value)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Process):
        o.object_type = "Process"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, System):
        o.object_type = "System"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.hostname)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, URI):
        o.object_type = "URI - URL"
        o.name = cybox_obj.type_
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.value)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, UserAccount):
        o.object_type = "User Account"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.username)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, Volume):
        o.object_type = "Volume"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinDriver):
        o.object_type = "Win Driver"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.driver_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinEventLog):
        o.object_type = "Win Event Log"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.log)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinEvent):
        o.object_type = "Win Event"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinHandle):
        o.object_type = "Win Handle"
        o.name = str(cybox_obj.type_)
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.object_address)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinKernelHook):
        o.object_type = "Win Kernel Hook"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.description)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinMailslot):
        o.object_type = "Win Mailslot"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinNetworkShare):
        o.object_type = "Win Network Share"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.local_path)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinProcess):
        o.object_type = "Win Process"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.window_title)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinRegistryKey):
        o.object_type = "Win Registry Key"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.key)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinService):
        o.object_type = "Win Service"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.service_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinSystem):
        o.object_type = "Win System"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.product_name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinTask):
        o.object_type = "Win Task"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.name)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinUser):
        o.object_type = "Win User Account"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.security_id)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, WinVolume):
        o.object_type = "Win Volume"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.drive_letter)
        return o
    elif isinstance(cybox_obj, X509Certificate):
        o.object_type = "X509 Certificate"
        o.value = get_object_values(cybox_obj.raw_certificate)
        return o
    raise UnsupportedCRITsObjectTypeError(cybox_obj)