Example #1
    def createJumpingProblem(self, x0, jumpHeight, jumpLength, timeStep, groundKnots, flyingKnots):
        q0 = x0[:self.rmodel.nq]
        pinocchio.forwardKinematics(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)
        pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(self.rmodel, self.rdata)
        rfFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rfFootId].translation
        rhFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rhFootId].translation
        lfFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lfFootId].translation
        lhFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lhFootId].translation
        df = jumpLength[2] - rfFootPos0[2]
        rfFootPos0[2] = 0.
        rhFootPos0[2] = 0.
        lfFootPos0[2] = 0.
        lhFootPos0[2] = 0.
        comRef = (rfFootPos0 + rhFootPos0 + lfFootPos0 + lhFootPos0) / 4
        comRef[2] = np.asscalar(pinocchio.centerOfMass(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)[2])

        loco3dModel = []
        takeOff = [
                [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            ) for k in range(groundKnots)
        flyingUpPhase = [
                timeStep, [],
                np.array([jumpLength[0], jumpLength[1], jumpLength[2] + jumpHeight]) * (k + 1) / flyingKnots + comRef)
            for k in range(flyingKnots)
        flyingDownPhase = []
        for k in range(flyingKnots):
            flyingDownPhase += [self.createSwingFootModel(timeStep, [])]

        f0 = jumpLength
        footTask = [
            crocoddyl.FramePlacement(self.lfFootId, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), lfFootPos0 + f0)),
            crocoddyl.FramePlacement(self.rfFootId, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), rfFootPos0 + f0)),
            crocoddyl.FramePlacement(self.lhFootId, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), lhFootPos0 + f0)),
            crocoddyl.FramePlacement(self.rhFootId, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), rhFootPos0 + f0))
        landingPhase = [
            self.createFootSwitchModel([self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId], footTask, False)
        f0[2] = df
        landed = [
            self.createSwingFootModel(timeStep, [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
                                      comTask=comRef + f0) for k in range(groundKnots)
        loco3dModel += takeOff
        loco3dModel += flyingUpPhase
        loco3dModel += flyingDownPhase
        loco3dModel += landingPhase
        loco3dModel += landed

        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, loco3dModel, loco3dModel[-1])
        return problem
Example #2
class FramePlacementCostSumTest(CostModelSumTestCase):
    ROBOT_MODEL = example_robot_data.load('icub_reduced').model
    ROBOT_STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)

    Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(ROBOT_MODEL.getFrameId('r_sole'),
    COST = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(ROBOT_STATE, Mref)
Example #3
    def createPseudoImpulseModel(self, supportFootIds, swingFootTask):
        """ Action model for pseudo-impulse models.

        A pseudo-impulse model consists of adding high-penalty cost for the contact velocities.
        :param swingFootTask: swinging foot task
        :return pseudo-impulse differential action model

        # Creating a 6D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting
        # foot
        contactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(self.state,
        for i in supportFootIds:
            Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(i, pinocchio.SE3.Identity())
            supportContactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(
                self.state, Mref, self.actuation.nu, np.array([0., 0.]))
            contactModel.addContact(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_contact",

        # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
        costModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            cone = crocoddyl.WrenchCone(np.identity(3), self.mu,
                                        np.array([0.1, 0.05]))
            wrenchCone = crocoddyl.CostModelContactWrenchCone(
                    crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(cone.lb, cone.ub)),
                crocoddyl.FrameWrenchCone(i, cone), self.actuation.nu)
            costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_wrenchCone",
                              wrenchCone, 1e1)

        if swingFootTask is not None:
            for i in swingFootTask:
                footTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(
                    self.state, i, self.actuation.nu)
                costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i.id].name + "_footTrack",
                                  footTrack, 1e8)
                footVel = crocoddyl.FrameMotion(i.id, pinocchio.Motion.Zero())
                impulseFootVelCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFrameVelocity(
                    self.state, footVel, self.actuation.nu)
                    self.rmodel.frames[i.id].name + "_impulseVel",
                    impulseFootVelCost, 1e6)

        stateWeights = np.array([0] * 3 + [500.] * 3 + [0.01] *
                                (self.state.nv - 6) + [10] * self.state.nv)
        stateReg = crocoddyl.CostModelState(
            self.state, crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(stateWeights**2),
            self.rmodel.defaultState, self.actuation.nu)
        ctrlReg = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        costModel.addCost("stateReg", stateReg, 1e1)
        costModel.addCost("ctrlReg", ctrlReg, 1e-3)

        # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
        # integration scheme
        dmodel = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelContactFwdDynamics(
            self.state, self.actuation, contactModel, costModel, 0., True)
        model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, 0.)
        return model
Example #4
class FramePlacementCostSumTest(CostModelSumTestCase):
    ROBOT_MODEL = pinocchio.buildSampleModelHumanoidRandom()
    ROBOT_STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)

    Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(ROBOT_MODEL.getFrameId('rleg5_joint'),
    COST = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(ROBOT_STATE, Mref)
Example #5
class Contact6DMultipleTest(ContactModelMultipleAbstractTestCase):
    ROBOT_MODEL = pinocchio.buildSampleModelHumanoidRandom()
    ROBOT_STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)

    gains = pinocchio.utils.rand(2)
    Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(ROBOT_MODEL.getFrameId('rleg5_joint'), pinocchio.SE3.Random())
    CONTACT = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(ROBOT_STATE, Mref, gains)
Example #6
class FramePlacementCostTest(CostModelAbstractTestCase):
    ROBOT_MODEL = example_robot_data.loadICub().model
    ROBOT_STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)

    Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(ROBOT_MODEL.getFrameId('r_sole'),
    COST = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(ROBOT_STATE, Mref)
    COST_DER = FramePlacementCostModelDerived(ROBOT_STATE, Mref=Mref)
Example #7
def runBenchmark(model):
    robot_model = ROBOT.model
    q0 = np.matrix([0.173046, 1., -0.52366, 0., 0., 0.1, -0.005]).T
    x0 = np.vstack([q0, np.zeros((robot_model.nv, 1))])

    # Note that we need to include a cost model (i.e. set of cost functions) in
    # order to fully define the action model for our optimal control problem.
    # For this particular example, we formulate three running-cost functions:
    # goal-tracking cost, state and control regularization; and one terminal-cost:
    # goal cost. First, let's create the common cost functions.
    state = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(robot_model)
    Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(
        pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), np.matrix([[.0], [.0], [.4]])))
    goalTrackingCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(state, Mref)
    xRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state)
    uRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(state)

    # Create a cost model per the running and terminal action model.
    runningCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)
    terminalCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)

    # Then let's added the running and terminal cost functions
    runningCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1e-3)
    runningCostModel.addCost("xReg", xRegCost, 1e-7)
    runningCostModel.addCost("uReg", uRegCost, 1e-7)
    terminalCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1)

    # Next, we need to create an action model for running and terminal knots. The
    # forward dynamics (computed using ABA) are implemented
    # inside DifferentialActionModelFullyActuated.
    runningModel = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(
        model(state, runningCostModel), 1e-3)
    runningModel.differential.armature = np.matrix(
        [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.]).T
    terminalModel = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(
        model(state, terminalCostModel), 1e-3)
    terminalModel.differential.armature = np.matrix(
        [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.]).T

    # For this optimal control problem, we define 100 knots (or running action
    # models) plus a terminal knot
    problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, [runningModel] * N, terminalModel)

    # Creating the DDP solver for this OC problem, defining a logger
    ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)

    duration = []
    for i in range(T):
        c_start = time.time()
        ddp.solve([], [], MAXITER)
        c_end = time.time()
        duration.append(1e3 * (c_end - c_start))

    avrg_duration = sum(duration) / len(duration)
    min_duration = min(duration)
    max_duration = max(duration)
    return avrg_duration, min_duration, max_duration
Example #8
class Contact6DMultipleTest(ContactModelMultipleAbstractTestCase):
    ROBOT_MODEL = example_robot_data.loadICub().model
    ROBOT_STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)

    gains = pinocchio.utils.rand(2)
    CONTACTS = collections.OrderedDict(
                                         pinocchio.SE3.Random()), gains),
                                         pinocchio.SE3.Random()), gains)
Example #9
class Contact6DTest(ContactModelAbstractTestCase):
    ROBOT_MODEL = example_robot_data.loadICub().model
    ROBOT_STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)

    gains = pinocchio.utils.rand(2)
    Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(ROBOT_MODEL.getFrameId('r_sole'),
    CONTACT = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(ROBOT_STATE, Mref, gains)
    CONTACT_DER = Contact6DDerived(ROBOT_STATE, Mref, gains)
Example #10
    def createSwingFootModel(self,
        """ Action model for a swing foot phase.

        :param timeStep: step duration of the action model
        :param supportFootIds: Ids of the constrained feet
        :param comTask: CoM task
        :param swingFootTask: swinging foot task
        :return action model for a swing foot phase
        # Creating a 6D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting
        # foot
        contactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(self.state,
        for i in supportFootIds:
            Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(i, pinocchio.SE3.Identity())
            supportContactModel = \
                crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(self.state, Mref, self.actuation.nu, np.matrix([0., 0.]).T)
            contactModel.addContact(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_contact",

        # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
        costModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        if isinstance(comTask, np.ndarray):
            comTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelCoMPosition(self.state, comTask,
            costModel.addCost("comTrack", comTrack, 1e6)
        if swingFootTask is not None:
            for i in swingFootTask:
                footTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(
                    self.state, i, self.actuation.nu)
                    self.rmodel.frames[i.frame].name + "_footTrack", footTrack,

        stateWeights = np.array([0] * 3 + [500.] * 3 + [0.01] *
                                (self.state.nv - 6) + [10] * self.state.nv)
        stateReg = crocoddyl.CostModelState(
                np.matrix(stateWeights**2).T), self.rmodel.defaultState,
        ctrlReg = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        costModel.addCost("stateReg", stateReg, 1e1)
        costModel.addCost("ctrlReg", ctrlReg, 1e-1)

        # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
        # integration scheme
        dmodel = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelContactFwdDynamics(
            self.state, self.actuation, contactModel, costModel)
        model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, timeStep)
        return model
Example #11
    def createFootstepModels(self, comPos0, feetPos0, stepLength, stepHeight, timeStep, numKnots, supportFootIds,
        """ Action models for a footstep phase.

        :param comPos0, initial CoM position
        :param feetPos0: initial position of the swinging feet
        :param stepLength: step length
        :param stepHeight: step height
        :param timeStep: time step
        :param numKnots: number of knots for the footstep phase
        :param supportFootIds: Ids of the supporting feet
        :param swingFootIds: Ids of the swinging foot
        :return footstep action models
        numLegs = len(supportFootIds) + len(swingFootIds)
        comPercentage = float(len(swingFootIds)) / numLegs

        # Action models for the foot swing
        footSwingModel = []
        for k in range(numKnots):
            swingFootTask = []
            for i, p in zip(swingFootIds, feetPos0):
                # Defining a foot swing task given the step length. The swing task
                # is decomposed on two phases: swing-up and swing-down. We decide
                # deliveratively to allocated the same number of nodes (i.e. phKnots)
                # in each phase. With this, we define a proper z-component for the
                # swing-leg motion.
                phKnots = numKnots / 2
                if k < phKnots:
                    dp = np.matrix([[stepLength * (k + 1) / numKnots, 0., stepHeight * k / phKnots]]).T
                elif k == phKnots:
                    dp = np.matrix([[stepLength * (k + 1) / numKnots, 0., stepHeight]]).T
                    dp = np.matrix(
                        [[stepLength * (k + 1) / numKnots, 0., stepHeight * (1 - float(k - phKnots) / phKnots)]]).T
                tref = np.asmatrix(p + dp)

                swingFootTask += [crocoddyl.FramePlacement(i, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), tref))]

            comTask = np.matrix([stepLength * (k + 1) / numKnots, 0., 0.]).T * comPercentage + comPos0
            footSwingModel += [
                self.createSwingFootModel(timeStep, supportFootIds, comTask=comTask, swingFootTask=swingFootTask)

        # Action model for the foot switch
        footSwitchModel = \
            self.createFootSwitchModel(supportFootIds, swingFootTask)

        # Updating the current foot position for next step
        comPos0 += np.matrix([stepLength * comPercentage, 0., 0.]).T
        for p in feetPos0:
            p += np.matrix([[stepLength, 0., 0.]]).T
        return footSwingModel + [footSwitchModel]
Example #12
class FreeFwdDynamicsTest(ActionModelAbstractTestCase):
    ROBOT_MODEL = pinocchio.buildSampleModelManipulator()
    STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)
    COST_SUM = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(STATE, ROBOT_MODEL.nv)
    COST_SUM.addCost('xReg', crocoddyl.CostModelState(STATE), 1.)
                                     pinocchio.SE3.Random())), 1.)
    MODEL = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelFreeFwdDynamics(STATE, COST_SUM)
    MODEL_DER = DifferentialFreeFwdDynamicsDerived(STATE, COST_SUM)
Example #13
def createProblem(model):
    robot_model = ROBOT.model
    q0 = np.matrix([0.173046, 1., -0.52366, 0., 0., 0.1, -0.005]).T
    x0 = np.vstack([q0, np.zeros((robot_model.nv, 1))])

    # Note that we need to include a cost model (i.e. set of cost functions) in
    # order to fully define the action model for our optimal control problem.
    # For this particular example, we formulate three running-cost functions:
    # goal-tracking cost, state and control regularization; and one terminal-cost:
    # goal cost. First, let's create the common cost functions.
    state = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(robot_model)
    Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(
        pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), np.matrix([[.0], [.0], [.4]])))
    goalTrackingCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(state, Mref)
    xRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state)
    uRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(state)

    # Create a cost model per the running and terminal action model.
    runningCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)
    terminalCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)

    # Then let's added the running and terminal cost functions
    runningCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1)
    runningCostModel.addCost("xReg", xRegCost, 1e-4)
    runningCostModel.addCost("uReg", uRegCost, 1e-4)
    terminalCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1)

    # Next, we need to create an action model for running and terminal knots. The
    # forward dynamics (computed using ABA) are implemented
    # inside DifferentialActionModelFullyActuated.
    actuation = crocoddyl.ActuationModelFull(state)
    runningModel = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(
        model(state, actuation, runningCostModel), 1e-3)
    runningModel.differential.armature = np.matrix(
        [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.]).T
    terminalModel = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(
        model(state, actuation, terminalCostModel), 1e-3)
    terminalModel.differential.armature = np.matrix(
        [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.]).T

    # For this optimal control problem, we define 100 knots (or running action
    # models) plus a terminal knot
    problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, [runningModel] * N, terminalModel)
    xs = [x0] * (len(problem.runningModels) + 1)
    us = [
        m.quasiStatic(d, x0)
        for m, d in list(zip(problem.runningModels, problem.runningDatas))
    return xs, us, problem
Example #14
class TalosArmFreeFwdDynamicsTest(ActionModelAbstractTestCase):
    ROBOT_MODEL = example_robot_data.loadTalosArm().model
    STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)
    ACTUATION = crocoddyl.ActuationModelFull(STATE)
    COST_SUM = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(STATE)
            STATE, crocoddyl.FramePlacement(ROBOT_MODEL.getFrameId("gripper_left_joint"), pinocchio.SE3.Random())),
    COST_SUM.addCost("xReg", crocoddyl.CostModelState(STATE), 1e-7)
    COST_SUM.addCost("uReg", crocoddyl.CostModelControl(STATE), 1e-7)
    MODEL = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelFreeFwdDynamics(STATE, ACTUATION, COST_SUM)
    MODEL_DER = DifferentialFreeFwdDynamicsDerived(STATE, ACTUATION, COST_SUM)
Example #15
    def createFootstepModels(self, comPos0, feetPos0, stepLength, stepHeight, timeStep, numKnots, supportFootIds,
        """ Action models for a footstep phase.

        :param comPos0, initial CoM position
        :param feetPos0: initial position of the swinging feet
        :param stepLength: step length
        :param stepHeight: step height
        :param timeStep: time step
        :param numKnots: number of knots for the footstep phase
        :param supportFootIds: Ids of the supporting feet
        :param swingFootIds: Ids of the swinging foot
        :return footstep action models
        numLegs = len(supportFootIds) + len(swingFootIds)
        comPercentage = float(len(swingFootIds)) / numLegs

        # Action models for the foot swing
        footSwingModel = []
        for k in range(numKnots):
            swingFootTask = []
            for i, p in zip(swingFootIds, feetPos0):
                # Defining a foot swing task given the step length
                # resKnot = numKnots % 2
                phKnots = numKnots / 2
                if k < phKnots:
                    dp = np.array([stepLength * (k + 1) / numKnots, 0., stepHeight * k / phKnots])
                elif k == phKnots:
                    dp = np.array([stepLength * (k + 1) / numKnots, 0., stepHeight])
                    dp = np.array(
                        [stepLength * (k + 1) / numKnots, 0., stepHeight * (1 - float(k - phKnots) / phKnots)])
                tref = p + dp

                swingFootTask += [crocoddyl.FramePlacement(i, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), tref))]

            comTask = np.array([stepLength * (k + 1) / numKnots, 0., 0.]) * comPercentage + comPos0
            footSwingModel += [
                self.createSwingFootModel(timeStep, supportFootIds, comTask=comTask, swingFootTask=swingFootTask)

        # Action model for the foot switch
        footSwitchModel = self.createFootSwitchModel(supportFootIds, swingFootTask)

        # Updating the current foot position for next step
        comPos0 += [stepLength * comPercentage, 0., 0.]
        for p in feetPos0:
            p += [stepLength, 0., 0.]
        return footSwingModel + [footSwitchModel]
Example #16
class ManipulatorDDPTest(SolverAbstractTestCase):
    ROBOT_MODEL = pinocchio.buildSampleModelManipulator()
    STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)
    COST_SUM = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(STATE, ROBOT_MODEL.nv)
    COST_SUM.addCost('xReg', crocoddyl.CostModelState(STATE), 1e-7)
    COST_SUM.addCost('uReg', crocoddyl.CostModelControl(STATE), 1e-7)
            STATE, crocoddyl.FramePlacement(ROBOT_MODEL.getFrameId("effector_body"), pinocchio.SE3.Random())), 1.)
    DIFF_MODEL = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelFreeFwdDynamics(STATE, COST_SUM)
    MODEL = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelFreeFwdDynamics(STATE, COST_SUM),
    SOLVER = crocoddyl.SolverDDP
    SOLVER_DER = DDPDerived
Example #17
class TalosArmFDDPTest(SolverAbstractTestCase):
    ROBOT_MODEL = example_robot_data.load('talos_arm').model
    STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)
    ACTUATION = crocoddyl.ActuationModelFull(STATE)
    COST_SUM = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(STATE)
                pinocchio.SE3.Random())), 1e-3)
    COST_SUM.addCost("xReg", crocoddyl.CostModelState(STATE), 1e-7)
    COST_SUM.addCost("uReg", crocoddyl.CostModelControl(STATE), 1e-7)
    DIFF_MODEL = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelFreeFwdDynamics(
    MODEL = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(DIFF_MODEL, 1e-3)
    SOLVER = crocoddyl.SolverFDDP
    SOLVER_DER = FDDPDerived
Example #18
    def createFootSwitchModel(self, supportFootIds, swingFootTask):
        """ Action model for a foot switch phase.

        :param supportFootIds: Ids of the constrained feet
        :param swingFootTask: swinging foot task
        :return action model for a foot switch phase
        # Creating a 6D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting
        # foot
        contactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(i, pinocchio.SE3.Identity())
            supportContactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(self.state, Mref, self.actuation.nu, np.matrix([0., 0.]).T)
            contactModel.addContact('contact_' + str(i), supportContactModel)

        # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
        costModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        if swingFootTask is not None:
            for i in swingFootTask:
                footTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(self.state, i, self.actuation.nu)
                costModel.addCost("footTrack_" + str(i), footTrack, 1e8)
                footVel = crocoddyl.FrameMotion(i.frame, pinocchio.Motion.Zero())
                impactFootVelCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFrameVelocity(self.state, footVel, self.actuation.nu)
                costModel.addCost('impactVel_' + str(i.frame), impactFootVelCost, 1e6)

        stateWeights = np.array([0] * 3 + [500.] * 3 + [0.01] * (self.state.nv - 6) + [10] * self.state.nv)
        stateReg = crocoddyl.CostModelState(self.state,
                                            self.rmodel.defaultState, self.actuation.nu)
        ctrlReg = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        costModel.addCost("stateReg", stateReg, 1e1)
        costModel.addCost("ctrlReg", ctrlReg, 1e-3)

        # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
        # integration scheme
        dmodel = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelContactFwdDynamics(self.state, self.actuation, contactModel,
        model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, 0.)
        return model
Example #19
# First, let's load the Pinocchio model for the Talos arm.
talos_arm = example_robot_data.loadTalosArm()
robot_model = talos_arm.model

# Create a cost model per the running and terminal action model.
state = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(robot_model)
runningCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)
terminalCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)

# Note that we need to include a cost model (i.e. set of cost functions) in
# order to fully define the action model for our optimal control problem.
# For this particular example, we formulate three running-cost functions:
# goal-tracking cost, state and control regularization; and one terminal-cost:
# goal cost. First, let's create the common cost functions.
Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(
    pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), np.matrix([[.0], [.0], [.4]])))
goalTrackingCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(state, Mref)
xRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state)
uRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(state)

# Then let's added the running and terminal cost functions
runningCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1)
runningCostModel.addCost("xReg", xRegCost, 1e-4)
runningCostModel.addCost("uReg", uRegCost, 1e-4)
terminalCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1)

# Next, we need to create an action model for running and terminal knots. The
# forward dynamics (computed using ABA) are implemented
# inside DifferentialActionModelFullyActuated.
actuationModel = crocoddyl.ActuationModelFull(state)
Example #20
state = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(robot_model)
d_cog = 0.1525
cf = 6.6e-5
cm = 1e-6
u_lim = 5
l_lim = 0.1
tau_f = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, d_cog, 0.0, -d_cog],
                  [-d_cog, 0.0, d_cog, 0.0], [-cm / cf, cm / cf, -cm / cf, cm / cf]])

actModel = crocoddyl.ActuationModelMultiCopterBase(state, 4, tau_f)

runningCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state, actModel.nu)
terminalCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state, actModel.nu)

# Needed objects to create the costs
Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(robot_model.getFrameId("base_link"), pinocchio.SE3(target_quat.matrix(), target_pos))
wBasePos, wBaseOri, wBaseVel = 0.1, 1000, 1000
stateWeights = np.array([wBasePos] * 3 + [wBaseOri] * 3 + [wBaseVel] * robot_model.nv)

# Costs
goalTrackingCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(state, Mref, actModel.nu)
xRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state, crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(stateWeights), state.zero(),
uRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(state, actModel.nu)
runningCostModel.addCost("xReg", xRegCost, 1e-6)
runningCostModel.addCost("uReg", uRegCost, 1e-6)
runningCostModel.addCost("trackPose", goalTrackingCost, 1e-2)
terminalCostModel.addCost("goalPose", goalTrackingCost, 100)

dt = 3e-2
runningModel = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(
Example #21
viewer.addXYZaxis('world/goal', [0, 1, 0, 1], .03, .1)
viewer.applyConfiguration('world/goal', [0.2, 0.5, .5, 0, 0, 0, 1])

# Create a cost model per the running and terminal action model.
state = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(robot_model)
runningCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)
terminalCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)

# Note that we need to include a cost model (i.e. set of cost functions) in
# order to fully define the action model for our optimal control problem.
# For this particular example, we formulate three running-cost functions:
# goal-tracking cost, state and control regularization; and one terminal-cost:
# goal cost. First, let's create the common cost functions.
Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(FRAME_TIP, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), goal))
#goalTrackingCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(state, Mref)
pref = crocoddyl.FrameTranslation(FRAME_TIP, goal)
goalTrackingCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFrameTranslation(state, pref)
weights = crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(
    np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2.]))
xRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state, weights, robot_model.x0)
uRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(state)
weightsT = crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(
    np.array([.01, .01, .01, .01, .01, .01, .01, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2.]))
xRegCostT = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state, weights, robot_model.x0)

# Then let's added the running and terminal cost functions
runningCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, .001)
runningCostModel.addCost("xReg", xRegCost, 1e-3)
runningCostModel.addCost("uReg", uRegCost, 1e-6)
Example #22
comRef = (rfPos0 + lfPos0) / 2
comRef[2] = np.asscalar(pinocchio.centerOfMass(rmodel, rdata, q0)[2])

# Initialize Gepetto viewer
    display = crocoddyl.GepettoDisplay(robot, frameNames=[rightFoot, leftFoot])
        'world/point', .05, [1., 0., 0., 1.])  # radius = .1, RGBA=1001
        target.tolist() + [0., 0., 0., 1.])  # xyz+quaternion

# Create two contact models used along the motion
contactModel1Foot = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(state, actuation.nu)
contactModel2Feet = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(state, actuation.nu)
framePlacementLeft = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(leftFootId,
framePlacementRight = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(rightFootId,
supportContactModelLeft = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(state, framePlacementLeft,
                                                   np.array([0, 40]))
supportContactModelRight = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(state, framePlacementRight,
                                                    np.array([0, 40]))
contactModel1Foot.addContact(rightFoot + "_contact", supportContactModelRight)
contactModel2Feet.addContact(leftFoot + "_contact", supportContactModelLeft)
contactModel2Feet.addContact(rightFoot + "_contact", supportContactModelRight)

# Cost for self-collision
maxfloat = sys.float_info.max
xlb = np.concatenate([
Example #23
# First, let's load the Pinocchio model for the Talos arm.
talos_arm = example_robot_data.loadTalosArm()
robot_model = talos_arm.model

# Create a cost model per the running and terminal action model.
state = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(robot_model)
runningCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)
terminalCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)

# Note that we need to include a cost model (i.e. set of cost functions) in
# order to fully define the action model for our optimal control problem.
# For this particular example, we formulate three running-cost functions:
# goal-tracking cost, state and control regularization; and one terminal-cost:
# goal cost. First, let's create the common cost functions.
Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(
    pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), np.array([.0, .0, .4])))
goalTrackingCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(state, Mref)
xRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state)
uRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(state)

# Then let's added the running and terminal cost functions
runningCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1)
runningCostModel.addCost("xReg", xRegCost, 1e-4)
runningCostModel.addCost("uReg", uRegCost, 1e-4)
terminalCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1)

# Next, we need to create an action model for running and terminal knots. The
# forward dynamics (computed using ABA) are implemented
# inside DifferentialActionModelFullyActuated.
actuationModel = crocoddyl.ActuationModelFull(state)
Example #24
from test_utils import NUMDIFF_MODIFIER, assertNumDiff


# Create robot model and data
ROBOT_MODEL = example_robot_data.loadICub().model

# Create differential action model and data; link the contact data
ROBOT_STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)
ACTUATION = crocoddyl.ActuationModelFloatingBase(ROBOT_STATE)
CONTACTS = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(ROBOT_STATE, ACTUATION.nu)
CONTACT_6D_1 = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(
                             pinocchio.SE3.Random()), ACTUATION.nu,
CONTACT_6D_2 = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(
                             pinocchio.SE3.Random()), ACTUATION.nu,
CONTACTS.addContact("r_sole_contact", CONTACT_6D_1)
CONTACTS.addContact("l_sole_contact", CONTACT_6D_2)
COSTS = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(ROBOT_STATE, ACTUATION.nu, False)
                             pinocchio.Force.Random()), ACTUATION.nu), 1.)
Example #25
refGripper = rdata.oMf[rmodel.getFrameId("gripper_left_joint")].translation
comRef = (rfPos0 + lfPos0) / 2
comRef[2] = np.asscalar(pinocchio.centerOfMass(rmodel, rdata, q0)[2])

# Initialize Gepetto viewer
    display = crocoddyl.GepettoDisplay(robot, frameNames=[rightFoot, leftFoot])
        'world/point', .05, [1., 0., 0., 1.])  # radius = .1, RGBA=1001
        target.tolist() + [0., 0., 0., 1.])  # xyz+quaternion

# Add contact to the model
contactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(state, actuation.nu)
framePlacementLeft = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(leftFootId,
supportContactModelLeft = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(state, framePlacementLeft,
                                                   np.array([0, 0]))
contactModel.addContact(leftFoot + "_contact", supportContactModelLeft)
framePlacementRight = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(rightFootId,
supportContactModelRight = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(state, framePlacementRight,
                                                    np.array([0, 0]))
contactModel.addContact(rightFoot + "_contact", supportContactModelRight)
contactData = contactModel.createData(rdata)

# Cost for self-collision
maxfloat = sys.float_info.max
xlb = np.concatenate([