Example #1
def plot_trajectories():
    df = pd.read_csv("warmstart.csv")
    data = df.values
    row = data[0, :]

    init_xs = []
    init_us = []
    starting_state = row[0:3]

    full_state = np.array(row[3:])
    full_state = full_state.reshape(30, 6)
    state = full_state[:, 0:3]
    control = full_state[:, 3:5]
    assert state.shape[0] == control.shape[0]
    assert state.shape[1] == 3
    assert control.shape[1] == 2
    for state in state:
    for control in control:

    model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()
    model.costWeights = np.matrix([1, 0.3]).T
    problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(
        np.matrix(starting_state).T, [model] * 30, model)
    ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
    ddp.solve(init_xs, [], 1000)
    ddp_xs = np.array(ddp.xs)

    model2 = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()
    model2.costWeights = np.matrix([1, 0.3]).T
    problem2 = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(
        np.matrix(starting_state).T, [model2] * 30, model2)
    ddp2 = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem2)
    ddp2.solve([], [], 1000)
    ddp2_xs = np.array(ddp2.xs)
    print("PLotting 2 trajectories for comparision \n")

        "The value functions, iterations for warmstarted and coldstarted trajectories are as follows ",
        "Cost :", ddp.cost, ",", ddp2.cost, "\n", "iterations ", ddp.iter, ",",

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.set_xlim(xmin=-2.1, xmax=2.1)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=-2.1, ymax=2.1)
    ax.plot(ddp_xs[:, 0],
            ddp_xs[:, 1],
            label='Warmstarted crocoddyl.')
    ax.scatter(ddp2_xs[:, 0],
               ddp2_xs[:, 1],
               label='Coldstarted crocoddyl')
Example #2
    def _solveProblem(self, initial_config, logger: bool = False):
        """Solve one unicycle problem"""

        if not isinstance(initial_config, np.ndarray):
            initial_config = np.array(initial_config).reshape(-1, 1)

        model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()
        model.costWeights = np.array([*self.weights]).T

        if self.terminal_model is None:
            problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(initial_config,
                                                [model] * self.horizon, model)
            problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(initial_config,
                                                [model] * self.horizon,

        ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
        if logger:
            log = crocoddyl.CallbackLogger()

        ddp.th_stop = self.precision
        ddp.solve([], [], self.maxiters)

        if logger:
            #print("\n Returning logs and ddp")
            return ddp, log

            return ddp
Example #3
 def setUp(self):
     self.T = randint(1, 101)
     state = self.MODEL.state
     self.xs = []
     self.us = []
     for i in range(self.T):
     self.PROBLEM = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(self.xs[0], [self.MODEL] * self.T, self.MODEL)
     self.PROBLEM_DER = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(self.xs[0], [self.MODEL_DER] * self.T, self.MODEL_DER)
def solve_problem(terminal_model=None,
                  horizon: int = 100,
                  precision: float = 1e-9,
                  maxiters: int = 1000,
                  state_weight: float = 1.,
                  control_weight: float = 1.):
    Solve the problem for a given initial_position.
        1: terminal_model    = Terminal model with neural network inside it, for the crocoddyl problem.
                               If none, then Crocoddyl Action Model will be used as terminal model.
        2: initial_configuration = initial position for the unicycle, 
                                    either a list or a numpy array or a tensor.
        3: horizon           = Time horizon for the unicycle. Defaults to 100
        4: stop              = ddp.th_stop. Defaults to 1e-9
        5: maxiters          = maximum iterations allowed for crocoddyl.Defaults to 1000
        5: state_weight      = defaults to 1.
        6: control_weight    = defaults to 1.
    if isinstance(initial_configuration, list):
        initial_configuration = np.array(initial_configuration)

    elif isinstance(initial_configuration, torch.Tensor):
        initial_configuration = initial_configuration.numpy()

    model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()
    model.costWeights = np.matrix([state_weight, control_weight]).T

    if terminal_model is None:
        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(initial_configuration.T,
                                            [model] * horizon, model)
        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(initial_configuration.T,
                                            [model] * horizon, terminal_model)

    ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
    ddp.th_stop = precision

    ddp.solve([], [], maxiters)
    return ddp
Example #5
    def warm(self):
        net = train_net()
        neuralNet = net.generate_trained_net()
        state_weight: float = 1., # can use random.uniform(1, 3)
                 control_weight: float = 0.3, # can use random.uniform(0,1)
                 nodes: int = 20,
        for _ in range(self.__n_trajectories):

            initial_config = [
                random.uniform(-2.1, 2.),
                random.uniform(-2.1, 2.),
                random.uniform(0, 1)

            model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()
            model2 = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()

            model.costWeights = np.matrix([1., .3]).T
            model2.costWeights = np.matrix([1., .3]).T

            problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(
                np.matrix(initial_config).T, [model] * 20, model)
            problem2 = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(
                np.matrix(initial_config).T, [model2] * 20, model2)

            ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
            ddp2 = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem2)

            x_data = np.matrix(initial_config).reshape(1, 3)

            prediction = neuralNet.predict(x_data).reshape(20, 5)

            xs = np.matrix(prediction[:, 0:3])

            us = np.matrix(prediction[:, 3:5])

            ddp_xs = []
            ddp_xs.append(np.matrix(initial_config).reshape(1, 3).T)
            for _ in range(xs.shape[0]):

            ddp_us = []
            for _ in range(us.shape[0]):

            ddp.solve([], ddp_us)
            print(f" With warmstart, without warmstart ")
            print(ddp.iter, "  ", ddp2.iter)
Example #6
 def setUp(self):
     # Set up the solvers
     self.T = randint(1, 21)
     state = self.MODEL.state
     self.xs = []
     self.us = []
     for i in range(self.T):
     self.PROBLEM = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(self.xs[0], [self.MODEL] * self.T, self.MODEL)
     self.PROBLEM_DER = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(self.xs[0], [self.MODEL] * self.T, self.MODEL)
     self.solver = self.SOLVER(self.PROBLEM)
     self.solver_der = self.SOLVER_DER(self.PROBLEM_DER)
Example #7
def get_trajectories(ntraj: int = 2):
    In the cartpole system, each state is 4 dimensional, while the control is 1 dimensional.
    Therefore, the each row y_data should be 100 * 5 -> 500. So shape y_data : n_trjac X 500
    initial_state = []
    trajectory = []
    for _ in range(ntraj):

        model = cartpole_model()

        x0 = [
            random.uniform(0, 1),
            random.uniform(-3.14, 3.14),
            random.uniform(0., 0.99),
            random.uniform(0., .99)

        T = 100
        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(
            np.matrix(x0).T, [model] * T, model)
        ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
        # Solving this problem
        done = ddp.solve([], [], 100)
        del ddp.xs[0]

        y = [np.append(np.array(i).T, j) for i, j in zip(ddp.xs, ddp.us)]

    initial_state = np.asarray(initial_state)
    trajectory = np.asarray(trajectory)
    return initial_state, trajectory
def solveDdp(pos_i, pos_f, graph_disp):
    # print("--- Ddp ---")
    final_state = [(pos_f[0] - pos_i[0]), (pos_f[1] - pos_i[1]), pos_f[2]]
    model.finalState = np.matrix(
        [final_state[0], final_state[1], final_state[2]]).T
    terminal_model.finalState = np.matrix(
        [final_state[0], final_state[1], final_state[2]]).T
    init_state = np.matrix([0, 0, pos_i[2], 0, 0, 0]).T

    distance = sqrt((pos_f[0] - pos_i[0])**2 + (pos_f[1] - pos_i[1])**2)
    T_guess = int(distance * 100 / model.alpha * 2 / 3)

    optimal = minimize(optimizeT, T_guess, args=(init_state,distance*100/model.alpha),\
    method='Nelder-Mead',options = {'xtol': 0.01,'ftol': 0.001})
    T_opt = int(optimal.x)
    # print("----",T_guess,T_opt)

    problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(init_state, [model] * T_opt,
    ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
    done = ddp.solve()
    title = "DdpResult_from_"+str(pos_i[0])+","+str(pos_i[1])+","+\
    x, y, theta = translate(ddp.xs, pos_i)

    if graph_disp:
        plotDdpResult(x, y, theta)

    path = "data/DdpResult/" + title + "_pos.dat"
    sol = [x, y, theta]
    np.savetxt(path, np.transpose(sol))
    def createProblem(self):
        for i in range(int(self.T_mpc / self.dt)):
            model = ActionModel(12, 12, self.mu)

            # Weight on the state
            model.stateWeight = np.array(
                [1, 1, 150, 35, 30, 8, 20, 20, 15, 4, 4, 8])

            # Weight on the friction cone penalisation
            model.frictionWeight = 10

            # Add model to the list of model

        # Terminal Model
        self.terminalModel = ActionModel()
        # Weight on the friction cone penalisation
        self.terminalModel.stateWeight = np.array(
            [1, 1, 150, 35, 30, 8, 20, 20, 15, 4, 4, 8])
        # No weight on the command for the terminal node
        self.terminalModel.frictionWeight = 0.0

        self.problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(np.zeros(12), self.ListAction,
        self.ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(self.problem)
Example #10
    def createJumpingProblem(self, x0, jumpHeight, timeStep):
        rfFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rfFootId].translation
        rhFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rhFootId].translation
        lfFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lfFootId].translation
        lhFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lhFootId].translation
        comRef = (rfFootPos0 + rhFootPos0 + lfFootPos0 + lhFootPos0) / 4
        comRef[2] = 0.5325

        takeOffKnots = 30
        flyingKnots = 30

        loco3dModel = []
        takeOff = [
                [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            ) for k in range(takeOffKnots)
        flyingPhase = [
                timeStep, [],
                np.matrix([0., 0., jumpHeight * (k + 1) / flyingKnots]).T +
                comRef) for k in range(flyingKnots)

        loco3dModel += takeOff
        loco3dModel += flyingPhase

        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, loco3dModel, loco3dModel[-1])
        return problem
def getTrainingData(ntraj:int = 10000):

    trajectory = []
    for _ in range(ntraj):
        initial_config = [random.uniform(-1.99, 1.99), random.uniform(-1.99, 1.99), 0]            
        model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()

        model.costWeights = np.matrix([1, 0.3]).T

        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(np.matrix(initial_config).T, [ model ] * 30, model)
        ddp = crocoddyl.SolverFDDP(problem)
        ddp.solve([], [], 1000)
        if ddp.iter < 1000:

            # Store trajectory(ie x, y) 
            a = np.delete(np.array(ddp.xs), 2, 1)
            a = np.array(a.flatten())
            b = np.append(a, sum(d.cost for d in ddp.datas()))
            #trajectory.append(sum(d.cost for d in ddp.datas()))

    # Dataset 2: Shape (number of init_points, 63)..columns are recurring (x,y). 
    # The first two columns will form train. The last column is the cost associated with each trajectory
    trajectory = np.array(trajectory)
    df_trajectory = pd.DataFrame(trajectory[0:,0:])

    return df_trajectory
Example #12
def get_data(ntraj: int = 1):
    data = []
    T = 100

    for _ in range(ntraj):
        x0 = [
            random.uniform(0, 1),
            random.uniform(-3.14, 3.14),
            random.uniform(0., 0.99),
            random.uniform(0., .99)
        runningModel, terminalModel = cartpole()

        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(
            np.matrix(x0).T, [runningModel] * T, terminalModel)
        ddp = crocoddyl.SolverFDDP(problem)
        if ddp.iter < 1000:
            position = []
            # Attach state four vectors
            position.extend(float(i) for i in ddp.xs[0])

            # Attach control
            position.extend(float(i) for i in ddp.us[0])
            # Attach cost
            position.append(sum(d.cost for d in ddp.datas()))
            # Attach the number of iterations

    data = np.array(data)
Example #13
def stateData(nTraj: int = 10000,
              modelWeight1: float = 1,
              modelWeight2: float = 0.4,
              initialTheta: float = 0.,
              fddp: bool = False,
              varyingInitialTheta: bool = False,
              saveData: bool = False):

    trajectory = []
    model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()

    for _ in range(nTraj):
        if varyingInitialTheta:
            initial_config = [
                random.uniform(-1.99, 1.99),
                random.uniform(-1.99, 1.99),
                random.uniform(0, 1)
            initial_config = [
                random.uniform(-1.99, 1.99),
                random.uniform(-1.99, 1.99), initialTheta
        model.costWeights = np.matrix([modelWeight1, modelWeight2]).T
        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(
            np.matrix(initial_config).T, [model] * timeHorizon, model)
        if fddp:
            ddp = crocoddyl.SolverFDDP(problem)
            ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
        # Will need to include a assertion check for done in more complicated examples
        ddp.solve([], [], 1000)
        if ddp.iter < 1000:

            # Store trajectory(ie x, y, theta)
            a = np.array(ddp.xs)

            # trajectory -> (x, y, theta)..(x, y, theta)..
            a = np.array(a.flatten())

            # append cost at the end of each trajectory
            b = np.append(a, sum(d.cost for d in ddp.datas()))

    trajectory_ = np.array(trajectory)

    if saveData:
        df = pd.DataFrame(trajectory_[0:, 0:])

        "# Dataset 2: Shape (nTraj, 3 X TimeWindow + 1)..columns are recurring ie (x,y, theta),(x,y, theta).... \n\
           # The first two columns will form train. The last column is the cost associated with each trajectory"

    return trajectory_
Example #14
def runBenchmark(model):
    robot_model = ROBOT.model
    q0 = np.matrix([0.173046, 1., -0.52366, 0., 0., 0.1, -0.005]).T
    x0 = np.vstack([q0, np.zeros((robot_model.nv, 1))])

    # Note that we need to include a cost model (i.e. set of cost functions) in
    # order to fully define the action model for our optimal control problem.
    # For this particular example, we formulate three running-cost functions:
    # goal-tracking cost, state and control regularization; and one terminal-cost:
    # goal cost. First, let's create the common cost functions.
    state = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(robot_model)
    Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(
        pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), np.matrix([[.0], [.0], [.4]])))
    goalTrackingCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(state, Mref)
    xRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state)
    uRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(state)

    # Create a cost model per the running and terminal action model.
    runningCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)
    terminalCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)

    # Then let's added the running and terminal cost functions
    runningCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1e-3)
    runningCostModel.addCost("xReg", xRegCost, 1e-7)
    runningCostModel.addCost("uReg", uRegCost, 1e-7)
    terminalCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1)

    # Next, we need to create an action model for running and terminal knots. The
    # forward dynamics (computed using ABA) are implemented
    # inside DifferentialActionModelFullyActuated.
    runningModel = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(
        model(state, runningCostModel), 1e-3)
    runningModel.differential.armature = np.matrix(
        [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.]).T
    terminalModel = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(
        model(state, terminalCostModel), 1e-3)
    terminalModel.differential.armature = np.matrix(
        [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.]).T

    # For this optimal control problem, we define 100 knots (or running action
    # models) plus a terminal knot
    problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, [runningModel] * N, terminalModel)

    # Creating the DDP solver for this OC problem, defining a logger
    ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)

    duration = []
    for i in range(T):
        c_start = time.time()
        ddp.solve([], [], MAXITER)
        c_end = time.time()
        duration.append(1e3 * (c_end - c_start))

    avrg_duration = sum(duration) / len(duration)
    min_duration = min(duration)
    max_duration = max(duration)
    return avrg_duration, min_duration, max_duration
Example #15
def createProblem(model):
    x0 = np.matrix(np.zeros(NX)).T
    runningModels = [model(NX, NU)] * N
    terminalModel = model(NX, NU)
    xs = [x0] * (N + 1)
    us = [np.matrix(np.zeros(NU)).T] * N

    problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, runningModels, terminalModel)
    return xs, us, problem
Example #16
def createProblem(model):
    x0 = np.matrix([[1.], [0.], [0.]])
    runningModels = [model()] * N
    terminalModel = model()
    xs = [x0] * (N + 1)
    us = [np.matrix([[0.], [0.]])] * N

    problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, runningModels, terminalModel)
    return xs, us, problem
Example #17
 def setUp(self):
     self.T = randint(1, 101)
     state = self.MODEL.state
     self.xs = []
     self.us = []
     for _ in range(self.T):
     self.PROBLEM = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(self.xs[0],
                                              [self.MODEL] * self.T,
     self.PROBLEM_DER = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(self.xs[0],
                                                  [self.MODEL_DER] * self.T,
     # TODO(cmastalli): Remove the following lines once Crocoddyl supports multithreading with Python-derived models
     self.PROBLEM.nthreads = 1
     self.PROBLEM_DER.nthreads = 1
Example #18
    def createWalkingProblem(self, x0, stepLength, stepHeight, timeStep,
                             stepKnots, supportKnots):
        """ Create a shooting problem for a simple walking gait.

        :param x0: initial state
        :param stepLength: step length
        :param stepHeight: step height
        :param timeStep: step time for each knot
        :param stepKnots: number of knots for step phases
        :param supportKnots: number of knots for double support phases
        :return shooting problem
        # Compute the current foot positions
        q0 = x0[:self.state.nq]
        pinocchio.forwardKinematics(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)
        pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(self.rmodel, self.rdata)
        rfPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rfId].translation
        lfPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lfId].translation
        comRef = (rfPos0 + lfPos0) / 2
        comRef[2] = np.asscalar(
            pinocchio.centerOfMass(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)[2])

        # Defining the action models along the time instances
        loco3dModel = []
        doubleSupport = [
            self.createSwingFootModel(timeStep, [self.rfId, self.lfId])
            for k in range(supportKnots)

        # Creating the action models for three steps
        if self.firstStep is True:
            rStep = self.createFootstepModels(comRef, [rfPos0],
                                              0.5 * stepLength, stepHeight,
                                              timeStep, stepKnots, [self.lfId],
            self.firstStep = False
            rStep = self.createFootstepModels(comRef, [rfPos0], stepLength,
                                              stepHeight, timeStep, stepKnots,
                                              [self.lfId], [self.rfId])
        lStep = self.createFootstepModels(comRef, [lfPos0], stepLength,
                                          stepHeight, timeStep, stepKnots,
                                          [self.rfId], [self.lfId])

        # We defined the problem as:
        loco3dModel += doubleSupport + rStep
        loco3dModel += doubleSupport + lStep

        # Rescaling the terminal weights
        costs = loco3dModel[-1].differential.costs.costs.todict()
        for c in costs.values():
            c.weight *= timeStep

        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, loco3dModel[:-1],
        return problem
Example #19
    def createJumpingProblem(self, x0, jumpHeight, jumpLength, timeStep, groundKnots, flyingKnots):
        q0 = x0[:self.rmodel.nq]
        pinocchio.forwardKinematics(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)
        pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(self.rmodel, self.rdata)
        rfFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rfFootId].translation
        rhFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rhFootId].translation
        lfFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lfFootId].translation
        lhFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lhFootId].translation
        df = jumpLength[2] - rfFootPos0[2]
        rfFootPos0[2] = 0.
        rhFootPos0[2] = 0.
        lfFootPos0[2] = 0.
        lhFootPos0[2] = 0.
        comRef = (rfFootPos0 + rhFootPos0 + lfFootPos0 + lhFootPos0) / 4
        comRef[2] = np.asscalar(pinocchio.centerOfMass(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)[2])

        loco3dModel = []
        takeOff = [
                [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            ) for k in range(groundKnots)
        flyingUpPhase = [
                timeStep, [],
                np.array([jumpLength[0], jumpLength[1], jumpLength[2] + jumpHeight]) * (k + 1) / flyingKnots + comRef)
            for k in range(flyingKnots)
        flyingDownPhase = []
        for k in range(flyingKnots):
            flyingDownPhase += [self.createSwingFootModel(timeStep, [])]

        f0 = jumpLength
        footTask = [
            crocoddyl.FramePlacement(self.lfFootId, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), lfFootPos0 + f0)),
            crocoddyl.FramePlacement(self.rfFootId, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), rfFootPos0 + f0)),
            crocoddyl.FramePlacement(self.lhFootId, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), lhFootPos0 + f0)),
            crocoddyl.FramePlacement(self.rhFootId, pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), rhFootPos0 + f0))
        landingPhase = [
            self.createFootSwitchModel([self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId], footTask, False)
        f0[2] = df
        landed = [
            self.createSwingFootModel(timeStep, [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
                                      comTask=comRef + f0) for k in range(groundKnots)
        loco3dModel += takeOff
        loco3dModel += flyingUpPhase
        loco3dModel += flyingDownPhase
        loco3dModel += landingPhase
        loco3dModel += landed

        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, loco3dModel, loco3dModel[-1])
        return problem
Example #20
def cartpole_data(ntraj: int = 1):
    cartpoleDAM = DifferentialActionModelCartpole()
    cartpoleData = cartpoleDAM.createData()
    x = cartpoleDAM.state.rand()
    u = np.zeros(1)
    cartpoleDAM.calc(cartpoleData, x, u)
    cartpoleND = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelNumDiff(cartpoleDAM, True)
    timeStep = 5e-2
    cartpoleIAM = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(cartpoleND, timeStep)
    T = 50

    data = []

    for _ in range(ntraj):

        x0 = [
            random.uniform(0, 1),
            random.uniform(-3.14, 3.14),
            random.uniform(0., 1), 0.

        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(
            np.array(x0).T, [cartpoleIAM] * T, cartpoleIAM)
        ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
        ddp.solve([], [], 1000)
        if ddp.iter < 1000:
            ddp_xs = np.array(ddp.xs)
            # Append value function to initial state

            # get us, xs for T timesteps
            us = np.array(ddp.us)

            xs = ddp_xs[1:, :]

            cost = []
            for d in ddp.datas():
            # Remove the first value
            cost = np.array(cost).reshape(-1, 1)
            info = np.hstack((xs, us, cost))
            info = info.ravel()
            state = np.concatenate((x0, info))


    data = np.array(data)

        "Shape x_train -> 0 : 4, value function = index 4, then (x, y, z, theta, control, cost)..repeated"
    print("T -> 50, so T x 6 = 300, + 5 ")

    #np.savetxt("foo.csv", data, delimiter=",")
    return data
Example #21
def solver(starting_condition, T=30, precision=1e-9, maxiters=1000):
    """Solve one crocoddyl problem"""

    model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()
    model.costWeights = np.array([1., 1.]).T

    problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(starting_condition, [model] * T, model)
    ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
    ddp.th_stop = precision
    ddp.solve([], [], maxiters)
Example #22
    def createCoMProblem(self, x0, comGoTo, timeStep, numKnots):
        """ Create a shooting problem for a CoM forward/backward task.

        :param x0: initial state
        :param comGoTo: initial CoM motion
        :param timeStep: step time for each knot
        :param numKnots: number of knots per each phase
        :return shooting problem
        # Compute the current foot positions
        q0 = x0[:self.rmodel.nq]
        pinocchio.forwardKinematics(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)
        pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(self.rmodel, self.rdata)
        com0 = pinocchio.centerOfMass(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)
        # lfFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lfFootId].translation
        # rfFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rfFootId].translation
        # lhFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lhFootId].translation
        # rhFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rhFootId].translation

        # Defining the action models along the time instances
        comModels = []

        # Creating the action model for the CoM task
        comForwardModels = [
                [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            ) for k in range(numKnots)
        comForwardTermModel = self.createSwingFootModel(
            [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            com0 + np.matrix([comGoTo, 0., 0.]).T)
        comForwardTermModel.differential.costs.costs['comTrack'].weight = 1e6

        comBackwardModels = [
                [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            ) for k in range(numKnots)
        comBackwardTermModel = self.createSwingFootModel(
            [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            com0 + np.matrix([-comGoTo, 0., 0.]).T)
        comBackwardTermModel.differential.costs.costs['comTrack'].weight = 1e6

        # Adding the CoM tasks
        comModels += comForwardModels + [comForwardTermModel]
        comModels += comBackwardModels + [comBackwardTermModel]

        # Defining the shooting problem
        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, comModels, comModels[-1])
        return problem
Example #23
    def createPacingProblem(self, x0, stepLength, stepHeight, timeStep,
                            stepKnots, supportKnots):
        """ Create a shooting problem for a simple pacing gait.

        :param x0: initial state
        :param stepLength: step length
        :param stepHeight: step height
        :param timeStep: step time for each knot
        :param stepKnots: number of knots for step phases
        :param supportKnots: number of knots for double support phases
        :return shooting problem
        # Compute the current foot positions
        q0 = x0[:self.rmodel.nq]
        pinocchio.forwardKinematics(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)
        pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(self.rmodel, self.rdata)
        rfFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rfFootId].translation
        rhFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.rhFootId].translation
        lfFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lfFootId].translation
        lhFootPos0 = self.rdata.oMf[self.lhFootId].translation
        comRef = (rfFootPos0 + rhFootPos0 + lfFootPos0 + lhFootPos0) / 4
        comRef[2] = pinocchio.centerOfMass(self.rmodel, self.rdata,

        # Defining the action models along the time instances
        loco3dModel = []
        doubleSupport = [
                [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            ) for k in range(supportKnots)
        if self.firstStep is True:
            rightSteps = self.createFootstepModels(
                comRef, [rfFootPos0, rhFootPos0], 0.5 * stepLength, stepHeight,
                timeStep, stepKnots, [self.lfFootId, self.lhFootId],
                [self.rfFootId, self.rhFootId])
            self.firstStep = False
            rightSteps = self.createFootstepModels(
                comRef, [rfFootPos0, rhFootPos0], stepLength, stepHeight,
                timeStep, stepKnots, [self.lfFootId, self.lhFootId],
                [self.rfFootId, self.rhFootId])
        leftSteps = self.createFootstepModels(comRef, [lfFootPos0, lhFootPos0],
                                              stepLength, stepHeight, timeStep,
                                              [self.rfFootId, self.rhFootId],
                                              [self.lfFootId, self.lhFootId])

        loco3dModel += doubleSupport + rightSteps
        loco3dModel += doubleSupport + leftSteps

        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, loco3dModel, loco3dModel[-1])
        return problem
def optimizeT(T_min,T_max,X0):
	T_opt  =  T_min
	cost_min = - 1
	for T in range (T_min,T_max,5):
		problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(X0, [ model ] * T, model)
		ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
		done = ddp.solve()
		cost = costFunction(model.costWeights,ddp.xs,ddp.us,model.finalState)
		if (cost_min < 0 or cost_min > abs(cost) and ddp.iter < 80):
			cost_min = abs(cost)
			T_opt = T
	return T_opt	
Example #25
 def solver_ddp(self, xyz):
     Returns the ddp
     model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()
     T = 30
     model.costWeights = np.matrix([1, 1]).T
     problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(
         np.array(xyz).T, [model] * T, model)
     ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
     ddp.solve([], [], 1000)
     return ddp
Example #26
def getTrainingData(nTraj: int = 10000,
                    thetaVal: bool = False,
                    fddp: bool = False):
    model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()

    trajectory = []

    for _ in range(nTraj):

        if thetaVal:
            initial_config = [
                random.uniform(-1.99, 1.99),
                random.uniform(-1.99, 1.99),
                random.uniform(0., 1.)
            initial_config = [
                random.uniform(-1.99, 1.99),
                random.uniform(-1.99, 1.99), 0.0
        model.costWeights = np.matrix([1, 0.3]).T
        problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(
            np.matrix(initial_config).T, [model] * 30, model)
        if fddp:
            ddp = crocoddyl.SolverFDDP(problem)
            ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)

        ddp.solve([], [], 1000)
        if ddp.iter < 1000:
            state = []

            # Attach x, y, theta. this will form the columns in x_training... index 0, 1, 2
            state.extend(i for i in ddp.xs[0])
            # Attach control: linear_velocity, angular_velocty.....index 3, 4
            state.extend(i for i in ddp.us[0])
            # Attach value function: cost....index 5
            state.append(sum(d.cost for d in ddp.datas()))

            trajectory_control = np.hstack(
                (np.array(ddp.xs[1:]), np.array(ddp.us)))
            state.extend(i for i in trajectory_control.flatten()
                         )  #..............index 6 to -1.....30 X 5

    data = np.array(trajectory)
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    #    x_train = data[:,0:3]  x,y,z
    #    y_train = data[:,3:]   lv, av, cost, (x, y, theta, control1, control2)
    return data
Example #27
def solve_crocoddyl(xyz):
    xyz should either be a list or an array

    model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()
    T = 30
    model.costWeights = np.matrix([1, 1]).T

    problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(m2a(xyz).T, [model] * T, model)
    ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
    ddp.solve([], [], 1000)
    return ddp
    def create_List_model(self):
        """Create the List model using ActionQuadrupedModel()  
         The same model cannot be used [model]*(T_mpc/dt) because the dynamic changes for each nodes

        j = 0
        k_cum = 0

        # Iterate over all phases of the gait
        # The first column of xref correspond to the current state
        while (self.gait[j, 0] != 0):
            for i in range(k_cum, k_cum + np.int(self.gait[j, 0])):

                model = quadruped_walkgen.ActionModelQuadrupedAugmented()

                # Update intern parameters

                # Add model to the list of model

            if np.sum(self.gait[j + 1,
                                1:]) == 4:  # No optimisation on the first line

                model = quadruped_walkgen.ActionModelQuadrupedStep()
                # Update intern parameters

                # Add model to the list of model

            k_cum += np.int(self.gait[j, 0])
            j += 1

        # Model parameters of terminal node
        self.terminalModel = quadruped_walkgen.ActionModelQuadrupedAugmented()
        # Weights vectors of terminal node
        self.terminalModel.forceWeights = np.zeros(12)
        self.terminalModel.frictionWeights = 0.
        self.terminalModel.shoulderWeights = np.full(8, 0.0)
        self.terminalModel.lastPositionWeights = np.full(8, 0.0)

        # Shooting problem
        self.problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(np.zeros(20), self.ListAction,

        # DDP Solver
        self.ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(self.problem)

        return 0
Example #29
def createProblem(model):
    robot_model = ROBOT.model
    q0 = np.matrix([0.173046, 1., -0.52366, 0., 0., 0.1, -0.005]).T
    x0 = np.vstack([q0, np.zeros((robot_model.nv, 1))])

    # Note that we need to include a cost model (i.e. set of cost functions) in
    # order to fully define the action model for our optimal control problem.
    # For this particular example, we formulate three running-cost functions:
    # goal-tracking cost, state and control regularization; and one terminal-cost:
    # goal cost. First, let's create the common cost functions.
    state = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(robot_model)
    Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(
        pinocchio.SE3(np.eye(3), np.matrix([[.0], [.0], [.4]])))
    goalTrackingCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(state, Mref)
    xRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state)
    uRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(state)

    # Create a cost model per the running and terminal action model.
    runningCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)
    terminalCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state)

    # Then let's added the running and terminal cost functions
    runningCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1)
    runningCostModel.addCost("xReg", xRegCost, 1e-4)
    runningCostModel.addCost("uReg", uRegCost, 1e-4)
    terminalCostModel.addCost("gripperPose", goalTrackingCost, 1)

    # Next, we need to create an action model for running and terminal knots. The
    # forward dynamics (computed using ABA) are implemented
    # inside DifferentialActionModelFullyActuated.
    actuation = crocoddyl.ActuationModelFull(state)
    runningModel = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(
        model(state, actuation, runningCostModel), 1e-3)
    runningModel.differential.armature = np.matrix(
        [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.]).T
    terminalModel = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(
        model(state, actuation, terminalCostModel), 1e-3)
    terminalModel.differential.armature = np.matrix(
        [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.]).T

    # For this optimal control problem, we define 100 knots (or running action
    # models) plus a terminal knot
    problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(x0, [runningModel] * N, terminalModel)
    xs = [x0] * (len(problem.runningModels) + 1)
    us = [
        m.quasiStatic(d, x0)
        for m, d in list(zip(problem.runningModels, problem.runningDatas))
    return xs, us, problem
Example #30
    def _generate_trajectories(self):
        This could be done better with pool. But since we are generating a maximum of 10K trajectories,
        there' no need for pool

        starting_configurations = []
        optimal_trajectories = []
        feasible_trajectories = 0
        for _ in range(self.__n_trajectories):
            initial_config = np.matrix([
                random.uniform(-2.1, 2.),
                random.uniform(-2.1, 2.),
                random.uniform(0, 1)
            model = crocoddyl.ActionModelUnicycle()
            model.costWeights = np.matrix(
                [self.__state_weight, self.__control_weight]).T
            problem = crocoddyl.ShootingProblem(initial_config,
                                                [model] * self.__nodes, model)
            ddp = crocoddyl.SolverDDP(problem)
            if ddp.isFeasible:
                ddp_xs = np.squeeze(np.asarray(ddp.xs))
                ddp_us = np.squeeze(np.asarray(ddp.us))
                feasible_trajectories += 1
                x = ddp_xs[1:, 0]
                y = ddp_xs[1:, 1]
                theta = ddp_xs[1:, 2]
                velocity = ddp_us[:, 0]
                torque = ddp_us[:, 1]
                optimal_trajectory = np.hstack((x, y, theta, velocity, torque))

        starting_configurations = np.asarray(starting_configurations)
        optimal_trajectories = np.asarray(optimal_trajectories)
        if self.save_trajectories:
            f = open('../../data/x_data.pkl', 'wb')
            g = open("../../data/y_data.pkl", "wb")
            f.close(), g.close()

        return starting_configurations, optimal_trajectories, feasible_trajectories