Example #1
def financeinfo(request): # finance화면에서 검색시 호출
    # boardList = DjangoBoard.objects.order_by('-id')[0:2]

    company_code = request.POST['companycode']
    print('finance info called')
    con = psycopg2.connect("dbname='webcrolldb' user='******' host='localhost' password='******'")
    selectsql = " select company.companyname,finance.* from finance, company where finance.code=company.code and company.code = %s order by division, index_date ; "
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute(selectsql, (company_code,))
    boardList = cur.fetchall()

    current_page =1

       # model 을 사용해서 전체 데이터 갯수를 구한다.
    totalCnt = len(boardList)

       # 이것은 페이징 처리를 위해 생성한 간단한 헬퍼 클래스이다. 별로 중요하지 않으므로 소스를 참조하기 바란다.
    pagingHelperIns = pagingHelper();
    totalPageList = pagingHelperIns.getTotalPageList( totalCnt, rowsPerPage)
    # print 'totalPageList', totalPageList

       # 템플릿으로 필요한 정보들을 넘기는 부분이다. 이를 통해서 정적인 템플릿에 동적인 데이터가 결합되게 되는 것이다.

      # 우리는 게시판 최초 화면 처리를 위해서 listSpecificPage.html 템플릿을 호출했다.

      # 그리고 필요한 정보들을 dictionary 로 전달했다.
    # for i in boardList:
    #     print (i[0],i[1])
    return render_to_response('croll/finance.html', {'boardList': boardList, 'totalCnt': totalCnt,
                                                          'current_page':current_page ,'totalPageList':totalPageList} )
Example #2
def graphtest(request): # graph test window
    con = psycopg2.connect("dbname='webcrolldb' user='******' host='localhost' password='******'")
    selectsql = " select company.companyname,finance.* from finance, company where finance.code=company.code and company.code = %s order by division, index_date ; "
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute(selectsql, ('0',))
    boardList = cur.fetchall()

    current_page =1
    totalCnt = len(boardList)
    pagingHelperIns = pagingHelper();
    totalPageList = pagingHelperIns.getTotalPageList( totalCnt, rowsPerPage)

    # Chart data is passed to the `dataSource` parameter, as dictionary in the form of key-value pairs.
    dataSource = OrderedDict()

    # The `chartConfig` dict contains key-value pairs data for chart attribute
    chartConfig = OrderedDict()
    chartConfig["caption"] = "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]"
    chartConfig["subCaption"] = "In MMbbl = One Million barrels"
    chartConfig["xAxisName"] = "Country"
    chartConfig["yAxisName"] = "Reserves (MMbbl)"
    chartConfig["numberSuffix"] = "Km"
    chartConfig["theme"] = "fusion"

    # The `chartData` dict contains key-value pairs data
    chartData = OrderedDict()
    chartData["Venezuela"] = 290
    chartData["Saudi"] = 260
    chartData["Canada"] = 180
    chartData["Iran"] = 140
    chartData["Russia"] = 115
    chartData["UAE"] = 100
    chartData["US"] = 30
    chartData["China"] = 30

    dataSource["chart"] = chartConfig
    dataSource["data"] = []

    # Convert the data in the `chartData` array into a format that can be consumed by FusionCharts.
    # The data for the chart should be in an array wherein each element of the array is a JSON object
    # having the `label` and `value` as keys.

    # Iterate through the data in `chartData` and insert in to the `dataSource['data']` list.
    for key, value in chartData.items():
        data = {}
        data["label"] = key
        data["value"] = value

    # Create an object for the column 2D chart using the FusionCharts class constructor
    # The chart data is passed to the `dataSource` parameter.
    column2D = FusionCharts("column2d", "ex1", "600", "400", "chart-1", "json", dataSource)

    # return render_to_response('croll/graphtest.html', {'boardList': boardList, 'totalCnt': totalCnt,
    #                                                       'current_page':current_page ,'totalPageList':totalPageList} )

    return render(request, 'croll/graphtest.html', {'output': column2D.render(), 'chartTitle': 'Simple Chart Using Array'})
Example #3
def financewindow(request): # finance초기 화면
    # boardList = DjangoBoard.objects.order_by('-id')[0:2]
    con = psycopg2.connect("dbname='webcrolldb' user='******' host='localhost' password='******'")
    selectsql = " select company.companyname,finance.* from finance, company where finance.code=company.code and company.code = %s order by division, index_date ; "
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute(selectsql, ('0',))
    boardList = cur.fetchall()

    current_page =1
    totalCnt = len(boardList)
    pagingHelperIns = pagingHelper();
    totalPageList = pagingHelperIns.getTotalPageList( totalCnt, rowsPerPage)
    return render_to_response('croll/finance.html', {'boardList': boardList, 'totalCnt': totalCnt,
                                                          'current_page':current_page ,'totalPageList':totalPageList} )
Example #4
def perwindow(request): # finance초기 화면
    con = psycopg2.connect("dbname='webcrolldb' user='******' host='localhost' password='******'")
    selectsql = '''select row_number() over(order by (eps > 0) desc,COALESCE((p.price+0.00) / NULLIF((e.eps+0.00),0), 0)) as num,
                c.companyname,e.code,e.index_date,p.price,e.eps,COALESCE((p.price+0.00) / NULLIF((e.eps+0.00),0), 0) per, eps > 0 plus
                from (select f.code, sum(f.eps) eps, max(f.index_date) index_date from finance f
		        where 1=1
		        and f.index_date not like '%(E)'
		        and f.recent_bungi_check >'0'
		        group by code) e,
	            (select a.code,a.price,a.updatedate 
		         from (select code,price, updatedate,row_number() over (partition by code order by updatedate desc) rownum from price) a
		         where rownum=1) p,
		company c
where 1=1
and e.code=p.code
and e.code=c.code
--and per > 0
order by plus desc,per;'''
    cur = con.cursor()
    boardList = cur.fetchall()

    # 데이터 포맷 변경
    # boardList_format = []
    boardList_format = [[0 for j in range(len(boardList[i]))] for i in range(len(boardList))]
    # print(boardList_format)
    for i in range(len(boardList)):
        for j in range(len(boardList[i])):
            if j in (4,5):
                boardList_format[i][j] = '{:,}'.format(boardList[i][j])
            elif j==6:
                boardList_format[i][j] = '{:,.2f}'.format(boardList[i][j])
                boardList_format[i][j] = boardList[i][j]

    # print(boardList)
    current_page =1
    totalCnt = len(boardList)
    pagingHelperIns = pagingHelper();
    totalPageList = pagingHelperIns.getTotalPageList( totalCnt, rowsPerPage)
    return render_to_response('croll/per.html', {'boardList': boardList, 'totalCnt': totalCnt,
                                                          'current_page':current_page ,'totalPageList':totalPageList} )