Example #1
 def test_good_range_get_run_list(self):
     query = RunDBQuery(self.good_runrange)
     if __hostname__.find('plus'):
         query._cmd_ = [os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/rdbt', '1']
Example #2
 def test_nonexistent_run_get_run_list(self):
     query = RunDBQuery(self.bad_runno)
     if __hostname__.find('plus'):
         query._cmd_ = [os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/rdbt', '2']
Example #3
    # NOTE: We only process runs longer than time threshold (~30 min
    # default), many runs are likely to be skipped b/c of this
    # condition.  Assign an arbitrary run range (1k is long enough to
    # cover a technical stop) such that we always find at least one
    # significant run.
    last_run = max(get_last_run(runlist),get_last_run(graveyardrunlist))
    runs = [last_run + 1, last_run + 1000]

## trim list of runs by run duration from run database.
from crontools.rundbquery import RunDBQuery
debug('Run list before trimming: %s' % runs)
# query the database and get validated list of runs
query = RunDBQuery(runs)
runs = query.get_valid_runs(_cliopts.threshold)
# NOTE: If there is a need to further filter the run list according to
# other criteria, one can use something like this:
# def _my_filter(run):
#     rinfo = query.get_run_info(run)
#     if test(rinfo): return True
#     return False
# runs = filter(_my_filter, runs)
debug('Run list after trimming: %s' % runs)

## acquire lock and run job
from glob import glob
from crontools.utils import add_runs, get_dir_tree, mkdir_p
from crontools.runlock import RunLock
from crontools.vetraopts import (get_runinfo, get_gaudi_opts, get_runinfo,