def start_guest(self, id, config, details=None): """ Start a new guest process on this node. :param config: The guest process configuration. :type config: obj :returns: int -- The PID of the new process. """ # prohibit starting a worker twice # if id in self._workers: emsg = "Could not start worker: a worker with ID '{}' is already running (or starting)".format( id) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.worker_already_running', emsg) try: checkconfig.check_guest(config) except Exception as e: raise ApplicationError( u'crossbar.error.invalid_configuration', 'invalid guest worker configuration: {}'.format(e)) options = config.get('options', {}) # guest process working directory # workdir = self._node._cbdir if 'workdir' in options: workdir = os.path.join(workdir, options['workdir']) workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir) # guest process executable and command line arguments # # first try to configure the fully qualified path for the guest # executable by joining workdir and configured exectuable .. exe = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(workdir, config['executable'])) if check_executable(exe): "Using guest worker executable '{exe}' (executable path taken from configuration)", exe=exe) else: # try to detect the fully qualified path for the guest # executable by doing a "which" on the configured executable name exe = shutil.which(config['executable']) if exe is not None and check_executable(exe): "Using guest worker executable '{exe}' (executable path detected from environment)", exe=exe) else: emsg = "Could not start worker: could not find and executable for '{}'".format( config['executable']) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.invalid_configuration', emsg) # guest process command line arguments # args = [exe] args.extend(config.get('arguments', [])) # guest process environment # worker_env = create_process_env(options) # log name of worker # worker_logname = 'Guest' # topic URIs used (later) # starting_topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.on_guest_starting'.format( self._node_id) started_topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.on_guest_started'.format( self._node_id) # add worker tracking instance to the worker map .. # worker = GuestWorkerProcess(self, id, details.caller, keeplog=options.get('traceback', None)) self._workers[id] = worker # create a (custom) process endpoint # ep = WorkerProcessEndpoint(self._node._reactor, exe, args, path=workdir, env=worker_env, worker=worker) # ready handling # def on_ready_success(proto): = worker.status = 'started' worker.started = datetime.utcnow()"{worker} with ID '{id}' and PID {pid} started", worker=worker_logname,, self._node._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger( 'before', 'shutdown', self._cleanup_worker, self._node._reactor, worker, ) # directory watcher # if 'watch' in options: if HAS_FSNOTIFY: # assemble list of watched directories watched_dirs = [] for d in options['watch'].get('directories', []): watched_dirs.append( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._node._cbdir, d))) worker.watch_timeout = options['watch'].get('timeout', 1) # create a directory watcher worker.watcher = DirWatcher(dirs=watched_dirs, notify_once=True) # make sure to stop the background thread running inside the # watcher upon Twisted being shut down def on_shutdown(): worker.watcher.stop() self._node._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger( 'before', 'shutdown', on_shutdown) # this handler will get fired by the watcher upon detecting an FS event def on_fsevent(evt): worker.watcher.stop() proto.signal('TERM') if options['watch'].get('action', None) == 'restart':"Restarting guest ..") # Add a timeout large enough (perhaps add a config option later) self._node._reactor.callLater( worker.watch_timeout, self.start_guest, id, config, details) # Shut the worker down, after the restart event is scheduled worker.stop() # now run the watcher on a background thread deferToThread(worker.watcher.loop, on_fsevent) else: self.log.warn( "Warning: cannot watch directory for changes - feature DirWatcher unavailable" ) # assemble guest worker startup information # started_info = { 'id':, 'status': worker.status, 'started': utcstr(worker.started), 'who': worker.who } self.publish(started_topic, started_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=[details.caller])) return started_info def on_ready_error(err): del self._workers[] emsg = 'Failed to start guest worker: {}'.format(err.value) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.cannot_start", emsg, ep.getlog()) worker.ready.addCallbacks(on_ready_success, on_ready_error) def on_exit_success(res):"Guest {id} exited with success", del self._workers[] def on_exit_error(err): self.log.error("Guest {id} exited with error {err.value}",, err=err) del self._workers[] worker.exit.addCallbacks(on_exit_success, on_exit_error) # create a transport factory for talking WAMP to the native worker # transport_factory = create_guest_worker_client_factory( config, worker.ready, worker.exit) transport_factory.noisy = False self._workers[id].factory = transport_factory # now (immediately before actually forking) signal the starting of the worker # starting_info = { 'id': id, 'status': worker.status, 'created': utcstr(worker.created), 'who': worker.who } # the caller gets a progressive result .. if details.progress: details.progress(starting_info) # .. while all others get an event self.publish(starting_topic, starting_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=[details.caller])) # now actually fork the worker .. #"Starting {worker} with ID '{id}'...", worker=worker_logname, id=id) self.log.debug("{worker} '{id}' using command line '{cli}'...", worker=worker_logname, id=id, cli=' '.join(args)) d = ep.connect(transport_factory) def on_connect_success(proto): # this seems to be called immediately when the child process # has been forked. even if it then immediately fails because # e.g. the executable doesn't even exist. in other words, # I'm not sure under what conditions the deferred will # errback - probably only if the forking of a new process fails # at OS level due to out of memory conditions or such. pid = self.log.debug("Guest worker process connected with PID {pid}", pid=pid) = pid # proto is an instance of GuestWorkerClientProtocol worker.proto = proto worker.status = 'connected' worker.connected = datetime.utcnow() def on_connect_error(err): # not sure when this errback is triggered at all .. see above. self.log.error( "Internal error: connection to forked guest worker failed ({})" .format(err)) # in any case, forward the error .. worker.ready.errback(err) d.addCallbacks(on_connect_success, on_connect_error) return worker.ready
def start_guest(self, id, config, details=None): """ Start a new guest process on this node. :param config: The guest process configuration. :type config: obj :returns: int -- The PID of the new process. """ # prohibit starting a worker twice # if id in self._workers: emsg = "ERROR: could not start worker - a worker with ID '{}' is already running (or starting)".format(id) log.msg(emsg) raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.worker_already_running', emsg) try: checkconfig.check_guest(config) except Exception as e: raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.invalid_configuration', 'invalid guest worker configuration: {}'.format(e)) options = config.get('options', {}) # guest process working directory # workdir = self._node._cbdir if 'workdir' in options: workdir = os.path.join(workdir, options['workdir']) workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir) # guest process executable and command line arguments # # first try to configure the fully qualified path for the guest # executable by joining workdir and configured exectuable .. exe = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(workdir, config['executable'])) if check_executable(exe): log.msg("Using guest worker executable '{}' (executable path taken from configuration)".format(exe)) else: # try to detect the fully qualified path for the guest # executable by doing a "which" on the configured executable name exe = shutil.which(config['executable']) if exe is not None and check_executable(exe): log.msg("Using guest worker executable '{}' (executable path detected from environment)".format(exe)) else: emsg = "ERROR: could not start worker - could not find and executable for '{}'".format(config['executable']) log.msg(emsg) raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.invalid_configuration', emsg) # guest process command line arguments # args = [exe] args.extend(config.get('arguments', [])) # guest process environment # worker_env = create_process_env(options) # log name of worker # worker_logname = 'Guest' # topic URIs used (later) # starting_topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.on_guest_starting'.format(self._node_id) started_topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.on_guest_started'.format(self._node_id) # add worker tracking instance to the worker map .. # worker = GuestWorkerProcess(self, id, details.caller, keeplog=options.get('traceback', None)) self._workers[id] = worker # create a (custom) process endpoint # ep = WorkerProcessEndpoint(self._node._reactor, exe, args, path=workdir, env=worker_env, worker=worker) # ready handling # def on_ready_success(proto): = worker.status = 'started' worker.started = datetime.utcnow() log.msg("{} with ID '{}' and PID {} started".format(worker_logname,, # directory watcher # if 'watch' in options: if HAS_FSNOTIFY: # assemble list of watched directories watched_dirs = [] for d in options['watch'].get('directories', []): watched_dirs.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._node._cbdir, d))) # create a directory watcher worker.watcher = DirWatcher(dirs=watched_dirs, notify_once=True) # make sure to stop the background thread running inside the # watcher upon Twisted being shut down def on_shutdown(): worker.watcher.stop() reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', on_shutdown) # this handler will get fired by the watcher upon detecting an FS event def on_fsevent(evt): worker.watcher.stop() proto.signal('TERM') if options['watch'].get('action', None) == 'restart': log.msg("Restarting guest ..") reactor.callLater(0.1, self.start_guest, id, config, details) # now run the watcher on a background thread deferToThread(worker.watcher.loop, on_fsevent) else: log.msg("Warning: cannot watch directory for changes - feature DirWatcher unavailable") # assemble guest worker startup information # started_info = { 'id':, 'status': worker.status, 'started': utcstr(worker.started), 'who': worker.who } self.publish(started_topic, started_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=[details.caller])) return started_info def on_ready_error(err): del self._workers[] emsg = 'ERROR: failed to start guest worker - {}'.format(err.value) log.msg(emsg) raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.cannot_start", emsg, ep.getlog()) worker.ready.addCallbacks(on_ready_success, on_ready_error) def on_exit_success(res): log.msg("Guest excited with success") del self._workers[] def on_exit_error(err): log.msg("Guest excited with error", err) del self._workers[] worker.exit.addCallbacks(on_exit_success, on_exit_error) # create a transport factory for talking WAMP to the native worker # transport_factory = create_guest_worker_client_factory(config, worker.ready, worker.exit) transport_factory.noisy = False self._workers[id].factory = transport_factory # now (immediately before actually forking) signal the starting of the worker # starting_info = { 'id': id, 'status': worker.status, 'created': utcstr(worker.created), 'who': worker.who } # the caller gets a progressive result .. if details.progress: details.progress(starting_info) # .. while all others get an event self.publish(starting_topic, starting_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=[details.caller])) # now actually fork the worker .. # if self.debug: log.msg("Starting {} with ID '{}' using command line '{}' ..".format(worker_logname, id, ' '.join(args))) else: log.msg("Starting {} with ID '{}' ..".format(worker_logname, id)) d = ep.connect(transport_factory) def on_connect_success(proto): # this seems to be called immediately when the child process # has been forked. even if it then immediately fails because # e.g. the executable doesn't even exist. in other words, # I'm not sure under what conditions the deferred will # errback - probably only if the forking of a new process fails # at OS level due to out of memory conditions or such. pid = if self.debug: log.msg("Guest worker process connected with PID {}".format(pid)) = pid # proto is an instance of GuestWorkerClientProtocol worker.proto = proto worker.status = 'connected' worker.connected = datetime.utcnow() def on_connect_error(err): # not sure when this errback is triggered at all .. see above. if self.debug: log.msg("ERROR: Connecting forked guest worker failed - {}".format(err)) # in any case, forward the error .. worker.ready.errback(err) d.addCallbacks(on_connect_success, on_connect_error) return worker.ready
def _start_guest_worker(self, worker_id, worker_config, details=None): """ Start a new guest process on this node. :param config: The guest process configuration. :type config: obj :returns: int -- The PID of the new process. """ # prohibit starting a worker twice # if worker_id in self._workers: emsg = "Could not start worker: a worker with ID '{}' is already running (or starting)".format( worker_id) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.worker_already_running', emsg) try: checkconfig.check_guest(worker_config) except Exception as e: raise ApplicationError( u'crossbar.error.invalid_configuration', 'invalid guest worker configuration: {}'.format(e)) options = worker_config.get('options', {}) # guest process working directory # workdir = self._node._cbdir if 'workdir' in options: workdir = os.path.join(workdir, options['workdir']) workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir) # guest process executable and command line arguments # # first try to configure the fully qualified path for the guest # executable by joining workdir and configured exectuable .. exe = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(workdir, worker_config['executable'])) if check_executable(exe): "Using guest worker executable '{exe}' (executable path taken from configuration)", exe=exe) else: # try to detect the fully qualified path for the guest # executable by doing a "which" on the configured executable name exe = which(worker_config['executable']) if exe is not None and check_executable(exe): "Using guest worker executable '{exe}' (executable path detected from environment)", exe=exe) else: emsg = "Could not start worker: could not find and executable for '{}'".format( worker_config['executable']) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.invalid_configuration', emsg) # guest process command line arguments # args = [exe] args.extend(worker_config.get('arguments', [])) # guest process environment # worker_env = create_process_env(options) # log name of worker # worker_logname = 'Guest' # topic URIs used (later) # starting_topic = u'{}.on_guest_starting'.format(self._uri_prefix) started_topic = u'{}.on_guest_started'.format(self._uri_prefix) # add worker tracking instance to the worker map .. # worker = GuestWorkerProcess(self, worker_id, details.caller, keeplog=options.get('traceback', None)) self._workers[worker_id] = worker # create a (custom) process endpoint # ep = WorkerProcessEndpoint(self._node._reactor, exe, args, path=workdir, env=worker_env, worker=worker) # ready handling # def on_ready_success(proto):'{worker_logname} worker "{worker_id}" started', worker_logname=worker_logname, worker.on_worker_started(proto) self._node._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger( 'before', 'shutdown', self._cleanup_worker, self._node._reactor, worker, ) # directory watcher # if 'watch' in options: if HAS_FS_WATCHER: # assemble list of watched directories watched_dirs = [] for d in options['watch'].get('directories', []): watched_dirs.append( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._node._cbdir, d))) worker.watch_timeout = options['watch'].get('timeout', 1) # create a filesystem watcher worker.watcher = FilesystemWatcher( workdir, watched_dirs=watched_dirs) # make sure to stop the watch upon Twisted being shut down def on_shutdown(): worker.watcher.stop() self._node._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger( 'before', 'shutdown', on_shutdown) # this handler will get fired by the watcher upon detecting an FS event def on_filesystem_change(fs_event): worker.watcher.stop() proto.signal('TERM') if options['watch'].get('action', None) == 'restart': "Filesystem watcher detected change {fs_event} - restarting guest in {watch_timeout} seconds ..", fs_event=fs_event, watch_timeout=worker.watch_timeout) # Add a timeout large enough (perhaps add a config option later) self._node._reactor.callLater( worker.watch_timeout, self.start_guest, worker_id, worker_config, details) # Shut the worker down, after the restart event is scheduled # FIXME: all workers should have a stop() method .. # -> 'GuestWorkerProcess' object has no attribute 'stop' # worker.stop() else: "Filesystem watcher detected change {fs_event} - no action taken!", fs_event=fs_event) # now start watching .. worker.watcher.start(on_filesystem_change) else: self.log.warn( "Cannot watch directories for changes - feature not available" ) # assemble guest worker startup information # started_info = { u'id':, u'status': worker.status, u'started': utcstr(worker.started), u'who': worker.who, } self.publish(started_topic, started_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=details.caller)) return started_info def on_ready_error(err): del self._workers[] emsg = 'Failed to start guest worker: {}'.format(err.value) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.cannot_start", emsg, ep.getlog()) worker.ready.addCallbacks(on_ready_success, on_ready_error) def on_exit_success(res):"Guest {worker_id} exited with success", del self._workers[] def on_exit_error(err): self.log.error("Guest {worker_id} exited with error {err.value}",, err=err) del self._workers[] worker.exit.addCallbacks(on_exit_success, on_exit_error) # create a transport factory for talking WAMP to the native worker # transport_factory = create_guest_worker_client_factory( worker_config, worker.ready, worker.exit) transport_factory.noisy = False self._workers[worker_id].factory = transport_factory # now (immediately before actually forking) signal the starting of the worker # starting_info = { u'id': worker_id, u'status': worker.status, u'created': utcstr(worker.created), u'who': worker.who, } # the caller gets a progressive result .. if details.progress: details.progress(starting_info) # .. while all others get an event self.publish(starting_topic, starting_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=details.caller)) # now actually fork the worker .. #'{worker_logname} "{worker_id}" process starting ..', worker_logname=worker_logname, worker_id=worker_id) self.log.debug( '{worker_logname} "{worker_id}" process using command line "{cli}" ..', worker_logname=worker_logname, worker_id=worker_id, cli=' '.join(args)) d = ep.connect(transport_factory) def on_connect_success(proto): # this seems to be called immediately when the child process # has been forked. even if it then immediately fails because # e.g. the executable doesn't even exist. in other words, # I'm not sure under what conditions the deferred will # errback - probably only if the forking of a new process fails # at OS level due to out of memory conditions or such. self.log.debug('{worker_logname} "{worker_id}" connected', worker_logname=worker_logname, worker_id=worker_id) # do not comment this: it will lead to on_worker_started being called # _before_ on_worker_connected, and we don't need it! # worker.on_worker_connected(proto) def on_connect_error(err): # not sure when this errback is triggered at all .. see above. self.log.failure( "Internal error: connection to forked guest worker failed ({log_failure.value})", ) # in any case, forward the error .. worker.ready.errback(err) d.addCallbacks(on_connect_success, on_connect_error) return worker.ready
def start_guest(self, id, config, details=None): """ Start a new guest process on this node. :param config: The guest process configuration. :type config: obj :returns: int -- The PID of the new process. """ # prohibit starting a worker twice # if id in self._workers: emsg = "Could not start worker: a worker with ID '{}' is already running (or starting)".format(id) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.worker_already_running', emsg) try: checkconfig.check_guest(config) except Exception as e: raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.invalid_configuration', 'invalid guest worker configuration: {}'.format(e)) options = config.get('options', {}) # guest process working directory # workdir = self._node._cbdir if 'workdir' in options: workdir = os.path.join(workdir, options['workdir']) workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir) # guest process executable and command line arguments # # first try to configure the fully qualified path for the guest # executable by joining workdir and configured exectuable .. exe = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(workdir, config['executable'])) if check_executable(exe):"Using guest worker executable '{exe}' (executable path taken from configuration)", exe=exe) else: # try to detect the fully qualified path for the guest # executable by doing a "which" on the configured executable name exe = shutil.which(config['executable']) if exe is not None and check_executable(exe):"Using guest worker executable '{exe}' (executable path detected from environment)", exe=exe) else: emsg = "Could not start worker: could not find and executable for '{}'".format(config['executable']) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.invalid_configuration', emsg) # guest process command line arguments # args = [exe] args.extend(config.get('arguments', [])) # guest process environment # worker_env = create_process_env(options) # log name of worker # worker_logname = 'Guest' # topic URIs used (later) # starting_topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.on_guest_starting'.format(self._node_id) started_topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.on_guest_started'.format(self._node_id) # add worker tracking instance to the worker map .. # worker = GuestWorkerProcess(self, id, details.caller, keeplog=options.get('traceback', None)) self._workers[id] = worker # create a (custom) process endpoint # ep = WorkerProcessEndpoint(self._node._reactor, exe, args, path=workdir, env=worker_env, worker=worker) # ready handling # def on_ready_success(proto): = worker.status = 'started' worker.started = datetime.utcnow()"{worker} with ID '{id}' and PID {pid} started", worker=worker_logname,, self._node._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger( 'before', 'shutdown', self._cleanup_worker, self._node._reactor, worker, ) # directory watcher # if 'watch' in options: if HAS_FS_WATCHER: # assemble list of watched directories watched_dirs = [] for d in options['watch'].get('directories', []): watched_dirs.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._node._cbdir, d))) worker.watch_timeout = options['watch'].get('timeout', 1) # create a filesystem watcher worker.watcher = FilesystemWatcher(workdir, watched_dirs=watched_dirs) # make sure to stop the watch upon Twisted being shut down def on_shutdown(): worker.watcher.stop() self._node._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', on_shutdown) # this handler will get fired by the watcher upon detecting an FS event def on_filesystem_change(fs_event): worker.watcher.stop() proto.signal('TERM') if options['watch'].get('action', None) == 'restart':"Filesystem watcher detected change {fs_event} - restarting guest in {watch_timeout} seconds ..", fs_event=fs_event, watch_timeout=worker.watch_timeout) # Add a timeout large enough (perhaps add a config option later) self._node._reactor.callLater(worker.watch_timeout, self.start_guest, id, config, details) # Shut the worker down, after the restart event is scheduled # FIXME: all workers should have a stop() method .. # -> 'GuestWorkerProcess' object has no attribute 'stop' # worker.stop() else:"Filesystem watcher detected change {fs_event} - no action taken!", fs_event=fs_event) # now start watching .. worker.watcher.start(on_filesystem_change) else: self.log.warn("Cannot watch directories for changes - feature not available") # assemble guest worker startup information # started_info = { u'id':, u'status': worker.status, u'started': utcstr(worker.started), u'who': worker.who, } self.publish(started_topic, started_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=details.caller)) return started_info def on_ready_error(err): del self._workers[] emsg = 'Failed to start guest worker: {}'.format(err.value) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.cannot_start", emsg, ep.getlog()) worker.ready.addCallbacks(on_ready_success, on_ready_error) def on_exit_success(res):"Guest {id} exited with success", del self._workers[] def on_exit_error(err): self.log.error("Guest {id} exited with error {err.value}",, err=err) del self._workers[] worker.exit.addCallbacks(on_exit_success, on_exit_error) # create a transport factory for talking WAMP to the native worker # transport_factory = create_guest_worker_client_factory(config, worker.ready, worker.exit) transport_factory.noisy = False self._workers[id].factory = transport_factory # now (immediately before actually forking) signal the starting of the worker # starting_info = { u'id': id, u'status': worker.status, u'created': utcstr(worker.created), u'who': worker.who, } # the caller gets a progressive result .. if details.progress: details.progress(starting_info) # .. while all others get an event self.publish(starting_topic, starting_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=details.caller)) # now actually fork the worker .. #"Starting {worker} with ID '{id}'...", worker=worker_logname, id=id) self.log.debug("{worker} '{id}' using command line '{cli}'...", worker=worker_logname, id=id, cli=' '.join(args)) d = ep.connect(transport_factory) def on_connect_success(proto): # this seems to be called immediately when the child process # has been forked. even if it then immediately fails because # e.g. the executable doesn't even exist. in other words, # I'm not sure under what conditions the deferred will # errback - probably only if the forking of a new process fails # at OS level due to out of memory conditions or such. pid = self.log.debug("Guest worker process connected with PID {pid}", pid=pid) = pid # proto is an instance of GuestWorkerClientProtocol worker.proto = proto worker.status = 'connected' worker.connected = datetime.utcnow() def on_connect_error(err): # not sure when this errback is triggered at all .. see above. self.log.failure( "Internal error: connection to forked guest worker failed ({log_failure.value})", ) # in any case, forward the error .. worker.ready.errback(err) d.addCallbacks(on_connect_success, on_connect_error) return worker.ready
def start_guest(self, id, config, details=None): """ Start a new guest process on this node. :param config: The guest process configuration. :type config: obj :returns: int -- The PID of the new process. """ ## prohibit starting a worker twice ## if id in self._workers: emsg = "ERROR: could not start worker - a worker with ID '{}'' is already running (or starting)".format( id) log.msg(emsg) raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.worker_already_running', emsg) try: checkconfig.check_guest(config) except Exception as e: raise ApplicationError( 'crossbar.error.invalid_configuration', 'invalid guest worker configuration: {}'.format(e)) options = config.get('options', {}) ## guest process executable and command line arguments ## exe = config['executable'] args = [exe] args.extend(config.get('arguments', [])) ## guest process working directory ## workdir = self._node._cbdir if 'workdir' in options: workdir = os.path.join(workdir, options['workdir']) workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir) ## guest process environment ## worker_env = create_process_env(options) ## log name of worker ## worker_logname = 'Guest' ## topic URIs used (later) ## starting_topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.on_guest_starting'.format( self._node_id) started_topic = 'crossbar.node.{}.on_guest_started'.format( self._node_id) ## add worker tracking instance to the worker map .. ## worker = GuestWorkerProcess(self, id, details.authid, keeplog=options.get('traceback', None)) self._workers[id] = worker ## create a (custom) process endpoint ## ep = WorkerProcessEndpoint(self._node._reactor, exe, args, path=workdir, env=worker_env, worker=worker) ## ready handling ## def on_ready_success(proto): = worker.status = 'started' worker.started = datetime.utcnow() log.msg("{} with ID '{}' and PID {} started".format( worker_logname,, ## directory watcher ## if 'watch' in options: if _HAS_FSNOTIFY: ## assemble list of watched directories watched_dirs = [] for d in options['watch'].get('directories', []): watched_dirs.append( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._node._cbdir, d))) ## create a directory watcher worker.watcher = DirWatcher(dirs=watched_dirs, notify_once=True) ## make sure to stop the background thread running inside the ## watcher upon Twisted being shut down def on_shutdown(): worker.watcher.stop() reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', on_shutdown) ## this handler will get fired by the watcher upon detecting an FS event def on_fsevent(evt): worker.watcher.stop() proto.signal('TERM') if options['watch'].get('action', None) == 'restart': log.msg("Restarting guest ..") reactor.callLater(0.1, self.start_guest, id, config, details) ## now run the watcher on a background thread deferToThread(worker.watcher.loop, on_fsevent) else: log.msg( "Warning: cannot watch directory for changes - feature DirWatcher unavailable" ) ## assemble guest worker startup information ## started_info = { 'id':, 'status': worker.status, 'started': utcstr(worker.started), 'who': worker.who } self.publish(started_topic, started_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=[details.caller])) return started_info def on_ready_error(err): del self._workers[] emsg = 'ERROR: failed to start guest worker - {}'.format(err.value) log.msg(emsg) raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.cannot_start", emsg, ep.getlog()) worker.ready.addCallbacks(on_ready_success, on_ready_error) def on_exit_success(res): log.msg("Guest excited with success") del self._workers[] def on_exit_error(err): log.msg("Guest excited with error", err) del self._workers[] worker.exit.addCallbacks(on_exit_success, on_exit_error) ## create a transport factory for talking WAMP to the native worker ## transport_factory = create_guest_worker_client_factory( config, worker.ready, worker.exit) transport_factory.noisy = False self._workers[id].factory = transport_factory ## now (immediately before actually forking) signal the starting of the worker ## starting_info = { 'id': id, 'status': worker.status, 'created': utcstr(worker.created), 'who': worker.who } ## the caller gets a progressive result .. if details.progress: details.progress(starting_info) ## .. while all others get an event self.publish(starting_topic, starting_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=[details.caller])) ## now actually fork the worker .. ## if self.debug: log.msg( "Starting {} with ID '{}' using command line '{}' ..".format( worker_logname, id, ' '.join(args))) else: log.msg("Starting {} with ID '{}' ..".format(worker_logname, id)) d = ep.connect(transport_factory) def on_connect_success(proto): ## this seems to be called immediately when the child process ## has been forked. even if it then immediately fails because ## e.g. the executable doesn't even exist. in other words, ## I'm not sure under what conditions the deferred will ## errback - probably only if the forking of a new process fails ## at OS level due to out of memory conditions or such. pid = if self.debug: log.msg( "Guest worker process connected with PID {}".format(pid)) = pid ## proto is an instance of GuestWorkerClientProtocol worker.proto = proto worker.status = 'connected' worker.connected = datetime.utcnow() def on_connect_error(err): ## not sure when this errback is triggered at all .. see above. if self.debug: log.msg( "ERROR: Connecting forked guest worker failed - {}".format( err)) ## in any case, forward the error .. worker.ready.errback(err) d.addCallbacks(on_connect_success, on_connect_error) return worker.ready
def start_guest(self, id, config, details=None): """ Start a new guest process on this node. :param config: The guest process configuration. :type config: obj :returns: int -- The PID of the new process. """ # prohibit starting a worker twice # if id in self._workers: emsg = "Could not start worker: a worker with ID '{}' is already running (or starting)".format(id) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.worker_already_running", emsg) try: checkconfig.check_guest(config) except Exception as e: raise ApplicationError( u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", "invalid guest worker configuration: {}".format(e) ) options = config.get("options", {}) # guest process working directory # workdir = self._node._cbdir if "workdir" in options: workdir = os.path.join(workdir, options["workdir"]) workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir) # guest process executable and command line arguments # # first try to configure the fully qualified path for the guest # executable by joining workdir and configured exectuable .. exe = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(workdir, config["executable"])) if check_executable(exe):"Using guest worker executable '{exe}' (executable path taken from configuration)", exe=exe) else: # try to detect the fully qualified path for the guest # executable by doing a "which" on the configured executable name exe = shutil.which(config["executable"]) if exe is not None and check_executable(exe): "Using guest worker executable '{exe}' (executable path detected from environment)", exe=exe ) else: emsg = "Could not start worker: could not find and executable for '{}'".format(config["executable"]) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg) # guest process command line arguments # args = [exe] args.extend(config.get("arguments", [])) # guest process environment # worker_env = create_process_env(options) # log name of worker # worker_logname = "Guest" # topic URIs used (later) # starting_topic = "crossbar.node.{}.on_guest_starting".format(self._node_id) started_topic = "crossbar.node.{}.on_guest_started".format(self._node_id) # add worker tracking instance to the worker map .. # worker = GuestWorkerProcess(self, id, details.caller, keeplog=options.get("traceback", None)) self._workers[id] = worker # create a (custom) process endpoint # ep = WorkerProcessEndpoint(self._node._reactor, exe, args, path=workdir, env=worker_env, worker=worker) # ready handling # def on_ready_success(proto): = worker.status = "started" worker.started = datetime.utcnow() "{worker} with ID '{id}' and PID {pid} started", worker=worker_logname,, ) self._node._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger( "before", "shutdown", self._cleanup_worker, self._node._reactor, worker ) # directory watcher # if "watch" in options: if HAS_FSNOTIFY: # assemble list of watched directories watched_dirs = [] for d in options["watch"].get("directories", []): watched_dirs.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._node._cbdir, d))) worker.watch_timeout = options["watch"].get("timeout", 1) # create a directory watcher worker.watcher = DirWatcher(dirs=watched_dirs, notify_once=True) # make sure to stop the background thread running inside the # watcher upon Twisted being shut down def on_shutdown(): worker.watcher.stop() self._node._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger("before", "shutdown", on_shutdown) # this handler will get fired by the watcher upon detecting an FS event def on_fsevent(evt): worker.watcher.stop() proto.signal("TERM") if options["watch"].get("action", None) == "restart":"Restarting guest ..") # Add a timeout large enough (perhaps add a config option later) self._node._reactor.callLater(worker.watch_timeout, self.start_guest, id, config, details) # Shut the worker down, after the restart event is scheduled worker.stop() # now run the watcher on a background thread deferToThread(worker.watcher.loop, on_fsevent) else: self.log.warn("Warning: cannot watch directory for changes - feature DirWatcher unavailable") # assemble guest worker startup information # started_info = { u"id":, u"status": worker.status, u"started": utcstr(worker.started), u"who": worker.who, } self.publish(started_topic, started_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=details.caller)) return started_info def on_ready_error(err): del self._workers[] emsg = "Failed to start guest worker: {}".format(err.value) self.log.error(emsg) raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.cannot_start", emsg, ep.getlog()) worker.ready.addCallbacks(on_ready_success, on_ready_error) def on_exit_success(res):"Guest {id} exited with success", del self._workers[] def on_exit_error(err): self.log.error("Guest {id} exited with error {err.value}",, err=err) del self._workers[] worker.exit.addCallbacks(on_exit_success, on_exit_error) # create a transport factory for talking WAMP to the native worker # transport_factory = create_guest_worker_client_factory(config, worker.ready, worker.exit) transport_factory.noisy = False self._workers[id].factory = transport_factory # now (immediately before actually forking) signal the starting of the worker # starting_info = {u"id": id, u"status": worker.status, u"created": utcstr(worker.created), u"who": worker.who} # the caller gets a progressive result .. if details.progress: details.progress(starting_info) # .. while all others get an event self.publish(starting_topic, starting_info, options=PublishOptions(exclude=details.caller)) # now actually fork the worker .. #"Starting {worker} with ID '{id}'...", worker=worker_logname, id=id) self.log.debug( "{worker} '{id}' using command line '{cli}'...", worker=worker_logname, id=id, cli=" ".join(args) ) d = ep.connect(transport_factory) def on_connect_success(proto): # this seems to be called immediately when the child process # has been forked. even if it then immediately fails because # e.g. the executable doesn't even exist. in other words, # I'm not sure under what conditions the deferred will # errback - probably only if the forking of a new process fails # at OS level due to out of memory conditions or such. pid = self.log.debug("Guest worker process connected with PID {pid}", pid=pid) = pid # proto is an instance of GuestWorkerClientProtocol worker.proto = proto worker.status = "connected" worker.connected = datetime.utcnow() def on_connect_error(err): # not sure when this errback is triggered at all .. see above. self.log.error("Internal error: connection to forked guest worker failed ({})".format(err)) # in any case, forward the error .. worker.ready.errback(err) d.addCallbacks(on_connect_success, on_connect_error) return worker.ready