def poll(self): """ Measure current stats value and return new stats. """ Monitor.poll(self) # create new, empty event # current = { # the UTC timestamp when measurement was taken u'timestamp': utcnow(), # the effective last period in secods u'last_period': self._last_period, } # FIXME: add ratio of ram usage with open("/proc/meminfo") as f: res = new = res.split() new_clean = [x.replace(":", "") for x in new if x != 'kB'] for i in range(0, len(new_clean), 2): k = u'{}'.format(new_clean[i]) current[k] = int(new_clean[i + 1]) self._last_value = current return succeed(self._last_value)
def __init__(self, config=None): Monitor.__init__(self, config) self._cpu_last = None self._processors = {} self._sockets = [] self._physid_to_id = {} self._id_to_physid = {} sockets = {} with open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') as fd: processor_id = None physical_socket_id = None physical_core_id = None for line in fd.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "": self._processors[processor_id] = (physical_socket_id, physical_core_id) if physical_socket_id not in sockets: sockets[physical_socket_id] = [] sockets[physical_socket_id].append(physical_core_id) else: key, value = line.split(':') key = key.strip() value = value.strip() if key == "processor": processor_id = int(value) elif key == "physical id": physical_socket_id = int(value) elif key == "core id": physical_core_id = int(value) i = 0 for pi in sorted(sockets.keys()): cores = [] j = 0 for pj in sorted(sockets[i]): cores.append(pj) self._physid_to_id[(pi, pj)] = (i, j) self._id_to_physid[(i, j)] = (pi, pj) j += 1 self._sockets.append((pi, cores)) i += 1
def __init__(self, config=None): Monitor.__init__(self, config) # Map of process types. self._ptypes = self._config.get(u'process_types', {}) # Process type to map otherwise unmapped processes to. self._ptype_unassigned = self._config.get(u'process_type_unassigned', u'unassigned') # Filter processes by these types. filter_ptypes = self._config.get(u'filter_process_types', None) self._filter_ptypes = set(filter_ptypes) if filter_ptypes else None
def poll(self): """ Measure current stats value and return new stats. """ hdata = Monitor.poll(self) start = perf_counter_ns() devices = {} usage = {} counters = psutil.disk_io_counters(True) for dev in psutil.disk_partitions(): if dev.device.startswith('/dev/loop'): continue key = dev.device.split('/')[-1] if key not in devices: if key in counters: devices[key] = dict(dev._asdict(), **counters[key]._asdict()) else: devices[key] = dev._asdict() usage[key] = psutil.disk_usage(dev.mountpoint)._asdict() hdata['devices'] = devices hdata['usage'] = usage hdata[u'elapsed'] = perf_counter_ns() - start self._last_value = hdata return hdata
def __init__(self, config=None): Monitor.__init__(self, config) self._storage = self._config.get(u'storage', []) # flat list of block devices # self._devices = [] for subsystem in self._storage: for device, _ in subsystem['devices']: self._devices.append(device) # map indexed by device holding last raw (cumulative) values self._last = {} # map indexed by device holding last values (since previous sample) self._values = {} for device in self._devices: self._last[device] = None self._values[device] = None
def poll(self): hdata = Monitor.poll(self) start = perf_counter_ns() hdata['cpu'] = psutil.cpu_times_percent()._asdict() hdata['memory'] = psutil.virtual_memory()._asdict() hdata['loadavg'] = os.getloadavg() # uptime, as all durations, is in ns hdata['uptime'] = int(hdata['timestamp'] - psutil.boot_time() * 10**10) hdata[u'elapsed'] = perf_counter_ns() - start self._last_value = hdata return hdata
def poll(self, sensors=[]): """ Measure current stats value and return new stats. """ hdata = Monitor.poll(self) start = perf_counter_ns() hdata['io_counters'] = self._process.io_counters()._asdict() hdata['cpu_times'] = self._process.cpu_times()._asdict() a = round(((self._process.cpu_times().user + self._process.cpu_times().system) * 100) / (time.time() - self._process.create_time()), 3) hdata['percent'] = a for sensor in sensors: hdata[sensor.ID] = sensor._elapsed hdata[u'elapsed'] = perf_counter_ns() - start self._last_value = hdata return hdata
def poll(self): """ Measure current stats value and return new stats. """ hdata = Monitor.poll(self) start = perf_counter_ns() counters = {} io_counters = psutil.net_io_counters(True) for dev in io_counters: if dev.startswith('virbr') or dev.startswith( 'lo') or dev.startswith('docker'): continue counters[dev] = io_counters[dev]._asdict() hdata['net_io_counters'] = counters hdata['net_if_addrs'] = psutil.net_if_addrs() hdata[u'elapsed'] = perf_counter_ns() - start self._last_value = hdata return hdata
def poll(self): """ Measure current stats value and return new stats. """ hdata = Monitor.poll(self) start = perf_counter_ns() battery = None bat = psutil.sensors_battery() if bat: battery = bat._asdict() fans = [] for key, val in (psutil.sensors_fans() or {}).items(): for item in val: item = item._asdict() item['device'] = key fans.append(item) temperatures = [] for key, val in (psutil.sensors_temperatures() or {}).items(): for item in val: item = item._asdict() item['device'] = key temperatures.append(item) hdata['battery'] = battery hdata['fans'] = fans hdata['temperatures'] = temperatures hdata[u'elapsed'] = perf_counter_ns() - start self._last_value = hdata return hdata
def __init__(self, config=None): Monitor.__init__(self, config) self._process = psutil.Process()
def poll(self): """ Measure current stats value and return new stats. """ Monitor.poll(self) return deferToThread(self._poll)
def poll(self): """ Measure current stats value and return new stats. """ Monitor.poll(self) # create new, empty event # current = { # the UTC timestamp when measurement was taken u'timestamp': utcnow(), # the effective last period in secods u'last_period': self._last_period, # storage subsystem measurements u'subsystems': [] } # normalize with effective period diff = self._last_period or 1. # get IO stats per device from procfs (/sys/block/<device>/stat) # see: # for device in self._devices: with open('/sys/block/{}/stat'.format(device)) as fd: res = new = [int(s.strip()) for s in res.split()] if not self._last[device]: self._last[device] = new last = self._last[device] self._values[device] = { u'read_ios': int((new[0] - last[0]) / diff), u'read_merges': int((new[1] - last[1]) / diff), u'read_bytes': int(512 * (new[2] - last[2]) / diff), u'read_ticks': int((new[3] - last[3]) / diff), u'write_ios': int((new[4] - last[4]) / diff), u'write_merges': int((new[5] - last[5]) / diff), u'write_bytes': int(512 * (new[6] - last[6]) / diff), u'write_ticks': int((new[7] - last[7]) / diff), u'in_flight': new[8], u'io_ticks': int((new[9] - last[9]) / diff), u'time_in_queue': int((new[10] - last[10]) / diff) } self._last[device] = new # transform raw measurements into target event structure # for subsys in self._storage: subsystem = {u'id': subsys[u'id'], u'devices': []} for device_id, device_label in subsys[u'devices']: values = self._values[device_id] device = { u'id': device_id, u'type': device_label, u'read_ios': values['read_ios'], u'read_bytes': values['read_bytes'], u'read_ms': values['read_ticks'], u'write_ios': values['write_ios'], u'write_bytes': values['write_bytes'], u'write_ms': values['write_ticks'], u'in_flight': values['in_flight'], u'active_ms': values['io_ticks'], u'wait_ms': values['time_in_queue'], } subsystem[u'devices'].append(device) current[u'subsystems'].append(subsystem) self._last_value = current return self._last_value
def __init__(self, config=None): Monitor.__init__(self, config)
def poll(self): """ Measure current stats value and return new stats. """ Monitor.poll(self) # create new, empty event # current = { # the UTC timestamp when measurement was taken u'timestamp': utcnow(), # the effective last period in secods u'last_period': self._last_period, # readings per CPU socket u'sockets': [] } # fill in per-socket/per-core structures # for i in range(len(self._sockets)): socket = { # sequentially numbered socket ID u'id': i, # physical socket ID u'physical_id': self._sockets[i][0], # CPU socket temperature u'temperature': None, # CPU cores on this socket u'cores': [] } for j in range(len(self._sockets[i][1])): core = { # sequentially numbered core ID u'id': j, # physical core ID on this socket u'physical_id': self._sockets[i][1][j], # CPU core load u'user': None, u'system': None, u'nice': None, u'idle': None, u'iowait': None, u'irq': None, u'softirq': None, u'steal': None, u'total': None, # CPU core frequency u'frequency': None, # CPU core temperature u'temperature': None } socket[u'cores'].append(core) current[u'sockets'].append(socket) # get current CPU load (via psutil) # cpu_now = psutil.cpu_times(percpu=True) if not self._cpu_last: self._cpu_last = cpu_now else: for i in range(len(cpu_now)): socket_id, core_id = self._physid_to_id[self._processors[i]] core = current[u'sockets'][socket_id][u'cores'][core_id] digits = 8 # CPU core load stats core[u'user'] = round(cpu_now[i].user - self._cpu_last[i].user, digits) core[u'system'] = round( cpu_now[i].system - self._cpu_last[i].system, digits) core[u'nice'] = round(cpu_now[i].nice - self._cpu_last[i].nice, digits) core[u'idle'] = round(cpu_now[i].idle - self._cpu_last[i].idle, digits) core[u'iowait'] = round( cpu_now[i].iowait - self._cpu_last[i].iowait, digits) core[u'irq'] = round(cpu_now[i].irq - self._cpu_last[i].irq, digits) core[u'softirq'] = round( cpu_now[i].softirq - self._cpu_last[i].softirq, digits) core[u'steal'] = round( cpu_now[i].steal - self._cpu_last[i].steal, digits) # total CPU core load (= user + nice + system) core[u'total'] = round( (cpu_now[i].user + cpu_now[i].nice + cpu_now[i].system) - (self._cpu_last[i].user + self._cpu_last[i].nice + self._cpu_last[i].system), digits) # normalize with effective period diff = self._last_period or 1. for k in core: if (k != 'id' and k != 'physical_id' and k != 'frequency' and k != 'temperature'): core[k] = round(core[k] / diff, digits) self._cpu_last = cpu_now # get current CPU frequency (from procfs) # with open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') as fd: physical_socket_id = None physical_core_id = None frequency = None for line in fd.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "": socket_id, core_id = self._physid_to_id[( physical_socket_id, physical_core_id)] core = current[u'sockets'][socket_id][u'cores'][core_id] core[u'frequency'] = frequency else: key, value = line.split(':') key = key.strip() value = value.strip() if key == "physical id": physical_socket_id = int(value) elif key == "core id": physical_core_id = int(value) elif key == "cpu MHz": frequency = float(value) # get current CPU temperature (via /usr/bin/sensors) # res = yield getProcessOutput('/usr/bin/sensors') physical_socket_id = None physical_core_id = None # socket_temperature = None core_temperature = -1 for line in res.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "": pass else: if line.startswith("Physical"): key, value = line.split(':') match = self._PATH_SENSORS_PHYS_SOCKET_ID.match(key) if match: physical_socket_id = int(match.groups()[0]) value = value.strip() # socket_temperature = float(value[1:5]) elif line.startswith("Core"): key, value = line.split(':') match = self._PATH_SENSORS_PHYS_CORE_ID.match(key) if match: physical_core_id = int(match.groups()[0]) value = value.strip() core_temperature = float(value[1:5]) socket_id, core_id = self._physid_to_id[( physical_socket_id, physical_core_id)] core = current[u'sockets'][socket_id][u'cores'][ core_id] core[u'temperature'] = core_temperature self._last_value = current returnValue(self._last_value)