Example #1
def grantAllRoles(ofile, cursor):
    query = ( "select role_name, granted_to, grantee_name, granted_by from " + 
    '"' + crossrep.tb_pcrl + '"' + " where role_name != 'PUBLIC' and "
    " (role_name not in ('ACCOUNTADMIN', 'SECURITYADMIN','SYSADMIN')  OR grantee_name not in ('ACCOUNTADMIN', 'SECURITYADMIN','SYSADMIN', 'PUBLIC') ) " +
    " order by role_name ,granted_to, grantee_name ")

    # SNOW-84205 do not use assigned_to_users data
    query = ( "select role_name, granted_to, grantee_name, granted_by from " + 
    tbgrants + " where role_name in " + 
    "(select role_name from " + tbroles + " where granted_roles != 0 or assigned_to_users != 0 ) " +
    "   and role_name != 'PUBLIC' and "
    " (role_name not in ('ACCOUNTADMIN', 'SECURITYADMIN','SYSADMIN')  OR grantee_name not in ('ACCOUNTADMIN', 'SECURITYADMIN','SYSADMIN', 'PUBLIC') ) " +
    " order by role_name ,granted_to, grantee_name ")
    if crossrep.verbose == True:
    rec = cursor.fetchall()
    for r in rec:
        role_name = r[0]
        granted_to = r[1]
        grantee_name = r[2]
        granted_by = r[3]
        if role_name.isdigit() == True or grantee_name.isdigit() == True:
        if crossrep.hasSpecial(role_name):
            role_name = '"'+role_name+'"'
        if crossrep.hasSpecial(grantee_name):
            role_name = '"'+grantee_name+'"'
        grantSQL = 'GRANT ROLE ' + role_name + ' TO '+ granted_to + ' ' + grantee_name  
        if crossrep.verbose == True:
Example #2
def quoteID(id):
    if re.search(r'[a-z]', id) or ' ' in id or crossrep.isKeywords(id)==True or crossrep.hasSpecial(id)==True:
        if re.match(r'^[^"]',id):
            return '"%s"' % id
            return id
    else :
        return id
Example #3
def grantTargetRole(ofile, cursor):
    trole = crossrep.getEnv('TARGET_ROLE')
    query = ("select distinct role from "+crossrep.tb_priv+" where priv = 'OWNERSHIP' and role != 'PUBLIC' order by role")
    rec = cursor.fetchall()
    for r in rec:
        rname = r[0]
        if crossrep.hasSpecial(rname):
            rname = '"' + rname + '"'
        ofile.write('GRANT ROLE '+ rname + ' TO ROLE ' + trole + ';\n')
Example #4
def genRoleDDL( ofile, cursor):
    role_name = None
    comment = None
    ofile.write("use role securityadmin;\n")
    query = "select role_name, comments from "+ crossrep.tb_role + " where role_name not in ('ACCOUNTADMIN','SECURITYADMIN','SYSADMIN','PUBLIC') order by role_name  "
    rec = cursor.fetchall()
    for r in rec:
        role_name = r[0]
        if crossrep.hasSpecial(role_name) == True:
            role_name = "\"" + role_name + "\""
            if crossrep.verbose==True:
                print(' role name: ' + role_name)

        comment = r[1]  
        if role_name.isdigit()==True:
        croleSQL = "CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS " + role_name 
        if not crossrep.isBlank (comment ):
              croleSQL = croleSQL + ' comment =  "' + comment + '"'
Example #5
def genUserDDL(options, ofile, cursor):
    user_name = None
    login_name = None
    display_name = None
    first_name = None
    last_name = None
    email = None
    mins_to_unlock = None
    days_to_expiry = None
    comment = None
    query = ( "select user_name,login_name,display_name,first_name,last_name,email,mins_to_unlock,days_to_expiry,comment, "+ 
    "   must_change_password, snowflake_lock,  default_warehouse, default_namespace,  default_role from " + crossrep.tb_user + " order by user_name ")
        #" from " + tbusers+ " where disabled = false order by owner, user_name "
    ofile.write("use role securityadmin;\n")
    rec = cursor.fetchall()
    for r in rec:
        #user_name = quoteID(r[0])
        user_name = r[0]
        login_name = r[1]
        display_name = r[2]
        first_name = r[3]
        last_name = r[4]
        email = r[5]
        mins_to_unlock = r[6]
        days_to_expiry = r[7]
        comment = r[8]  
        must_change_password = r[9] 
        default_warehouse = r[11] 
        default_namespace = r[12]   
        default_role = r[13] 
        if user_name.isdigit() == True:
        if crossrep.hasSpecial(user_name) == True:
            user_name = "\"" + user_name + "\"" 
            if crossrep.verbose==True:
                print(' user name: ' + user_name)
        cuserSQL = "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS " + user_name 
        if not crossrep.isBlank (login_name) :
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + " login_name='" + login_name + "'"
        if not crossrep.isBlank (display_name ):
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + " display_name='" + display_name + "'"
        if not crossrep.isBlank (first_name ):
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + " first_name='" + first_name + "'"
        if not crossrep.isBlank (last_name ):
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + " last_name='" + last_name + "'"
        if not crossrep.isBlank (email ):
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + " email='" + email + "'"
        if not crossrep.isBlank (mins_to_unlock ):
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + " mins_to_unlock=" + mins_to_unlock 
        if not crossrep.isBlank (days_to_expiry ):
            days_to_expiry = str(int(float(days_to_expiry)))
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + " days_to_expiry=" + days_to_expiry 
        if not crossrep.isBlank (comment ):
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + ' comment=\'' + comment + '\''
        if not crossrep.isBlank (default_warehouse ):
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + ' default_warehouse=\'' + default_warehouse + '\''
        if not crossrep.isBlank (default_namespace ):
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + ' default_namespace=\'' + default_namespace + '\''
        if not crossrep.isBlank (default_role ):
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + ' default_role=\'' + default_role + '\''
        if crossrep.verbose == True:
        if options == 'samepwd':
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + " password='******'  MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD=TRUE "
        elif options == 'randpwd':
            pwd = crossrep.genPWD()
            cuserSQL = cuserSQL + " password='******' MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD=TRUE "