def test_with_both_as_positional(self):
     numbered_cell = NumberedCell(4, 3, 2, 12, 46)
     expected = "NumberedCell(seq=4,r=3,c=2,a=12,d=46)"
     actual = str(numbered_cell)
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
     self.assertEqual(12, numbered_cell.a)
     self.assertEqual(46, numbered_cell.d)
 def test_just_r_and_c(self):
     numbered_cell = NumberedCell(1, 3, 2)
     expected = "NumberedCell(seq=1,r=3,c=2)"
     actual = str(numbered_cell)
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
     self.assertEqual(0, numbered_cell.a)
     self.assertEqual(0, numbered_cell.d)
 def test_with_d(self):
     numbered_cell = NumberedCell(45, 3, 2, d=46)
     expected = "NumberedCell(seq=45,r=3,c=2,d=46)"
     actual = str(numbered_cell)
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
     self.assertEqual(0, numbered_cell.a)
     self.assertEqual(46, numbered_cell.d)
 def test_with_both(self):
     numbered_cell = NumberedCell(22, 3, 2, d=46, a=12)
     expected = "NumberedCell(seq=22,r=3,c=2,a=12,d=46)"
     actual = str(numbered_cell)
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
     self.assertEqual(12, numbered_cell.a)
     self.assertEqual(46, numbered_cell.d)
 def test_with_a(self):
     numbered_cell = NumberedCell(1, 3, 2, a=4)
     expected = "NumberedCell(seq=1,r=3,c=2,a=4)"
     actual = str(numbered_cell)
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
     self.assertEqual(4, numbered_cell.a)
     self.assertEqual(0, numbered_cell.d)
 def test_from_json(self):
     jsonstr = '{"seq": 17, "r": 3, "c": 2, "a": 4}'
     nc = NumberedCell.from_json(jsonstr)
     self.assertEqual(17, nc.seq)
     self.assertEqual(3, nc.r)
     self.assertEqual(2, nc.c)
     self.assertEqual(4, nc.a)
     self.assertEqual(0, nc.d)
Example #7
    def get_numbered_cells(self):
        """ Finds list of all cells that start a word """

        # If already calculated, return that (lazy instantiation)
        if self.numbered_cells:
            return self.numbered_cells

        # Otherwise calculate and store
        n = self.n
        nclist = []
        for r in range(1, n + 1):
            for c in range(1, n + 1):

                # Ignore black cells
                if self.is_black_cell(r, c):

                # See if this is the start of an "across" word
                a = 0
                if c == 1 or self.is_black_cell(r, c - 1):

                    # This is the beginning of an "across" word
                    # Find the (r, c) of the stopping point, which is either
                    # the next black cell, or the edge of the puzzle
                    for cprime in range(c + 1, n + 1):
                        if self.is_black_cell(r, cprime):
                            a = cprime - c
                        if cprime == n:
                            a = cprime + 1 - c
                if a < 2:
                    a = 0

                # Same for "down" word
                d = 0
                if r == 1 or self.is_black_cell(r - 1, c):

                    # This is the beginning of a "down" word
                    # Find the (r, c) of the stopping point, which is either
                    # the next black cell, or the edge of the puzzle
                    for rprime in range(r + 1, n + 1):
                        if self.is_black_cell(rprime, c):
                            d = rprime - r
                        if rprime == n:
                            d = rprime + 1 - r
                if d < 2:
                    d = 0

                if a or d:
                    seq = 1 + len(nclist)
                    numbered_cell = NumberedCell(seq, r, c, a=a, d=d)

        self.numbered_cells = nclist
        return nclist
    def test_new_grid(self):
        puzzle = TestPuzzle.create_solved_atlantic_puzzle()
        oldjson = puzzle.to_json()
        grid = Grid.from_json(puzzle.to_json())
        grid.add_black_cell(4, 4)
        newjson = puzzle.to_json()

        import json
        old = json.loads(oldjson)
        new = json.loads(newjson)

        # Compare black cells
        self.assertIn([4, 4], new['black_cells'])
        self.assertIn([6, 6], new['black_cells'])
        new['black_cells'].remove([4, 4])
        new['black_cells'].remove([6, 6])
        self.assertListEqual(old['black_cells'], new['black_cells'])

        # Compare numbered cells
        expected = [
            NumberedCell(seq=1, r=1, c=1, a=3, d=4),
            NumberedCell(seq=2, r=1, c=2, a=0, d=4),
            NumberedCell(seq=3, r=1, c=3, a=0, d=9),
            NumberedCell(seq=4, r=1, c=6, a=4, d=5),
            NumberedCell(seq=5, r=1, c=7, a=0, d=9),
            NumberedCell(seq=6, r=1, c=8, a=0, d=4),
            NumberedCell(seq=7, r=1, c=9, a=0, d=3),
            NumberedCell(seq=8, r=2, c=1, a=4, d=0),
            NumberedCell(seq=9, r=2, c=4, a=0, d=2),
            NumberedCell(seq=10, r=2, c=6, a=4, d=0),
            NumberedCell(seq=11, r=3, c=1, a=9, d=0),
            NumberedCell(seq=12, r=3, c=5, a=0, d=5),
            NumberedCell(seq=13, r=4, c=1, a=3, d=0),
            NumberedCell(seq=14, r=4, c=5, a=4, d=0),
            NumberedCell(seq=15, r=5, c=3, a=5, d=0),
            NumberedCell(seq=16, r=5, c=4, a=0, d=5),
            NumberedCell(seq=17, r=6, c=2, a=4, d=4),
            NumberedCell(seq=18, r=6, c=7, a=3, d=0),
            NumberedCell(seq=19, r=6, c=8, a=0, d=4),
            NumberedCell(seq=20, r=6, c=9, a=0, d=4),
            NumberedCell(seq=21, r=7, c=1, a=9, d=3),
            NumberedCell(seq=22, r=7, c=6, a=0, d=2),
            NumberedCell(seq=23, r=8, c=1, a=4, d=0),
            NumberedCell(seq=24, r=8, c=6, a=4, d=0),
            NumberedCell(seq=25, r=9, c=1, a=4, d=0),
            NumberedCell(seq=26, r=9, c=7, a=3, d=0),
        actual = []
        for x in new['numbered_cells']:
            jsonstr = json.dumps(x)
            nc = NumberedCell.from_json(jsonstr)
        self.assertListEqual(expected, actual)

        # Compare clues

        oldclues = {
            x['text']: x['clue']
            for x in old['across_words'] + old['down_words']
        newclues = {
            x['text']: x['clue']
            for x in new['across_words'] + new['down_words']
        for k, v in newclues.items():
            if k in oldclues:
                oldclue = oldclues[k]
                self.assertEqual(oldclue, newclues[k])
 def notest_print_json(self):
     nc = NumberedCell(17, 3, 2, 4, 5)
     print(f"DEBUG: json={nc.to_json()}")
Example #10
 def test_json_round_trip(self):
     nc1 = NumberedCell(17, 3, 2, 4, 5)
     jsonstr = nc1.to_json()
     nc2 = NumberedCell.from_json(jsonstr)
     self.assertEqual(nc1, nc2)
Example #11
 def test_to_json(self):
     nc = NumberedCell(17, 3, 2, 4, 5)
     expected = '{"seq": 17, "r": 3, "c": 2, "a": 4, "d": 5}'
     actual = nc.to_json()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Example #12
 def test_hash(self):
     nc1 = NumberedCell(4, 3, 2, 12, 46)
Example #13
 def test_equals_when_equal(self):
     nca = NumberedCell(17, 3, 2, 4, 5)
     ncb = NumberedCell(17, 3, 2, 3 + 1, 4 + 1)
     self.assertEqual(nca, ncb)
Example #14
 def test_both(self):
     self.assertIn(NumberedCell(15, 6, 2, 8, 4), self.nclist)
Example #15
 def test_down_only(self):
     self.assertIn(NumberedCell(5, 1, 7, 0, 9), self.nclist)
Example #16
 def test_across_only(self):
     self.assertIn(NumberedCell(8, 2, 1, 4, 0), self.nclist)
     self.assertIn(NumberedCell(22, 9, 7, 3, 0), self.nclist)