Example #1
    def test_logging(self):
        # Assert initialization resets comm.get() stats
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_rounds, 0)
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_bytes, 0)

        # Test verbosity True setting and logging
        sizes = [(), (1,), (5,), (5, 5), (5, 5, 5)]

        # Test send / recv:
        for size in sizes:
            tensor = get_random_test_tensor(size=size, is_float=False)

            # Send forward, receive backward
            dst = (self.rank + 1) % self.world_size
            src = (self.rank - 1) % self.world_size

            if self.rank == 0:
                comm.get().send(tensor, dst=dst)
            tensor = comm.get().recv(tensor, src=src)
            if self.rank > 0:
                comm.get().send(tensor, dst=dst)

            self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_rounds, 2)
            self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_bytes, tensor.numel() * 8 * 2)

        # Test all other ops:
        ops = ["all_reduce", "all_gather", "broadcast", "gather", "reduce", "scatter"]
        for size in sizes:
            for op in ops:
                tensor = get_random_test_tensor(size=size, is_float=False)
                bytes = tensor.numel() * 8

                # Setup op-specific kwargs / inputs
                args = ()
                if op in ["gather", "reduce"]:
                    args = (0,)  # dst arg
                if op == "broadcast":
                    args = (0,)  # dst arg
                if op == "scatter":
                    tensor = [tensor] * self.world_size
                    args = (0,)  # src arg

                tensor = getattr(comm.get(), op)(tensor, *args)
                self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_rounds, 1)
                self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_bytes, bytes * (self.world_size - 1))

        # Test reset_communication_stats
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_rounds, 0)
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_bytes, 0)

        # Test verbosity False setting and no logging
        tensor = get_random_test_tensor(size=size, is_float=False)
        tensor = comm.get().broadcast(tensor, src=0)
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_rounds, 0)
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_bytes, 0)
    def test_logging(self):
        # Assert initialization resets comm.get() stats
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_rounds, 0)
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_bytes, 0)

        # Test verbosity True setting and logging
        cfg.communicator.verbose = True
        sizes = [(), (1,), (5,), (5, 5), (5, 5, 5)]

        # Test send / recv:
        for size in sizes:
            tensor = get_random_test_tensor(size=size, is_float=False)

            # Send forward, receive backward
            dst = (self.rank + 1) % self.world_size
            src = (self.rank - 1) % self.world_size

            if self.rank == 0:
                comm.get().send(tensor, dst=dst)
            tensor = comm.get().recv(tensor, src=src)
            if self.rank > 0:
                comm.get().send(tensor, dst=dst)

            self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_rounds, 2)
            self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_bytes, tensor.numel() * 8 * 2)

        # Test all other ops:
        ops = ["all_reduce", "all_gather", "broadcast", "gather", "reduce", "scatter"]
        for size in sizes:
            for op in ops:
                tensor = get_random_test_tensor(size=size, is_float=False)
                nbytes = tensor.numel() * 8

                # Setup op-specific kwargs / inputs
                args = ()
                if op in ["gather", "reduce"]:
                    args = (0,)  # dst arg
                if op == "broadcast":
                    args = (0,)  # dst arg
                if op == "scatter":
                    tensor = [tensor] * self.world_size
                    args = (0,)  # src arg

                tensor = getattr(comm.get(), op)(tensor, *args)
                self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_rounds, 1)
                if op in ["all_reduce", "all_gather"]:
                    reference = 2 * nbytes * (self.world_size - 1)
                    reference = nbytes * (self.world_size - 1)
                self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_bytes, reference)

        # Test reset_communication_stats
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_rounds, 0)
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_bytes, 0)

        # test retrieving communication stats:
        stats = comm.get().get_communication_stats()
        self.assertIsInstance(stats, dict)
        for key in ["rounds", "bytes", "time"]:
            self.assertIn(key, stats)
            self.assertEqual(stats[key], 0)

        # Test verbosity False setting and no logging
        cfg.communicator.verbose = False
        tensor = get_random_test_tensor(size=size, is_float=False)
        tensor = comm.get().broadcast(tensor, 0)
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_rounds, 0)
        self.assertEqual(comm.get().comm_bytes, 0)