Example #1
def decodeFirstPass(stream):
  decimal_num = []
  for symbol in stream:
    if symbol == ' ':
      yield chr(int(tools.concat(decimal_num)))
  if len(decimal_num) > 0:
    yield chr(int(tools.concat(decimal_num)))
# Test the polyalphabetic analysis module

from cryptoamino import tools
from cryptoamino.analysis import characterisation
from cryptoamino.analysis import polyalphabetic
from cryptoamino.cipher.vigenere import Vigenere

# Test the likely substitution periods detector

# Any periodic polyalphabetic cipher
cipher = Vigenere(tools.add, tools.subtract)

# Test case
plaintext = ("assdassddadsdasdasddddsadasdsdasdsdasdsassssdaasdsd" +
             "asdddsasasdsdsdsssasdasdadssssdasdaasdasdassssdadad" +
key = "udgnshb"
correct_period = len(key)
ciphertext = tools.concat(cipher.encrypt(plaintext))

# Run the detector
detected = polyalphabetic.likely_substitution_periods(ciphertext, 2, 16)
print("Periods detected:", detected)
if detected[0] != correct_period:
    raise Exception("Likely substitution period detector failed.")
Example #3
from cryptoamino import tools
from cryptoamino.encoding import *

encodings = [

    # G.I.O.I. 1 encoding
    (gioi1.Gioi1(), "Some ascii text will do it!")

for codec, sample in encodings:
    encoded = list(codec.encode(sample))
    print("{0} -> {1}".format(sample, tools.concat(encoded)))
    sample2 = tools.concat(codec.decode(encoded))
    if list(sample2) != list(sample):
        raise Exception(
            "Encoding failed: sample {0} was decoded to {1}".format(
                sample, sample2))
Example #4
from cryptoamino.analysis import characterisation
from cryptoamino.analysis import distribution
from cryptoamino.cipher.vigenere import *
from cryptoamino import tools

# Brute Force test, using a cipher

# Test case
cipher = Vigenere(tools.add, tools.subtract)
plaintext = tools.normalise_text(
correct_key = "ht"
ciphertext = tools.concat(cipher.encrypt(plaintext))

# Prepare the attack
keys = itertools.product(tools.letters, repeat=2)
quadgram_freq = distribution.freq(characterisation.quads(plaintext))
text_fitness = characterisation.quadgram_scorer(quadgram_freq)

def key_fitness(key):
    return text_fitness(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext))

# Perform the attack
recovered_key = tools.concat(
    heuristic.brute_force(keys=keys, fitness=key_fitness))
Example #5
from cryptoamino.cipher import *
from cryptoamino import tools

# Get a random letter substitution
shuffled_letters = list(tools.letters).copy()
random_substitution = {a: b for a, b in zip(tools.letters, shuffled_letters)}

ciphers = [

    # Simple substitution over lowercase letters, ignoring other symbols.
    (simple_substitution.SimpleSubstitution(), random_substitution,
     "plaintext plaintext plaintext"),

    # Vigenere over lowercase letters only.
                       tools.subtract), "key", "plaintextplaintextglorp")

# Run all ciphers in encrypt then decrypt mode to ensure they completely undo
# themselves.
for cipher, key, plaintext in ciphers:
    ciphertext = tools.concat(cipher.encrypt(plaintext))
    print("{0} -> {1}".format(plaintext, tools.concat(ciphertext)))
    plaintext2 = tools.concat(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext))
    if plaintext2 != plaintext:
        raise Exception(
            "Cipher failed: plaintext {0} was decrypted to {1}".format(
                plaintext, plaintext2))
Example #6
def decodeSecondPass(stream):
  for hex_num in tools.group(stream, 2):
    yield chr(int(tools.concat(hex_num), 16))