def _compress(block, state, printdebug):
    # Check argument types and lengths
    assert isinstance(block, tuple) and len(block) == _BLOCK_SIZE
    assert isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) == 4

    # Pack block bytes into schedule as uint32 in little endian
    schedule = [0] * 16
    for (i, b) in enumerate(block):
        assert 0 <= b <= 0xFF
        schedule[i // 4] |= b << ((i % 4) * 8)

    # Unpack state into variables; each one is a uint32
    a, b, c, d = state

    # Perform 48 rounds of hashing
    for i in range(48):
        # Compute f value, schedule index, and addition constant based on the round index i
        if printdebug:
                f"        Round {i:2d}: a={a:08X}, b={b:08X}, c={c:08X}, d={d:08X}"
        if i < 16:
            f = (b & c) | (~b & d)
            k = i
            add = 0x00000000
        elif i < 32:
            f = (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d)
            k = ((i & 0x3) << 2) | ((i & 0xC) >> 2)
            add = 0x5A827999
            f = b ^ c ^ d
            k = ((i >> 3) & 0x1) | ((i >> 1) & 0x2) | ((i << 1) & 0x4) | (
                (i << 3) & 0x8)  # Last 4 bits reversed
            add = 0x6ED9EBA1

        # Perform the round calculation
        rot = _ROTATION_AMOUNTS[((i >> 2) & 0xC) | (i & 0x3)]
        temp = (a + f + schedule[k] + add) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK
        temp = cryptocommon.rotate_left_uint32(temp, rot)
        a = d
        d = c
        c = b
        b = temp

    # Return new state as a tuple
    return ((state[0] + a) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
            (state[1] + b) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
            (state[2] + c) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
            (state[3] + d) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK)
Example #2
def _compress(block, state, printdebug):
    # Check argument types and lengths
    assert type(block) == tuple and len(block) == _BLOCK_SIZE
    assert type(state) == tuple and len(state) == 4

    # Pack block bytes into schedule as uint32 in little endian
    schedule = [0] * 16
    for (i, b) in enumerate(block):
        assert 0 <= b <= 0xFF
        schedule[i // 4] |= b << ((i % 4) * 8)

    # Unpack state into variables; each one is a uint32
    a, b, c, d = state

    # Perform 64 rounds of hashing
    for i in range(len(_ROUND_CONSTANTS)):
        # Compute f value and schedule index based on the round index i
        if printdebug:
                "        Round {:2d}: a={:08X}, b={:08X}, c={:08X}, d={:08X}".
                format(i, a, b, c, d))
        if i < 16:
            f = (b & c) | (~b & d)
            k = i
        elif i < 32:
            f = (d & b) | (~d & c)
            k = (5 * i + 1) % 16
        elif i < 48:
            f = b ^ c ^ d
            k = (3 * i + 5) % 16
            f = c ^ (b | ~d)
            k = (7 * i) % 16

        # Perform the round calculation
        rot = _ROTATION_AMOUNTS[((i >> 2) & 0xC) | (i & 0x3)]
        temp = (a + f + schedule[k] +
                _ROUND_CONSTANTS[i]) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK
        temp = cryptocommon.rotate_left_uint32(temp, rot)
        a = d
        d = c
        c = b
        b = (b + temp) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK

    # Return new state as a tuple
    return ((state[0] + a) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
            (state[1] + b) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
            (state[2] + c) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
            (state[3] + d) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK)
def _compress(block, state, printdebug):
	# Check argument types and lengths
	assert isinstance(block, tuple) and len(block) == _BLOCK_SIZE
	assert isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) == 4
	# Pack block bytes into schedule as uint32 in little endian
	schedule = [0] * 16
	for (i, b) in enumerate(block):
		assert 0 <= b <= 0xFF
		schedule[i // 4] |= b << ((i % 4) * 8)
	# Unpack state into variables; each one is a uint32
	a, b, c, d = state
	# Perform 48 rounds of hashing
	for i in range(48):
		# Compute f value, schedule index, and addition constant based on the round index i
		if printdebug: print("        Round {:2d}: a={:08X}, b={:08X}, c={:08X}, d={:08X}".format(i, a, b, c, d))
		if i < 16:
			f = (b & c) | (~b & d)
			k = i
			add = 0x00000000
		elif i < 32:
			f = (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d)
			k = ((i & 0x3) << 2) | ((i & 0xC) >> 2)
			add = 0x5A827999
			f = b ^ c ^ d
			k = ((i >> 3) & 0x1) | ((i >> 1) & 0x2) | ((i << 1) & 0x4) | ((i << 3) & 0x8)  # Last 4 bits reversed
			add = 0x6ED9EBA1
		# Perform the round calculation
		rot = _ROTATION_AMOUNTS[((i >> 2) & 0xC) | (i & 0x3)]
		temp = (a + f + schedule[k] + add) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK
		temp = cryptocommon.rotate_left_uint32(temp, rot)
		a = d
		d = c
		c = b
		b = temp
	# Return new state as a tuple
	return (
		(state[0] + a) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
		(state[1] + b) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
		(state[2] + c) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
		(state[3] + d) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK)
def _compress(block, state, printdebug):
	# Check argument types and lengths
	assert isinstance(block, tuple) and len(block) == _BLOCK_SIZE
	assert isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) == 4
	# Pack block bytes into schedule as uint32 in little endian
	schedule = [0] * 16
	for (i, b) in enumerate(block):
		assert 0 <= b <= 0xFF
		schedule[i // 4] |= b << ((i % 4) * 8)
	# Unpack state into variables; each one is a uint32
	a, b, c, d = state
	# Perform 64 rounds of hashing
	for i in range(len(_ROUND_CONSTANTS)):
		# Compute f value and schedule index based on the round index i
		if printdebug: print("        Round {:2d}: a={:08X}, b={:08X}, c={:08X}, d={:08X}".format(i, a, b, c, d))
		if i < 16:
			f = (b & c) | (~b & d)
			k = i
		elif i < 32:
			f = (d & b) | (~d & c)
			k = (5 * i + 1) % 16
		elif i < 48:
			f = b ^ c ^ d
			k = (3 * i + 5) % 16
			f = c ^ (b | ~d)
			k = (7 * i) % 16
		# Perform the round calculation
		rot = _ROTATION_AMOUNTS[((i >> 2) & 0xC) | (i & 0x3)]
		temp = (a + f + schedule[k] + _ROUND_CONSTANTS[i]) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK
		temp = cryptocommon.rotate_left_uint32(temp, rot)
		a = d
		d = c
		c = b
		b = (b + temp) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK
	# Return new state as a tuple
	return (
		(state[0] + a) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
		(state[1] + b) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
		(state[2] + c) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK,
		(state[3] + d) & cryptocommon.UINT32_MASK)