Example #1
    def validate(self):
        Ensure the condition is valid according the local rules.

        Checks the condition against the local bitmask (supported condition types)
        and the local maximum fulfillment size.

            bool: Whether the condition is valid according to local rules.
        # Get class for type ID, throws on error

        # Bitmask can have at most 32 bits with current implementation
        if self.bitmask > Condition.MAX_SAFE_BITMASK:
            raise ValueError('Bitmask too large to be safely represented')

        # Assert all requested features are supported by this implementation
        if self.bitmask & ~Condition.SUPPORTED_BITMASK:
            raise ValueError('Condition requested unsupported feature suites')

        # Assert the requested fulfillment size is supported by this implementation
        if self.max_fulfillment_length > Condition.MAX_FULFILLMENT_LENGTH:
            raise ValueError(
                'Condition requested too large of a max fulfillment size')

        return True
Example #2
    def validate(self):
        Ensure the condition is valid according the local rules.

        Checks the condition against the local bitmask (supported condition types)
        and the local maximum fulfillment size.

            bool: Whether the condition is valid according to local rules.
        # Get class for type ID, throws on error

        # Bitmask can have at most 32 bits with current implementation
        if self.bitmask > Condition.MAX_SAFE_BITMASK:
            raise ValueError('Bitmask too large to be safely represented')

        # Assert all requested features are supported by this implementation
        if self.bitmask & ~Condition.SUPPORTED_BITMASK:
            raise ValueError('Condition requested unsupported feature suites')

        # Assert the requested fulfillment size is supported by this implementation
        if self.max_fulfillment_length > Condition.MAX_FULFILLMENT_LENGTH:
            raise ValueError('Condition requested too large of a max fulfillment size')

        return True
    def from_uri(serialized_fulfillment):
        Create a Fulfillment object from a URI.

        This method will parse a fulfillment URI and construct a corresponding Fulfillment object.

            serialized_fulfillment (str): URI representing the fulfillment

            Fulfillment: Resulting object
        if isinstance(serialized_fulfillment, Fulfillment):
            return serialized_fulfillment
        elif not isinstance(serialized_fulfillment, str):
            raise TypeError('Serialized fulfillment must be a string')

        pieces = serialized_fulfillment.split(':')
        if not pieces[0] == 'cf':
            raise ValueError('Serialized fulfillment must start with "cf:"')

        if not re.match(Fulfillment.REGEX, serialized_fulfillment):
            raise ValueError('Invalid fulfillment format')
        # try:
        type_id = int(pieces[1], 16)
        payload = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(base64_add_padding(pieces[2]))

        cls = TypeRegistry.get_class_from_type_id(type_id)
        fulfillment = cls()

        fulfillment.parse_payload(Reader.from_source(payload), len(payload))
        # except Exception as e:
        #     raise ParsingError(str(e))

        return fulfillment
    def from_dict(data):
        cls_type = data['type_id']
        cls = TypeRegistry.get_class_from_type_id(cls_type)

        fulfillment = cls()

        return fulfillment
    def from_binary(reader):
        Create a Fulfillment object from a binary blob.

        This method will parse a stream of binary data and construct a
        corresponding Fulfillment object.

            reader (Reader): Binary stream implementing the Reader interface
            Fulfillment: Resulting object
        reader = Reader.from_source(reader)

        cls_type = reader.read_uint16()
        cls = TypeRegistry.get_class_from_type_id(cls_type)

        fulfillment = cls()
        payload_length = reader.read_length_prefix()
        fulfillment.parse_payload(reader, payload_length)

        return fulfillment