def __CreateCMakeSection_Sources(self, cmakeUIHInputVar, cmakeUICppInputVar, cmakeMocInputVar): """ Add sources to the target in the CMakeLists.txt """ sources = self.project.GetSources() if not self.__HasCompilableFiles(): sources.append(csnUtility.GetDummyCppFilename()) if self.project.type == "executable": self.file.write( "ADD_EXECUTABLE(%s %s %s %s %s)\n" % (, cmakeUIHInputVar, cmakeUICppInputVar, cmakeMocInputVar, csnUtility.Join(sources, _addQuotes=1))) elif self.project.type == "library": self.file.write( "ADD_LIBRARY(%s STATIC %s %s %s %s)\n" % (, cmakeUIHInputVar, cmakeUICppInputVar, cmakeMocInputVar, csnUtility.Join(sources, _addQuotes=1))) elif self.project.type == "dll": self.file.write( "ADD_LIBRARY(%s SHARED %s %s %s %s)\n" % (, cmakeUIHInputVar, cmakeUICppInputVar, cmakeMocInputVar, csnUtility.Join(sources, _addQuotes=1))) elif self.project.type == "container": self.file.write("# Container project\n") else: raise NameError, "Unknown project type %s" % self.project.type
def GenerateConfigFile(self, _public): """ Generates the XXXConfig.cmake file for this project. _public - If true, generates a config file that can be used in any cmake file. If false, it generates the private config file that is used in the csnake-generated cmake files. """ fileConfig = self.project.pathsManager.GetPathToConfigFile(_public) f = open(fileConfig, 'w') # create list with folder where libraries should be found. Add the folder where all the targets are placed to this list. publicLibraryFolders = self.project.GetCompileManager( ).public.libraryFolders if _public: publicLibraryFolders.append(self.project.GetBuildResultsFolder()) # write header and some cmake fields f.write("# File generated automatically by the CSnake generator.\n") f.write("# DO NOT EDIT (changes will be lost)\n\n") f.write("SET( %s_FOUND TRUE )\n" % ( f.write( "SET( %s_USE_FILE \"%s\" )\n" % (, self.project.pathsManager.GetPathToUseFile())) f.write("SET( %s_INCLUDE_DIRS %s )\n" % (, csnUtility.Join( self.project.GetCompileManager().public.includeFolders, _addQuotes=1))) f.write("SET( %s_LIBRARY_DIRS %s )\n" % (, csnUtility.Join(publicLibraryFolders, _addQuotes=1))) if len(self.project.GetCompileManager().public.libraries): libraries = "" for buildType in self.project.GetCompileManager( ).public.libraries.keys(): typeString = "" if buildType != "": typeString = "\"%s\" " % buildType # something like "debug " for library in self.project.GetCompileManager( ).public.libraries[buildType]: libraries += "%s\"%s\"" % (typeString, library) f.write("SET( %s_LIBRARIES ${%s_LIBRARIES} %s )\n" % (,, libraries)) # add the target of this project to the list of libraries that should be linked if _public and len(self.project.GetSources()) > 0 and ( self.project.type == "library" or self.project.type == "dll"): targetName = f.write("SET( %s_LIBRARIES ${%s_LIBRARIES} %s )\n" % (,, csnUtility.Join([targetName], _addQuotes=1)))
def testGlob(self): """ csnProjectTests: test that globbing source files works. """ # dummyExe project dummyExe = csnProject.Project("DummyExe", "executable") dummyExe.AddSources(["data/my src/DummyExe/src/*.cpp"]) # should have 1 source files assert len(dummyExe.GetSources()) == 1, csnUtility.Join( dummyExe.GetSources(), _addQuotes=1)
def __CreateCMakeSection_SourceGroups(self): """ Create source groups in the CMakeLists.txt """ for groupName in self.project.GetCompileManager().sourceGroups: self.file.write("\n # Create %s group \n" % groupName) self.file.write("IF (WIN32)\n") self.file.write( " SOURCE_GROUP(\"%s\" FILES %s)\n" % (groupName, csnUtility.Join( self.project.GetCompileManager().sourceGroups[groupName], _addQuotes=1))) self.file.write("ENDIF(WIN32)\n\n")
def GenerateUseFile(self): """ Generates the UseXXX.cmake file for this project. """ fileUse = self.project.pathsManager.GetPathToUseFile() f = open(fileUse, 'w') # write header and some cmake fields f.write("# File generated automatically by the CSnake generator.\n") f.write("# DO NOT EDIT (changes will be lost)\n\n") #f.write( "MESSAGE(\"Already using %s = ${AlreadyUsing%s}\")\n" % (, ) f.write("INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${%s_INCLUDE_DIRS})\n" % ( f.write("LINK_DIRECTORIES(${%s_LIBRARY_DIRS})\n" % ( # write definitions if len(self.project.GetCompileManager().public.definitions): f.write("ADD_DEFINITIONS(%s)\n" % csnUtility.Join( self.project.GetCompileManager().public.definitions))
def __CreateCMakeSection_MocRules(self): """ Create moc rules in the CMakeLists.txt """ cmakeMocInputVar = "" if len(self.project.GetCompileManager().sourcesToBeMoced): cmakeMocInputVarName = "MOC_%s" % ( cmakeMocInputVar = "${%s}" % (cmakeMocInputVarName) self.file.write( "\nQT_WRAP_CPP( %s %s %s )\n" % (, cmakeMocInputVarName, csnUtility.Join( self.project.GetCompileManager().sourcesToBeMoced, _addQuotes=1))) # write section for sorting moc files in a separate folder in Visual Studio self.file.write("\n # Create MOC group \n") self.file.write("IF (WIN32)\n") self.file.write( " SOURCE_GROUP(\"Generated MOC Files\" REGULAR_EXPRESSION moc_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[.]cxx$)\n" ) self.file.write("ENDIF(WIN32)\n\n") return cmakeMocInputVar
def __CreateCMakeSection_UicRules(self): """ Create uic rules in the CMakeLists.txt """ cmakeUIHInputVar = "" cmakeUICppInputVar = "" if len(self.project.GetCompileManager().sourcesToBeUIed): cmakeUIHInputVarName = "UI_H_%s" % ( cmakeUIHInputVar = "${%s}" % (cmakeUIHInputVarName) cmakeUICppInputVarName = "UI_CPP_%s" % ( cmakeUICppInputVar = "${%s}" % (cmakeUICppInputVarName) self.file.write( "\nQT_WRAP_UI( %s %s %s %s )\n" % (, cmakeUIHInputVarName, cmakeUICppInputVarName, csnUtility.Join( self.project.GetCompileManager().sourcesToBeUIed, _addQuotes=1))) # write section for sorting ui files in a separate folder in Visual Studio self.file.write("\n # Create UI group \n") self.file.write("IF (WIN32)\n") self.file.write( " SOURCE_GROUP(\"Forms\" REGULAR_EXPRESSION [.]ui$)\n") self.file.write("ENDIF(WIN32)\n\n") return (cmakeUIHInputVar, cmakeUICppInputVar)
def __CreateCMakeSection_Definitions(self): """ Create definitions in the CMakeLists.txt """ if len(self.project.GetCompileManager().private.definitions): self.file.write("ADD_DEFINITIONS(%s)\n" % csnUtility.Join( self.project.GetCompileManager().private.definitions))