Example #1
    def __init__(self,spaces):
        self.spaces = spaces

        #construct optional methods
        def sampleneighborhood(self,c,r):
            return self.join(s.sampleNeighborhood(cs,r) for (s,cs) in zip(self.spaces,self.split(c)))
        def visible(self,a,b):
            return all(s.visible(ai,bi) for (s,ai,bi) in zip(self.spaces,self.split(a),self.split(b)))
        def distance(self,a,b):
            return sum(s.distance(ai,bi) for (s,ai,bi) in zip(self.spaces,self.split(a),self.split(b)))
        def interpolate(self,a,b,u):
            return self.join(s.interpolate(ai,bi,u) for (s,ai,bi) in zip(self.spaces,self.split(a),self.split(b)))
        if any(hasattr(s,'sampleneighborhood') for s in spaces):
            for s in self.spaces:
                if not hasattr(s,'sampleneighborhood'):
                    s.sampleneighborhood = defaultsampleneighborhood
            self.sampleneighborhood = sampleneighborhood
        if any(hasattr(s,'visible') for s in spaces):
            for s in self.spaces:
                if not hasattr(s,'visible'):
                    s.visible = defaultvisible
            self.visible = visible
        if any(hasattr(s,'distance') for s in spaces):
            for s in self.spaces:
                if not hasattr(s,'distance'):
                    s.distance = defaultdistance
            self.distance = distance
        if any(hasattr(s,'interpolate') for s in spaces):
            for s in self.spaces:
                if not hasattr(s,'interpolate'):
                    s.interpolate = defaultinterpolate
            self.interpolate = interpolate
Example #2
    def __init__(self,robot,collider=None):
        - robot: the robot which should move.
        - collider: optional: a robotcollide.WorldCollider instance containing
          the world in which the robot lives.  Any ignored collisions will be
          respected in the collision checker.
        self.robot = robot
        self.bound = zip(*robot.getJointLimits())
        self.collider = collider
        self.addFeasibilityTest(lambda x: self.inJointLimits(x),"joint limits")

        #TODO explode these into individual self collision / env collision
        def setconfig(x):
            return True
        if collider:
            self.addFeasibilityTest(lambda x : not self.selfCollision(),"self collision")
            self.addFeasibilityTest(lambda x: not self.envCollision(),"env collision")
        self.properties['geodesic'] = 1
        volume = 1
        for b in self.bound:
            if b[0] != b[1]: volume *= b[1]-b[0]
        self.properties['volume'] = volume
Example #3
    def __init__(self, robot, collider=None):
        - robot: the robot which should move.
        - collider: optional: a robotcollide.WorldCollider instance containing
          the world in which the robot lives.  Any ignored collisions will be
          respected in the collision checker.
        self.robot = robot
        self.bound = zip(*robot.getJointLimits())
        self.collider = collider
        self.addFeasibilityTest(lambda x: self.inJointLimits(x),
                                "joint limits")

        #TODO explode these into individual self collision / env collision
        def setconfig(x):
            return True

        if collider:
            self.addFeasibilityTest(setconfig, "dummy")
            self.addFeasibilityTest(lambda x: not self.selfCollision(),
                                    "self collision")
            self.addFeasibilityTest(lambda x: not self.envCollision(),
                                    "env collision")
        self.properties['geodesic'] = 1
        volume = 1
        for b in self.bound:
            if b[0] != b[1]: volume *= b[1] - b[0]
        self.properties['volume'] = volume
Example #4
    def __init__(self,ambientspace,subset,xinit=None):
        self.ambientspace = ambientspace
        n = len(ambientspace.sample())
        self.mapping = subset
        #start at the zero config if no initial configuration is given
        if xinit==None:
            self.xinit = [0.0]*n
            self.xinit = xinit

        #construct optional methods
        def sampleneighborhood(c,r):
            return self.project(self.ambientspace.sampleneighborhood(self.lift(c),r))
        def visible(a,b):
            return self.ambientspace.visible(self.lift(a),self.lift(b))
        def distance(a,b):
            return self.ambientspace.distance(self.lift(a),self.lift(b))
        def interpolate(a,b,u):
            return self.project(self.ambientspace.interpolate(self.lift(a)),self.lift(b))

        if hasattr(ambientspace,'sampleneighborhood'):
            self.sampleneighborhood = sampleneighborhood
        if hasattr(ambientspace,'visible'):
            self.visible = visible
        if hasattr(ambientspace,'distance'):
            self.distance = distance
        if hasattr(ambientspace,'interpolate'):
            self.interpolate = interpolate
        self.eps = self.ambientspace.eps
        self.bound = [self.ambientspace.bound[i] for i in self.mapping]
        self.properties = self.ambientspace.properties
        if self.ambientspace.feasibilityTests is not None:
            self.feasibilityTests = [(lambda x:f(self.lift(x))) for f in self.ambientspace.feasibilityTests]
            self.feasibilityTestNames = [(lambda x:f(self.lift(x))) for f in self.ambientspace.feasibilityTestNames]
Example #5
    def __init__(self,rigidObject,collider=None,translationDomain=None,rotationDomain=None):
            rigidObject (RigidObjectModel): the object that should move.
            collider (:class:`WorldCollider`, optional): a collider instance
                containing the world in which the object lives.  Any ignored
                collisions will be respected in the feasibility test.
            translationDomain (list of pairs, optional): a bounding box in
                which the translation should be sampled.  If None (default),
                the improper logarithmic prior is used to sample translations.
            rotationDomain (pair, optional): If provided, must be a
                (rotation0,rdomain) pair specifying a range in which the
                rotation should be sampled. rotation0 must be an SO3 element.
                rdomain may be:

                * A number: rotation is sampled with absolute angular error
                  from rotation0 in the range [0,rdomain].  
                * A triple: rotation is sampled with euler angles with roll
                  in the range [-rdomain[0],rdomain[0]], pitch in the range
                  [-rdomain[1],rdomain[1]], and yaw in the range
                  [-rdomain[2],rdomain[2]].  The sampled rotation is then
                  multiplied by rotation0.
        self.rigidObject = rigidObject
        if translationDomain is None:
            translationDomain = [(-float('inf'),float('inf'))]*3
        self.bound = translationDomain + [(-math.pi,math.pi)]*3
        self.rotationDomain = rotationDomain
        self.collider = collider
        self.rotationWeight = 1.0/math.pi

        if collider:
            def robCollide(r):
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.robotObjectCollisions(r,self.rigidObject.index))
            def objCollide(o):
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.objectObjectCollisions(self.rigidObject.index,o))
            def terrCollide(o):
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.objectTerrainCollisions(self.rigidObject.index,o))
            self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x: not self.selfCollision()),"self collision",dependencies="setconfig")
            #self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x: not self.envCollision()),"env collision")
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numRobots()):
                self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x,o=o: not robCollide(o)),"robot collision "+str(o)+" "+self.collider.world.robot(o).getName(),dependencies="setconfig")
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numRigidObjects()):
                if o != self.rigidObject:
                    self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x,o=o: not objCollide(o)),"obj collision "+str(o)+" "+self.collider.world.rigidObject(o).getName(),dependencies="setconfig")
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numTerrains()):
                self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x,o=o: not terrCollide(o)),"terrain collision "+str(o)+" "+self.collider.world.terrain(o).getName(),dependencies="setconfig")

        self.properties['geodesic'] = 1
Example #6
    def __init__(self,robot,collider=None):
            robot (RobotModel): the robot which should move.
            collider (:class:`WorldCollider`, optional): a collide.WorldCollider
                instance instantiated with the world in which the robot lives. 
                Any ignored collisions in the collider will be respected in the
                feasibility tests of this CSpace.
        self.robot = robot
        self.collider = collider
        self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x: self.inJointLimits(x)),"joint limits")

        def setconfig(x):
            return True
        if collider:
            bb0 = ([float('inf')]*3,[float('-inf')]*3)
            bb = [bb0[0],bb0[1]]
            def calcbb(x):
                bb[0] = bb0[0]
                bb[1] = bb0[1]
                for i in xrange(self.robot.numLinks()):
                    g = self.robot.link(i).geometry()
                    if not g.empty():
                        bbi = g.getBB()
                        bb[0] = [min(a,b) for (a,b) in zip(bb[0],bbi[0])]
                        bb[1] = [max(a,b) for (a,b) in zip(bb[1],bbi[1])]
                return True
            def objCollide(o):
                obb = self.collider.world.rigidObject(o).geometry().getBB()
                if not collide.bb_intersect(obb,bb): return False
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.robotObjectCollisions(self.robot.index,o))
            def terrCollide(o):
                obb = self.collider.world.terrain(o).geometry().getBB()
                if not collide.bb_intersect(obb,bb): return False
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.robotTerrainCollisions(self.robot.index,o))
            self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x: not self.selfCollision()),"self collision",dependencies="setconfig")
            #self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x: not self.envCollision()),"env collision")
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numRigidObjects()):
                self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x,o=o: not objCollide(o)),"obj collision "+str(o)+" "+self.collider.world.rigidObject(o).getName(),dependencies="calcbb")
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numTerrains()):
                self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x,o=o: not terrCollide(o)),"terrain collision "+str(o)+" "+self.collider.world.terrain(o).getName(),dependencies="calcbb")
            self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x: not self.selfCollision()),"self collision",dependencies="setconfig")

        self.properties['geodesic'] = 1
    def __init__(self, spaces):
        self.spaces = spaces

        #construct optional methods
        def sampleneighborhood(self, c, r):
            return self.join(
                s.sampleNeighborhood(cs, r)
                for (s, cs) in zip(self.spaces, self.split(c)))

        def visible(self, a, b):
            return all(
                s.visible(ai, bi)
                for (s, ai,
                     bi) in zip(self.spaces, self.split(a), self.split(b)))

        def distance(self, a, b):
            return sum(
                s.distance(ai, bi)
                for (s, ai,
                     bi) in zip(self.spaces, self.split(a), self.split(b)))

        def interpolate(self, a, b, u):
            return self.join(
                s.interpolate(ai, bi, u)
                for (s, ai,
                     bi) in zip(self.spaces, self.split(a), self.split(b)))

        if any(hasattr(s, 'sampleneighborhood') for s in spaces):
            for s in self.spaces:
                if not hasattr(s, 'sampleneighborhood'):
                    s.sampleneighborhood = defaultsampleneighborhood
            self.sampleneighborhood = sampleneighborhood
        if any(hasattr(s, 'visible') for s in spaces):
            for s in self.spaces:
                if not hasattr(s, 'visible'):
                    s.visible = defaultvisible
            self.visible = visible
        if any(hasattr(s, 'distance') for s in spaces):
            for s in self.spaces:
                if not hasattr(s, 'distance'):
                    s.distance = defaultdistance
            self.distance = distance
        if any(hasattr(s, 'interpolate') for s in spaces):
            for s in self.spaces:
                if not hasattr(s, 'interpolate'):
                    s.interpolate = defaultinterpolate
            self.interpolate = interpolate
Example #8
    def __init__(self, ambientspace, subset, xinit=None):
        self.ambientspace = ambientspace
        n = len(ambientspace.sample())
        self.mapping = subset
        #start at the zero config if no initial configuration is given
        if xinit == None:
            self.xinit = [0.0] * n
            self.xinit = xinit

        #construct optional methods
        def sampleneighborhood(c, r):
            return self.project(
                self.ambientspace.sampleneighborhood(self.lift(c), r))

        def visible(a, b):
            return self.ambientspace.visible(self.lift(a), self.lift(b))

        def distance(a, b):
            return self.ambientspace.distance(self.lift(a), self.lift(b))

        def interpolate(a, b, u):
            return self.project(self.ambientspace.interpolate(self.lift(a)),

        if hasattr(ambientspace, 'sampleneighborhood'):
            self.sampleneighborhood = sampleneighborhood
        if hasattr(ambientspace, 'visible'):
            self.visible = visible
        if hasattr(ambientspace, 'distance'):
            self.distance = distance
        if hasattr(ambientspace, 'interpolate'):
            self.interpolate = interpolate
        self.eps = self.ambientspace.eps
        self.bound = [self.ambientspace.bound[i] for i in self.mapping]
        self.properties = self.ambientspace.properties
        if self.ambientspace.feasibilityTests is not None:
            self.feasibilityTests = [
                (lambda x: f(self.lift(x)))
                for f in self.ambientspace.feasibilityTests
            self.feasibilityTestNames = [
                (lambda x: f(self.lift(x)))
                for f in self.ambientspace.feasibilityTestNames
Example #9
    def __init__(self,
            rigidObject (RigidObjectModel): the object that should move.
            collider (:class:`WorldCollider`, optional): a collider instance
                containing the world in which the object lives.  Any ignored
                collisions will be respected in the feasibility test.
            translationDomain (list of pairs, optional): a bounding box in
                which the translation should be sampled.  If None (default),
                the improper logarithmic prior is used to sample translations.
            rotationDomain (pair, optional): If provided, must be a
                (rotation0,rdomain) pair specifying a range in which the
                rotation should be sampled. rotation0 must be an SO3 element.
                rdomain may be:

                * A number: rotation is sampled with absolute angular error
                  from rotation0 in the range [0,rdomain].  
                * A triple: rotation is sampled with euler angles with roll
                  in the range [-rdomain[0],rdomain[0]], pitch in the range
                  [-rdomain[1],rdomain[1]], and yaw in the range
                  [-rdomain[2],rdomain[2]].  The sampled rotation is then
                  multiplied by rotation0.
        self.rigidObject = rigidObject
        if translationDomain is None:
            translationDomain = [(-float('inf'), float('inf'))] * 3
        self.bound = translationDomain + [(-math.pi, math.pi)] * 3
        self.rotationDomain = rotationDomain
        self.collider = collider
        self.rotationWeight = 1.0 / math.pi

        if collider:

            def robCollide(r):
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.robotObjectCollisions(
                    r, self.rigidObject.index))

            def objCollide(o):
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.objectObjectCollisions(
                    self.rigidObject.index, o))

            def terrCollide(o):
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.objectTerrainCollisions(
                    self.rigidObject.index, o))

            self.addFeasibilityTest(self.setConfig, "setconfig")
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numRobots()):
                self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x, o=o: not robCollide(o)),
                                        "robot collision " + str(o) + " " +
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numRigidObjects()):
                if o != self.rigidObject.index:
                        (lambda x, o=o: not objCollide(o)),
                        "obj collision " + str(o) + " " +
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numTerrains()):
                    (lambda x, o=o: not terrCollide(o)),
                    "terrain collision " + str(o) + " " +
            self.addFeasibilityTest(self.setConfig, "setconfig")

        self.properties['geodesic'] = 1
 def __init__(self):
Example #11
    def __init__(self,
        - rigidObject: the RigidObjectModel that should move.
        - collider (optional): a collide.WorldCollider instance containing
          the world in which the robot lives.  Any ignored collisions will be
          respected in the collision checker.
        - translationDomain: None, or a bounding box in which the translation should be sampled. 
          If None (default), the Jeffrey's prior is used to sample translations.
        - rotationDomain: None, or a (rotation0,rdomain) pair specifying a range in which the
          rotation should be sampled. If rdomain is a number, the rotation is sampled with absolute
          angular error from rotation0 in the range [0,rdomain].  If rdomain is a triple, then the
          rotation is sampled with euler angles with roll in the range [-rdomain[0],rdomain[0]], pitch
          in the range [-rdomain[1],rdomain[1]], and yaw in the range [-rdomain[2],rdomain[2]].  The 
          sampled rotation is then multiplied by rotation0.
        self.rigidObject = rigidObject
        if translationDomain is None:
            translationDomain = [(-float('inf'), float('inf'))] * 3
        self.bound = translationDomain + [(-math.pi, math.pi)] * 3
        self.rotationDomain = rotationDomain
        self.collider = collider
        self.rotationWeight = 1.0 / math.pi

        if collider:

            def robCollide(r):
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.robotObjectCollisions(
                    r, self.rigidObject.index))

            def objCollide(o):
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.objectObjectCollisions(
                    self.rigidObject.index, o))

            def terrCollide(o):
                return any(True for _ in self.collider.objectTerrainCollisions(
                    self.rigidObject.index, o))

            self.addFeasibilityTest(setconfig, "setconfig")
            self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x: not self.selfCollision()),
                                    "self collision",
            #self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x: not self.envCollision()),"env collision")
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numRobots()):
                self.addFeasibilityTest((lambda x, o=o: not robCollide(o)),
                                        "robot collision " + str(o) + " " +
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numRigidObjects()):
                if o != self.rigidObject:
                        (lambda x, o=o: not objCollide(o)),
                        "obj collision " + str(o) + " " +
            for o in range(self.collider.world.numTerrains()):
                    (lambda x, o=o: not terrCollide(o)),
                    "terrain collision " + str(o) + " " +
            self.addFeasibilityTest(self.setConfig, "setconfig")

        self.properties['geodesic'] = 1
Example #12
 def __init__(self):