Example #1
def set_style_property(tag, property_name, value, editor):
    Set a style property, i.e. a CSS property inside the style attribute of the tag.
    Any existing style attribute is updated or a new attribute is inserted.
    block, offset = find_attribute_in_tag(tag.start_block, tag.start_offset + 1, 'style')
    c = editor.textCursor()

    def css(d):
        return css_text(d).replace('\n', ' ')
    if block is None or offset is None:
        d = parseStyle('')
        d.setProperty(property_name, value)
        c.setPosition(tag.end_block.position() + tag.end_offset)
        c.insertText(' style="%s"' % css(d))
        c.setPosition(block.position() + offset - 1)
        end_block, end_offset = find_end_of_attribute(block, offset + 1)
        if end_block is None:
            return error_dialog(editor, _('Invalid markup'), _(
                'The current block tag has an existing unclosed style attribute. Run the Fix HTML'
                ' tool first.'), show=True)
        c.setPosition(end_block.position() + end_offset, c.KeepAnchor)
        d = parseStyle(editor.selected_text_from_cursor(c)[1:-1])
        d.setProperty(property_name, value)
        c.insertText('"%s"' % css(d))
Example #2
def set_style_property(tag, property_name, value, editor):
    Set a style property, i.e. a CSS property inside the style attribute of the tag.
    Any existing style attribute is updated or a new attribute is inserted.
    block, offset = find_attribute_in_tag(tag.start_block,
                                          tag.start_offset + 1, 'style')
    c = editor.textCursor()

    def css(d):
        return css_text(d).replace('\n', ' ')

    if block is None or offset is None:
        d = parseStyle('')
        d.setProperty(property_name, value)
        c.setPosition(tag.end_block.position() + tag.end_offset)
        c.insertText(' style="%s"' % css(d))
        c.setPosition(block.position() + offset - 1)
        end_block, end_offset = find_end_of_attribute(block, offset + 1)
        if end_block is None:
            return error_dialog(
                _('Invalid markup'),
                _('The current block tag has an existing unclosed style attribute. Run the Fix HTML'
                  ' tool first.'),
        c.setPosition(end_block.position() + end_offset, c.KeepAnchor)
        d = parseStyle(editor.selected_text_from_cursor(c)[1:-1])
        d.setProperty(property_name, value)
        c.insertText('"%s"' % css(d))
Example #3
 def test_border_condensation(self):
     vals = 'red solid 5px'
     css = '; '.join('border-%s-%s: %s' % (edge, p, v) for edge in EDGES
                     for p, v in zip(BORDER_PROPS, vals.split()))
     style = parseStyle(css)
     for e, p in product(EDGES, BORDER_PROPS):
         self.assertFalse(style.getProperty('border-%s-%s' % (e, p)))
         self.assertFalse(style.getProperty('border-%s' % e))
         self.assertFalse(style.getProperty('border-%s' % p))
     self.assertEqual(style.getProperty('border').value, vals)
     css = '; '.join('border-%s-%s: %s' % (edge, p, v)
                     for edge in ('top', )
                     for p, v in zip(BORDER_PROPS, vals.split()))
     style = parseStyle(css)
     self.assertEqual(css_text(style), 'border-top: %s' % vals)
     css += ';' + '; '.join(
         'border-%s-%s: %s' % (edge, p, v)
         for edge in ('right', 'left', 'bottom')
         for p, v in zip(BORDER_PROPS,
                         vals.replace('red', 'green').split()))
     style = parseStyle(css)
     self.assertEqual(len(style.getProperties()), 4)
     self.assertEqual(style.getProperty('border-top').value, vals)
         vals.replace('red', 'green'))
Example #4
        def test_list_style_normalization(self):
            def ls_dict(expected):
                ans = {
                    'list-style-%s' % x: DEFAULTS['list-style-%s' % x]
                    for x in ('type', 'image', 'position')
                for k, v in iteritems(expected):
                    ans['list-style-%s' % k] = v
                return ans

            for raw, expected in iteritems({
                    'url(http://www.example.com/images/list.png)': {
                        'image': 'url(http://www.example.com/images/list.png)'
                    'inside square': {
                        'position': 'inside',
                        'type': 'square'
                    'upper-roman url(img) outside': {
                        'position': 'outside',
                        'type': 'upper-roman',
                        'image': 'url(img)'
                cval = tuple(parseStyle('list-style: %s' % raw,
                    ls_dict(expected), normalizers['list-style']('list-style',
Example #5
 def test_edge_condensation(self):
     for s, v in iteritems({
         (1, 1, 3): None,
         (1, 2, 3, 4): '2pt 3pt 4pt 1pt',
         (1, 2, 3, 2): '2pt 3pt 2pt 1pt',
         (1, 2, 1, 3): '2pt 1pt 3pt',
         (1, 2, 1, 2): '2pt 1pt',
         (1, 1, 1, 1): '1pt',
         ('2%', '2%', '2%', '2%'): '2%',
             tuple('0 0 0 0'.split()): '0',
         for prefix in ('margin', 'padding'):
             css = {
                 '%s-%s' % (prefix, x): unicode_type(y) +
                 'pt' if isinstance(y, numbers.Number) else y
                 for x, y in zip(('left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'), s)
             css = '; '.join(
                 ('%s:%s' % (k, v) for k, v in iteritems(css)))
             style = parseStyle(css)
             val = getattr(style.getProperty(prefix), 'value', None)
             self.assertEqual(v, val)
             if val is not None:
                 for edge in EDGES:
                             style.getProperty('%s-%s' %
                                               (prefix, edge)), 'value',
Example #6
    def test_replaceUrls(self):
        css_parser.ser.prefs.keepAllProperties = True

        css = r'''
        @import "im1";
        @import url(im2);
        a {
            background-image: url(c) !important;
            background-\image: url(b);
            background: url(a) no-repeat !important;
        s = css_parser.parseString(css)
        css_parser.replaceUrls(s, lambda old: "NEW" + old)
        self.assertEqual('@import "NEWim1";', s.cssRules[0].cssText)
        self.assertEqual('NEWim2', s.cssRules[1].href)
            '''background-image: url(NEWc) !important;
background-\\image: url(NEWb);
background: url(NEWa) no-repeat !important''', s.cssRules[2].style.cssText)

        css_parser.ser.prefs.keepAllProperties = False

        # CSSStyleDeclaration
        style = css_parser.parseStyle('''color: red;
        css_parser.replaceUrls(style, lambda url: 'prefix/' + url)
            style.cssText, '''color: red;
background-image: url(prefix/1.png), url(prefix/2.png)''')
Example #7
    def test_parseStyle(self):
        s = css_parser.parseStyle('x:0; y:red')
        self.assertEqual(type(s), css_parser.css.CSSStyleDeclaration)
        self.assertEqual(s.cssText, 'x: 0;\ny: red')

        s = css_parser.parseStyle('@import "x";')
        self.assertEqual(type(s), css_parser.css.CSSStyleDeclaration)
        self.assertEqual(s.cssText, '')

        tests = [('content: "ä"', 'iso-8859-1'), ('content: "€"', 'utf-8')]
        for v, e in tests:
            s = css_parser.parseStyle(v.encode(e), encoding=e)
            self.assertEqual(s.cssText, v)

        self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, css_parser.parseStyle,
                          'content: "ä"'.encode('utf-8'), 'ascii')
Example #8
        def test_font_normalization(self):
            def font_dict(expected):
                ans = {k: DEFAULTS[k]
                       for k in font_composition} if expected else {}
                return ans

            for raw, expected in iteritems({
                    'some_font': {
                        'font-family': 'some_font'
                    'inherit': {k: 'inherit'
                                for k in font_composition},
                    '1.2pt/1.4 A_Font': {
                        'font-family': 'A_Font',
                        'font-size': '1.2pt',
                        'line-height': '1.4'
                    'bad font': {
                        'font-family': '"bad font"'
                    '10% serif': {
                        'font-family': 'serif',
                        'font-size': '10%'
                    '12px "My Font", serif': {
                        'font-family': '"My Font", serif',
                        'font-size': '12px'
                    'normal 0.6em/135% arial,sans-serif': {
                        'font-family': 'arial, sans-serif',
                        'font-size': '0.6em',
                        'line-height': '135%',
                        'font-style': 'normal'
                    'bold italic large serif': {
                        'font-family': 'serif',
                        'font-weight': 'bold',
                        'font-style': 'italic',
                        'font-size': 'large'
                    'bold italic small-caps larger/normal serif': {
                        'font-family': 'serif',
                        'font-weight': 'bold',
                        'font-style': 'italic',
                        'font-size': 'larger',
                        'line-height': 'normal',
                        'font-variant': 'small-caps'
                    '2em A B': {
                        'font-family': '"A B"',
                        'font-size': '2em'
                val = tuple(parseStyle('font: %s' % raw,
                style = normalizers['font']('font', val)
                self.assertDictEqual(font_dict(expected), style, raw)
Example #9
        def test_border_normalization(self):
            def border_edge_dict(expected, edge='right'):
                ans = {'border-%s-%s' % (edge, x): DEFAULTS['border-%s-%s' % (edge, x)] for x in ('style', 'width', 'color')}
                for x, v in iteritems(expected):
                    ans['border-%s-%s' % (edge, x)] = v
                return ans

            def border_dict(expected):
                ans = {}
                for edge in EDGES:
                    ans.update(border_edge_dict(expected, edge))
                return ans

            def border_val_dict(expected, val='color'):
                ans = {'border-%s-%s' % (edge, val): DEFAULTS['border-%s-%s' % (edge, val)] for edge in EDGES}
                for edge in EDGES:
                    ans['border-%s-%s' % (edge, val)] = expected
                return ans

            for raw, expected in iteritems({
                'solid 1px red': {'color':'red', 'width':'1px', 'style':'solid'},
                '1px': {'width': '1px'}, '#aaa': {'color': '#aaa'},
                '2em groove': {'width':'2em', 'style':'groove'},
                for edge in EDGES:
                    br = 'border-%s' % edge
                    val = tuple(parseStyle('%s: %s' % (br, raw), validate=False))[0].cssValue
                    self.assertDictEqual(border_edge_dict(expected, edge), normalizers[br](br, val))

            for raw, expected in iteritems({
                'solid 1px red': {'color':'red', 'width':'1px', 'style':'solid'},
                '1px': {'width': '1px'}, '#aaa': {'color': '#aaa'},
                'thin groove': {'width':'thin', 'style':'groove'},
                val = tuple(parseStyle('%s: %s' % ('border', raw), validate=False))[0].cssValue
                self.assertDictEqual(border_dict(expected), normalizers['border']('border', val))

            for name, val in iteritems({
                'width': '10%', 'color': 'rgb(0, 1, 1)', 'style': 'double',
                cval = tuple(parseStyle('border-%s: %s' % (name, val), validate=False))[0].cssValue
                self.assertDictEqual(border_val_dict(val, name), normalizers['border-'+name]('border-'+name, cval))
Example #10
        def test_border_normalization(self):
            def border_edge_dict(expected, edge='right'):
                ans = {'border-%s-%s' % (edge, x): DEFAULTS['border-%s-%s' % (edge, x)] for x in ('style', 'width', 'color')}
                for x, v in iteritems(expected):
                    ans['border-%s-%s' % (edge, x)] = v
                return ans

            def border_dict(expected):
                ans = {}
                for edge in EDGES:
                    ans.update(border_edge_dict(expected, edge))
                return ans

            def border_val_dict(expected, val='color'):
                ans = {'border-%s-%s' % (edge, val): DEFAULTS['border-%s-%s' % (edge, val)] for edge in EDGES}
                for edge in EDGES:
                    ans['border-%s-%s' % (edge, val)] = expected
                return ans

            for raw, expected in iteritems({
                'solid 1px red': {'color':'red', 'width':'1px', 'style':'solid'},
                '1px': {'width': '1px'}, '#aaa': {'color': '#aaa'},
                '2em groove': {'width':'2em', 'style':'groove'},
                for edge in EDGES:
                    br = 'border-%s' % edge
                    val = tuple(parseStyle('%s: %s' % (br, raw), validate=False))[0].cssValue
                    self.assertDictEqual(border_edge_dict(expected, edge), normalizers[br](br, val))

            for raw, expected in iteritems({
                'solid 1px red': {'color':'red', 'width':'1px', 'style':'solid'},
                '1px': {'width': '1px'}, '#aaa': {'color': '#aaa'},
                'thin groove': {'width':'thin', 'style':'groove'},
                val = tuple(parseStyle('%s: %s' % ('border', raw), validate=False))[0].cssValue
                self.assertDictEqual(border_dict(expected), normalizers['border']('border', val))

            for name, val in iteritems({
                'width': '10%', 'color': 'rgb(0, 1, 1)', 'style': 'double',
                cval = tuple(parseStyle('border-%s: %s' % (name, val), validate=False))[0].cssValue
                self.assertDictEqual(border_val_dict(val, name), normalizers['border-'+name]('border-'+name, cval))
Example #11
 def test_border_condensation(self):
     vals = 'red solid 5px'
     css = '; '.join('border-%s-%s: %s' % (edge, p, v) for edge in EDGES for p, v in zip(BORDER_PROPS, vals.split()))
     style = parseStyle(css)
     for e, p in product(EDGES, BORDER_PROPS):
         self.assertFalse(style.getProperty('border-%s-%s' % (e, p)))
         self.assertFalse(style.getProperty('border-%s' % e))
         self.assertFalse(style.getProperty('border-%s' % p))
     self.assertEqual(style.getProperty('border').value, vals)
     css = '; '.join('border-%s-%s: %s' % (edge, p, v) for edge in ('top',) for p, v in zip(BORDER_PROPS, vals.split()))
     style = parseStyle(css)
     self.assertEqual(css_text(style), 'border-top: %s' % vals)
     css += ';' + '; '.join('border-%s-%s: %s' % (edge, p, v) for edge in ('right', 'left', 'bottom') for p, v in
                      zip(BORDER_PROPS, vals.replace('red', 'green').split()))
     style = parseStyle(css)
     self.assertEqual(len(style.getProperties()), 4)
     self.assertEqual(style.getProperty('border-top').value, vals)
     self.assertEqual(style.getProperty('border-left').value, vals.replace('red', 'green'))
Example #12
 def test_edge_normalization(self):
     def edge_dict(prefix, expected):
         return {'%s-%s' % (prefix, edge) : x for edge, x in zip(EDGES, expected)}
     for raw, expected in iteritems({
         '2px': ('2px', '2px', '2px', '2px'),
         '1em 2em': ('1em', '2em', '1em', '2em'),
         '1em 2em 3em': ('1em', '2em', '3em', '2em'),
         '1 2 3 4': ('1', '2', '3', '4'),
         for prefix in ('margin', 'padding'):
             cval = tuple(parseStyle('%s: %s' % (prefix, raw), validate=False))[0].cssValue
             self.assertDictEqual(edge_dict(prefix, expected), normalizers[prefix](prefix, cval))
Example #13
 def test_edge_normalization(self):
     def edge_dict(prefix, expected):
         return {'%s-%s' % (prefix, edge) : x for edge, x in zip(EDGES, expected)}
     for raw, expected in iteritems({
         '2px': ('2px', '2px', '2px', '2px'),
         '1em 2em': ('1em', '2em', '1em', '2em'),
         '1em 2em 3em': ('1em', '2em', '3em', '2em'),
         '1 2 3 4': ('1', '2', '3', '4'),
         for prefix in ('margin', 'padding'):
             cval = tuple(parseStyle('%s: %s' % (prefix, raw), validate=False))[0].cssValue
             self.assertDictEqual(edge_dict(prefix, expected), normalizers[prefix](prefix, cval))
Example #14
    def test_parsevalidation(self):
        style = 'color: 1'
        t = 'a { %s }' % style


        # sheet
        s = self._setHandler()
        self.assertNotEqual(len(s.getvalue()), 0)

        s = self._setHandler()
        css_parser.parseString(t, validate=False)
        self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), '')

        # style
        s = self._setHandler()
        self.assertNotEqual(len(s.getvalue()), 0)

        s = self._setHandler()
        css_parser.parseStyle(style, validate=True)
        self.assertNotEqual(len(s.getvalue()), 0)

        s = self._setHandler()
        css_parser.parseStyle(style, validate=False)
        self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), '')
Example #15
 def test_list_style_normalization(self):
     def ls_dict(expected):
         ans = {'list-style-%s' % x : DEFAULTS['list-style-%s' % x] for x in ('type', 'image', 'position')}
         for k, v in iteritems(expected):
             ans['list-style-%s' % k] = v
         return ans
     for raw, expected in iteritems({
         'url(http://www.example.com/images/list.png)': {'image': 'url(http://www.example.com/images/list.png)'},
         'inside square': {'position':'inside', 'type':'square'},
         'upper-roman url(img) outside': {'position':'outside', 'type':'upper-roman', 'image':'url(img)'},
         cval = tuple(parseStyle('list-style: %s' % raw, validate=False))[0].cssValue
         self.assertDictEqual(ls_dict(expected), normalizers['list-style']('list-style', cval))
    def test_children(self):
        style = '/*1*/color: red; color: green; @x;'
        types = [
            css_parser.css.CSSComment, css_parser.css.Property,
            css_parser.css.Property, css_parser.css.CSSUnknownRule

        def t(s):
            for i, x in enumerate(s.children()):
                self.assertEqual(types[i], type(x))
                self.assertEqual(x.parent, s)

        t(css_parser.parseString('a {' + style + '}').cssRules[0].style)
            css_parser.parseString('@media all {a {' + style +

        s = css_parser.parseStyle(style)
        s['x'] = '0'
        self.assertEqual(s, s.getProperty('x').parent)
        s.setProperty('y', '1')
        self.assertEqual(s, s.getProperty('y').parent)
Example #17
 def _apply_style_attr(self, url_replacer=None):
     attrib = self._element.attrib
     if 'style' not in attrib:
     css = attrib['style'].split(';')
     css = filter(None, (x.strip() for x in css))
     css = [y.strip() for y in css]
     css = [y for y in css if self.MS_PAT.match(y) is None]
     css = '; '.join(css)
         style = parseStyle(css, validate=False)
     except CSSSyntaxError:
     if url_replacer is not None:
         replaceUrls(style, url_replacer, ignoreImportRules=True)
Example #18
 def _apply_style_attr(self, url_replacer=None):
     attrib = self._element.attrib
     if 'style' not in attrib:
     css = attrib['style'].split(';')
     css = filter(None, (x.strip() for x in css))
     css = [y.strip() for y in css]
     css = [y for y in css if self.MS_PAT.match(y) is None]
     css = '; '.join(css)
         style = parseStyle(css, validate=False)
     except CSSSyntaxError:
     if url_replacer is not None:
         replaceUrls(style, url_replacer, ignoreImportRules=True)
Example #19
    def backgroundColor(self):
        Return the background color by parsing both the background-color and
        background shortcut properties. Note that inheritance/default values
        are not used. None is returned if no background color is set.

        def validate_color(col):
            return cssprofiles.validateWithProfile('color',

        if self._bgcolor is None:
            col = None
            val = self._style.get('background-color', None)
            if val and validate_color(val):
                col = val
                val = self._style.get('background', None)
                if val is not None:
                        style = parseStyle('background: '+val, validate=False)
                        val = style.getProperty('background').cssValue
                            val = list(val)
                            # val is CSSPrimitiveValue
                            val = [val]
                        for c in val:
                            c = c.cssText
                            if isinstance(c, bytes):
                                c = c.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
                            if validate_color(c):
                                col = c
            if col is None:
                self._bgcolor = False
                self._bgcolor = col
        return self._bgcolor if self._bgcolor else None
Example #20
    def backgroundColor(self):
        Return the background color by parsing both the background-color and
        background shortcut properties. Note that inheritance/default values
        are not used. None is returned if no background color is set.

        def validate_color(col):
            return cssprofiles.validateWithProfile('color',

        if self._bgcolor is None:
            col = None
            val = self._style.get('background-color', None)
            if val and validate_color(val):
                col = val
                val = self._style.get('background', None)
                if val is not None:
                        style = parseStyle('background: '+val, validate=False)
                        val = style.getProperty('background').cssValue
                            val = list(val)
                            # val is CSSPrimitiveValue
                            val = [val]
                        for c in val:
                            c = c.cssText
                            if isinstance(c, bytes):
                                c = c.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
                            if validate_color(c):
                                col = c
            if col is None:
                self._bgcolor = False
                self._bgcolor = col
        return self._bgcolor if self._bgcolor else None
Example #21
        def test_font_normalization(self):
            def font_dict(expected):
                ans = {k:DEFAULTS[k] for k in font_composition} if expected else {}
                return ans

            for raw, expected in iteritems({
                'some_font': {'font-family':'some_font'}, 'inherit':{k:'inherit' for k in font_composition},
                '1.2pt/1.4 A_Font': {'font-family':'A_Font', 'font-size':'1.2pt', 'line-height':'1.4'},
                'bad font': {'font-family':'"bad font"'}, '10% serif': {'font-family':'serif', 'font-size':'10%'},
                '12px "My Font", serif': {'font-family':'"My Font", serif', 'font-size': '12px'},
                'normal 0.6em/135% arial,sans-serif': {'font-family': 'arial, sans-serif', 'font-size': '0.6em', 'line-height':'135%', 'font-style':'normal'},
                'bold italic large serif': {'font-family':'serif', 'font-weight':'bold', 'font-style':'italic', 'font-size':'large'},
                'bold italic small-caps larger/normal serif':
                {'font-family':'serif', 'font-weight':'bold', 'font-style':'italic', 'font-size':'larger',
                 'line-height':'normal', 'font-variant':'small-caps'},
                '2em A B': {'font-family': '"A B"', 'font-size': '2em'},
                val = tuple(parseStyle('font: %s' % raw, validate=False))[0].cssValue
                style = normalizers['font']('font', val)
                self.assertDictEqual(font_dict(expected), style, raw)
Example #22
 def test_edge_condensation(self):
     for s, v in iteritems({
         (1, 1, 3) : None,
         (1, 2, 3, 4) : '2pt 3pt 4pt 1pt',
         (1, 2, 3, 2) : '2pt 3pt 2pt 1pt',
         (1, 2, 1, 3) : '2pt 1pt 3pt',
         (1, 2, 1, 2) : '2pt 1pt',
         (1, 1, 1, 1) : '1pt',
         ('2%', '2%', '2%', '2%') : '2%',
         tuple('0 0 0 0'.split()) : '0',
         for prefix in ('margin', 'padding'):
             css = {'%s-%s' % (prefix, x) : str(y)+'pt' if isinstance(y, numbers.Number) else y for x, y in zip(('left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'), s)}
             css = '; '.join(('%s:%s' % (k, v) for k, v in iteritems(css)))
             style = parseStyle(css)
             val = getattr(style.getProperty(prefix), 'value', None)
             self.assertEqual(v, val)
             if val is not None:
                 for edge in EDGES:
                     self.assertFalse(getattr(style.getProperty('%s-%s' % (prefix, edge)), 'value', None))
Example #23
 def test_remove_property_value(self):
     style = parseStyle(
         'background-image: url(b.png); background: black url(a.png) fixed')
     for prop in style.getProperties(all=True):
         remove_property_value(prop, lambda val: 'png' in val.cssText)
     self.assertEqual('background: black fixed', style.cssText)
Example #24
    def test_validate(self):
        style = 'color: red'
        t = 'a { %s }' % style

        # helper
        s = css_parser.parseString(t)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, True)
        s = css_parser.parseString(t, validate=False)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, False)
        s = css_parser.parseString(t, validate=True)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, True)

        d = css_parser.parseStyle(style)
        self.assertEqual(d.validating, True)
        d = css_parser.parseStyle(style, validate=True)
        self.assertEqual(d.validating, True)
        d = css_parser.parseStyle(style, validate=False)
        self.assertEqual(d.validating, False)

        # parser
        p = css_parser.CSSParser()
        s = p.parseString(t)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, True)
        s = p.parseString(t, validate=False)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, False)
        s = p.parseString(t, validate=True)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, True)
        d = p.parseStyle(style)
        self.assertEqual(d.validating, True)

        p = css_parser.CSSParser(validate=True)
        s = p.parseString(t)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, True)
        s = p.parseString(t, validate=False)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, False)
        s = p.parseString(t, validate=True)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, True)
        d = p.parseStyle(style)
        self.assertEqual(d.validating, True)

        p = css_parser.CSSParser(validate=False)
        s = p.parseString(t)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, False)
        s = p.parseString(t, validate=False)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, False)
        s = p.parseString(t, validate=True)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, True)
        d = p.parseStyle(style)
        self.assertEqual(d.validating, False)

        # url
        p = css_parser.CSSParser(validate=False)
        p.setFetcher(self._make_fetcher('utf-8', t))
        u = 'url'
        s = p.parseUrl(u)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, False)
        s = p.parseUrl(u, validate=False)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, False)
        s = p.parseUrl(u, validate=True)
        self.assertEqual(s.validating, True)
Example #25
 def test_remove_property_value(self):
     style = parseStyle('background-image: url(b.png); background: black url(a.png) fixed')
     for prop in style.getProperties(all=True):
         remove_property_value(prop, lambda val:'png' in val.cssText)
     self.assertEqual('background: black fixed', style.cssText)
 def test_keys(self):
     s = css_parser.parseStyle('x:1; x:2; y:1')
     self.assertEqual(['x', 'y'], s.keys())
     self.assertEqual(s['x'], '2')
     self.assertEqual(s['y'], '1')
Example #27
    def test_refs(self):
        "CSSStyleRule references"
        s = css_parser.css.CSSStyleRule()
        sel, style = s.selectorList, s.style

        self.assertEqual(s, sel.parentRule)
        self.assertEqual(s, style.parentRule)

        s.cssText = 'a { x:1 }'
        self.assertNotEqual(sel, s.selectorList)
        self.assertEqual('a', s.selectorList.selectorText)
        self.assertNotEqual(style, s.style)
        self.assertEqual('1', s.style.getPropertyValue('x'))

        sel, style = s.selectorList, s.style

        invalids = (
            '$b { x:2 }',  # invalid selector
            'c { $x3 }',  # invalid style
            '/b { 2 }'  # both invalid
        for invalid in invalids:
                s.cssText = invalid
            except xml.dom.DOMException as e:
            self.assertEqual(sel, s.selectorList)
            self.assertEqual('a', s.selectorList.selectorText)
            self.assertEqual(style, s.style)
            self.assertEqual('1', s.style.getPropertyValue('x'))

        # CHANGING
        s = css_parser.parseString('a {s1: 1}')
        r = s.cssRules[0]
        sel1 = r.selectorList
        st1 = r.style

        # selectorList
        r.selectorText = 'b'
        self.assertNotEqual(sel1, r.selectorList)
        self.assertEqual('b', r.selectorList.selectorText)
        self.assertEqual('b', r.selectorText)
        sel1b = r.selectorList

        sel1b.selectorText = 'c'
        self.assertEqual(sel1b, r.selectorList)
        self.assertEqual('c', r.selectorList.selectorText)
        self.assertEqual('c', r.selectorText)

        sel2 = css_parser.css.SelectorList('sel2')
        s.selectorList = sel2
        self.assertEqual(sel2, s.selectorList)
        self.assertEqual('sel2', s.selectorList.selectorText)

        sel2.selectorText = 'sel2b'
        self.assertEqual('sel2b', sel2.selectorText)
        self.assertEqual('sel2b', s.selectorList.selectorText)

        s.selectorList.selectorText = 'sel2c'
        self.assertEqual('sel2c', sel2.selectorText)
        self.assertEqual('sel2c', s.selectorList.selectorText)

        # style
        r.style = 's1: 2'
        self.assertNotEqual(st1, r.style)
        self.assertEqual('s1: 2', r.style.cssText)

        st2 = css_parser.parseStyle('s2: 1')
        r.style = st2
        self.assertEqual(st2, r.style)
        self.assertEqual('s2: 1', r.style.cssText)

        # cssText
        sl, st = r.selectorList, r.style
        # fails
            r.cssText = '$ {content: "new"}'
        except xml.dom.SyntaxErr as e:
        self.assertEqual(sl, r.selectorList)
        self.assertEqual(st, r.style)

        r.cssText = 'a {content: "new"}'
        self.assertNotEqual(sl, r.selectorList)
        self.assertNotEqual(st, r.style)