Example #1
def test_open_csv(filepath, row=ROW):
    filename = str(filepath)

    with open_csv(filename, 'w') as w:

    with open_csv(filename, 'r') as r:
        assert list(r) == [row]

    with open_csv(filename) as r:
        assert list(r) == [row]
Example #2
def readCsv(fileUrl):
    content = ""
    # if os.path.exists(fileUrl):
    if exists(fileUrl):
            with open_csv(fileUrl) as reader:
                for row in reader:
                    content += (''.join(row)).replace(' ','')
        except Exception as e:
            with open_csv(fileUrl, encoding='gbk') as reader:
                for row in reader:
                    content += (''.join(row)).replace(' ','')
    return content
Example #3
def construct_regions(csv_file):
    regions = dict()
    for region_name in available_regions:
        regions[region_name] = [], []

    with csv23.open_csv(csv_file) as reader:
        # Iterate the current row/day:
        for row in reversed(list(reader)[1:]):
            # total_cases = row[0]
            # acc_cases = row[1]
            novel_regional_cases = row[2:24]
            # novel_iva_cases = row[25]
            # acc_iva_cases = row[26]
            date = row[27]

            for i, reg in enumerate(regions):
                x, y = regions[reg]
                x.append(str(date + " 00:00:00"))

    return regions
Example #4
def test_open_csv_mode_invalid(mode, filename='nonfile'):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r'invalid mode'):
        open_csv(filename, mode)
Example #5

@pip install csv23
@Package import from outside to use (Like to read csv, Audio file)
We have different CSV readers like: CVS or CSV23 as we imported below (They are defined by different users. just a difference)

@How to Google search:
    python package for Audio file
    or go to github and select the python : Link https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python

@For example we need to read a PDF then we search on the google then we can import just once in a conputer then use it.
>>> import csv23

>>> with csv23.open_csv('C:/Users/HP/Downloads/lsd_math_score_data.csv') as reader:  # doctest: +SKIP
...     for row in reader:
...         print(', '.join(row))
"""Spam!, Spam!, Spam!'
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