Example #1
    def main(self):
        rows = CSVToolsReader(self.input_file, **self.reader_kwargs)

        # Make a default header row if none exists
        if self.args.no_header_row:
            row = next(rows)

            column_names = make_default_headers(len(row))

            # Put the row back on top
            rows = itertools.chain([row], rows)
            column_names = next(rows)

        column_names = list(column_names)

        # prepend 'line_number' column with line numbers if --linenumbers option
        if self.args.line_numbers:
            column_names.insert(0, 'line_number')
            rows = [
                list(itertools.chain([str(i + 1)], row))
                for i, row in enumerate(rows)

        # Convert to normal list of rows
        rows = list(rows)

        # Insert the column names at the top
        rows.insert(0, column_names)

        widths = []

        for row in rows:
            for i, v in enumerate(row):
                    if len(v) > widths[i]:
                        widths[i] = len(v)
                except IndexError:

        # Dashes span each width with '+' character at intersection of
        # horizontal and vertical dividers.
        divider = '|--' + '-+-'.join('-' * w for w in widths) + '--|'

        self.output_file.write('%s\n' % divider)

        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
            output = []

            for j, d in enumerate(row):
                if d is None:
                    d = ''
                output.append(' %s ' % six.text_type(d).ljust(widths[j]))

            self.output_file.write('| %s |\n' % ('|'.join(output)))

            if (i == 0 or i == len(rows) - 1):
                self.output_file.write('%s\n' % divider)
Example #2
    def main(self):
        rows = CSVToolsReader(self.input_file, **self.reader_kwargs)

        # Make a default header row if none exists
        if self.args.no_header_row:
            row = next(rows)

            column_names = make_default_headers(len(row))

            # Put the row back on top
            rows = itertools.chain([row], rows)
            column_names = next(rows)

        column_names = list(column_names)

        # prepend 'line_number' column with line numbers if --linenumbers option
        if self.args.line_numbers:
            column_names.insert(0, 'line_number')
            rows = [list(itertools.chain([str(i + 1)], row)) for i, row in enumerate(rows)]

        # Convert to normal list of rows
        rows = list(rows)

        # Insert the column names at the top
        rows.insert(0, column_names)

        widths = []

        for row in rows:
            for i, v in enumerate(row):
                    if len(v) > widths[i]:
                        widths[i] = len(v)
                except IndexError:

        # Dashes span each width with '+' character at intersection of
        # horizontal and vertical dividers.
        divider = '|--' + '-+-'.join('-'* w for w in widths) + '--|'

        self.output_file.write('%s\n' % divider)

        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
            output = []

            for j, d in enumerate(row):
                if d is None:
                    d = ''
                output.append(' %s ' % six.text_type(d).ljust(widths[j]))

            self.output_file.write('| %s |\n' % ('|'.join(output)))

            if (i == 0 or i == len(rows) - 1):
                self.output_file.write('%s\n' % divider)
Example #3
    def from_csv(cls, f, name='from_csv_table', snifflimit=None, column_ids=None, blanks_as_nulls=True, zero_based=False, infer_types=True, no_header_row=False, **kwargs):
        Creates a new Table from a file-like object containing CSV data.
        Note: the column_ids argument will cause only those columns with a matching identifier
        to be parsed, type inferred, etc. However, their order/index property will reflect the
        original data (e.g. column 8 will still be "order" 7, even if it's the third column
        in the resulting Table.
        # This bit of nonsense is to deal with "files" from stdin,
        # which are not seekable and thus must be buffered
        contents = f.read()


        # snifflimit == 0 means do not sniff
        if snifflimit is None:
            kwargs['dialect'] = sniffer.sniff_dialect(contents)
        elif snifflimit > 0:
            kwargs['dialect'] = sniffer.sniff_dialect(contents[:snifflimit])

        f = six.StringIO(contents)
        rows = CSVToolsReader(f, **kwargs)

        if no_header_row:
            # Peek at a row to infer column names from
            row = next(rows)

            headers = make_default_headers(len(row))
            column_ids = parse_column_identifiers(column_ids, headers, zero_based)
            headers = [headers[c] for c in column_ids]
            data_columns = [[] for c in headers]

            # Put row back on top
            rows = itertools.chain([row], rows)
            headers = next(rows)

            if column_ids:
                column_ids = parse_column_identifiers(column_ids, headers, zero_based)
                headers = [headers[c] for c in column_ids]
                column_ids = range(len(headers))

            data_columns = [[] for c in headers]

        width = len(data_columns)

        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
            for j, d in enumerate(row):
                except IndexError:
                    # Non-rectangular data is truncated

            j += 1

            # Populate remaining columns with None
            while j < width:

                j += 1

        columns = []

        for i, c in enumerate(data_columns):
            columns.append(Column(column_ids[i], headers[i], c, blanks_as_nulls=blanks_as_nulls, infer_types=infer_types))

        return Table(columns, name=name)