Example #1
 def _fromDict(obj):
     Returns a CurrentState for the given dict.
     prefix = Prefix.from_str(obj['prefix'])
     stateName = obj['stateName']
     paramSet = list(map(lambda p: Parameter._fromDict(p), obj['paramSet']))
     return CurrentState(prefix, stateName, paramSet)
Example #2
 def _fromDict(obj):
     Returns a ControlCommand for the given dict.
     typ = obj["_type"]
     source = Prefix.from_str(obj['source'])
     commandName = CommandName(obj['commandName'])
     maybeObsId = obj['maybeObsId'] if 'maybeObsId' in obj else ""
     paramSet = list(map(lambda p: Parameter._fromDict(p), obj['paramSet']))
     assert (typ in {"Setup", "Observe"})
     if typ == 'Setup':
         return Setup(source, commandName, maybeObsId, paramSet)
         return Observe(source, commandName, maybeObsId, paramSet)
Example #3
 def _fromDict(obj):
     Returns a Event for the given dict.
     typ = obj['_type']
     assert (typ in {"SystemEvent", "ObserveEvent"})
     paramSet = list(
         map(lambda p: Parameter._fromDict(p, True), obj['paramSet']))
     eventTime = EventTime._fromDict(obj['eventTime'])
     prefix = Prefix.from_str(obj['source'])
     eventName = EventName(obj['eventName'])
     eventId = obj['eventId']
     if typ == 'SystemEvent':
         return SystemEvent(prefix, eventName, paramSet, eventTime, eventId)
         return ObserveEvent(prefix, eventName, paramSet, eventTime,
Example #4
 def test_location_service_models(self):
     testDir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
     with open(f"{testDir}/location-models.json") as json_file:
         data = json.load(json_file)
         for p in data['ComponentType']:
             assert (ComponentType[p].name == p)
         for p in data['Connection']:
             connectionInfo = ConnectionInfo.from_dict(p)
             self.log.debug(f"Connection: {connectionInfo}")
             assert (connectionInfo.to_dict() == p)
         for p in data['Registration']:
             regType = p['_type']
             if regType == "HttpRegistration":
                 registration = HttpRegistration.from_dict(p)
             elif regType == "TcpRegistration":
                 registration = TcpRegistration.from_dict(p)
             elif regType == "AkkaRegistration":
                 registration = AkkaRegistration.from_dict(p)
             assert (registration.to_dict() == p)
         for p in data['ComponentId']:
             componentId = ComponentId.from_dict(p)
             self.log.debug(f"ComponentId: {componentId}")
             assert (componentId.to_dict() == p)
         for p in data['Prefix']:
             prefix = Prefix.from_str(p)
             assert (str(prefix) == p)
         for p in data['ConnectionType']:
             assert (ConnectionType(p).value == p)
         for p in data['Subsystem']:
             assert (Subsystems[p].name == p)
         for p in data['Location']:
             locType = p['_type']
             if locType == "AkkaLocation":
                 loc = AkkaLocation.from_dict(p)
             elif locType == "HttpLocation":
                 loc = HttpLocation.from_dict(p)
             elif locType == "TcpLocation":
                 loc = TcpLocation.from_dict(p)
             self.log.debug(f"Location: {loc}")
             assert (loc.to_dict() == p)
Example #5
 def from_str(class_object, eventKeyStr: str):
     i = eventKeyStr.rindex('.')
     return EventKey(Prefix.from_str(eventKeyStr[:i]),
                     EventName(eventKeyStr[i + 1:]))