Example #1
def setup_i18n(i18nlang):
    global lang
    localedir = os.path.join(
        getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))),
    if i18nlang is not None:
        os.environ["LANG"] = i18nlang
        lang = i18nlang
        lang, enc = locale.getdefaultlocale(("LANG", "LANGUAGE"))
    enc = "UTF-8"
    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
        from ctypes import cdll, windll
        from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt
        putenv('LANG', lang)
        msvcrt = find_msvcrt()
        msvcrtname = str(msvcrt).split('.')[0] if '.' in msvcrt else str(
        windll.kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW("LANG", lang)
        libintl = cdll.LoadLibrary("libintl-8.dll")
        libintl.bindtextdomain(APP, localedir)
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, (lang, enc))
        locale.bindtextdomain(APP, localedir)
    # print(f"Lang = ({lang}, {enc}) from {i18nlang} and LANG={os.environ['LANG']}")
    gettext.bindtextdomain(APP, localedir=localedir)
    if "_" in lang:
        lang = lang[:lang.find("_")].lower()
Example #2
def _putenv(name, value):
    :param name: environment variable name
    :param value: environment variable value

    This function ensures that changes to an environment variable are applied
    to each copy of the environment variables used by a process. Starting from
    Python 2.4, os.environ changes only apply to the copy Python keeps (os.environ)
    and are no longer automatically applied to the other copies for the process.

    On Microsoft Windows, each process has multiple copies of the environment
    variables, one managed by the OS and one managed by the C library. We also
    need to take care of the fact that the C library used by Python is not
    necessarily the same as the C library used by pygtk and friends. This because
    the latest releases of pygtk and friends are built with mingw32 and are thus
    linked against msvcrt.dll. The official gtk+ binaries have always been built
    in this way.

    if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'nt':
        from ctypes import windll
        from ctypes import cdll
        from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt

        # Update Python's copy of the environment variables
        os.environ[name] = value

        # Update the copy maintained by Windows (so SysInternals Process Explorer sees it)
            result = windll.kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value)
            if result == 0: raise Warning
        except Exception:
            logger.debug('Failed to set environment variable \'%s\' (\'kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW\')' % name)
            logger.debug('Set environment variable \'%s\' to \'%s\' (\'kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW\')' % (name, value))

        # Update the copy maintained by msvcrt (used by gtk+ runtime)
            result = cdll.msvcrt._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
            if result !=0: raise Warning
        except Exception:
            logger.debug('Failed to set environment variable \'%s\' (\'msvcrt._putenv\')' % name)
            logger.debug('Set environment variable \'%s\' to \'%s\' (\'msvcrt._putenv\')' % (name, value))

        # Update the copy maintained by whatever c runtime is used by Python
            msvcrt = find_msvcrt()
            msvcrtname = str(msvcrt).split('.')[0] if '.' in msvcrt else str(msvcrt)
            result = cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt)._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
            if result != 0: raise Warning
        except Exception:
            logger.debug('Failed to set environment variable \'%s\' (\'%s._putenv\')' % (name, msvcrtname))
            logger.debug('Set environment variable \'%s\' to \'%s\' (\'%s._putenv\')' % (name, value, msvcrtname))
Example #3
    def _make_is_append_mode():
        # We build the platform-specific _is_append_mode function for Windows
        # inside a function factory in order to avoid cluttering the local
        # namespace with ctypes stuff
        from ctypes import (cdll, c_size_t, c_void_p, c_int, c_char,
                            Structure, POINTER, cast)

            from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt
        except ImportError:
            # find_msvcrt is not available on Python 2.5 so we have to provide
            # it ourselves anyways
            from distutils.msvccompiler import get_build_version

            def find_msvcrt():
                version = get_build_version()
                if version is None:
                    # better be safe than sorry
                    return None
                if version <= 6:
                    clibname = 'msvcrt'
                    clibname = 'msvcr%d' % (version * 10)

                # If python was built with in debug mode
                import imp
                if imp.get_suffixes()[0][0] == '_d.pyd':
                    clibname += 'd'
                return clibname+'.dll'

        def _dummy_is_append_mode(fd):
                'Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime '
                'library or library is corrupt/misconfigured; cannot '
                'determine whether your file object was opened in append '
                'mode.  Please consider using a file object opened in write '
                'mode instead.')
            return False

        msvcrt_dll = find_msvcrt()
        if msvcrt_dll is None:
            # If for some reason the C runtime can't be located then we're dead
            # in the water.  Just return a dummy function
            return _dummy_is_append_mode

        msvcrt = cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt_dll)

        # Constants
        IOINFO_L2E = 5
        IOINFO_ARRAYS = 64
        FAPPEND = 0x20
        _NO_CONSOLE_FILENO = -2

        # Types
        intptr_t = POINTER(c_int)

        class my_ioinfo(Structure):
            _fields_ = [('osfhnd', intptr_t),
                        ('osfile', c_char)]

        # Functions
        _msize = msvcrt._msize
        _msize.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
        _msize.restype = c_size_t

        # Variables
        # Since we don't know how large the ioinfo struct is just treat the
        # __pioinfo array as an array of byte pointers
        __pioinfo = cast(msvcrt.__pioinfo, POINTER(POINTER(c_char)))

        # Determine size of the ioinfo struct; see the comment above where
        # _sizeof_ioinfo = None is set
        global _sizeof_ioinfo
        if __pioinfo[0] is not None:
            _sizeof_ioinfo = _msize(__pioinfo[0]) // IOINFO_ARRAY_ELTS

        if not _sizeof_ioinfo:
            # This shouldn't happen, but I suppose it could if one is using a
            # broken msvcrt, or just happened to have a dll of the same name
            # lying around.
            return _dummy_is_append_mode

        def _is_append_mode(fd):
            global _sizeof_ioinfo
            if fd != _NO_CONSOLE_FILENO:
                idx1 = fd >> IOINFO_L2E # The index into the __pioinfo array
                # The n-th ioinfo pointer in __pioinfo[idx1]
                idx2 = fd & ((1 << IOINFO_L2E) - 1)
                if 0 <= idx1 < IOINFO_ARRAYS and __pioinfo[idx1] is not None:
                    # Doing pointer arithmetic in ctypes is irritating
                    pio = c_void_p(cast(__pioinfo[idx1], c_void_p).value +
                                   idx2 * _sizeof_ioinfo)
                    ioinfo = cast(pio, POINTER(my_ioinfo)).contents
                    return bool(ord(ioinfo.osfile) & FAPPEND)
            return False

        return _is_append_mode
Example #4
    def _make_is_append_mode():
        # We build the platform-specific _is_append_mode function for Windows
        # inside a function factory in order to avoid cluttering the local
        # namespace with ctypes stuff
        from ctypes import (cdll, c_size_t, c_void_p, c_int, c_char, Structure,
                            POINTER, cast)

            from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt
        except ImportError:
            # find_msvcrt is not available on Python 2.5 so we have to provide
            # it ourselves anyways
            from distutils.msvccompiler import get_build_version

            def find_msvcrt():
                version = get_build_version()
                if version is None:
                    # better be safe than sorry
                    return None
                if version <= 6:
                    clibname = 'msvcrt'
                    clibname = 'msvcr%d' % (version * 10)

                # If python was built with in debug mode
                import imp
                if imp.get_suffixes()[0][0] == '_d.pyd':
                    clibname += 'd'
                return clibname + '.dll'

        def _dummy_is_append_mode(fd):
                'Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime '
                'library or library is corrupt/misconfigured; cannot '
                'determine whether your file object was opened in append '
                'mode.  Please consider using a file object opened in write '
                'mode instead.')
            return False

        msvcrt_dll = find_msvcrt()
        if msvcrt_dll is None:
            # If for some reason the C runtime can't be located then we're dead
            # in the water.  Just return a dummy function
            return _dummy_is_append_mode

        msvcrt = cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt_dll)

        # Constants
        IOINFO_L2E = 5
        IOINFO_ARRAYS = 64
        FAPPEND = 0x20
        _NO_CONSOLE_FILENO = -2

        # Types
        intptr_t = POINTER(c_int)

        class my_ioinfo(Structure):
            _fields_ = [('osfhnd', intptr_t), ('osfile', c_char)]

        # Functions
        _msize = msvcrt._msize
        _msize.argtypes = (c_void_p, )
        _msize.restype = c_size_t

        # Variables
        # Since we don't know how large the ioinfo struct is just treat the
        # __pioinfo array as an array of byte pointers
        __pioinfo = cast(msvcrt.__pioinfo, POINTER(POINTER(c_char)))

        # Determine size of the ioinfo struct; see the comment above where
        # _sizeof_ioinfo = None is set
        global _sizeof_ioinfo
        if __pioinfo[0] is not None:
            _sizeof_ioinfo = _msize(__pioinfo[0]) // IOINFO_ARRAY_ELTS

        if not _sizeof_ioinfo:
            # This shouldn't happen, but I suppose it could if one is using a
            # broken msvcrt, or just happened to have a dll of the same name
            # lying around.
            return _dummy_is_append_mode

        def _is_append_mode(fd):
            global _sizeof_ioinfo
            if fd != _NO_CONSOLE_FILENO:
                idx1 = fd >> IOINFO_L2E  # The index into the __pioinfo array
                # The n-th ioinfo pointer in __pioinfo[idx1]
                idx2 = fd & ((1 << IOINFO_L2E) - 1)
                if 0 <= idx1 < IOINFO_ARRAYS and __pioinfo[idx1] is not None:
                    # Doing pointer arithmetic in ctypes is irritating
                    pio = c_void_p(
                        cast(__pioinfo[idx1], c_void_p).value +
                        idx2 * _sizeof_ioinfo)
                    ioinfo = cast(pio, POINTER(my_ioinfo)).contents
                    return bool(ord(ioinfo.osfile) & FAPPEND)
            return False

        return _is_append_mode
Example #5
""" clock() function which works from within njit-ted code """
import ctypes
import platform

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt
    __LIB = find_msvcrt()
    if __LIB is None:
        __LIB = 'msvcrt.dll'
    from ctypes.util import find_library
    __LIB = find_library('c')

clock = ctypes.CDLL(__LIB).clock
clock.argtypes = []
Example #6
        # load the ADL 3.0 dso/dll
        _libadl = CDLL("libatiadlxx.so", mode=RTLD_GLOBAL)
        # ADL requires we pass an allocation function and handle freeing it ourselves
        _libc = CDLL("libc.so.6")
        from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt
            # first try to load the 64-bit library
            _libadl = CDLL("atiadlxx.dll")
        except OSError:
            # fall back on the 32-bit library
            _libadl = CDLL("atiadlxy.dll")

        _libc = CDLL(find_msvcrt());
    _malloc = _libc.malloc
    _malloc.argtypes = [c_size_t]
    _malloc.restype = c_void_p
    _free = _libc.free
    _free.argtypes = [c_void_p]

    def ADL_Main_Memory_Alloc(iSize):
        return _malloc(iSize)
Example #7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import vimbastructure as structs
from vimbaexception import VimbaException
from sys import platform
import os
from ctypes import *

if platform == "win32":
	from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt
	_cruntime = cdll.LoadLibrary(find_msvcrt())
	vimbaC_path = r'C:\Program Files\Allied Vision Technologies\AVTVimba_1.2\VimbaC\Bin\Win32\VimbaC.dll'
	dll_loader = windll
	_cruntime = CDLL("libc.so.6")
	dll_loader = cdll
	assert os.environ.get("GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH"), "you need your GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH environment set.  Make sure you have Vimba installed, and you have loaded the /etc/profile.d/ scripts"
	vimba_dir = "/".join(os.environ.get("GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH").split("/")[1:-3])
	vimbaC_path = "/" + vimba_dir + "/VimbaC/DynamicLib/x86_64bit/libVimbaC.so"

with open(vimbaC_path) as thefile:
	pass #NJO i think this is kind of like an os.exists ?

class VimbaDLL(object):
	ctypes directives to make the wrapper class work cleanly, 
	talks to VimbaC.dll
	# a full list of Vimba API methods
	# (only double dashed methods have been implemented so far)
Example #8
    def _make_is_append_mode():
        # We build the platform-specific _is_append_mode function for Windows
        # inside a function factory in order to avoid cluttering the local
        # namespace with ctypes stuff
        from ctypes import cdll, c_size_t, c_void_p, c_int, c_char, Structure, POINTER, cast

        from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt

        def _dummy_is_append_mode(fd):
                "Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime "
                "library or library is corrupt/misconfigured; cannot "
                "determine whether your file object was opened in append "
                "mode.  Please consider using a file object opened in write "
                "mode instead."
            return False

        msvcrt_dll = find_msvcrt()
        if msvcrt_dll is None:
            # If for some reason the C runtime can't be located then we're dead
            # in the water.  Just return a dummy function
            return _dummy_is_append_mode

        msvcrt = cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt_dll)

        # Constants
        IOINFO_L2E = 5
        IOINFO_ARRAYS = 64
        FAPPEND = 0x20
        _NO_CONSOLE_FILENO = -2

        # Types
        intptr_t = POINTER(c_int)

        class my_ioinfo(Structure):
            _fields_ = [("osfhnd", intptr_t), ("osfile", c_char)]

        # Functions
        _msize = msvcrt._msize
        _msize.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
        _msize.restype = c_size_t

        # Variables
        # Since we don't know how large the ioinfo struct is just treat the
        # __pioinfo array as an array of byte pointers
        __pioinfo = cast(msvcrt.__pioinfo, POINTER(POINTER(c_char)))

        # Determine size of the ioinfo struct; see the comment above where
        # _sizeof_ioinfo = None is set
        global _sizeof_ioinfo
        if __pioinfo[0] is not None:
            _sizeof_ioinfo = _msize(__pioinfo[0]) // IOINFO_ARRAY_ELTS

        if not _sizeof_ioinfo:
            # This shouldn't happen, but I suppose it could if one is using a
            # broken msvcrt, or just happened to have a dll of the same name
            # lying around.
            return _dummy_is_append_mode

        def _is_append_mode(fd):
            global _sizeof_ioinfo
            if fd != _NO_CONSOLE_FILENO:
                idx1 = fd >> IOINFO_L2E  # The index into the __pioinfo array
                # The n-th ioinfo pointer in __pioinfo[idx1]
                idx2 = fd & ((1 << IOINFO_L2E) - 1)
                if 0 <= idx1 < IOINFO_ARRAYS and __pioinfo[idx1] is not None:
                    # Doing pointer arithmetic in ctypes is irritating
                    pio = c_void_p(cast(__pioinfo[idx1], c_void_p).value + idx2 * _sizeof_ioinfo)
                    ioinfo = cast(pio, POINTER(my_ioinfo)).contents
                    return bool(ord(ioinfo.osfile) & FAPPEND)
            return False

        return _is_append_mode
Example #9
import numba
import ctypes
import platform

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt
    lib = find_msvcrt()
    if lib is None:
        lib = 'msvcrt.dll'
    from ctypes.util import find_library
    lib = find_library('c')

clock = ctypes.CDLL(lib).clock
clock.argtypes = []

scale = 1
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
    scale = 1000

def time():
    value = clock()
    return value // scale
Example #10
def _putenv(name, value):
    :param name: environment variable name
    :param value: environment variable value

    This function ensures that changes to an environment variable are applied
    to each copy of the environment variables used by a process. Starting from
    Python 2.4, os.environ changes only apply to the copy Python keeps (os.environ)
    and are no longer automatically applied to the other copies for the process.

    On Microsoft Windows, each process has multiple copies of the environment
    variables, one managed by the OS and one managed by the C library. We also
    need to take care of the fact that the C library used by Python is not
    necessarily the same as the C library used by PyGTK and friends. This because
    the latest releases of PyGTK and friends are built with mingw32 and are thus
    linked against msvcrt.dll. The official GTK+ binaries have always been built
    in this way.

    # Update Python's copy of the environment variables
    os.environ[name] = value

    # Update the copy maintained by Windows (so SysInternals Process Explorer sees it)
        result = windll.kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value)
        if result == 0: raise Warning
    except Exception:
        if sys.flags.verbose:
                '* pygtk-runtime: "kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW" failed\n')
        if sys.flags.verbose:
                '* pygtk-runtime: "kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW" successful\n'

    # Update the copy maintained by msvcrt (used by GTK+ runtime)
        result = cdll.msvcrt._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
        if result != 0: raise Warning
    except Exception:
        if sys.flags.verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('* pygtk-runtime: "msvcrt._putenv" failed\n')
        if sys.flags.verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('* pygtk-runtime: "msvcrt._putenv" successful\n')

    # Update the copy maintained by whatever c runtime is used by Python
        msvcrt = find_msvcrt()
        msvcrtname = str(msvcrt).split('.')[0] if '.' in msvcrt else str(
        result = cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt)._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
        if result != 0: raise Warning
    except Exception:
        if sys.flags.verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('* pygtk-runtime: "%s._putenv" failed\n' %
        if sys.flags.verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('* pygtk-runtime: "%s._putenv" successful\n' %
Example #11
def _putenv(name, value):
    :param name: environment variable name
    :param value: environment variable value

    This function ensures that changes to an environment variable are applied
    to each copy of the environment variables used by a process. Starting from
    Python 2.4, os.environ changes only apply to the copy Python keeps (os.environ)
    and are no longer automatically applied to the other copies for the process.

    On Microsoft Windows, each process has multiple copies of the environment
    variables, one managed by the OS and one managed by the C library. We also
    need to take care of the fact that the C library used by Python is not
    necessarily the same as the C library used by PyGTK and friends. This because
    the latest releases of PyGTK and friends are built with mingw32 and are thus
    linked against msvcrt.dll. The official GTK+ binaries have always been built
    in this way.

    # Update Python's copy of the environment variables
    os.environ[name] = value

    # Update the copy maintained by Windows (so SysInternals Process Explorer sees it)
        result = windll.kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value)
        if result == 0: raise Warning
    except Exception:
        if sys.flags.verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('* pygtk-runtime: "kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW" failed\n')
        if sys.flags.verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('* pygtk-runtime: "kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW" successful\n')

    # Update the copy maintained by msvcrt (used by GTK+ runtime)
        result = cdll.msvcrt._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
        if result != 0: raise Warning
    except Exception:
        if sys.flags.verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('* pygtk-runtime: "msvcrt._putenv" failed\n')
        if sys.flags.verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('* pygtk-runtime: "msvcrt._putenv" successful\n')

    # Update the copy maintained by whatever c runtime is used by Python
        msvcrt = find_msvcrt()
        msvcrtname = str(msvcrt).split('.')[0] if '.' in msvcrt else str(msvcrt)
        result = cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt)._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
        if result != 0: raise Warning
    except Exception:
        if sys.flags.verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('* pygtk-runtime: "%s._putenv" failed\n' % msvcrtname)
        if sys.flags.verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('* pygtk-runtime: "%s._putenv" successful\n' % msvcrtname)
Example #12
	mydir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
	if mydir.lower() not in [p.lower() for p in sys.path]:
		sys.path.insert(0, mydir)
	if is_x64:
		print 'This script requires an 32-bit version of Python.\n'
		print 'If you have a 32-bit version of Python, but dont want to have to add it to your PATH, add a bat file to your PATH called, "x86env.bat" or "x86env.cmd" that temporarily adds it to your PATH.\n'
		print 'Something like:'
		print '@set PATH=%%PATH:\\mypythonx64folder\\=\\mypythonx86folder\\%%\n'
	if is_pypy:
		handle = GetModuleHandleW('libpypy-c.dll')
		handle = sys.dllhandle
	rkernel32 = RWinDLL(util.find_library('kernel32'))
	if not is_pypy:
		smsvcrt = util.find_library(util.find_msvcrt())
		if smsvcrt is None:
			smsvcrt = util.find_library('msvcr100')
		msvcrt = RCDLL(smsvcrt)
		pyhome = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))
		pypath = ';'.join(sys.path)
		path = 'PATH=%s' % (pyhome + ';' + os.environ['PATH']).replace(';;',';')
		putenv = msvcrt._putenv
		putenv.argtypes = [ c_char_p ]
		putenv.restype = c_int
		putenv('PYTHONPATH=%s' % pypath)

	python = RCDLL(handle=handle)
Example #13
    mydir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    if mydir.lower() not in [p.lower() for p in sys.path]:
        sys.path.insert(0, mydir)
    if is_x64:
        print 'This script requires an 32-bit version of Python.\n'
        print 'If you have a 32-bit version of Python, but dont want to have to add it to your PATH, add a bat file to your PATH called, "x86env.bat" or "x86env.cmd" that temporarily adds it to your PATH.\n'
        print 'Something like:'
        print '@set PATH=%%PATH:\\mypythonx64folder\\=\\mypythonx86folder\\%%\n'
    if is_pypy:
        handle = GetModuleHandleW('libpypy-c.dll')
        handle = sys.dllhandle
    rkernel32 = RWinDLL(util.find_library('kernel32'))
    if not is_pypy:
        smsvcrt = util.find_library(util.find_msvcrt())
        if smsvcrt is None:
            smsvcrt = util.find_library('msvcr100')
        msvcrt = RCDLL(smsvcrt)
        pyhome = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))
        pypath = ';'.join(sys.path)
        path = 'PATH=%s' % (pyhome + ';' + os.environ['PATH']).replace(
            ';;', ';')
        putenv = msvcrt._putenv
        putenv.argtypes = [c_char_p]
        putenv.restype = c_int
        putenv('PYTHONPATH=%s' % pypath)

    python = RCDLL(handle=handle)
Example #14
        # load the ADL 3.0 dso/dll
        _libadl = CDLL("libatiadlxx.so", mode=RTLD_GLOBAL)
        # ADL requires we pass an allocation function and handle freeing it ourselves
        _libc = CDLL("libc.so.6")
        from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt
            # first try to load the 64-bit library
            _libadl = CDLL("atiadlxx.dll")
        except OSError:
            # fall back on the 32-bit library
            _libadl = CDLL("atiadlxy.dll")

        _libc = CDLL(find_msvcrt());
    _malloc = _libc.malloc
    _malloc.argtypes = [c_size_t]
    _malloc.restype = c_void_p
    _free = _libc.free
    _free.argtypes = [c_void_p]

    def ADL_Main_Memory_Alloc(iSize):
        return _malloc(iSize)
Example #15
if sys_plat == "win32":

    def find_win_dll(arch):
        """ Finds the highest versioned windows dll for the specified architecture. """
        base = r'C:\Program Files\Allied Vision Technologies\AVTVimba_1.%i\VimbaC\Bin\Win%i\VimbaC.dll'
        dlls = [
            base % (i, arch) for i in range(10)
            if os.path.isfile(base % (i, arch))
        if not dlls:
            raise IOError("VimbaC.dll not found.")
        return dlls[-1]

    from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt
    _cruntime = cdll.LoadLibrary(find_msvcrt())
    if '64' in platform.architecture()[0]:
        vimbaC_path = find_win_dll(64)
        vimbaC_path = find_win_dll(32)
    dll_loader = windll
    _cruntime = CDLL("libc.so.6")
    dll_loader = cdll
    assert os.environ.get(
    ), "you need your GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH environment set.  Make sure you have Vimba installed, and you have loaded the /etc/profile.d/ scripts"
    vimba_dir = "/".join(
    vimbaC_path = "/" + vimba_dir + "/VimbaC/DynamicLib/x86_64bit/libVimbaC.so"
Example #16
def set_env_variable(name, value):
    :param name: environment variable name
    :param value: environment variable value

    This function ensures that changes to an environment variable are applied
    to each copy of the environment variables used by a process. Starting from
    Python 2.4, os.environ changes only apply to the copy Python keeps (os.environ)
    and are no longer automatically applied to the other copies for the process.

    On Microsoft Windows, each process has multiple copies of the environment
    variables, one managed by the OS and one managed by the C library. We also
    need to take care of the fact that the C library used by Python is not
    necessarily the same as the C library used by pygtk and friends. This because
    the latest releases of pygtk and friends are built with mingw32 and are thus
    linked against msvcrt.dll. The official gtk+ binaries have always been built
    in this way.

    Basen on _putenv in TransUtils.py from sourceforge project gramps
    # Update Python's copy of the environment variables
        os.environ[name] = value
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        # Python 2
        os.environ[name] = value.encode('utf8')

    if windows_check():
        from ctypes import windll
        from ctypes import cdll
        from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt

        # Update the copy maintained by Windows (so SysInternals Process Explorer sees it)
            result = windll.kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value)
            if result == 0:
                raise Warning
        except Exception:
            log.warning('Failed to set Env Var \'%s\' (\'kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW\')', name)
            log.debug('Set Env Var \'%s\' to \'%s\' (\'kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW\')', name, value)

        # Update the copy maintained by msvcrt (used by gtk+ runtime)
            result = cdll.msvcrt._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
            if result != 0:
                raise Warning
        except Exception:
            log.warning('Failed to set Env Var \'%s\' (\'msvcrt._putenv\')', name)
            log.debug('Set Env Var \'%s\' to \'%s\' (\'msvcrt._putenv\')', name, value)

        # Update the copy maintained by whatever c runtime is used by Python
            msvcrt = find_msvcrt()
            msvcrtname = str(msvcrt).split('.')[0] if '.' in msvcrt else str(msvcrt)
            result = cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt)._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
            if result != 0:
                raise Warning
        except Exception:
            log.warning('Failed to set Env Var \'%s\' (\'%s._putenv\')', name, msvcrtname)
            log.debug('Set Env Var \'%s\' to \'%s\' (\'%s._putenv\')', name, value, msvcrtname)
Example #17
def set_env_variable(name, value):
    :param name: environment variable name
    :param value: environment variable value

    This function ensures that changes to an environment variable are applied
    to each copy of the environment variables used by a process. Starting from
    Python 2.4, os.environ changes only apply to the copy Python keeps (os.environ)
    and are no longer automatically applied to the other copies for the process.

    On Microsoft Windows, each process has multiple copies of the environment
    variables, one managed by the OS and one managed by the C library. We also
    need to take care of the fact that the C library used by Python is not
    necessarily the same as the C library used by pygtk and friends. This because
    the latest releases of pygtk and friends are built with mingw32 and are thus
    linked against msvcrt.dll. The official gtk+ binaries have always been built
    in this way.

    Basen on _putenv in TransUtils.py from sourceforge project gramps
    # Update Python's copy of the environment variables
        os.environ[name] = value
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        # Python 2
        os.environ[name] = value.encode('utf8')

    if windows_check():
        from ctypes import windll
        from ctypes import cdll
        from ctypes.util import find_msvcrt

        # Update the copy maintained by Windows (so SysInternals Process Explorer sees it)
            result = windll.kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value)
            if result == 0:
                raise Warning
        except Exception:
                'Failed to set Env Var \'%s\' (\'kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW\')',
                'Set Env Var \'%s\' to \'%s\' (\'kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW\')',

        # Update the copy maintained by msvcrt (used by gtk+ runtime)
            result = cdll.msvcrt._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
            if result != 0:
                raise Warning
        except Exception:
            log.warning('Failed to set Env Var \'%s\' (\'msvcrt._putenv\')',
            log.debug('Set Env Var \'%s\' to \'%s\' (\'msvcrt._putenv\')',
                      name, value)

        # Update the copy maintained by whatever c runtime is used by Python
            msvcrt = find_msvcrt()
            msvcrtname = str(msvcrt).split('.')[0] if '.' in msvcrt else str(
            result = cdll.LoadLibrary(msvcrt)._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
            if result != 0:
                raise Warning
        except Exception:
            log.warning('Failed to set Env Var \'%s\' (\'%s._putenv\')', name,
            log.debug('Set Env Var \'%s\' to \'%s\' (\'%s._putenv\')', name,
                      value, msvcrtname)
Example #18
        suffix += '|XL'

    for key, value in vars(_xltypes).iteritems():
        if key.startswith('xltype') and value == _xltype:
            return key + suffix
    return "0x{:04X}".format(_xltype) + suffix

def _malloc_errcheck(result, _, __):
    """capture 0 pointers from malloc and convert to exceptions"""
    if result == None:
        raise MemoryError('malloc: failed to allocate memory')
    return result

_crt = ctypes.CDLL(find_msvcrt())
_malloc = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_size_t)(('malloc', _crt))
_malloc.errcheck = _malloc_errcheck
_free = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p)(('free', _crt))

def _colref(col):
    """convert column number to column letter"""
    div, mod = divmod(col, 26)
    return chr(ord('A') + mod) if div == 0 else _colref(div) + _colref(mod)

class _XLOPER(object):
    def __init__(self, value=None):  # pylint: disable=W0231