Example #1
NUM_FRAMES = 1000 # number of frames to integrate FROM END


# Log file
#if log:
#  logfile = open("/opt/ibehave/log/scripts.log",'w')  # TODO: better logging!
#  print >> logfile, "-----------------> Model Background"
#  print >> logfile, invideofile
#  print >> logfile, background 


# open the video
cap = ocv.cvCreateFileCapture(invideofile)
# extract the number of frames
max_frames = ocv.cvGetCaptureProperty(cap,ocv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
# interrogate the first frame to get the size
frame = ocv.cvQueryFrame(cap)
frame_size = ocv.cvGetSize(frame)

working =       ocv.cvCreateImage(frame_size,ocv.IPL_DEPTH_32F,3)
accumulator =   ocv.cvCreateImage(frame_size,ocv.IPL_DEPTH_32F,3)
background =    ocv.cvCreateImage(frame_size,ocv.IPL_DEPTH_32F,3)
ones =		ocv.cvCreateImage(frame_size,ocv.IPL_DEPTH_32F,3)
target =	ocv.cvCloneImage(frame) 

# Set divisor image all to one
Example #2
min_width = 10 
min_height = 10 
min_area = min_width*min_height
# max thresholds
max_width = 30 
max_height = 45 
max_area = max_width * max_height
# values for dynamics 
smallmove = 0.2 # fraction of length
anglefrom = pi*0.33 # angles of turning
angleto = pi*0.66


# open the video
cap = ocv.cvCreateFileCapture(filename)
# extract the number of frames
max_frames = ocv.cvGetCaptureProperty(cap,ocv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
# interrogate the first frame to get the size
t = 1
frame = ocv.cvQueryFrame(cap)
frame_size = ocv.cvGetSize(frame)

# create some temporary frames
gray =		ocv.cvCreateImage(frame_size,8,1) 
#backgray =		ocv.cvCreateImage(frame_size,8,1) 
grayfloat =		ocv.cvCreateImage(frame_size,ocv.IPL_DEPTH_32F,1)
background =		ocv.cvCreateImage(frame_size,ocv.IPL_DEPTH_32F,1)
ones =		ocv.cvCreateImage(frame_size,ocv.IPL_DEPTH_32F,1)
thresh = 	ocv.cvCreateImage(frame_size,8,1) 
output =	ocv.cvCloneImage(frame)