def test_masked_registration_padfield_data(): """Masked translation registration should behave like in the original publication""" # Test translated from MATLABimplementation `MaskedFFTRegistrationTest` # file. You can find the source code here: # shifts = [(75, 75), (-130, 130), (130, 130)] for xi, yi in shifts: fixed_image = cp.array(imread( fetch('registration/tests/data/OriginalX{:d}Y{:d}.png' ''.format(xi, yi)))) moving_image = cp.array(imread( fetch('registration/tests/data/TransformedX{:d}Y{:d}.png' ''.format(xi, yi)))) # Valid pixels are 1 fixed_mask = fixed_image != 0 moving_mask = moving_image != 0 # Note that shifts in x and y and shifts in cols and rows shift_y, shift_x = cp.asnumpy(masked_register_translation( fixed_image, moving_image, reference_mask=fixed_mask, moving_mask=moving_mask, overlap_ratio=0.1)) # Note: by looking at the test code from Padfield's # MaskedFFTRegistrationCode repository, the # shifts were not xi and yi, but xi and -yi np.testing.assert_array_equal((shift_x, shift_y), (-xi, yi))
def test_lab2xyz(self): assert_array_almost_equal(lab2xyz(self.lab_array), self.xyz_array, decimal=3) # Test the conversion with the rest of the illuminants. for i in ["d50", "d55", "d65", "d75"]: for obs in ["2", "10"]: fname = "color/tests/data/lab_array_{0}_{1}.npy".format(i, obs) lab_array_i_obs = cp.array(np.load(fetch(fname))) assert_array_almost_equal(lab2xyz(lab_array_i_obs, i, obs), self.xyz_array, decimal=3) for i in ["a", "e"]: fname = "lab_array_{0}_2.npy".format(i) lab_array_i_obs = cp.array( np.load(fetch('color/tests/data/' + fname))) assert_array_almost_equal(lab2xyz(lab_array_i_obs, i, "2"), self.xyz_array, decimal=3) # And we include a call to test the exception handling in the code. try: lab2xyz(lab_array_i_obs, "Nai", "2") # Not an illuminant except ValueError: pass try: lab2xyz(lab_array_i_obs, "d50", "42") # Not a degree except ValueError: pass
def test_wiener(dtype): psf = np.ones((5, 5)) / 25 data = signal.convolve2d(cp.asnumpy(test_img), psf, "same") np.random.seed(0) data += 0.1 * data.std() * np.random.standard_normal(data.shape) psf = cp.asarray(psf, dtype=dtype) data = cp.asarray(data, dtype=dtype) deconvolved = restoration.wiener(data, psf, 0.05) assert deconvolved.dtype == dtype path = fetch('restoration/tests/camera_wiener.npy') rtol = 1e-5 if dtype == np.float32 else 1e-12 atol = rtol cp.testing.assert_allclose(deconvolved, np.load(path), rtol=rtol, atol=atol) _, laplacian = uft.laplacian(2, data.shape) otf = uft.ir2tf(psf, data.shape, is_real=False) deconvolved = restoration.wiener(data, otf, 0.05, reg=laplacian, is_real=False) cp.testing.assert_allclose(cp.real(deconvolved), np.load(path), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
def load_ciede2000_data(): dtype = [('pair', int), ('1', int), ('L1', float), ('a1', float), ('b1', float), ('a1_prime', float), ('C1_prime', float), ('h1_prime', float), ('hbar_prime', float), ('G', float), ('T', float), ('SL', float), ('SC', float), ('SH', float), ('RT', float), ('dE', float), ('2', int), ('L2', float), ('a2', float), ('b2', float), ('a2_prime', float), ('C2_prime', float), ('h2_prime', float), ] # note: ciede_test_data.txt contains several intermediate quantities path = fetch('color/tests/ciede2000_test_data.txt') return np.loadtxt(path, dtype=dtype)
def test_luv2xyz(self): assert_array_almost_equal(luv2xyz(self.luv_array), self.xyz_array, decimal=3) # Test the conversion with the rest of the illuminants. for i in ["d50", "d55", "d65", "d75"]: for obs in ["2", "10"]: fname = "color/tests/data/luv_array_{0}_{1}.npy".format(i, obs) luv_array_i_obs = cp.array(np.load(fetch(fname))) assert_array_almost_equal(luv2xyz(luv_array_i_obs, i, obs), self.xyz_array, decimal=3) for i in ["a", "e"]: fname = "color/tests/data/luv_array_{0}_2.npy".format(i) luv_array_i_obs = cp.array(np.load(fetch(fname))) assert_array_almost_equal(luv2xyz(luv_array_i_obs, i, "2"), self.xyz_array, decimal=3)
def strel_worker(self, fn, func): matlab_masks = np.load(fetch(fn)) k = 0 for arrname in sorted(matlab_masks): expected_mask = matlab_masks[arrname] actual_mask = func(k) if expected_mask.shape == (1, ): expected_mask = expected_mask[:, np.newaxis] assert_array_equal(expected_mask, actual_mask) k = k + 1
def test_richardson_lucy(): rstate = np.random.RandomState(0) psf = np.ones((5, 5)) / 25 data = signal.convolve2d(cp.asnumpy(test_img), psf, 'same') np.random.seed(0) data += 0.1 * data.std() * rstate.standard_normal(data.shape) data = cp.asarray(data) psf = cp.asarray(psf) deconvolved = restoration.richardson_lucy(data, psf, 5) path = fetch('restoration/tests/camera_rl.npy') cp.testing.assert_allclose(deconvolved, np.load(path), rtol=1e-5)
def strel_worker_3d(self, fn, func): matlab_masks = np.load(fetch(fn)) k = 0 for arrname in sorted(matlab_masks): expected_mask = matlab_masks[arrname] actual_mask = func(k) if expected_mask.shape == (1, ): expected_mask = expected_mask[:, np.newaxis] # Test center slice for each dimension. This gives a good # indication of validity without the need for a 3D reference # mask. c = int(expected_mask.shape[0] / 2) assert_array_equal(expected_mask, actual_mask[c, :, :]) assert_array_equal(expected_mask, actual_mask[:, c, :]) assert_array_equal(expected_mask, actual_mask[:, :, c]) k = k + 1
def test_richardson_lucy_filtered(dtype_image, dtype_psf): if dtype_image == np.float64: atol = 1e-8 else: atol = 1e-4 test_img_astro = rgb2gray(astronaut()) psf = cp.ones((5, 5), dtype=dtype_psf) / 25 data = cp.array(signal.convolve2d(cp.asnumpy(test_img_astro), cp.asnumpy(psf), 'same'), dtype=dtype_image) deconvolved = restoration.richardson_lucy(data, psf, 5, filter_epsilon=1e-6) assert deconvolved.dtype == data.dtype path = fetch('restoration/tests/astronaut_rl.npy') cp.testing.assert_allclose(deconvolved, np.load(path), rtol=1e-3, atol=atol)
def test_gray_morphology(self): expected = dict(np.load(fetch('data/gray_morph_output.npz'))) calculated = self._build_expected_output() for k, v in calculated.items(): cp.testing.assert_array_equal(cp.asarray(expected[k]), v)