Example #1
def _convert_df_to_output_type(df, input_type, return_labels):
    Given a cudf.DataFrame df, convert it to a new type appropriate for the
    graph algos in this module, based on input_type.
    return_labels is only used for return values from cupy/scipy input types.
    if input_type in [Graph, DiGraph]:
        return df

    elif is_nx_graph_type(input_type):
        return df_score_to_dictionary(df, "labels", "vertex")

    elif is_matrix_type(input_type):
        # Convert DF of 2 columns (labels, vertices) to the SciPy-style return
        # value:
        #   n_components: int
        #       The number of connected components (number of unique labels).
        #   labels: ndarray
        #       The length-N array of labels of the connected components.
        n_components = len(df["labels"].unique())
        sorted_df = df.sort_values("vertex")
        if return_labels:
            if is_cp_matrix_type(input_type):
                labels = cp.fromDlpack(sorted_df["labels"].to_dlpack())
                labels = sorted_df["labels"].to_numpy()
            return (n_components, labels)
            return n_components

        raise TypeError(f"input type {input_type} is not a supported type.")
Example #2
def test_core_number(graph_file):

    nx_num = calc_nx_core_number(graph_file)
    cg_num = calc_cg_core_number(graph_file)

    # convert cugraph dataframe to a dictionary
    cg_num_dic = df_score_to_dictionary(cg_num, k="core_number")

    assert cg_num_dic == nx_num
Example #3
def strongly_connected_components(G):
    Generate the Stronlgly Connected Components and attach a component label to
    each vertex.

    G : cugraph.Graph or networkx.Graph
      cuGraph graph descriptor, should contain the connectivity information as
      an edge list (edge weights are not used for this algorithm). The graph
      can be either directed or undirected where an undirected edge is
      represented by a directed edge in both directions.
      The adjacency list will be computed if not already present.
      The number of vertices should fit into a 32b int.

    df : cudf.DataFrame
        GPU data frame containing two cudf.Series of size V: the vertex
        identifiers and the corresponding component identifier.

            Contains the vertex identifier
            The component identifier

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv',
                          delimiter = ' ',
                          dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'],
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1', edge_attr=None)
    >>> df = cugraph.strongly_connected_components(G)

    G, isNx = check_nx_graph(G)

    df = connectivity_wrapper.strongly_connected_components(G)

    if G.renumbered:
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "vertices")

    if isNx is True:
        df = df_score_to_dictionary(df, "labels", "vertices")

    return df
Example #4
def core_number(G):
    Compute the core numbers for the nodes of the graph G. A k-core of a graph
    is a maximal subgraph that contains nodes of degree k or more.
    A node has a core number of k if it belongs a k-core but not to k+1-core.
    This call does not support a graph with self-loops and parallel

    G : cuGraph.Graph or networkx.Graph
        The graph should contain undirected edges where undirected edges are
        represented as directed edges in both directions. While this graph
        can contain edge weights, they don't participate in the calculation
        of the core numbers.

    df : cudf.DataFrame or python dictionary (in NetworkX input)
        GPU data frame containing two cudf.Series of size V: the vertex
        identifiers and the corresponding core number values.

        df['vertex'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the vertex identifiers
        df['core_number'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the core number of vertices

    >>> gdf = cudf.read_csv(datasets_path / 'karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
    ...                     dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'], header=None)
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(gdf, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> cn = cugraph.core_number(G)


    G, isNx = ensure_cugraph_obj_for_nx(G)

    df = core_number_wrapper.core_number(G)

    if G.renumbered:
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "vertex")

    if isNx is True:
        df = df_score_to_dictionary(df, 'core_number')

    return df
Example #5
def hits(G, max_iter=100, tol=1.0e-5, nstart=None, normalized=True):
    Compute HITS hubs and authorities values for each vertex

    The HITS algorithm computes two numbers for a node.  Authorities
    estimates the node value based on the incoming links.  Hubs estimates
    the node value based on outgoing links.

    The cuGraph implementation of HITS is a wrapper around the gunrock
    implementation of HITS.

    Note that the gunrock implementation uses a 2-norm, while networkx
    uses a 1-norm.  The raw scores will be different, but the rank ordering
    should be comparable with networkx.

    graph : cugraph.Graph
        cuGraph graph descriptor, should contain the connectivity information
        as an edge list (edge weights are not used for this algorithm).
        The adjacency list will be computed if not already present.
    max_iter : int
        The maximum number of iterations before an answer is returned.
        The gunrock implementation does not currently support tolerance,
        so this will in fact be the number of iterations the HITS algorithm
    tolerance : float
        Set the tolerance the approximation, this parameter should be a small
        magnitude value.  This parameter is not currently supported.
    nstart : cudf.Dataframe
        Not currently supported
    normalized : bool
        Not currently supported, always used as True

    HubsAndAuthorities : cudf.DataFrame
        GPU data frame containing three cudf.Series of size V: the vertex
        identifiers and the corresponding hubs values and the corresponding
        authorities values.

        df['vertex'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the vertex identifiers
        df['hubs'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the hubs score
        df['authorities'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the authorities score

    >>> gdf = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
    >>>                   dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'], header=None)
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(gdf, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> hits = cugraph.hits(G, max_iter = 50)

    G, isNx = check_nx_graph(G)

    df = hits_wrapper.hits(G, max_iter, tol)

    if G.renumbered:
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "vertex")

    if isNx is True:
        d1 = df_score_to_dictionary(df[["vertex", "hubs"]], "hubs")
        d2 = df_score_to_dictionary(df[["vertex", "authorities"]],
        df = (d1, d2)

    return df
Example #6
def pagerank(
    G, alpha=0.85, personalization=None, max_iter=100, tol=1.0e-5, nstart=None,
    weight=None, dangling=None
    Find the PageRank score for every vertex in a graph. cuGraph computes an
    approximation of the Pagerank eigenvector using the power method. The
    number of iterations depends on the properties of the network itself; it
    increases when the tolerance descreases and/or alpha increases toward the
    limiting value of 1. The user is free to use default values or to provide
    inputs for the initial guess, tolerance and maximum number of iterations.

    G : cugraph.Graph or networkx.Graph
        cuGraph graph descriptor, should contain the connectivity information
        as an edge list.
        The transposed adjacency list will be computed if not already present.

    alpha : float, optional (default=0.85)
        The damping factor alpha represents the probability to follow an
        outgoing edge, standard value is 0.85.
        Thus, 1.0-alpha is the probability to “teleport” to a random vertex.
        Alpha should be greater than 0.0 and strictly lower than 1.0.

    personalization : cudf.Dataframe, optional (default=None)
        GPU Dataframe containing the personalization information.

        personalization['vertex'] : cudf.Series
            Subset of vertices of graph for personalization
        personalization['values'] : cudf.Series
            Personalization values for vertices

    max_iter : int, optional (default=100)
        The maximum number of iterations before an answer is returned. This can
        be used to limit the execution time and do an early exit before the
        solver reaches the convergence tolerance.
        If this value is lower or equal to 0 cuGraph will use the default
        value, which is 100.

    tol : float, optional (default=1e-05)
        Set the tolerance the approximation, this parameter should be a small
        magnitude value.
        The lower the tolerance the better the approximation. If this value is
        0.0f, cuGraph will use the default value which is 1.0E-5.
        Setting too small a tolerance can lead to non-convergence due to
        numerical roundoff. Usually values between 0.01 and 0.00001 are

    nstart : cudf.Dataframe, optional (default=None)
        GPU Dataframe containing the initial guess for pagerank.

        nstart['vertex'] : cudf.Series
            Subset of vertices of graph for initial guess for pagerank values
        nstart['values'] : cudf.Series
            Pagerank values for vertices

    weight: str, optional (default=None)
        The attribute column to be used as edge weights if Graph is a NetworkX
        Graph. This parameter is here for NetworkX compatibility and is ignored
        in case of a cugraph.Graph

    dangling : dict, optional (default=None)
        This parameter is here for NetworkX compatibility and ignored

    PageRank : cudf.DataFrame
        GPU data frame containing two cudf.Series of size V: the vertex
        identifiers and the corresponding PageRank values.

        df['vertex'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the vertex identifiers
        df['pagerank'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the PageRank score

    >>> gdf = cudf.read_csv(datasets_path / 'karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
    ...                     dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'], header=None)
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(gdf, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> pr = cugraph.pagerank(G, alpha = 0.85, max_iter = 500, tol = 1.0e-05)


    G, isNx = ensure_cugraph_obj_for_nx(G, weight)

    if personalization is not None:
        if not isinstance(personalization, cudf.DataFrame):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "personalization other than a cudf dataframe "
                "currently not supported"
        if G.renumbered is True:
            if len(G.renumber_map.implementation.col_names) > 1:
                cols = personalization.columns[:-1].to_list()
                cols = 'vertex'
            personalization = G.add_internal_vertex_id(
                personalization, "vertex", cols

    if nstart is not None:
        if G.renumbered is True:
            if len(G.renumber_map.implementation.col_names) > 1:
                cols = nstart.columns[:-1].to_list()
                cols = 'vertex'
            nstart = G.add_internal_vertex_id(
                nstart, "vertex", cols

    df = pagerank_wrapper.pagerank(
        G, alpha, personalization, max_iter, tol, nstart

    if G.renumbered:
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "vertex")

    if isNx is True:
        return df_score_to_dictionary(df, 'pagerank')
        return df
Example #7
def leiden(G, max_iter=100, resolution=1.):
    Compute the modularity optimizing partition of the input graph using the
    Leiden algorithm

    It uses the Louvain method described in:

    Traag, V. A., Waltman, L., & van Eck, N. J. (2019). From Louvain to Leiden:
    guaranteeing well-connected communities. Scientific reports, 9(1), 5233.
    doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41695-z

    G : cugraph.Graph
        cuGraph graph descriptor of type Graph

        The adjacency list will be computed if not already present.

    max_iter : integer
        This controls the maximum number of levels/iterations of the Leiden
        algorithm. When specified the algorithm will terminate after no more
        than the specified number of iterations. No error occurs when the
        algorithm terminates early in this manner.

    resolution: float/double, optional
        Called gamma in the modularity formula, this changes the size
        of the communities.  Higher resolutions lead to more smaller
        communities, lower resolutions lead to fewer larger communities.
        Defaults to 1.

    parts : cudf.DataFrame
        GPU data frame of size V containing two columns the vertex id and the
        partition id it is assigned to.

        df['vertex'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the vertex identifiers
        df['partition'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the partition assigned to the vertices

    modularity_score : float
        a floating point number containing the global modularity score of the

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv',
                          delimiter = ' ',
                          dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'],
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> parts, modularity_score = cugraph.leiden(G)
    G, isNx = check_nx_graph(G)

    if type(G) is not Graph:
        raise Exception(f"input graph must be undirected was {type(G)}")

    parts, modularity_score = leiden_wrapper.leiden(
        G, max_iter, resolution

    if G.renumbered:
        parts = G.unrenumber(parts, "vertex")

    if isNx is True:
        parts = df_score_to_dictionary(parts, "partition")

    return parts, modularity_score
Example #8
def louvain(G, max_iter=100, resolution=1.):
    Compute the modularity optimizing partition of the input graph using the
    Louvain method

    It uses the Louvain method described in:

    VD Blondel, J-L Guillaume, R Lambiotte and E Lefebvre: Fast unfolding of
    community hierarchies in large networks, J Stat Mech P10008 (2008),

    G : cugraph.Graph or NetworkX Graph
        The graph descriptor should contain the connectivity information
        and weights. The adjacency list will be computed if not already

    max_iter : integer, optional (default=100)
        This controls the maximum number of levels/iterations of the Louvain
        algorithm. When specified the algorithm will terminate after no more
        than the specified number of iterations. No error occurs when the
        algorithm terminates early in this manner.

    resolution: float/double, optional (default=1.0)
        Called gamma in the modularity formula, this changes the size
        of the communities.  Higher resolutions lead to more smaller
        communities, lower resolutions lead to fewer larger communities.
        Defaults to 1.

    parts : cudf.DataFrame
        GPU data frame of size V containing two columns the vertex id and the
        partition id it is assigned to.

        df['vertex'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the vertex identifiers
        df['partition'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the partition assigned to the vertices

    modularity_score : float
        a floating point number containing the global modularity score of the

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv(datasets_path / 'karate.csv',
    ...                   delimiter = ' ',
    ...                   dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'],
    ...                   header=None)
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> parts, modularity_score = cugraph.louvain(G)


    G, isNx = ensure_cugraph_obj_for_nx(G)

    if type(G) is not Graph:
        raise Exception("input graph must be undirected")

    parts, modularity_score = louvain_wrapper.louvain(G, max_iter, resolution)

    if G.renumbered:
        parts = G.unrenumber(parts, "vertex")

    if isNx is True:
        parts = df_score_to_dictionary(parts, "partition")

    return parts, modularity_score
def betweenness_centrality(
    Compute the betweenness centrality for all vertices of the graph G.
    Betweenness centrality is a measure of the number of shortest paths that
    pass through a vertex.  A vertex with a high betweenness centrality score
    has more paths passing through it and is therefore believed to be more
    important. Rather than doing an all-pair shortest path, a sample of k
    starting vertices can be used.

    CuGraph does not currently support the 'endpoints' and 'weight' parameters
    as seen in the corresponding networkX call.

    G : cuGraph.Graph or networkx.Graph
        The graph can be either directed (DiGraph) or undirected (Graph).
        Weights in the graph are ignored, the current implementation uses
        BFS traversals. Use weight parameter if weights need to be considered
        (currently not supported)

    k : int or list or None, optional, default=None
        If k is not None, use k node samples to estimate betweenness.  Higher
        values give better approximation
        If k is a list, use the content of the list for estimation: the list
        should contain vertices identifiers.
        If k is None (the default), all the vertices are used to estimate
        Vertices obtained through sampling or defined as a list will be used as
        sources for traversals inside the algorithm.

    normalized : bool, optional
        Default is True.
        If true, the betweenness values are normalized by
        2 / ((n - 1) * (n - 2)) for Graphs (undirected), and
        1 / ((n - 1) * (n - 2)) for DiGraphs (directed graphs)
        where n is the number of nodes in G.
        Normalization will ensure that values are in [0, 1],
        this normalization scales for the highest possible value where one
        node is crossed by every single shortest path.

    weight : cudf.DataFrame, optional, default=None
        Specifies the weights to be used for each edge.
        Should contain a mapping between
        edges and weights.
        (Not Supported)

    endpoints : bool, optional, default=False
        If true, include the endpoints in the shortest path counts.
        (Not Supported)

    seed : optional
        if k is specified and k is an integer, use seed to initialize the
        random number generator.
        Using None as seed relies on random.seed() behavior: using current
        system time
        If k is either None or list: seed parameter is ignored

    result_dtype : np.float32 or np.float64, optional, default=np.float64
        Indicate the data type of the betweenness centrality scores

    df : cudf.DataFrame or Dictionary if using NetworkX
        GPU data frame containing two cudf.Series of size V: the vertex
        identifiers and the corresponding betweenness centrality values.
        Please note that the resulting the 'vertex' column might not be
        in ascending order.  The Dictionary conatains the same two columns

        df['vertex'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the vertex identifiers
        df['betweenness_centrality'] : cudf.Series
            Contains the betweenness centrality of vertices

    >>> gdf = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
    >>>                   dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'], header=None)
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(gdf, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> bc = cugraph.betweenness_centrality(G)
    # vertices is intended to be a cuDF series that contains a sampling of
    # k vertices out of the graph.
    # NOTE: cuDF doesn't currently support sampling, but there is a python
    # workaround.

    if weight is not None:
        raise NotImplementedError("weighted implementation of betweenness "
                                  "centrality not currently supported")

    if result_dtype not in [np.float32, np.float64]:
        raise TypeError("result type can only be np.float32 or np.float64")

    G, isNx = cugraph.utilities.check_nx_graph(G)

    vertices = _initialize_vertices(G, k, seed)

    df = betweenness_centrality_wrapper.betweenness_centrality(
        G, normalized, endpoints, weight, vertices, result_dtype)

    if G.renumbered:
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "vertex")

    if isNx is True:
        dict = df_score_to_dictionary(df, 'betweenness_centrality')
        return dict
        return df
Example #10
def ecg(input_graph, min_weight=0.05, ensemble_size=16, weight=None):
    Compute the Ensemble Clustering for Graphs (ECG) partition of the input
    graph. ECG runs truncated Louvain on an ensemble of permutations of the
    input graph, then uses the ensemble partitions to determine weights for
    the input graph. The final result is found by running full Louvain on
    the input graph using the determined weights.

    See https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.05578 for further information.

    input_graph : cugraph.Graph or NetworkX Graph
        The graph descriptor should contain the connectivity information
        and weights. The adjacency list will be computed if not already

    min_weight : floating point
        The minimum value to assign as an edgeweight in the ECG algorithm.
        It should be a value in the range [0,1] usually left as the default
        value of .05

    ensemble_size : integer
        The number of graph permutations to use for the ensemble.
        The default value is 16, larger values may produce higher quality
        partitions for some graphs.

    weight : str
        This parameter is here for NetworkX compatibility and
        represents which NetworkX data column represents Edge weights.
        Default is None

    parts : cudf.DataFrame or python dictionary
        GPU data frame of size V containing two columns, the vertex id and
        the partition id it is assigned to.

        df[vertex] : cudf.Series
            Contains the vertex identifiers
        df[partition] : cudf.Series
            Contains the partition assigned to the vertices

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv', delimiter = ' ',
                          dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'],
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1', edge_attr='2')
    >>> parts = cugraph.ecg(G)


    input_graph, isNx = check_nx_graph(input_graph, weight)

    parts = ecg_wrapper.ecg(input_graph, min_weight, ensemble_size)

    if input_graph.renumbered:
        parts = input_graph.unrenumber(parts, "vertex")

    if isNx is True:
        return df_score_to_dictionary(parts, 'partition')
        return parts
Example #11
def spectralBalancedCutClustering(
    Compute a clustering/partitioning of the given graph using the spectral
    balanced cut method.

    G : cugraph.Graph or networkx.Graph
        Graph descriptor

    num_clusters : integer
        Specifies the number of clusters to find, must be greater than 1

    num_eigen_vects : integer, optional
        Specifies the number of eigenvectors to use. Must be lower or equal to
        num_clusters. Default is 2

    evs_tolerance: float, optional
        Specifies the tolerance to use in the eigensolver.
        Default is 0.00001

    evs_max_iter: integer, optional
        Specifies the maximum number of iterations for the eigensolver.
        Default is 100

    kmean_tolerance: float, optional
        Specifies the tolerance to use in the k-means solver.
        Default is 0.00001

    kmean_max_iter: integer, optional
        Specifies the maximum number of iterations for the k-means solver.
        Default is 100

    df : cudf.DataFrame
        GPU data frame containing two cudf.Series of size V: the vertex
        identifiers and the corresponding cluster assignments.

        df['vertex'] : cudf.Series
            contains the vertex identifiers
        df['cluster'] : cudf.Series
            contains the cluster assignments

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv(datasets_path / 'karate.csv',
    ...                   delimiter = ' ',
    ...                   dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'],
    ...                   header=None)
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> df = cugraph.spectralBalancedCutClustering(G, 5)


    # Error checking in C++ code

    G, isNx = ensure_cugraph_obj_for_nx(G)

    df = spectral_clustering_wrapper.spectralBalancedCutClustering(

    if G.renumbered:
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "vertex")

    if isNx is True:
        df = df_score_to_dictionary(df, "cluster")

    return df
def spectralModularityMaximizationClustering(
    Compute a clustering/partitioning of the given graph using the spectral
    modularity maximization method.

    G : cugraph.Graph or networkx.Graph
        cuGraph graph descriptor. This graph should have edge weights.
    num_clusters : integer
         Specifies the number of clusters to find
    num_eigen_vects : integer
         Specifies the number of eigenvectors to use. Must be lower or equal to
         num_clusters.  Default is 2
    evs_tolerance: float
         Specifies the tolerance to use in the eigensolver.
         Default is 0.00001
    evs_max_iter: integer
         Specifies the maximum number of iterations for the eigensolver.
         Default is 100
    kmean_tolerance: float
         Specifies the tolerance to use in the k-means solver.
         Default is 0.00001
    kmean_max_iter: integer
         Specifies the maximum number of iterations for the k-means solver.
         Default is 100

    df : cudf.DataFrame
        df['vertex'] : cudf.Series
            contains the vertex identifiers
        df['cluster'] : cudf.Series
            contains the cluster assignments

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv',
                          delimiter = ' ',
                          dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'],
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1', edge_attr='2')
    >>> df = cugraph.spectralModularityMaximizationClustering(G, 5)

    # Error checking in C++ code

    G, isNx = check_nx_graph(G)

    df = spectral_clustering_wrapper.spectralModularityMaximizationClustering(

    if G.renumbered:
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "vertex")

    if isNx is True:
        df = df_score_to_dictionary(df, "cluster")

    return df