def create(self, session, adapter, stats): names = values = nvs = dict() for name, value in zip(names, values): nvs[name] = value # move Unclaimed to end of list sorted_names = sorted(names) sorted_names.remove("Unclaimed") sorted_names.append("Unclaimed") chart = Chart() chart.title.text = "" chart.bg_colour = "#FFFFFF" chart.elements = list() element = Element() element.type = "pie" element.alpha = 7 element.start_angle = 0 element.gradient_fill = True element.radius = 90 element.animate = list() animation = Element() animation.type = "fade" element.animate.append(animation) animation = Element() animation.type = "bounce" animation.distance = 8 element.animate.append(animation) element.tip = "#percent#" element.colours = [] for i in range(len(sorted_names)): j = i % len(self.colors) if sorted_names[i] == "Unclaimed": color = "#EEEEEE" else: color = self.colors[j] element.colours.append(color) element.colours.append("#EEEEEE") element.on_click = "ofc_change_priority" id = element.on_click_text = "#percent#|#val#|#label#|%s" % id element.values = [{"label": x, "value": float(nvs[x])} for x in sorted_names] chart.elements.append(element) return chart.create()
def make_chart_lines(self, session, chart, line_type, stats, dot_size, halo_size, line_width, samples, duration, end_secs, mode): chart.elements = list() for stat, color in reversed(zip(stats, self.colors)): line = Element() line.type = line_type line.fill = color line.fill_alpha = self.alpha line.on_show.type = "No" line.dot_style = {"type": "solid-dot", "dot-size": dot_size, "halo-size": halo_size} line.colour = color line.width = line_width tip_title = stat.title.split(" ")[-1] line.text = mode == "rate" and "%s / sec" % tip_title or self.get_line_title(stat) vals = self.get_vals(session, samples, stat, line.text, duration, end_secs) line.values = vals chart.elements.append(line)