Example #1
    def zipf(self, a, size=None, dtype=int):
        """Returns an array of samples drawn from the Zipf distribution.

        .. seealso::
            :func:`cupy.random.zipf` for full documentation,
        a = cupy.asarray(a)
        if cupy.any(a <= 1.0):
            raise ValueError("'a' must be a valid float > 1.0")
        if size is None:
            size = a.shape
        y = cupy.empty(shape=size, dtype=dtype)
        _kernels.zipf_kernel(a, self.rk_seed, y)
        self.rk_seed += numpy.prod(size)
        return y
Example #2
    def zipf(self, a, size=None, dtype=int):
        """Returns an array of samples drawn from the Zipf distribution.

        .. warning::

            This function may synchronize the device.

        .. seealso::
            - :func:`cupy.random.zipf` for full documentation
            - :meth:`numpy.random.RandomState.zipf`
        a = cupy.asarray(a)
        if cupy.any(a <= 1.0):  # synchronize!
            raise ValueError('\'a\' must be a valid float > 1.0')
        if size is None:
            size = a.shape
        y = cupy.empty(shape=size, dtype=dtype)
        _kernels.zipf_kernel(a, self._rk_seed, y)
        return y