def computeRT(item_path, xp=np):
    with open(item_path, 'r') as f:
        LINES = [line.strip("';\n") for line in f]

    param = {}
    for index, args in enumerate(LINES):
        name = args[:15].replace(" ", "")
        name = name[:].replace("=", "")
        val = args[15:]
        val = xp.asarray(val.strip("[]").split(","), dtype=xp.float64)
        param[name] = val

    cam_dir = param["cam_dir"]
    cam_pos = param["cam_pos"]
    cam_up = param["cam_up"]

    z = cam_dir / xp.linalg.norm(cam_dir)

    x = xp.cross(cam_up, z)
    x = x / xp.linalg.norm(x)

    y = xp.cross(z, x)

    x = xp.expand_dims(x, axis=1)
    y = xp.expand_dims(y, axis=1)
    z = xp.expand_dims(z, axis=1)

    R = xp.concatenate([x, y, z], axis=1)
    T = xp.expand_dims(cam_pos, axis=1)

    R_T = xp.concatenate([R, T], axis=1)

    return R_T
Example #2
def view_dirs(norm: cp.ndarray) -> cp.ndarray:
    dir_0 = cp.asarray([-float(norm[1]), float(norm[0]), 0.])
    dir_1 = cp.cross(norm, dir_0)
    dir_0 = unitize(dir_0) * FOV
    dir_1 = unitize(dir_1) * FOV
    dirs = cp.tile(
        unitize(norm) +
        dir_0 * cp.linspace(-1, 1, RESOLUTION)[..., cp.newaxis],
    dirs += (dir_1 *
             cp.linspace(-1, 1, RESOLUTION)[..., cp.newaxis])[:, cp.newaxis]
    return dirs
Example #3
def locate_points(
        mesh_prefix: str = None,
        pts_prefix: str = None,
        chunk_size: int = None,
        bounding_box: dict = None) -> [cp.ndarray, cp.ndarray, cp.ndarray]:

    # Load data
    tris, verts, vert_normals = load_mesh(mesh_prefix)
    all_pts = load_query_points(pts_prefix)
    vertices = verts[tris[:, :]]
    # Fix common dimensions
    num_verts = vertices.shape[0]
    # Compute static information about
    # the triangles
    # ====================
    # [:, 0, :] = v
    # [:, 1, :] = -u
    # [:, 2, :] = -w
    # ====================
    edges = cp.roll(vertices, 1, axis=1) - vertices  # (p3-p1, p1-p2, p2-p3)
    # Correct edge signs and ordering
    edges[:, 1, :] = edges[:, 1, :] * -1
    edges[:, 2, :] = edges[:, 2, :] * -1
    edges = cp.roll(edges, 2, axis=1)
    tmp = edges[:, 1, :].copy()
    edges[:, 1, :] = edges[:, 2, :]
    edges[:, 2, :] = tmp
    # Compute normals and lengths
    normals = cp.cross(edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1])
    norms = cp.linalg.norm(normals, axis=1)
    normssq = cp.square(norms)
    return _locate_points(all_pts=all_pts,
Example #4
    Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.cross <numpy.cross>`.

    See its docstring for more information.
    if x1.dtype not in _numeric_dtypes or x2.dtype not in _numeric_dtypes:
        raise TypeError('Only numeric dtypes are allowed in cross')
    # Note: this is different from np.cross(), which broadcasts
    if x1.shape != x2.shape:
        raise ValueError('x1 and x2 must have the same shape')
    if x1.ndim == 0:
        raise ValueError('cross() requires arrays of dimension at least 1')
    # Note: this is different from np.cross(), which allows dimension 2
    if x1.shape[axis] != 3:
        raise ValueError('cross() dimension must equal 3')
    return Array._new(np.cross(x1._array, x2._array, axis=axis))

def det(x: Array, /) -> Array:
    Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.linalg.det <numpy.linalg.det>`.

    See its docstring for more information.
    # Note: the restriction to floating-point dtypes only is different from
    # np.linalg.det.
    if x.dtype not in _floating_dtypes:
        raise TypeError('Only floating-point dtypes are allowed in det')
    return Array._new(np.linalg.det(x._array))

Example #5
def evaluate_chunks(
        results: [cp.ndarray, cp.ndarray,
                  cp.ndarray],  # closest triangle, distance, projection
        all_pts: cp.ndarray = None,
        vertices: cp.ndarray = None,
        edges: cp.ndarray = None,
        edge_norms: cp.ndarray = None,
        edge_normssq: cp.ndarray = None,
        normals: cp.ndarray = None,
        norms: cp.ndarray = None,
        normssq: cp.ndarray = None,
        zero_tensor: cp.ndarray = None,
        one_tensor: cp.ndarray = None,
        tris: cp.ndarray = None,
        vertex_normals: cp.ndarray = None,
        bounding_box: dict = None,
        chunk_size: int = None,
        num_verts: int = None) -> None:

    # Expand vertex normals if non empty
    if vertex_normals is not None:
        vertex_normals = vertex_normals[tris]
        vertex_normals = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(vertex_normals, axis=2),
                                 (1, 1, chunk_size, 1))

    # begin = time.time()
    # Load and extend the batch
    num_chunks = all_pts.shape[0] // chunk_size
    for i in range(num_chunks):
        # Get subset of the query points
        start_index = i * chunk_size
        end_index = (i + 1) * chunk_size
        pts = all_pts[start_index:end_index, :]

        # Match the dimensions to those assumed above.
        #    REPEATED       REPEATED
        # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates]
        pts = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(pts, axis=(0, 1)), (num_verts, 3, 1, 1))

        # Compute the differences between
        # vertices on each triangle and the
        # points of interest
        # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates]
        # ===================
        # [:,0,:,:] = p - p1
        # [:,1,:,:] = p - p2
        # [:,2,:,:] = p - p3
        diff_vectors = pts - vertices

        # Compute alpha, beta, gamma
        barycentric = cp.empty(diff_vectors.shape)

        # gamma = u x (p - p1)
        barycentric[:, 2, :, :] = cp.cross(edges[:, 0, :, :],
                                           diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :])
        # beta = (p - p1) x v
        barycentric[:, 1, :, :] = cp.cross(diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :],
                                           edges[:, 1, :, :])
        # alpha = w x (p - p2)
        barycentric[:, 0, :, :] = cp.cross(edges[:, 2, :, :],
                                           diff_vectors[:, 1, :, :])
        barycentric = cp.divide(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(barycentric, normals), axis=3), normssq)

        # Test conditions
        less_than_one = cp.less_equal(barycentric, one_tensor)
        more_than_zero = cp.greater_equal(barycentric, zero_tensor)

        #     if 0 <= gamma and gamma <= 1
        #    and 0 <= beta and beta <= 1
        #    and 0 <= alpha and alpha <= 1:
        cond1 = cp.logical_and(less_than_one, more_than_zero)

        #     if gamma <= 0:
        cond2 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 2, :])
        cond2 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond2, axis=1), (1, 3, 1))

        #     if beta <= 0:
        cond3 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 1, :])
        cond3 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond3, axis=1), (1, 3, 1))

        #     if alpha <= 0:
        cond4 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 0, :])
        cond4 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond4, axis=1), (1, 3, 1))

        # Get the projections for each case
        xi = cp.empty(barycentric.shape)
        barycentric_ext = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(barycentric, axis=3),
                                  (1, 1, 1, 3))
        proj = cp.sum(cp.multiply(barycentric_ext, vertices), axis=1)
        #     if 0 <= gamma and gamma <= 1
        #    and 0 <= beta and beta <= 1
        #    and 0 <= alpha and alpha <= 1:
        xi[cond1] = barycentric[cond1]

        # if gamma <= 0:
        #  x = p - p1
        #  u = p2 - p1
        #  a = p1
        #  b = p2
        t2 = cp.divide(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 0, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :]),
            edge_normssq[:, 0])
        xi2 = cp.zeros((t2.shape[0], 3, t2.shape[1]))
        xi2[:, 0, :] = -t2 + 1
        xi2[:, 1, :] = t2
        t2 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t2, axis=2), (1, 1, 3))
        lz = cp.less(t2, cp.zeros(t2.shape))
        go = cp.greater(t2, cp.ones(t2.shape))
        proj2 = vertices[:, 0, :, :] + cp.multiply(t2, edges[:, 0, :, :])
        proj2[lz] = vertices[:, 0, :, :][lz]
        proj2[go] = vertices[:, 1, :, :][go]
        xi[cond2] = xi2[cond2]
        proj[cp.swapaxes(cond2, 1, 2)] = proj2[cp.swapaxes(cond2, 1, 2)]

        # if beta <= 0:
        #  x = p - p1
        #  v = p3 - p1
        #  a = p1
        #  b = p3
        t3 = cp.divide(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 1, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :]),
            edge_normssq[:, 1])
        xi3 = cp.zeros((t3.shape[0], 3, t3.shape[1]))
        xi3[:, 0, :] = -t3 + 1
        xi3[:, 2, :] = t3
        t3 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t3, axis=2), (1, 1, 3))
        lz = cp.less(t3, cp.zeros(t3.shape))
        go = cp.greater(t3, cp.ones(t3.shape))
        proj3 = vertices[:, 0, :, :] + cp.multiply(t3, edges[:, 1, :, :])
        proj3[lz] = vertices[:, 0, :, :][lz]
        proj3[go] = vertices[:, 2, :, :][go]
        xi[cond3] = xi3[cond3]
        proj[cp.swapaxes(cond3, 1, 2)] = proj3[cp.swapaxes(cond3, 1, 2)]

        #     if alpha <= 0:
        #  y = p - p2
        #  w = p3 - p2
        #  a = p2
        #  b = p3
        t4 = cp.divide(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 2, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 1, :, :]),
            edge_normssq[:, 2])
        xi4 = cp.zeros((t4.shape[0], 3, t4.shape[1]))
        xi4[:, 1, :] = -t4 + 1
        xi4[:, 2, :] = t4
        t4 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t4, axis=2), (1, 1, 3))
        lz = cp.less(t4, cp.zeros(t4.shape))
        go = cp.greater(t4, cp.ones(t4.shape))
        proj4 = vertices[:, 1, :, :] + cp.multiply(t4, edges[:, 2, :, :])
        proj4[lz] = vertices[:, 1, :, :][lz]
        proj4[go] = vertices[:, 2, :, :][go]
        xi[cond4] = xi4[cond4]
        proj[cp.swapaxes(cond4, 1, 2)] = proj4[cp.swapaxes(cond4, 1, 2)]

        vec_to_point = pts[:, 0, :, :] - proj
        distances = cp.linalg.norm(vec_to_point, axis=2)

        # n = "\n"
        # print(f"{pts[:,0,:,:]=}")
        # print(f"{proj=}")
        # print(f"{pts[:,0,:,:] - proj=}")
        # print(f"{distances=}")

        min_distances = cp.min(distances, axis=0)

        closest_triangles = cp.argmin(distances, axis=0)

        projections = proj[closest_triangles, np.arange(chunk_size), :]

        # Distinguish close triangles
        is_close = cp.isclose(distances, min_distances)

        # Determine sign
        signed_normal = normals[:, 0, :, :]
        if vertex_normals is not None:
            signed_normal = cp.sum(vertex_normals.transpose() * xi.transpose(),

        is_negative = cp.less_equal(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(vec_to_point, signed_normal), axis=2), 0.)

        # Combine
        is_close_and_negative = cp.logical_and(is_close, is_negative)

        # Determine if inside
        is_inside = cp.all(cp.logical_or(is_close_and_negative,

        # Overwrite the signs of points
        # that are outside of the box
        if bounding_box is not None:
            # Extract
            rotation_matrix = cp.asarray(bounding_box['rotation_matrix'])
            translation_vector = cp.asarray(bounding_box['translation_vector'])
            size = cp.asarray(bounding_box['size'])
            # Transform
            transformed_pts =
                all_pts[start_index:end_index, :] - translation_vector,

            # Determine if outside bbox
            inside_bbox = cp.all(cp.logical_and(
                cp.less_equal(0., transformed_pts),
                cp.less_equal(transformed_pts, size)),

            # Treat points outside bbox as
            # being outside of lumen
            is_inside = cp.logical_and(is_inside, inside_bbox)

        # Apply sign to indicate whether the distance is
        # inside or outside the mesh.
        min_distances[is_inside] = -1 * min_distances[is_inside]

        # Emplace results
        # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates]
        results[0][start_index:end_index] = closest_triangles
        results[1][start_index:end_index] = min_distances
        results[2][start_index:end_index, :] = projections
Example #6
 def cross(self, v: Vec3) -> Vec3:
     return Vec3(*cp.cross(self.e, v.e))
Example #7
def llgs(t, m, H_eff):
    beta = (gamma*hbar*J_mtj)/(2*q_e*M_s*t_mtj) 
    return -(gamma*mu_0)/(1+alpha**2) * cp.cross(m, H_eff) \
    - alpha*(gamma*mu_0)/(1+alpha**2) * cp.cross(m, cp.cross(m,H_eff)) \
    + beta/(1+alpha**2) * cp.cross(m, cp.cross(m, m_p)) \
    + alpha*beta/(1+alpha**2) * cp.cross(m,m_p)
Example #8
def llgsSmallNoise2(m):
    return - (v_sd*gamma*mu_0)/(1+alpha**2)*m*I_sf \
    + (v_sd*gamma*mu_0)/(1+alpha**2)*cp.cross(m, alpha*m)
Example #9
def llgsSmallNoise4(m):
    return -(v_sd*gamma*mu_0)/(1+alpha**2)*cp.cross(m, I_sf+alpha*m)
Example #10
 def cross(self, v):
     return Vec3(*cp.cross(self.e, v.e))