Example #1
    def trace(self, indices: cp.ndarray, recursion_depth: int,
              efficiency: float) -> cp.ndarray:
        Searches contacts of the given indices (start vertices) up to the given recursion depth.
        Only (1 - efficiency) contacts will be returned

        :param indices:                 desired indices

        :param recursion_depth:         desired recursion depth

        :param efficiency:              efficiency of contact tracing

        :return:                        indices of corresponding contacts (end vertices)
        res = []

        searched = indices

        for i in range(recursion_depth):
            contacts = self._search_contacts(searched)

            contacts = contacts[cp.random.random(len(contacts)) <= efficiency]


            searched = cp.hstack(res)

        return cp.hstack(searched)
def match_fuzzy(q, tms, tmt, opt):
    tms_score = cdist(q, tms)
    if not opt.include_perfect_match:
        tms_score[tms_score > 0.99] = -float('inf')

    tmt_score = cdist(q, tmt)
    if not opt.include_perfect_match:
        tmt_score[tms_score == -float('inf')] = -float('inf')
        tmt_score[tmt_score > 0.99] = -float('inf')

    tms_top_v, tms_top_i = topk(tms_score, opt.topk)
    tmt_top_v, tmt_top_i = topk(tmt_score, opt.topk)

    tms_top_i += opt.shard_i * opt.shard_max_len
    tmt_top_i += opt.shard_i * opt.shard_max_len

    top_v = cp.hstack([tms_top_v, tmt_top_v])
    top_i = cp.hstack([tms_top_i, tmt_top_i])

    arg_i = cp.flip(top_v.astype('float32').argsort(axis=1), axis=1)
    top_v = top_v[cp.arange(top_v.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1),
                  arg_i][:, :opt.topk]
    top_i = top_i[cp.arange(top_i.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1),
                  arg_i][:, :opt.topk]

    return top_v, top_i
 def getNabla_psi2(self):
     f = cp.zeros((H, W))
     psi_with_block = copy.deepcopy(self.psi)
     psi_with_block[self.block_mask] = psi_wall
     temp = cp.hstack((self.left_wall, cp.hstack((psi_with_block, self.right_wall))))
     # temp = np.vstack((self.top_bottom_wall, np.vstack((temp, self.top_bottom_wall))))
     for i in range(9):
         if i == 0:
             f += -20 * temp[:, 1:-1]
         elif i == 1:
             f += 4 * cp.roll(temp, -1, axis=0)[:, 1:-1]
         elif i == 2:
             f += 4 * cp.roll(temp, -1, axis=1)[:, 1:-1]
         elif i == 3:
             f += 4 * cp.roll(temp, 1, axis=1)[:, 1:-1]
         elif i == 4:
             f += 4 * cp.roll(temp, 1, axis=0)[:, 1:-1]
         elif i == 5:
             f += cp.roll(cp.roll(temp, -1, axis=1), -1, axis=0)[:, 1:-1]
         elif i == 6:
             f += cp.roll(cp.roll(temp, 1, axis=1), -1, axis=0)[:, 1:-1]
         elif i == 7:
             f += cp.roll(cp.roll(temp, 1, axis=1), 1, axis=0)[:, 1:-1]
         elif i == 8:
             f += cp.roll(cp.roll(temp, -1, axis=1), 1, axis=0)[:, 1:-1]
     return f / 6
Example #4
def bernstein_5_coeffs(t, tmin, tmax):
    l = tmax - tmin
    t = (t - tmin) / l
    n = 5

    P0 = binom(n, 0) * ((1 - t)**(n - 0)) * t**0
    P1 = binom(n, 1) * ((1 - t)**(n - 1)) * t**1
    P2 = binom(n, 2) * ((1 - t)**(n - 2)) * t**2
    P3 = binom(n, 3) * ((1 - t)**(n - 3)) * t**3
    P4 = binom(n, 4) * ((1 - t)**(n - 4)) * t**4
    P5 = binom(n, 5) * ((1 - t)**(n - 5)) * t**5

    P0dot = binom(n, 0) * (-5 * (1 - t)**4)
    P1dot = binom(n, 1) * (-4 * t * (1 - t)**3 + (1 - t)**4)
    P2dot = binom(n, 2) * (-3 * t**2 * (1 - t)**2 + 2 * t * (1 - t)**3)
    P3dot = binom(n, 3) * (t**3 * (2 * t - 2) + 3 * t**2 * (1 - t)**2)
    P4dot = binom(n, 4) * (-t**4 + 4 * t**3 * (1 - t))
    P5dot = binom(n, 5) * (5 * t**4)

    P0ddot = binom(n, 0) * (-20 * (t - 1)**3)
    P1ddot = binom(n, 1) * (4 * (t - 1)**2 * (5 * t - 2))
    P2ddot = binom(n, 2) * (-2 * (t - 1) * (3 * t**2 + 6 * t * (t - 1) +
                                            (t - 1)**2))
    P3ddot = binom(n, 3) * (2 * t * (t**2 + 6 * t * (t - 1) + 3 * (t - 1)**2))
    P4ddot = binom(n, 4) * (-4 * t**2 * (5 * t - 3))
    P5ddot = binom(n, 5) * (20 * t**3)

    P = cp.hstack((P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5))

    Pdot = cp.hstack((P0dot, P1dot, P2dot, P3dot, P4dot, P5dot)) / l

    Pddot = cp.hstack(
        (P0ddot, P1ddot, P2ddot, P3ddot, P4ddot, P5ddot)) / (l**2)

    return P, Pdot, Pddot
Example #5
def kernel_fisherface():
    print('Kernel Fisherface')
    X = np.hstack((train_X, test_X))
    Y = np.hstack((train_Y, test_Y))
    proj_data = kernel_lda(X, Y, kernel_type)
    proj_train_data = proj_data[:, :len(train_Y)]
    proj_test_data = proj_data[:, len(train_Y):]
    face_recognition(proj_train_data, proj_test_data, train_Y, test_Y)
Example #6
def bernstein_10_coeffs(t, tmin, tmax):
    l = tmax - tmin
    t = (t - tmin) / l
    n = 10

    P0 = binom(n, 0) * ((1 - t)**(n - 0)) * t**0
    P1 = binom(n, 1) * ((1 - t)**(n - 1)) * t**1
    P2 = binom(n, 2) * ((1 - t)**(n - 2)) * t**2
    P3 = binom(n, 3) * ((1 - t)**(n - 3)) * t**3
    P4 = binom(n, 4) * ((1 - t)**(n - 4)) * t**4
    P5 = binom(n, 5) * ((1 - t)**(n - 5)) * t**5
    P6 = binom(n, 6) * ((1 - t)**(n - 6)) * t**6
    P7 = binom(n, 7) * ((1 - t)**(n - 7)) * t**7
    P8 = binom(n, 8) * ((1 - t)**(n - 8)) * t**8
    P9 = binom(n, 9) * ((1 - t)**(n - 9)) * t**9
    P10 = binom(n, 10) * ((1 - t)**(n - 10)) * t**10

    P0dot = -10.0 * (-t + 1)**9
    P1dot = -90.0 * t * (-t + 1)**8 + 10.0 * (-t + 1)**9
    P2dot = -360.0 * t**2 * (-t + 1)**7 + 90.0 * t * (-t + 1)**8
    P3dot = -840.0 * t**3 * (-t + 1)**6 + 360.0 * t**2 * (-t + 1)**7
    P4dot = -1260.0 * t**4 * (-t + 1)**5 + 840.0 * t**3 * (-t + 1)**6
    P5dot = -1260.0 * t**5 * (-t + 1)**4 + 1260.0 * t**4 * (-t + 1)**5
    P6dot = -840.0 * t**6 * (-t + 1)**3 + 1260.0 * t**5 * (-t + 1)**4
    P7dot = -360.0 * t**7 * (-t + 1)**2 + 840.0 * t**6 * (-t + 1)**3
    P8dot = 45.0 * t**8 * (2 * t - 2) + 360.0 * t**7 * (-t + 1)**2
    P9dot = -10.0 * t**9 + 9 * t**8 * (-10.0 * t + 10.0)
    P10dot = 10.0 * t**9

    P0ddot = 90.0 * (-t + 1)**8
    P1ddot = 720.0 * t * (-t + 1)**7 - 180.0 * (-t + 1)**8
    P2ddot = 2520.0 * t**2 * (-t + 1)**6 - 1440.0 * t * (-t + 1)**7 + 90.0 * (
        -t + 1)**8
    P3ddot = 5040.0 * t**3 * (-t + 1)**5 - 5040.0 * t**2 * (
        -t + 1)**6 + 720.0 * t * (-t + 1)**7
    P4ddot = 6300.0 * t**4 * (-t + 1)**4 - 10080.0 * t**3 * (
        -t + 1)**5 + 2520.0 * t**2 * (-t + 1)**6
    P5ddot = 5040.0 * t**5 * (-t + 1)**3 - 12600.0 * t**4 * (
        -t + 1)**4 + 5040.0 * t**3 * (-t + 1)**5
    P6ddot = 2520.0 * t**6 * (-t + 1)**2 - 10080.0 * t**5 * (
        -t + 1)**3 + 6300.0 * t**4 * (-t + 1)**4
    P7ddot = -360.0 * t**7 * (2 * t - 2) - 5040.0 * t**6 * (
        -t + 1)**2 + 5040.0 * t**5 * (-t + 1)**3
    P8ddot = 90.0 * t**8 + 720.0 * t**7 * (2 * t - 2) + 2520.0 * t**6 * (-t +
    P9ddot = -180.0 * t**8 + 72 * t**7 * (-10.0 * t + 10.0)
    P10ddot = 90.0 * t**8

    P = cp.hstack((P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10))

    Pdot = cp.hstack((P0dot, P1dot, P2dot, P3dot, P4dot, P5dot, P6dot, P7dot,
                      P8dot, P9dot, P10dot)) / l

    Pddot = cp.hstack((P0ddot, P1ddot, P2ddot, P3ddot, P4ddot, P5ddot, P6ddot,
                       P7ddot, P8ddot, P9ddot, P10ddot)) / (l**2)

    return P, Pdot, Pddot
Example #7
    def _spread_in_social_networks(self):
        if self.social_network is None:

        for start_vertices, end_vertices in self.social_network:
            lockdown = self.city_lockdown[start_vertices]
            lockdown_mask = lockdown * (cp.random.random(len(lockdown)) <=

            start_vertices = cp.hstack([

            end_vertices = cp.hstack([

            start_susceptible = self._is_susceptible[start_vertices]
            end_susceptible = self._is_susceptible[end_vertices]

            start_infectious = self._is_infectious[start_vertices]
            start_in_quarantine = self._is_in_quarantine[start_vertices]

            start_infectious = start_infectious * ~(
                start_in_quarantine * (cp.random.random(len(start_infectious))
                                       <= self._quarantine_effifiency))

            end_infectious = self._is_infectious[end_vertices]
            end_in_quarantine = self._is_in_quarantine[end_vertices]

            end_infectious = end_infectious * ~(
                end_in_quarantine * (cp.random.random(len(end_infectious)) <=

            forward_transmissions = start_infectious * end_susceptible * (
                cp.random.random(len(start_infectious)) <=
                self._virus.household_transmission_probability / 2)

            backward_transmissions = end_infectious * start_susceptible * (
                cp.random.random(len(start_infectious)) <=
                self._virus.household_transmission_probability / 2)

            infected = cp.hstack([

            self._is_infected[infected] = True
            self._day_contracted[infected] = self.day_i
Example #8
def gen_train(q_func, s0, a0, r1, s1, done, n_actions):
    train = []
    gamma = GAMMA

    # Outputs
    y0 = q_func(s0).data
    y1 = q_func(s1).data

    q0 = y0[:, :n_actions]
    q1 = y1[:, :n_actions]

    h0 = cp.stack(cp.split(y0[:, n_actions:-1], n_actions, axis=1), axis=0)
    h1 = cp.stack(cp.split(y1[:, n_actions:-1], n_actions, axis=1), axis=0)

    v0 = y0[:, -1:]
    v1 = y1[:, -1:]

    # Correct actions
    action_error = h0[a0, cp.arange(h0.shape[1])] - s1
    print('action_error', (action_error**2).mean())
    h0[a0, np.arange(h0.shape[1])] = s1

    # Correct q-values
    q1[done, :] = 0
    tt = r1 + (gamma * cp.max(q1, axis=1))
    q0[a0[:, None] == cp.arange(q0.shape[1])] = tt

    # TODO: Correct v-values

    # Put them back together
    t = cp.hstack([

    train = [(s0[i], t[i]) for i in range(t.shape[0])]
    return train
    t = q_func(s0).data
    t1 = q_func(s1).data
Example #9
def kernel_eigenface():
    print('Kernel Eigenface')
    X = np.hstack((train_X, test_X))
    proj_data = kerenl_pca(X, kernel_type)
    proj_train_data = proj_data[:, :len(train_Y)]
    proj_test_data = proj_data[:, len(train_Y):]
    face_recognition(proj_train_data, proj_test_data, train_Y, test_Y)
Example #10
    def _hstack(self, Xs):
        """Stacks Xs horizontally.

        This allows subclasses to control the stacking behavior, while reusing
        everything else from ColumnTransformer.

        Xs : list of {array-like, sparse matrix, dataframe}
        if self.sparse_output_:
                # since all columns should be numeric before stacking them
                # in a sparse matrix, `check_array` is used for the
                # dtype conversion if necessary.
                converted_Xs = [
                    check_array(X, accept_sparse=True, force_all_finite=False)
                    for X in Xs
            except ValueError as e:
                raise ValueError(
                    "For a sparse output, all columns should "
                    "be a numeric or convertible to a numeric.") from e

            return cu_sparse.hstack(converted_Xs).tocsr()
            Xs = [f.toarray() if issparse(f) else f for f in Xs]
            return np.hstack(Xs)
    def backward(self, dh_next, dc_next):
        Wx, Wh, b = self.params
        x, h_prev, c_prev, i, f, g, o, c_next = self.cache

        dt = dh_next * o
        dch = dt * (1 - cp.tanh(c_next)**2)
        dc = dch + dc_next
        dc_prev = dc * f
        df = dc * c_prev
        dg = dc * i
        di = dc * g
        do = dh_next * cp.tanh(c_next)

        di *= i * (1 - i)
        df *= f * (1 - f)
        do *= o * (1 - o)
        dg *= (1 - g**2)

        dA = cp.hstack((df, dg, di, do))
        dx = cp.dot(dA, Wx.T)
        dWx = cp.dot(x.T, dA)
        dh_prev = cp.dot(dA, Wh.T)
        dWh = cp.dot(h_prev.T, dA)
        db = dA.sum(axis=0)

        self.grads[0][...] = dWx
        self.grads[1][...] = dWh
        self.grads[2][...] = db

        return dx, dh_prev, dc_prev
Example #12
def call_cupy_tf2(frequency_array, mass_1, mass_2, chi_1, chi_2,
                  luminosity_distance, theta_jn, phase, **kwargs):

    waveform_kwargs = dict(reference_frequency=50.0, minimum_frequency=20.0)
    minimum_frequency = waveform_kwargs["minimum_frequency"]

    in_band = frequency_array >= minimum_frequency

    frequency_array = xp.asarray(frequency_array)

    h_out_of_band = xp.zeros(int(xp.sum(~in_band)))

    wf = TF2(mass_1,
    hplus = wf(frequency_array[in_band], phi_c=phase)
    hplus = xp.hstack([h_out_of_band, hplus])
    hcross = hplus * xp.exp(-1j * np.pi / 2)

    hplus *= (1 + np.cos(theta_jn)**2) / 2
    hcross *= np.cos(theta_jn)
    return dict(plus=hplus, cross=hcross)
Example #13
def _list2array(lst):
    """Convert a list to a numpy array."""

    if lst and isinstance(lst[0], cp.ndarray):
        return cp.hstack(lst)
        return cp.asarray(lst)
Example #14
def get_acc(pos, mass, G, softening):
    Calculate the acceleration on each particle due to Newton's Law 
	pos  is an N x 3 matrix of positions
	mass is an N x 1 vector of masses
	G is Newton's Gravitational constant
	softening is the softening length
	a is N x 3 matrix of accelerations
    # positions r = [x,y,z] for all particles
    x = pos[:, 0:1]
    y = pos[:, 1:2]
    z = pos[:, 2:3]

    # matrix that stores all pairwise particle separations: r_j - r_i
    dx = x.T - x
    dy = y.T - y
    dz = z.T - z

    # matrix that stores 1/r^3 for all particle pairwise particle separations
    inv_r3 = (dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2 + softening**2)
    inv_r3[inv_r3 > 0] = inv_r3[inv_r3 > 0]**(-1.5)

    ax = G * (dx * inv_r3) @ mass
    ay = G * (dy * inv_r3) @ mass
    az = G * (dz * inv_r3) @ mass

    # pack together the acceleration components
    a = cp.hstack((ax, ay, az))

    return a
Example #15
def _list2array(lst):
    """Convert a list to a numpy array."""

    if lst and isinstance(lst[0], cp.ndarray):
        return cp.hstack(lst)
        return cp.asarray(lst)
Example #16
 def __init__(self, dtype):
     self.c = np.hstack([
         np.random.rand(N, int(2 * M / 4), dtype=np.float32),
         np.zeros((N, int(2 * M / 4)))
     self.x = np.array([(m / M) * A * Pe for m in range(M)],
     self.y = np.array([(n / N) * Pe for n in range(N)], dtype=np.float32)
     a = np.asarray(range(0, int(M / 2)),
                    dtype=np.float32) * 2 * np.pi / (A * Pe)
     b = np.asarray(range(int(-M / 2 + 1), 0),
                    dtype=np.float32) * 2 * np.pi / (A * Pe)
     self.km = np.concatenate((a, np.concatenate(
         (np.array([0]), b)))).astype(np.float32)
     c = np.asarray(range(0, int(N / 2)), dtype=np.float32) * 2 * np.pi / Pe
     d = np.asarray(range(int(-N / 2 + 1), 0),
                    dtype=np.float32) * 2 * np.pi / Pe
     self.kn = np.concatenate((c, np.concatenate(
         (np.array([0]), d)))).astype(np.float32)
     self.km_km = np.tile(self.km, (N, 1)).astype(np.float32)
     self.kn_kn = np.tile(self.kn, (M, 1)).astype(np.float32).T
     self.c_hat = np.fft.fft2(self.c).astype(np.complex64)
     self.phi_x = np.zeros((N, M), dtype=np.complex)
     self.phi_y = np.zeros((N, M), dtype=np.complex)
     self.c_x = np.fft.ifft2(self.c_hat * self.km_km * 1.0j).astype(
     self.c_y = np.fft.ifft2(self.c_hat * self.kn_kn * 1.0j).astype(
     self.km2kn2 = self.km_km**2 + self.kn_kn**2
Example #17
    def forward(self, inputs, target_array):
        # Get hidden units
        self.n_h = np.dot(inputs, self.w_h)
        # Sigmoid
        self.n_h = self.activate(self.n_h)
        # Add bias
        self.n_h = np.hstack((self.n_h, 1))
        #self.n_h = np.append(self.n_h, 1)
        # Get outputs
        n_o = np.dot(self.n_h, self.w_o)

        # 1 Activate max of outputs by storing activations of n_o in predictions array.
        #     * predictions array is used to compute confusion matrix.
        # Init predictions array to shape of output neurons
        predictions = np.empty((n_o.shape))
        predictions = self.activate(n_o)
        # 2 Activate on output neurons.
        n_o = self.activate(n_o)
        # 3 Find the max of each sample in predictions and give it a 1 there, 0 otherwise.
        predictions = np.where(predictions>=np.amax(predictions),1,0)
        target_k = predictions * target_array
        # 4 Turn target array into array of 0.9s and 0.1s.
        #     * for calculating deltas.
        target_k = np.where(target_k==1,0.9,0.1)
        return n_o, target_k, predictions
Example #18
 def _rmatmat(self, X):
     """Default implementation of _rmatmat defers to rmatvec or adjoint."""
     if type(self)._adjoint == LinearOperator._adjoint:
         return cupy.hstack(
             [self.rmatvec(col.reshape(-1, 1)) for col in X.T])
         return self.H.matmat(X)
Example #19
def get_uniform_init(n: int, shape: Tuple[int]):
    """Returns tuple of x,y-coordinates uniformly distributed over an area of the given shape."""
    x = np.random.randint(shape[0], size=n).reshape(-1,
                                                    1)  # starting_position x
    y = np.random.randint(shape[1], size=n).reshape(-1,
                                                    1)  # starting_position y
    return np.hstack([x, y])
Example #20
def get_perlin_init(shape=(1000, 1000),
                    repetition=(1000, 1000),
    """Returns a tuple of x,y-coordinates sampled from Perlin noise.
    This can be used to initialize the starting positions of a physarum-
    population, as well as to generate a cloudy feeding-pattern that will
    have a natural feel to it. This function wraps the one from the noise-
    library from Casey Duncan, and is in parts borrowed from here (see also this for a good explanation of the noise-parameters):
    The most relevant paramaters for our purposes are:

    :param shape: The shape of the area in which the noise is to be generated. Defaults to (1000,1000)
    :type shape: Tuple of integers with the form (width, height).
    :param n: Number of particles to sample. When used as a feeeding trace,
    this translates to the relative strength of the pattern. defaults to 100000.
    :param cutoff: value below which noise should be set to zero. Default is None. Will lead to probabilities 'contains NaN-error, if to high'
    :param scale: (python-noise parameter) The scale of the noise -- larger or smaller patterns, defaults to 100.
    :param repetition: (python-noise parameter) Tuple that denotes the size of the area in which the noise should repeat itself. Defaults to (1000,1000)

    import numpy as np
    import cupy as cp  # vectorized not present in cupy, so for now to conversion at the end

    shape = [i - 1 for i in shape]

    # make coordinate grid on [0,1]^2
    x_idx = np.linspace(0, shape[0], shape[0])
    y_idx = np.linspace(0, shape[1], shape[1])
    world_x, world_y = np.meshgrid(x_idx, y_idx)

    # apply perlin noise, instead of np.vectorize, consider using itertools.starmap()
    world = np.vectorize(noise.pnoise2)(
        world_x / scale,
        world_y / scale,
        base=np.random.randint(0, 100),
    # world = world * 3
    # 	 Sample particle init from map:
    world[world <= 0.0] = 0.0  # filter negative values
    if cutoff is not None:
        world[world <= cutoff] = 0.0
    linear_idx = np.random.choice(world.size,
                                  p=world.ravel() / float(world.sum()))
    x, y = np.unravel_index(linear_idx, shape)
    x = x.reshape(-1, 1)
    y = y.reshape(-1, 1)

    return cp.asarray(np.hstack([x, y]))
Example #21
    def build_translator(self, metric, method, **kwargs):
        self.dist_function = lambda X, Y: distance_function(X, Y, metric)
        self.method = method
        batch = kwargs.get('batch', None)
        self.batch = batch
        epsilon = kwargs.get('epsilon', None)
        k = kwargs.get('k', None)
        lr = kwargs.get('lr', None)
        iters = kwargs.get('iters', None)

        if self.method == 'nn':
            self.normalizer = None
            self.score_function = lambda q: -self.dist_function(
                q, self.tgt_space)

        elif self.method == 'isf':
            self.normalizer = []
            for j in range(0, self.n, batch):
                        self.tgt_space[j:min(j + batch, self.n)]) / epsilon,
            self.normalizer = xp.hstack(self.normalizer)
            self.score_function = lambda q: -self.dist_function(q,
                                            - self.normalizer

        elif self.method == 'csls':
            self.normalizer = []
            for j in range(0, self.n, batch):
                dist = self.dist_function(
                    self.src_space, self.tgt_space[j:min(j + batch, self.n)])
                neighbors, neighborhood = top_k(dist, k, axis=0, biggest=False)
                self.normalizer.append(xp.mean(neighborhood, axis=0))
            self.normalizer = xp.hstack(self.normalizer)
            self.score_function = lambda q: 0.5 * self.normalizer\
                                    - self.dist_function(q, self.tgt_space)

        elif self.method == 'hnn':
            hnn = HNN(self.src_space, self.tgt_space, self.dist_function,
            hnn.gallery_weight(iters=iters, batch=batch, lr=lr)
            self.normalizer = hnn.beta
            self.score_function = lambda q: self.normalizer - \
                                        self.dist_function(q, self.tgt_space)
Example #22
 def inverse_pass(self, data, forward):
     output = [data]
     # For the inverse direction, we invert layer order
     for indx, layer in enumerate(self.layers[::-1]):
         out = layer.inverse(output[-1])
             xp.hstack([out, forward[-2 - indx][:, out.shape[1]:]]))
     return output[::-1]
Example #23
 def _Preprocess(T, H):
     T = [t.data for t in T]
     T = [cupy.vstack([cupy.zeros((self.fbsize, t.shape[1]), cupy.float32), t]) for t in T]
     T = [cupy.hstack([t[i:len(t)-(self.fbsize-i)] for i in range(self.fbsize)]) for t in T]
     T = [cupy.fft.irfft(cupy.exp(inum*cupy.angle(cupy.fft.rfft(t))))*dftnorm for t in T]
     T = [Variable(t) for t in T]
     H = [F.reshape(F.concat(F.broadcast_to(h, (self.fs, h.shape[0], h.shape[1])), axis=1), (h.shape[0]*self.fs, -1)) for h in H]
     H = [F.concat([t, h]) for t, h in zip(T, H)]
     return H
Example #24
    def optimized_update_positions(positions, angle, theta_sense,
                                   horizon_sense, theta_walk, horizon_walk,
        """Returns the adapted physarum-positions, given initial coordinates and constants.
        This function is optimized by using Cupy (implementation of NumPy-compatible multi-dimensional array on CUDA)"""

        ### Get all possible positions to test
        # get the new 3 angles to test for each organism
        angles_to_test = np.hstack((
            (angle - theta_sense) % (2 * np.pi),
            (angle + theta_sense) % (2 * np.pi),
        )).reshape(-1, 3)
        # get positions to test based on current positions and angles
        pos_to_test = positions.reshape(-1, 1, 2) + np.stack(
            (horizon_sense * np.cos(angles_to_test),
             horizon_sense * np.sin(angles_to_test)),
        pos_to_test = np.remainder(pos_to_test, np.array(trace_array.shape))

        ### Get all possible positions to walk to
        # get the new 3 angles to walk to for each organism
        angles_to_walk = np.hstack((
            (angle - theta_walk) % (2 * np.pi),
            (angle + theta_walk) % (2 * np.pi),
        )).reshape(-1, 3)
        # get positions to walk to based on current positions and angles
        pos_to_walk = positions.reshape(-1, 1, 2) + np.stack(
            (horizon_walk * np.cos(angles_to_walk),
             horizon_walk * np.sin(angles_to_walk)),
        pos_to_walk = np.remainder(pos_to_walk, np.array(trace_array.shape))

        ### Get the positions to walk too based on the best positions out of the tested ones
        pos_to_test = np.floor(pos_to_test).astype(np.int64) - 1
        # TODO notice argmax will always return first when multiple entries are equal
        best_indexes = trace_array[pos_to_test[:, :, 0],
                                   pos_to_test[:, :, 1]].argmax(axis=-1)
        new_positions = pos_to_walk[np.arange(len(pos_to_test)), best_indexes]
        new_angles = angles_to_walk[np.arange(len(pos_to_test)),
                                    best_indexes].reshape(-1, 1)

        return new_positions, new_angles
Example #25
    def get_gait_updates(self,
        # Updates will be stored and returned
        weight_updates = []
        bias_updates = []

        nb_layers = len(self.layers)

        inverse = targets
        mult_factor = 1.0

        for layer_index in range(nb_layers)[::-1]:
            error = mult_factor * (forward_pass[layer_index + 1] - inverse)

            if self.layers[layer_index].linear:
                layer_derivatives = xp.ones((error.shape))
                layer_derivatives = self.layers[
                            forward_pass[layer_index + 1]))

            # Calculate updates for this layer
            weight_update = xp.mean(xp.einsum(
                'nj, ni -> nij', layer_derivatives * error,
                forward_pass[layer_index][:, :self.net_structure[layer_index +
            bias_update = xp.mean(layer_derivatives * error, axis=0)

            # Calculating a weight update based upon a soft orthogonal regularizer
            if ortho_weighting != 0.0:
                weight_update += self.ortho_gradients(ortho_weighting,

            # Collect updates

            grad_adjusted_inc_factor = gamma * layer_derivatives * layer_derivatives
            inverse = self.layers[layer_index].inverse(
                ((1.0 - grad_adjusted_inc_factor) *
                 forward_pass[layer_index + 1] +
                 grad_adjusted_inc_factor * inverse))
            mult_factor = mult_factor / gamma

            # Adding the auxilliary neurons on
            inverse = xp.hstack([
                                          self.net_structure[layer_index + 1]:]
        return weight_updates[::-1], bias_updates[::-1]
    def _upsampled_dft(self, array, region_sz, offsets=None):
        Upsampled DFT by matrix multiplication.

        This code is intended to provide the same result as if the following operations are performed:
            - Embed the array to a larger one of size `upsample_factor` times larger in each dimension. 
            - ifftshift to bring the center of the image to (1, 1)
            - Take the FFT of the larger array.
            - Extract region of size [region_sz] from the result, starting with offsets.
        It achieves this result by computing the DFT in the output array without the need to zeropad. Much faster and memroy efficient than the zero-padded FFT approach if region_sz is much smaller than array.size * upsample_factor.

            array (cp.ndarray): DFT of the data to be upsampled
            region_sz (int or tuple of int): size of the region to be sampled
            offsets (int or tuple of int): offsets to the sampling region
            (cp.ndarray): upsampled DFT of the specified region
            if len(region_sz) != array.ndim:
                raise ValueError("upsampled region size must match array dimension")
        except TypeError:
            # expand integer to list
            region_sz = (region_sz,) * array.ndim

        if offsets is None:
            offsets = (0,) * array.ndim
            if len(offsets) != array.ndim:
                raise ValueError("axis offsets must match array dimension")

        dim_props = zip(reversed(array.shape), reversed(region_sz), reversed(offsets))
        for ax_sz, up_ax_sz, ax_offset in dim_props:
            # float32 sample frequencies
            fftfreq = (
                        cp.arange(0, (ax_sz - 1) // 2 + 1, dtype=cp.float32),
                        cp.arange(-(ax_sz // 2), 0, dtype=cp.float32),
                / ax_sz
                / self.upsample_factor
            # upsampling kernel
            kernel = cp.exp(
                (1j * 2 * np.pi)
                * (cp.arange(up_ax_sz, dtype=np.float32) - ax_offset)[:, None]
                * fftfreq
            # convolve
            array = cp.tensordot(kernel, array, axes=(1, -1))
        return array
Example #27
def get_circle_init(n: int, center: Tuple[int], radius: int, width: int):
    """Returns tuple of x,y-coordinates sampled from a ring with the given center, radius and width."""
    x = (center[0] + radius * np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n))).reshape(
        -1, 1)
    y = (center[1] + radius * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n))).reshape(
        -1, 1)
    # perturb coordinates:

    x = x + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.333, size=(n, 1)) * width
    y = y + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.333, size=(n, 1)) * width
    return np.hstack([x, y])
Example #28
 def _overlapadd(self, F):
     N = len(F)
     F = F[:, :, :self.fl]
     X = cupy.sum(cupy.stack([
             cupy.zeros((N, i, 1), cupy.float32), F[:, :, i:i + 1],
             cupy.zeros((N, self.fl - 1 - i, 1), cupy.float32)
         ]) for i in range(self.fl)
     return X
Example #29
    def fix_binary_predict_proba_result(proba):
        if proba.ndim == 1:
            if CumlToolBox.is_cupy_array(proba):
                proba = cupy.vstack([1 - proba, proba]).T
                proba = cudf.Series(proba)
                proba = cudf.concat([1 - proba, proba], axis=1)
        elif proba.shape[1] == 1:
            proba = cupy.hstack([1 - proba, proba])

        return proba
Example #30
def get_filled_circle_init(n: int, center: Tuple[int], radius: int):
    """Returns tuple of x,y-coordinates sampled from a circle with the given center and radius"""

    t = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(n)
    r = np.random.rand(n) + np.random.rand(n)
    r[r > 1] = 2 - r[r > 1]
    x = center[0] + r * radius * np.cos(t)
    y = center[1] + r * radius * np.sin(t)
    x = x.reshape(-1, 1)
    y = y.reshape(-1, 1)
    return np.hstack([x, y])
Example #31
def block_hankel(data, f):
    Create a block hankel matrix.
        data (float): Array.
        f (int): number of rows

        Hankel matrix of f rows.
    n = data.shape[1] - f
    return np.vstack(
        [np.hstack([data[:, i + j] for i in range(f)]) for j in range(n)]).T