def main(_p, nogui): # NB, the argument 'nogui' is specific to PFEM only! p = getParameters(_p) # --- Workspace set up --- # withMPI = False comm = None myid = 0 numberPart = 0 rootProcess = 0 cupyutil.load(fileName, withMPI, comm, myid, numberPart) # --- Input parameters --- # cfd_file = 'waterColoumnFallWithFlexibleObstacle_water_Pfem_NotMatching' csd_file = 'waterColoumnFallWithFlexibleObstacle_obstacle_Mtf_E_1_0e6_NotMatching' # --- Initialize the fluid solver --- # import cupydoInterfaces.PfemInterface fluidSolver = cupydoInterfaces.PfemInterface.PfemSolver(cfd_file, 17, p['dt']) # --- This part is specific to PFEM --- fluidSolver.pfem.scheme.nthreads = p['nthreads'] fluidSolver.pfem.scheme.savefreq = p['saveFreqPFEM'] if nogui: fluidSolver.pfem.gui = None # --- cupyutil.mpiBarrier(comm) # --- Initialize the solid solver --- # solidSolver = None if myid == rootProcess: import cupydoInterfaces.MtfInterface solidSolver = cupydoInterfaces.MtfInterface.MtfSolver(csd_file, p['computationType']) # --- This part is specific to Metafor --- solidSolver.saveAllFacs = p['mtfSaveAllFacs'] cupyutil.mpiBarrier(comm) # --- Initialize the FSI manager --- # manager = cupyman.Manager(fluidSolver, solidSolver, p['nDim'], p['computationType'], comm) cupyutil.mpiBarrier() # --- Initialize the interpolator --- # #interpolator = cupyinterp.MatchingMeshesInterpolator(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, comm) interpolator = cupyinterp.RBFInterpolator(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, p['rbfRadius'], comm) #interpolator = cupyinterp.TPSInterpolator(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, comm) # --- Initialize the FSI criterion --- # criterion = cupycrit.DispNormCriterion(p['tollFSI']) cupyutil.mpiBarrier() # --- Initialize the FSI algorithm --- # algorithm = cupyalgo.AlgorithmBGSAitkenRelax(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, interpolator, criterion, p['nFSIIterMax'], p['dt'], p['tTot'], p['timeIterTreshold'], p['omegaMax'], comm) # --- Launch the FSI computation --- #
def __init__(self, p): # --- Set up MPI --- # withMPI, comm, myId, numberPart = cupyutil.getMpi() rootProcess = 0 # --- Initialize the fluid and solid solvers --- # fluidSolver = self.__initFluid(p, withMPI, comm) cupyutil.mpiBarrier(comm) solidSolver = self.__initSolid(p, myId) cupyutil.mpiBarrier(comm) # --- Initialize the FSI manager --- # manager = cupyman.Manager(fluidSolver, solidSolver, p['nDim'], p['compType'], comm) cupyutil.mpiBarrier() # --- Initialize the interpolator --- # if p['interpolator'] == 'Matching': interpolator = cupyinterp.MatchingMeshesInterpolator(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, comm) elif p['interpolator'] == 'RBF': interpolator = cupyinterp.RBFInterpolator(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, p['rbfRadius'], comm) elif p['interpolator'] == 'TPS': interpolator = cupyinterp.TPSInterpolator(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, comm) else: raise RuntimeError(p['interpolator'], 'not available! (avail: "Matching", "RBF" or "TPS").\n') # if petsc is used, then some options can be set if withMPI and 'interpOpts' in p: for linSolver in interpolator.getLinearSolvers(): linSolver.setMaxNumberIterations(p['interpOpts'][0]) linSolver.setPreconditioner(p['interpOpts'][1]) # --- Initialize the FSI criterion --- # if p['algorithm'] == 'Explicit': print 'Explicit simulations requested, criterion redefined to None.' if p['criterion'] == 'Displacements': criterion = cupycrit.DispNormCriterion(p['tol']) else: raise RuntimeError(p['criterion'], 'not available! (avail: "Displacements").\n') cupyutil.mpiBarrier() # --- Initialize the FSI algorithm --- # if p['algorithm'] == 'Explicit': self.algorithm = cupyalgo.AlgorithmExplicit(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, interpolator, p['dt'], p['tTot'], p['timeItTresh'], comm) elif p['algorithm'] == 'StaticBGS': self.algorithm = cupyalgo.AlgorithmBGSStaticRelax(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, interpolator, criterion, p['maxIt'], p['dt'], p['tTot'], p['timeItTresh'], p['omega'], comm) elif p['algorithm'] == 'AitkenBGS': self.algorithm = cupyalgo.AlgorithmBGSAitkenRelax(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, interpolator, criterion, p['maxIt'], p['dt'], p['tTot'], p['timeItTresh'], p['omega'], comm) elif p ['algorithm'] == 'IQN_ILS': self.algorithm = cupyalgo.AlgorithmIQN_ILS(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, interpolator, criterion, p['maxIt'], p['dt'], p['tTot'], p['timeItTresh'], p['omega'], p['nSteps'], p['firstItTgtMat'], comm) else: raise RuntimeError(p['algorithm'], 'not available! (avail: "Explicit", "StaticBGS", "AitkenBGS" or "IQN_ILS").\n') cupyutil.mpiBarrier()
def main(_p, nogui): # --- Get FSI parameters ---# p = getParameters(_p) raise Exception( 'Test should work but is NOT validated (no reference data). Remove this exception when ready.\n' ) # --- Set up MPI --- # withMPI, comm, myid, numberPart = cupyutil.getMpi() rootProcess = 0 # --- Input parameters --- # cfd_file = os.path.join(filePath, 'agard_dynamic_fluid.cfg') csd_file = 'agard_solid' # --- Initialize the fluid solver --- # import cupydo.interfaces.SU2 as fItf if comm != None: fluidSolver = fItf.SU2(cfd_file, p['nZones_SU2'], p['nDim'], p['computationType'], p['nodalLoadsType'], withMPI, comm) else: fluidSolver = fItf.SU2(cfd_file, p['nZones_SU2'], p['nDim'], p['computationType'], p['nodalLoadsType'], withMPI, 0) cupyutil.mpiBarrier(comm) # --- Initialize modal interpreter --- # solidSolver = None if myid == rootProcess: import cupydo.interfaces.Modal as sItf solidSolver = sItf.ModalInterface(csd_file, p['computationType']) cupyutil.mpiBarrier(comm) # --- Initialize the FSI manager --- # manager = cupyman.Manager(fluidSolver, solidSolver, p['nDim'], p['computationType'], comm) cupyutil.mpiBarrier() # --- Initialize the interpolator --- # interpolator = cupyinterp.RBFInterpolator(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, p['rbfRadius'], comm) # --- Initialize the FSI criterion --- # criterion = cupycrit.DispNormCriterion(p['tollFSI']) cupyutil.mpiBarrier() # --- Initialize the FSI algorithm --- # #algorithm = cupyalgo.AlgorithmBGSStaticRelax(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, interpolator, criterion, p['nFSIIterMax'], p['dt'], p['tTot'], p['timeIterTreshold'], p['omegaMax'], comm) algorithm = cupyalgo.AlgorithmExplicit(manager, fluidSolver, solidSolver, interpolator, p['dt'], p['tTot'], p['timeIterTreshold'], comm) # --- Launch the FSI computation --- # # --- Check the results --- # test(algorithm.errValue, p['tollFSI']) # --- Exit computation --- # del manager del criterion del fluidSolver del solidSolver del interpolator del algorithm cupyutil.mpiBarrier(comm) # eof print ''
def main(_p, nogui): p = getParameters(_p) comm = None myid = 0 numberPart = 0 rootProcess = 0 cupyutil.load(fileName, p['withMPI'], comm, myid, numberPart) if p['withMPI']: from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD myid = comm.Get_rank() numberPart = comm.Get_size() else: comm = None myid = 0 numberPart = 1 # --- Input parameters --- # CFD_file = '../../../tests/SU2_Metafor/AGARD445_Static_SU2Conf.cfg' CSD_file = 'AGARD445_Static_MetaforConf' # --- Initialize the fluid solver --- # import cupydoInterfaces.SU2Interface if comm != None: FluidSolver = cupydoInterfaces.SU2Interface.SU2Solver( CFD_file, p['nZones_SU2'], p['nDim'], p['computationType'], p['nodalLoadsType'], p['withMPI'], comm) else: FluidSolver = cupydoInterfaces.SU2Interface.SU2Solver( CFD_file, p['nZones_SU2'], p['nDim'], p['computationType'], p['nodalLoadsType'], p['withMPI'], 0) cupyutil.mpiBarrier(comm) # --- Initialize the solid solver --- # SolidSolver = None if myid == rootProcess: import cupydoInterfaces.MtfInterface SolidSolver = cupydoInterfaces.MtfInterface.MtfSolver( CSD_file, p['computationType']) SolidSolver.saveAllFacs = p['mtfSaveAllFacs'] cupyutil.mpiBarrier(comm) # --- Initialize the FSI manager --- # manager = cupyman.Manager(FluidSolver, SolidSolver, p['nDim'], p['computationType'], comm) cupyutil.mpiBarrier() # --- Initialize the interpolator --- # interpolator = cupyinterp.RBFInterpolator(manager, FluidSolver, SolidSolver, p['rbfRadius'], comm) solverList = interpolator.getLinearSolvers() for ii in range(2): solverList[ii].setMaxNumberIterations(1000) solverList[ii].setPreconditioner("JACOBI") # --- Initialize the FSI criterion --- # criterion = cupycrit.DispNormCriterion(p['tollFSI']) cupyutil.mpiBarrier() # --- Initialize the FSI algorithm --- # algorithm = cupyalgo.AlgorithmBGSStaticRelax(manager, FluidSolver, SolidSolver, interpolator, criterion, p['nFSIIterMax'], p['dt'], p['tTot'], p['timeIterTreshold'], p['omegaMax'], comm) # --- Launch the FSI computation --- # # --- Exit computation --- # del manager del criterion del FluidSolver del SolidSolver del interpolator del algorithm cupyutil.mpiBarrier(comm) return 0