Example #1
def _check_nd_args(input, weights, mode, origin, wghts_name='filter weights'):
    # Weights must always be less than 2 GiB
    if weights.nbytes >= (1 << 31):
        raise RuntimeError('weights must be 2 GiB or less, use FFTs instead')
    weight_dims = [x for x in weights.shape if x != 0]
    if len(weight_dims) != input.ndim:
        raise RuntimeError('{} array has incorrect shape'.format(wghts_name))
    origins = _util._fix_sequence_arg(origin, len(weight_dims), 'origin', int)
    for origin, width in zip(origins, weight_dims):
        _util._check_origin(origin, width)
    return tuple(origins), _util._get_inttype(input)
Example #2
def _convert_1d_args(ndim, weights, origin, axis):
    if weights.ndim != 1 or weights.size < 1:
        raise RuntimeError('incorrect filter size')
    axis = internal._normalize_axis_index(axis, ndim)
    w_shape = [1] * ndim
    w_shape[axis] = weights.size
    weights = weights.reshape(w_shape)
    origins = [0] * ndim
    origins[axis] = _util._check_origin(origin, weights.size)
    return weights, tuple(origins)