Example #1
def fftconvolve(in1, in2, mode='full', axes=None):
    """Convolve two N-dimensional arrays using FFT.

    Convolve ``in1`` and ``in2`` using the fast Fourier transform method, with
    the output size determined by the ``mode`` argument.

    This is generally much faster than the ``'direct'`` method of ``convolve``
    for large arrays, but can be slower when only a few output values are
    needed, and can only output float arrays (int or object array inputs will
    be cast to float).

        in1 (cupy.ndarray): First input.
        in2 (cupy.ndarray): Second input. Should have the same number of
            dimensions as ``in1``.
        mode (str): Indicates the size of the output:

            - ``'full'``: output is the full discrete linear \
                          cross-correlation (default)
            - ``'valid'``: output consists only of those elements that do \
                           not rely on the zero-padding. Either ``in1`` or \
                           ``in2`` must be at least as large as the other in \
                           every dimension.
            - ``'same'``: output is the same size as ``in1``, centered \
                          with respect to the 'full' output

        axes (scalar or tuple of scalar or None): Axes over which to compute
            the convolution. The default is over all axes.

        cupy.ndarray: the result of convolution

    .. seealso:: :func:`cupyx.scipy.signal.choose_conv_method`
    .. seealso:: :func:`cupyx.scipy.signal.correlation`
    .. seealso:: :func:`cupyx.scipy.signal.convolve`
    .. seealso:: :func:`cupyx.scipy.signal.oaconvolve`
    .. seealso:: :func:`cupyx.scipy.ndimage.convolve`
    .. seealso:: :func:`scipy.signal.correlation`
    out = _st_core._check_conv_inputs(in1, in2, mode)
    if out is not None:
        return out
    in1, in2, axes = _st_core._init_freq_conv_axes(in1, in2, mode, axes, False)
    shape = [
        max(x1, x2) if a not in axes else x1 + x2 - 1
        for a, (x1, x2) in enumerate(zip(in1.shape, in2.shape))
    out = _st_core._freq_domain_conv(in1, in2, axes, shape, calc_fast_len=True)
    return _st_core._apply_conv_mode(out, in1.shape, in2.shape, mode, axes)
Example #2
def oaconvolve(in1, in2, mode="full", axes=None):
    """Convolve two N-dimensional arrays using the overlap-add method.

    Convolve ``in1`` and ``in2`` using the overlap-add method, with the output
    size determined by the ``mode`` argument. This is generally faster than
    ``convolve`` for large arrays, and generally faster than ``fftconvolve``
    when one array is much larger than the other, but can be slower when only a
    few output values are needed or when the arrays are very similar in shape,
    and can only output float arrays (int or object array inputs will be cast
    to float).

        in1 (cupy.ndarray): First input.
        in2 (cupy.ndarray): Second input. Should have the same number of
            dimensions as ``in1``.
        mode (str): Indicates the size of the output:

            - ``'full'``: output is the full discrete linear \
                          cross-correlation (default)
            - ``'valid'``: output consists only of those elements that do \
                           not rely on the zero-padding. Either ``in1`` or \
                           ``in2`` must be at least as large as the other in \
                           every dimension.
            - ``'same'``: output is the same size as ``in1``, centered \
                          with respect to the ``'full'`` output

        axes (scalar or tuple of scalar or None): Axes over which to compute
            the convolution. The default is over all axes.

        cupy.ndarray: the result of convolution

    .. seealso:: :func:`cupyx.scipy.signal.convolve`
    .. seealso:: :func:`cupyx.scipy.signal.fftconvolve`
    .. seealso:: :func:`cupyx.scipy.ndimage.convolve`
    .. seealso:: :func:`scipy.signal.oaconvolve`
    out = _st_core._check_conv_inputs(in1, in2, mode)
    if out is not None:
        return out
    if in1.shape == in2.shape:  # Equivalent to fftconvolve
        return fftconvolve(in1, in2, mode=mode, axes=axes)

    in1, in2, axes = _st_core._init_freq_conv_axes(in1,
    s1, s2 = in1.shape, in2.shape
    if not axes:
        return _st_core._apply_conv_mode(in1 * in2, s1, s2, mode, axes)

    # Calculate the block sizes for the output, steps, first and second inputs.
    # It is simpler to calculate them all together than doing them in separate
    # loops due to all the special cases that need to be handled.
    optimal_sizes = (_st_core._calc_oa_lens(s1[i], s2[i]) if i in axes else
                     (-1, -1, s1[i], s2[i]) for i in range(in1.ndim))
    block_size, overlaps, in1_step, in2_step = zip(*optimal_sizes)

    # Fall back to fftconvolve if there is only one block in every dimension
    if in1_step == s1 and in2_step == s2:
        return fftconvolve(in1, in2, mode=mode, axes=axes)

    # Pad and reshape the inputs for overlapping and adding
    shape_final = [
        s1[i] + s2[i] - 1 if i in axes else None for i in range(in1.ndim)
    in1, in2 = _st_core._oa_reshape_inputs(in1, in2, axes, shape_final,
                                           block_size, overlaps, in1_step,

    # Reshape the overlap-add parts to input block sizes
    split_axes = [iax + i for i, iax in enumerate(axes)]
    fft_axes = [iax + 1 for iax in split_axes]

    # Do the convolution
    fft_shape = [block_size[i] for i in axes]
    ret = _st_core._freq_domain_conv(in1,

    # Do the overlap-add
    for ax, ax_fft, ax_split in zip(axes, fft_axes, split_axes):
        overlap = overlaps[ax]
        if overlap is None:

        ret, overpart = cupy.split(ret, [-overlap], ax_fft)
        overpart = cupy.split(overpart, [-1], ax_split)[0]

        ret_overpart = cupy.split(ret, [overlap], ax_fft)[0]
        ret_overpart = cupy.split(ret_overpart, [1], ax_split)[1]
        ret_overpart += overpart

    # Reshape back to the correct dimensionality
    shape_ret = [
        ret.shape[i] if i not in fft_axes else ret.shape[i] * ret.shape[i - 1]
        for i in range(ret.ndim) if i not in split_axes
    ret = ret.reshape(*shape_ret)

    # Slice to the correct size
    ret = ret[tuple([slice(islice) for islice in shape_final])]

    return _st_core._apply_conv_mode(ret, s1, s2, mode, axes)