Example #1
def kronsum(A, B, format=None):
    """Kronecker sum of sparse matrices A and B.

    Kronecker sum is the sum of two Kronecker products
    ``kron(I_n, A) + kron(B, I_m)``, where ``I_n`` and ``I_m`` are identity

        A (cupyx.scipy.sparse.spmatrix): a sparse matrix.
        B (cupyx.scipy.sparse.spmatrix): a sparse matrix.
        format (str): the format of the returned sparse matrix.

            Generated sparse matrix with the specified ``format``.

    .. seealso:: :func:`scipy.sparse.kronsum`

    A = coo.coo_matrix(A)
    B = coo.coo_matrix(B)

    if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('A is not square matrix')

    if B.shape[0] != B.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('B is not square matrix')

    dtype = sputils.upcast(A.dtype, B.dtype)

    L = kron(eye(B.shape[0], dtype=dtype), A, format=format)
    R = kron(B, eye(A.shape[0], dtype=dtype), format=format)

    return (L + R).asformat(format)
Example #2
def bmat(blocks, format=None, dtype=None):
    """Builds a sparse matrix from sparse sub-blocks

        blocks (array_like):
            Grid of sparse matrices with compatible shapes.
            An entry of None implies an all-zero matrix.
        format ({'bsr', 'coo', 'csc', 'csr', 'dia', 'dok', 'lil'}, optional):
            The sparse format of the result (e.g. "csr").  By default an
            appropriate sparse matrix format is returned.
            This choice is subject to change.
        dtype (dtype, optional):
            The data-type of the output matrix.  If not given, the dtype is
            determined from that of `blocks`.
        bmat (sparse matrix)

    .. seealso:: :func:`scipy.sparse.bmat`

        >>> from cupy import array
        >>> from cupyx.scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, bmat
        >>> A = csr_matrix(array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]]))
        >>> B = csr_matrix(array([[5.], [6.]]))
        >>> C = csr_matrix(array([[7.]]))
        >>> bmat([[A, B], [None, C]]).toarray()
        array([[1., 2., 5.],
               [3., 4., 6.],
               [0., 0., 7.]])
        >>> bmat([[A, None], [None, C]]).toarray()
        array([[1., 2., 0.],
               [3., 4., 0.],
               [0., 0., 7.]])


    # We assume here that blocks will be 2-D so we need to look, at most,
    # 2 layers deep for the shape
    # TODO(Corey J. Nolet): Check this assumption and raise ValueError

    # NOTE: We can't follow scipy exactly here
    # since we don't have an `object` datatype
    M = len(blocks)
    N = len(blocks[0])

    blocks_flat = []
    for m in range(M):
        for n in range(N):
            if blocks[m][n] is not None:

    if len(blocks_flat) == 0:
        return coo.coo_matrix((0, 0), dtype=dtype)

    # check for fast path cases
    if (N == 1 and format in (None, 'csr') and
            all(isinstance(b, csr.csr_matrix)
                for b in blocks_flat)):
        A = _compressed_sparse_stack(blocks_flat, 0)
        if dtype is not None:
            A = A.astype(dtype)
        return A
    elif (M == 1 and format in (None, 'csc')
          and all(isinstance(b, csc.csc_matrix) for b in blocks_flat)):
        A = _compressed_sparse_stack(blocks_flat, 1)
        if dtype is not None:
            A = A.astype(dtype)
        return A

    block_mask = numpy.zeros((M, N), dtype=bool)
    brow_lengths = numpy.zeros(M+1, dtype=numpy.int64)
    bcol_lengths = numpy.zeros(N+1, dtype=numpy.int64)

    # convert everything to COO format
    for i in range(M):
        for j in range(N):
            if blocks[i][j] is not None:
                A = coo.coo_matrix(blocks[i][j])
                blocks[i][j] = A
                block_mask[i][j] = True

                if brow_lengths[i+1] == 0:
                    brow_lengths[i+1] = A.shape[0]
                elif brow_lengths[i+1] != A.shape[0]:
                    msg = ('blocks[{i},:] has incompatible row dimensions. '
                           'Got blocks[{i},{j}].shape[0] == {got}, '
                           'expected {exp}.'.format(i=i, j=j,
                    raise ValueError(msg)

                if bcol_lengths[j+1] == 0:
                    bcol_lengths[j+1] = A.shape[1]
                elif bcol_lengths[j+1] != A.shape[1]:
                    msg = ('blocks[:,{j}] has incompatible row dimensions. '
                           'Got blocks[{i},{j}].shape[1] == {got}, '
                           'expected {exp}.'.format(i=i, j=j,
                    raise ValueError(msg)

    nnz = sum(block.nnz for block in blocks_flat)
    if dtype is None:
        all_dtypes = [blk.dtype for blk in blocks_flat]
        dtype = sputils.upcast(*all_dtypes) if all_dtypes else None

    row_offsets = numpy.cumsum(brow_lengths)
    col_offsets = numpy.cumsum(bcol_lengths)

    shape = (row_offsets[-1], col_offsets[-1])

    data = cupy.empty(nnz, dtype=dtype)
    idx_dtype = sputils.get_index_dtype(maxval=max(shape))
    row = cupy.empty(nnz, dtype=idx_dtype)
    col = cupy.empty(nnz, dtype=idx_dtype)

    nnz = 0
    ii, jj = numpy.nonzero(block_mask)
    for i, j in zip(ii, jj):
        B = blocks[int(i)][int(j)]
        idx = slice(nnz, nnz + B.nnz)
        data[idx] = B.data
        row[idx] = B.row + row_offsets[i]
        col[idx] = B.col + col_offsets[j]
        nnz += B.nnz

    return coo.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=shape).asformat(format)