def make_new_batch(bn):
    # how many frames of action its allowed to take
    action_length = ACTION_LENGTH #(bsize - i) / 3
    # how long it waits after action end
    action_wait = ACTION_WAIT

    bsize = BATCH_SIZE
    start = BATCH_SIZE * bn
    end = BATCH_SIZE * (bn + 1)

    print("Getting new %d-%d" % (start, end))
    ims = []
    objs = []
    norms = []
    infolist = []
    for i in range(bsize):
        info, narray, oarray, imarray = handle_message(sock,
                                                       outdir=path, prefix=str(bn) + '_' + str(i))
        msg = {'n': 4,
               'msg': {"msg_type": "CLIENT_INPUT",
                       "get_obj_data": False,
                       "actions": []}}
        oarray1 = 256**2 * oarray[:, :, 0] + 256 * oarray[:, :, 1] + oarray[:, :, 2]
        obs = np.unique(oarray1)
	msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, .15, 0]
        obs = obs[obs > 20]
	if(len(obs) > 0):
            chosen = obs.max()
	    action = {}
            action['force'] = [3000, 3000, 0]
            action['torque'] = [0, 10, 0]
            action['id'] = str(chosen)
            action['action_pos'] = [] #map(float, chosen)
Example #2
def make_new_batch(bn):
    # how many frames of action its allowed to take
    action_length = ACTION_LENGTH #(bsize - i) / 3
    # how long it waits after action end
    action_wait = ACTION_WAIT

    bsize = BATCH_SIZE
    start = BATCH_SIZE * bn
    end = BATCH_SIZE * (bn + 1)

    print("Getting new %d-%d" % (start, end))
    ims = []
    objs = []
    norms = []
    infolist = []
    chosen = False
    chosen_obj = -1
    chosen_frac = 0
    teleport_counter = 0
    move = 0
    for i in range(bsize):
        info, narray, oarray, imarray = handle_message(sock,
                                                       outdir=path, prefix=str(bn) + '_' + str(i))
        msg = {'n': 4,
               'msg': {"msg_type": "CLIENT_INPUT",
                       "get_obj_data": False,
                       "actions": []}}
        oarray1 = 256**2 * oarray[:, :, 0] + 256 * oarray[:, :, 1] + oarray[:, :, 2] 

	#move forward for two steps
	if(move < 10):
	    move = move + 1
            msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, 0, .25]

	if(move >= 10 and move < 15):
	    move = move + 1
            msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, .3, 0]  

	if(move >= 15):
            move = 0
	print move
	# choose closest object
	#if (chosen == False):
	#    print 'I am choosing an object'
	#    oarray1 = 256**2 * oarray[:, :, 0] + 256 * oarray[:, :, 1] + oarray[:, :, 2]
        #    obs = np.unique(oarray1)
        #    obs = obs[obs > 20]
        #    if (len(obs) > 0):
        #        fracs = []
        #        for o in obs:
        #            frac = (oarray1 == o).sum() / float(
        #            fracs.append(frac)
        #        max_id = np.argmax(fracs)
	#	chosen_obj = obs[max_id]
	#	chosen_frac = fracs[max_id]
	#	chosen = True
	#    else:
	#	# turn if no object found
	#	msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, .3, 0]	

	# move towards closest object
        #if (chosen == True and chosen_frac < 0.005):
	#    print 'I am moving closer to object ' + str(chosen_obj)
        #    xs, ys = (oarray1 == chosen_obj).nonzero()
        #    pos = np.round(np.array(zip(xs, ys)).mean(0))
	#    print pos	    
        #    # lost object
	#    if len(pos) == 1:
	#	if math.isnan(pos):
        #            chosen = False
        #            continue	
        #    if np.abs(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - pos[1]) < 30:
	#        d = 0
	#    else:
        #        d =  -0.1 * np.sign(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - pos[1])
	#    msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, 0, .25]
        #    msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, d, 0]	

	# move object
	#if (chosen == True and chosen_frac > 0.005):
	#    print 'I am pushing object' + str(chosen_obj)
	#    action = {}
	#    action['force'] = [0, 3000, 0]
	#    action['torque'] = [0, 0, 0]
	#    action['id'] = str(chosen_obj)
	#    action['action_pos'] = []
	#    msg['msg']['actions'].append(action)
	#    chosen = False
	# teleport every 10 steps
        #if(teleport_counter == 20):
        #    msg['msg']['teleport_random'] = True
        #    teleport_counter = 0

	#teleport_counter = teleport_counter + 1 
        #msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, .15, 0]
	#action = {}
        #action['force'] = [3000, 3000, 0]
        #action['torque'] = [0, 10, 0]
        #action['id'] = str(chosen)
        #action['action_pos'] = [] #map(float, chosen)
Example #3
def make_new_batch(bn):
    global number_of_frames
    global reset
    global tstart
    # how many frames of action its allowed to take
    action_length = ACTION_LENGTH #(bsize - i) / 3
    # how long it waits after action end
    action_wait = ACTION_WAIT

    bsize = BATCH_SIZE
    start = BATCH_SIZE * bn
    end = BATCH_SIZE * (bn + 1)
    if not valid[start: end].all():
        print("Getting new %d-%d" % (start, end))
        ims = []
        objs = []
        norms = []
        infolist = []
        for i in range(bsize):
            number_of_frames = number_of_frames + 1;
            info, narray, oarray, imarray = handle_message(sock,
                                                           outdir=path, prefix=str(bn) + '_' + str(i))
            if(reset == True):
              	tstart = time.time()
                reset = False
            msg = {'n': 4,
                   'msg': {"msg_type": "CLIENT_INPUT",
                           "get_obj_data": False,
                           "actions": []}}

            if i == 0:
                if bn == 0:
                    msg['msg']['get_obj_data'] = True
                #print('turning at %d ... ' % i)
                #msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, 10 * (rng.uniform() - 1), 0]
                #msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, 0, 1]
                msg['msg']['teleport_random'] = True
                chosen = False
                action_started = False
                action_done = False
                action_ind = 0
                objpi = []
                aset = achoice[:]
                amult = MULTSTART
                oarray1 = 256**2 * oarray[:, :, 0] + 256 * oarray[:, :, 1] + oarray[:, :, 2]
                obs = np.unique(oarray1)
                obs = obs[obs > 18]
                obs = obs[obs < 256]
                if len(obs) == 0:
                    print('turning at %d ... ' % i)
                    msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, 10 * (2 * rng.uniform() - 1), 0]
                    msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, 0, 2 * (2 * rng.uniform() - 1)]
                    action_done = False
                    action_started = False
                    action_ind = 0
                    objpi = []
                    aset = achoice[:]
                    amult = MULTSTART
                    chosen = False
                    g = 7.5 * (2 * rng.uniform() - 1)
                    fracs = []
                    for o in obs:
                        frac = (oarray1 == o).sum() / float(
                    if not chosen or (chosen_o not in obs and ((not action_started) or action_done)):
                        action_started = False
                        action_done = False
                        action_ind = 0
                        objpi = []
                        aset = achoice[:]
                        amult = MULTSTART
                        chosen_o = choose(obs[np.argsort(fracs)[-10:]])
                        chosen = True
                        print('Choosing object', chosen_o)
                        g = 15. * (2 * rng.uniform() - 1)
                        a = achoice[rng.randint(len(achoice))]
                    if chosen_o not in obs.tolist():
                        frac0 = 0
                        frac0 = fracs[obs.tolist().index(chosen_o)]
                    print('FRAC:', frac0, chosen, chosen_o, action_started, action_ind, action_done)
                    if action_ind >= action_length + action_wait:
                        action_done = True
                        action_started = False
                        action_ind = 0
                    if frac0 < 0.005 and not action_started:
                        xs, ys = (oarray1 == chosen_o).nonzero()
                        pos = np.round(np.array(zip(xs, ys)).mean(0))
                        if np.abs(SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - pos[1]) < 3:
                            d = 0
                            d =  -0.1 * np.sign(SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - pos[1])
                        msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, 0, .25]
                        msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, d, 0]
                        print(pos, d)
                        xs, ys = (oarray1 == chosen_o).nonzero()
                        pos = np.round(np.array(zip(xs, ys)).mean(0))
                        action = {}
                        if action_started and not action_done:
                            if chosen_o not in obs.tolist() and action_ind < action_length:
                                action_ind = action_length
                            if action_ind < action_length and len(objpi) > 2:
                                dist = np.sqrt(((objpi[-2] - objpi[-1])**2).sum())
                                print('dist', dist)
                                if dist < 1:
                                    action_ind = 0
                                    if len(aset) == 0:
                                        amult += 1
                                        aset = ((2 ** (amult)) * np.array(achoice)).tolist()
                                    a = aset[rng.randint(len(aset))]
                                    if amult > 10:
                                        action_done = True
                                        action_started = False
                                    print('choosing "a"', dist, a)
                                action['force'] = [a, 100 * (2 ** amult), 0]
                                action['torque'] = [0, g, 0]
                                action['id'] = str(chosen_o)
                                action['action_pos'] = map(float, objpi[-1])
				print 'MOVE OBJECT! ' + str(chosen_o)
                                print(action_ind, i, 'waiting')
                                msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, 0, 0]
                                msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, 0, 0]
                                msg['msg']['actions'] = []
                            action_ind += 1
                            if action_done or (action_ind >= action_length + action_wait):
                                action_done = True
                                chosen = False
                                action_started = False
                        elif not action_started:
                            objpi = []
                            action_ind = 0
                            action_started = True
                            action['id'] = str(chosen_o)
                            action['force'] = [a, 100 * (2 ** amult), 0]
                            action['torque'] = [0, g, 0]
                            action['action_pos'] = map(float, pos)
			    print 'MOVE OBJECT! ' + str(chosen_o)
			if 'id' in action:    
        ims = np.array(ims)
        norms = np.array(norms)
        objs = np.array(objs)

        #infopath = os.path.join(infodir, str(bn) + '.json')
        #with open(infopath, 'w') as _f:
        #    json.dump(infolist, _f)

        #images[start: end] = ims
        #normals[start: end] = norms
        #objects[start: end] = objs
        valid[start: end] = True
Example #4
	def make_new_batch(self, bn, sock, path, create_hdf5, use_tdw_msg):
                self.valid, images, normals, objects, worldinfos, agentactions = self.get_hdf5_handles()

            # how many frames of action its allowed to take
	    action_length = self.ACTION_LENGTH #(bsize - i) / 3
	    # how long it waits after action end
	    action_wait = self.ACTION_WAIT
	    waiting = False
	    # how long it waits when it gets stuck before it turns away
	    init_y_pos = 0

	    # look around variables 
            look_init_direction = [0, 0, 0]
            look_length = 25
	    look_around = 0
            look_is_looking = 1
            look_i = 0

	    # turn variables
  	    turn_on = False
	    turn_length = 5

	    bsize = self.BATCH_SIZE
	    start = self.BATCH_SIZE * bn
	    end = self.BATCH_SIZE * (bn + 1)
	    if not self.valid[start: end].all():
		print("Getting new %d-%d" % (start, end))
		ims = []
		objs = []
		norms = []
		infolist = []
		infs = []
		for i in range(bsize):
		    info, narray, oarray, imarray = handle_message(sock,
								   outdir=path, prefix=str(bn) + '_' + str(i))

		    info = json.loads(info)
		    obs_obj = info['observed_objects']

		    #Print object information 
		    #print '................'
		    #print 'observed object 0'
		    #print info['observed_objects'][0][0] #name
		    #print info['observed_objects'][0][1] #ID
		    #print info['observed_objects'][0][2] #position
		    #print info['observed_objects'][0][3] #rotation
		    #print info['observed_objects'][0][4] #isStatic
		    print '................'
		    #print 'avatar'
		    #print info['avatar_position']
		    #print info['avatar_rotation']
		    #print info['avatar_up']
		    #print '................'

		    msg = {'n': 4,
			   'msg': {"msg_type": "CLIENT_INPUT",
				   "get_obj_data": True,
				   "actions": []}}	    
		    # if agent tilted move it back
		    is_tilted = info['avatar_up'][1] < 0.99
		    if look_around == 0: 
                         look_around = self.rng.randint(5) + 1

		    # teleport and reinitialize
		    if i == 0:
			if bn == 0:
			    msg['msg']['get_obj_data'] = True
			msg['msg']['teleport_random'] = True
			msg['msg']['action_type'] = "TELEPORT"
			chosen = False
			action_started = False
			action_done = False
			action_ind = 0
			objpi = []
			objpi2 = []
			aset = self.achoice[:]
			amult = self.MULTSTART
			# initial y-pos of agent
			init_y_pos = info['avatar_position'][1]
		    elif look_around == 1:
                        # first look sequence - select target angle
			if look_i == 0: 
			    # store init looking direction
			    if look_is_looking == 1:
                                look_init_direction = info['avatar_rotation']
			    target_angle = []
			    random_angle = (self.rng.randint(30) - 15)
			    random_angle = self.rng.randint(360) - 180;
			    while(abs(random_angle) < 140):
				 random_angle = (self.rng.randint(360) - 180);
			    target_axis = self.rotate_smooth(info['avatar_forward'], info['avatar_angvel'], target_angle)
			    #if look_is_looking % 2 != 0: 
			    #    target_angle = look_init_direction
			look_i = look_i + 1
			# end of one looking sequence
                        if look_i == look_length:
                            look_i = 0
			    look_is_looking += 1
		        if look_is_looking % 2 == 0:
			    msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = self.stabilize(info['avatar_up'], info['avatar_angvel'])
			    #print "STAB: " + str(info['avatar_forward'])
			    msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = self.stabilize(info['avatar_forward'], info['avatar_angvel'], target_axis)

			msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, 0, 0]
			msg['msg']['action_type'] = "LOOK"
			print 'LOOK AROUND!'		
                    # stand back up
		    elif is_tilted and self.use_stabilization:
			print('STANDING BACK UP')
			msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = self.stabilize(info['avatar_up'], info['avatar_angvel'])
                        msg['msg']['action_type'] = "STANDUP"
			#action_done = False
                        #action_started = False
                        #action_ind = 0
                        #objpi = []
                        #aset = self.achoice[:]
                        #amult = self.MULTSTART
                        #chosen = False
                        #g = 7.5 * (2 * self.rng.uniform() - 1)
		    # object interactions 
			oarray1 = 256**2 * oarray[:, :, 0] + 256 * oarray[:, :, 1] + oarray[:, :, 2]
			obs = np.unique(oarray1)
			# remove static objects from object list
			valido = []
			for o in info['observed_objects']:
			    if not o[4] and o[1] in obs:
			diff = set(valido).symmetric_difference(set(obs))
			obs = np.array(valido)
			# remove static objects from objects image
			for d in diff:
			    oarray1[oarray1 == d] = 0
			# random searching for object
			if len(obs) == 0 and not waiting:
			    print('turning at %d ... ' % i)			    
			    if not turn_on:
			        turn_on = True
                                t = 0
				target_angle = []
				random_angle = self.rng.randint(360) - 180;
				while(abs(random_angle) < 140):
				    random_angle = (self.rng.randint(360) - 180);
				target_axis = self.rotate_smooth(info['avatar_forward'], info['avatar_angvel'], target_angle)
			        target_velocity = 2 * (2 * self.rng.uniform() - 1)
			    if t == turn_length:
			        turn_on = False
			    t += 1
			    #msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, 10 * (2 * self.rng.uniform() - 1), 0]
                            msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = self.stabilize(info['avatar_forward'], info['avatar_angvel'], target_axis)
			    msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, 0, 0.1 * target_velocity]
			    msg['msg']['action_type'] = "SEARCHING"
			    action_done = False
			    action_started = False
			    action_ind = 0
			    objpi = []
			    aset = self.achoice[:]
			    amult = self.MULTSTART
			    chosen = False
			    g = 7.5 * (2 * self.rng.uniform() - 1) 
			# object selection
			    fracs = []
			    for o in obs:
				frac = (oarray1 == o).sum() / float(
			    # choose new objects
			    if not chosen or (chosen_o not in obs and ((not action_started) or action_done)):
				action_started = False
				action_done = False
				action_ind = 0
				objpi = []
				aset = self.achoice[:]
				amult = self.MULTSTART
				chosen_o, index_o = self.choose(obs[np.argsort(fracs)[-5:]])								
				chosen_o_name = obs_obj[self.find_in_observed_objects(chosen_o, obs_obj)][0]
				chosen = True
				print 'CHOOSING OBJECT ' + str(chosen_o) + " " + str(chosen_o_name)
				g = 15. * (2 * self.rng.uniform() - 1)
				a = self.achoice[self.rng.randint(len(self.achoice))]
			   	target_distance = self.rng.rand(1)[0] * 2 + 0.8
			    # determine fraction and position of chosen objects
			    if chosen_o not in obs.tolist():
				frac0 = 0
				obs_dist = np.array([])
				frac0 = fracs[obs.tolist().index(chosen_o)]
                                obs_idx = self.find_in_observed_objects(chosen_o, obs_obj)
                                if obs_idx != -1:
                                    pos3d = np.array(obs_obj[obs_idx][2])
				    obs_dist = np.linalg.norm(pos3d - np.array(info['avatar_position']))
		            #print('FRAC:', frac0, chosen, chosen_o, action_started, action_ind, action_done)
			    # reset if action is done
			    if action_ind >= action_length + action_wait or action_done and action_started:
				action_done = True
				action_started = False
				action_ind = 0
				waiting = False
			    # if object too far and no action is performed move closer
			    if obs_dist.size != 0 and obs_dist > target_distance and not action_started:
				print 'MOVING CLOSER TO ' + str(chosen_o) + ' ' + str(chosen_o_name)
				print 'TARGET DISTANCE ' + str(target_distance) + ' > ' + str(obs_dist)
				xs, ys = (oarray1 == chosen_o).nonzero()
				pos = np.round(np.array(zip(xs, ys)).mean(0))
				if np.abs(self.SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - pos[1]) < 10:
				    d = 0
				    d =  -0.1 * np.sign(self.SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - pos[1])
				msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, 0, .25]
				msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, d, 0]
				msg['msg']['action_type'] = "MOVING_CLOSER"
			    # perform action on chosen object
				if action_ind == 0:
				    # choose position of action
				    pos, chosen_id  = self.choose_action_position(oarray1, chosen_o)
				print 'ACTION POS: ' + str(chosen_o) + " " + str(chosen_id)
				# find object centroid
				xs, ys = (oarray1 == chosen_o).nonzero()
				centroid = np.round(np.array(zip(xs, ys)).mean(0))
				action = {}
				action2 = {}
				# continue action
				if action_started and not action_done:
				    # if object was lost, then wait  
				    if chosen_o not in obs.tolist() and action_ind < action_length:
					action_ind = action_length
				    # if action is running and object is there, then perform action
				    if action_ind < action_length and len(objpi) > 2:
					dist = np.sqrt(((objpi[-2] - objpi[-1])**2).sum())
					# if object has not moved, reset action and remove already performed force from action set
					if dist < 1:
					    action_ind = 0
					    # increase force
					    if len(aset) == 0:
						amult += 1
						aset = ((2 ** (amult)) * np.array(self.achoice)).tolist()
					    a = aset[self.rng.randint(len(aset))]
					    # marked as done if object still hasn't moved with biggest force
					    if amult > 10:
						action_done = True
						action_started = False
					    print('choosing "a"', dist, a)
					if action_type == 0:
					    action['force'] = [a, 105 * (2 ** amult), 0]
					    action['torque'] = [0, g, 0]
					    action['id'] = str(chosen_id)
					    action['object'] = str(chosen_o)
					    action['action_pos'] = map(float, pos)
					    msg['msg']['action_type'] = "MOVING_OBJECT"
					    print 'MOVE OBJECT! ' + str(chosen_o)
					elif action_type == 1:
						idx = self.find_in_observed_objects(chosen_o, obs_obj)
						idx2 = self.find_in_observed_objects(chosen_o2, obs_obj)

						if(idx != -1 and idx2 != -1 and idx != idx2):
						    pos_obj = np.array(obs_obj[idx][2])
						    pos_obj2 = np.array(obs_obj[idx2][2])

						    mov = pos_obj2 - pos_obj
						    mov[1] = 0
						    #mov = mov / np.linalg.norm(mov)
						    mov = 200 * (2 ** amult) * mov
						    mov2 = -mov

						    action['id'] = str(chosen_id)
						    action['object'] = str(chosen_o)
						    action['force'] = mov.tolist()
						    action['torque'] = [0, g, 0]
						    action['action_pos'] = map(float, pos)

						    action2['id'] = str(chosen_id2)
						    action2['object'] = str(chosen_o2)
						    action2['force'] = mov2.tolist()
						    action2['torque'] = [0, g, 0]
						    action2['action_pos'] = map(float, pos2)
						    msg['msg']['action_type'] = "CRASHING"

						    action_ind = action_length
						    print 'CRASH OBJECTS! ' + str(chosen_o) + ' ' + str(chosen_o2) + ' ' + str(mov) + ' ' + str(mov2) + ' ' + str(pos_obj) + ' ' + str(pos_obj2)+ ' ' + obs_obj[idx][0] + ' ' + obs_obj[idx2][0]
						    print 'CRASH NOT FOUND!'
						    msg['msg']['action_type'] = "NO_CRASH"
                                        elif action_type == 2:
                                            action['force'] = [0, self.rng.rand(1)[0] * 10 + 48, 0]
                                            action['torque'] = [0, 0, 0]
                                            action['id'] = str(chosen_id)
                                            action['object'] = str(chosen_o)
					    action['action_pos'] = map(float, pos)
					    msg['msg']['action_type'] = "LIFTING"
                                            print 'LIFT OBJECT! ' + str(action['force']) + ' ' + str(chosen_o)
					elif action_type == 3:
                                            action['force'] = [0, 0, 0]
                                            action['torque'] = [0, rotation_torque, 0]
                                            action['id'] = str(chosen_id)
                                            action['object'] = str(chosen_o)
                                            action['action_pos'] = map(float, pos)
					    msg['msg']['action_type'] = "ROTATING"
                                            print 'ROTATE OBJECT! ' + str(action['torque']) + ' ' + str(chosen_o)

					msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, 0, 0]
					msg['msg']['ang_vel'] = [0, 0, 0]
					msg['msg']['actions'] = []
					msg['msg']['action_type'] = "WAITING"
					waiting = True
				    action_ind += 1
				    if action_done or (action_ind >= action_length + action_wait):
					action_done = True
					chosen = False
					action_started = False
					waiting = False
				# start new action
				elif not action_started:
				    chosen_o2 = chosen_o
				    if len(obs) > 1:
					while (chosen_o2 == chosen_o):
					    chosen_o2, index_o2 = self.choose(obs[np.argsort(fracs)[-10:]])
				    pos2, chosen_id2  = self.choose_action_position(oarray1, chosen_o2)
				    objpi = []
				    objpi2 = []
				    action_ind = 0
				    action_type = self.rng.randint(4)
				    action_started = True
				    if action_type == 0:
					action['id'] = str(chosen_id)
					action['object'] = str(chosen_o)
					action['force'] = [a, 105 * (2 ** amult), 0]
					action['torque'] = [0, g, 0]
					action['action_pos'] = map(float, pos)
					msg['msg']['action_type'] = "MOVING_OBJECT"
					print 'MOVE OBJECT! ' + str(chosen_o)

				    elif action_type == 1:
					idx = self.find_in_observed_objects(chosen_o, obs_obj)
					idx2 = self.find_in_observed_objects(chosen_o2, obs_obj)
					if(idx != -1 and idx2 != -1 and idx != idx2):
					    pos_obj = np.array(obs_obj[idx][2])
					    pos_obj2 = np.array(obs_obj[idx2][2])

					    mov = pos_obj2 - pos_obj
					    mov[1] = 0
					    #mov = mov / np.linalg.norm(mov)
					    mov = 200 * (2 ** amult) * mov
					    mov2 = -mov

					    action['id'] = str(chosen_id)
					    action['object'] = str(chosen_o)
					    action['force'] = mov.tolist()
					    action['torque'] = [0, g, 0]
					    action['action_pos'] = map(float, pos)

					    action2['id'] = str(chosen_id2)
					    action2['object'] = str(chosen_o2)
					    action2['force'] = mov2.tolist()
					    action2['torque'] = [0, g, 0]
					    action2['action_pos'] = map(float, pos2)
					    msg['msg']['action_type'] = "CRASHING"

					    action_ind = action_length
					    print 'CRASH OBJECTS! ' + str(chosen_o) + ' ' + str(chosen_o2) + ' ' + str(mov) + ' ' + str(mov2) + ' ' + obs_obj[idx][0] + ' ' + obs_obj[idx2][0]
					    action_done = True
					    print 'CRASH NOT FOUND!'
					    msg['msg']['action_type'] = "NO_CRASH"
				    elif action_type == 2:
				        action['force'] = [0, self.rng.rand(1)[0] * 10 + 48, 0]
				        action['torque'] = [0, 0, 0]
				        action['id'] = str(chosen_id)
				        action['object'] = str(chosen_o)
					action['action_pos'] = map(float, pos)
					msg['msg']['action_type'] = "LIFTING"
				        print 'LIFT OBJECT! ' + str(action['force']) + ' ' + str(chosen_o)
				    elif action_type == 3:
                                        action['force'] = [0, 0, 0]
					rotation_torque = self.rng.rand(1)[0] * 100 - 50
					while abs(rotation_torque) < 30:
					    rotation_torque = self.rng.rand(1)[0] * 100 - 50
                                        action['torque'] = [0, rotation_torque, 0]
                                        action['id'] = str(chosen_id)
                                        action['object'] = str(chosen_o)
                                        action['action_pos'] = map(float, pos)
                                        msg['msg']['action_type'] = "ROTATING"
					print 'ROTATE OBJECT! ' + str(action['torque']) + ' ' + str(chosen_o)

				# add action if new action defined
				if 'id' in action:
				if 'id' in action2:
		    # move down
		    if not is_tilted and init_y_pos != info['avatar_position'][1]:
			#print('moving up/down')
                        gravity = info['avatar_position'][1] - init_y_pos
			if 'vel' in msg['msg']:
			    msg['msg']['vel'][1] = -0.1 * gravity
			    msg['msg']['vel'] = [0, -0.1 * gravity, 0]
		    #msg['msg']['output_formats'] = ["png", "png", "jpg"]
		    if(not 'action_type' in msg['msg']):
			print("ERROR! Action not recognized")
                    if use_tdw_msg:
		ims = np.array(ims)
		norms = np.array(norms)
		objs = np.array(objs)

                   #actioninfopath = os.path.join(path, str(bn) + '_action.json')
                   #with open(actioninfopath, 'w') as _f:
                   #    json.dump(infolist, _f)
                   #objectinfopath = os.path.join(path, str(bn) + '_objects.json')
                   #with open(objectinfopath, 'w') as _f:
                   #    json.dump(infs, _f)

		    images[start: end] = ims
		    normals[start: end] = norms
		    objects[start: end] = objs
		    self.valid[start: end] = True
		    worldinfos[start: end] = infs
		    agentactions[start: end] = infolist