Example #1
def checkSnapStateOK(vmid):
    snapStateOk = True
    qsnaps = curlRHV('/vms/' + vmid + '/snapshots')
    replytree = ElementTree.fromstring(qsnaps)
    vm_snaps = replytree.find(".")
    for vm_snap in vm_snaps.iter('snapshot'):
        vm_snap_id = vm_snap.attrib['id']
        vm_snap_desc = vm_snap.find('description')
        vm_snap_stat = vm_snap.find('snapshot_status')
        #print('  - "' + vm_snap_desc.text + '" = ' + vm_snap_id + ' (' + vm_snap_stat.text + ')');
        if vm_snap_stat.text != 'ok':
            snapStateOk = False
    return snapStateOk
Example #2
def listSnapsToDelete(vmid, keepN=4):
    snaps = []
    qsnaps = curlRHV('/vms/' + vmid + '/snapshots')
    replytree = ElementTree.fromstring(qsnaps)
    vm_snaps = replytree.find(".")
    for vm_snap in vm_snaps.iter('snapshot'):
        vm_snap_id = vm_snap.attrib['id']
        vm_snap_desc = vm_snap.find('description')
        vm_snap_stat = vm_snap.find('snapshot_status')
        #print('  - "' + vm_snap_desc.text + '" = ' + vm_snap_id + ' (' + vm_snap_stat.text + ')');
        if len(vm_snap_desc.text) >= splen:
            if config['snap_prefix'] in vm_snap_desc.text[:splen]:
                # Found an autosnap snapshot
                snaps.append(vm_snap_desc.text + '=' + vm_snap_id)
    # We only want to keep the last N (keepN).
    snaps = sorted(snaps)
    if len(snaps) > keepN:
        snaps = sorted(snaps)
        snaps = snaps[:-keepN]
        snaps = []
    return snaps
nrpe_rc = NRPE_OK
nrpe_rc_text = NRPE_OK_TEXT

# Arguments?
if len(argv) > 1:
    # Help?
    if argv[1] in ['-?', '-h', '-help', '--help']:
        print('Syntax: secrets.')
    # Version?
    if argv[1] in ['-V', '-v', '-version', '--version']:
        print('Client version: ' + VERSION)

# Get data on all VMs
cr = curlRHV('/vms')

# Parse ReplyXML to ElementTree
replyXML = ElementTree.fromstring(cr).find(".")

# Header when printing all VM states.
if report_all:
    print('VM States:')

# Loop over the VMs
for vm in replyXML.iter('vm'):
    vm_name = vm.find('name')
    vm_id = vm.attrib['id']
    vm_state = vm.find('status')
Example #4
# Arguments?
if len(argv) > 1:
    # Help?
    if argv[1] in ['-?', '-h', '-help', '--help']:
        print('Syntax: secrets.')
    # Version?
    if argv[1] in ['-V', '-v', '-version', '--version']:
        print('Client version: ' + VERSION)
    # If we get here, assume the argument is a VM ID.
    searchString = argv[1]

# Search for VM
cr = curlRHV('/vms/?search=' + searchString)

# Parse ReplyXML to ElementTree
replyXML = ElementTree.fromstring(cr).find(".")

# Loop over the matches
for vm in replyXML.iter('vm'):
    vm_name = vm.find('name')
    vm_id = vm.attrib['id']
    print('  - "' + vm_name.text + '" = ' + vm_id)

Example #5
# This is a quick hack for cross-cluster migration (only available in the RHV API now).
VERSION = '0.0.1'

from curlRHV import curlRHV

XMLT = "<action>\n"
XMLT += '  <cluster id="TARGETCLUSTERID"/>\n'
XMLT += "</action>"

# cluster1 = 8826f188-af59-44bc-a257-ca1df19fbbd0
# cluster2 = bc28b818-0c82-43c7-b27e-f0bab706ff46
XML = XMLT.replace("TARGETCLUSTERID", "bc28b818-0c82-43c7-b27e-f0bab706ff46")
vmid = "02557f24-502b-49ab-afba-73995e148d75"

# Search for VM
cr = curlRHV('/vms/' + vmid + '/migrate', XML)

nrpe_rc = NRPE_OK
nrpe_rc_text = NRPE_OK_TEXT

# Arguments?
if len(argv) > 1:
    # Help?
    if argv[1] in ['-?', '-h', '-help', '--help']:
        print('Syntax: secrets.')
    # Version?
    if argv[1] in ['-V', '-v', '-version', '--version']:
        print('Client version: ' + VERSION)

# Get data on all VMs
cr = curlRHV('/hosts')

# Parse ReplyXML to ElementTree
replyXML = ElementTree.fromstring(cr).find(".")

# Header when printing all VM states.
if report_all:
    print('Host States:')

# Loop over the VMs
for host in replyXML.iter('host'):
    host_name = host.find('name')
    host_id = host.attrib['id']
    host_state = host.find('status')
Example #7
for vm in config['backups']:
    # Now to query snapshots.
    print('VM=' + vm['name'] + ', VMID=' + vm['vmid'])
    snapStateOk = checkSnapStateOK(vm['vmid'])
    if not snapStateOk:
        print('!!! Snapshot status not OK. Forcing DRYRUN mode...')
        dryrun = True

    # Replace the placeholders with the proper values
    dtstamp = datetime.datetime.now().__format__(config['snap_date_format'])
    xmlreq = xmlreqt.replace('THISDTS', dtstamp)

    # Use Curl to send the request.
    if not dryrun:
        csnap = curlRHV('/vms/' + vm['vmid'] + '/snapshots/', xmlreq)
        replytree = ElementTree.fromstring(csnap)
        replyroot = replytree.find(".")
        print('New snapshot: name=' + replyroot.find('description').text +
              ', status=' + replyroot.find('creation_status').text)
        print('Dryrun! No snapshot taken (hypothetical snapshot name: ' +
              config['snap_prefix'] + '_' + dtstamp + ').')

    # Wait for snapshot to complete.
    if not dryrun:
        done_waiting = False
        while not done_waiting:
            snapStateOk = checkSnapStateOK(vm['vmid'])
            if snapStateOk: