def test_invalid_data_case1(self):
        In this scenario an invalid amount string is provided. clean_amount()
        method can't evaluate the expression and is_valid() method returns False

        form = ExchangeForm({
            'amount': '3+500*',
            'sell_ccy': 1,
            'buy_ccy': 2,
    def test_valid_data_case1(self):
        In this scenario, a valid form is created and is_valid() method
        should return true

        form = ExchangeForm({
            'amount': '3+500/2',
            'sell_ccy': 1,
            'buy_ccy': 2,
    def test_invalid_data_case2(self):
        This is another fail scenario, where sell_ccy and buy_ccy are the same currency.
        In this case, clean() method checks that they are the same and will return an error.


        form = ExchangeForm({
            'amount': '3+500/2',
            'sell_ccy': 1,
            'buy_ccy': 1,