def process_shooting(screen: curses.window, cur_player: Player, game: Game, is_human: bool): """ function for processing current player's shot """ # shoot succ, hit = game.player_shoot() # if player chose an inappropriate cell, do nothing if not succ: game.turn -= 1 else: screen.clear() message = "You missed" if is_human else "AI missed" if hit: message = "You hit enemy ship" if is_human else "AI hit enemy ship" game.check_victory() game.turn -= 1 # printing the result of the shot to the screen if is_human: print_to_center(screen, [message]) else: y_shot = cur_player.enemy_field.y_cur x_shot = cur_player.enemy_field.x_cur print_to_center(screen, [f"AI has shot to {y_shot} {x_shot}", message]) screen.refresh() screen.getch() screen.refresh()
def render(self, window: curses.window) -> None: window.clear() for coin in self.coins: window.addstr(coin.x, coin.y, "o") window.addstr(self.player.x, self.player.y, "*")
def start_game(screen: curses.window, mheight: int, mwidth: int) -> None: """ function for starting a new game mheight: map height mwidth: map width """ # reading player's name screen.clear() print_to_center(screen, ['Enter your name: ']) screen.refresh() curses.curs_set(1) curses.echo() name = screen.getstr().decode("utf-8") curses.curs_set(0) curses.noecho() screen.clear() print_to_center(screen, ['Preparing the game...']) screen.refresh() # initializing a new game game = Game(mheight, mwidth) # making necessary preparations game.prepare_game(player_name=name) # playing the game play_game(screen=screen, game=game)
def input_thread(inputw: curses.window, roomid: str): while True: msg = inputw.getstr() inputw.clear() # send msg send_danmu(roomid=roomid, msg=msg)
def curses_program(screen: curses.window): y, x = screen.getmaxyx() o = Ocean(x - 1, y - 1) screen.clear() curses.resizeterm(y, x) for instruct in data: screen.clear() curr_north, curr_east = c.north, c.east c.execute_instruction(instruct) new_north, new_east = c.north, c.east if new_north < curr_north: for i in range(abs(curr_north - new_north)): o.move_ocean_south() o.draw(screen) else: for i in range(abs(curr_north - new_north)): o.move_ocean_north() o.draw(screen) if new_east < curr_east: for i in range(abs(curr_east - new_east)): o.move_ocean_west() o.draw(screen) else: for i in range(abs(curr_east - new_east)): o.move_ocean_east() o.draw(screen)
def main(stdscr: curses.window): stdscr.clear() curses_utils = CursesUtils(stdscr) curses_utils.draw_start_screen() board = Board(height=20, width=10) GameLoop(board, curses_utils, tick_frequency=0.5).run()
def render_welcome_screen(window: curses.window) -> None: window.clear() window.addstr(0, 10, "jocus 0.0.1") window.addstr(1, 10, "collect coins and you win") window.addstr(3, 10, "press any key to start...") window.refresh()
def declare_winner(screen: curses.window, game: Game): """ function for printing the winner to the screen """ screen.clear() message = f'Congrats! Player {game.winner} has won!' print_to_center(screen, [message]) screen.refresh() screen.getch()
def main(screen: curses.window, height, width): game: Optional[Game] = None curses.curs_set(0) while True: display_string_builder: list[str, ...] = list() display_string_builder.append('###########################') display_string_builder.append('# WELCOME TO BATTLESHIP #') display_string_builder.append('###########################') display_string_builder.append('') if game and game.winner: display_string_builder.append( f'The winner of the last game is {game.winner}!') display_string_builder.append('') display_string_builder.append('Press n to start new game.') display_string_builder.append('Press l to load the game (if exists).') display_string_builder.append('Press q to quit the game.') screen.clear() check_text_size(display_string_builder, *screen.getmaxyx()) display_string = '\n'.join(display_string_builder) screen.addstr(0, 0, display_string) input_character = screen.getch() if input_character == ord('q'): return if input_character in (ord('n'), ord('l')): if input_character == ord('l'): try: with open(SAVE_FILE_NAME, 'rb') as file: game = pickle.load(file) except OSError: continue else: first_player = HumanPlayer('You') second_player = RandomPlayer('Robot') game = Game(first_player=first_player, second_player=second_player, board_size=(height, width)) try: except QuitSignal as qs: if qs.signal_type == QuitSignal.BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU: continue if qs.signal_type == QuitSignal.QUIT: return if qs.signal_type == QuitSignal.QUIT_AND_SAVE: with open(SAVE_FILE_NAME, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(game, file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return
def display_game(screen: curses.window, cur_player: Player, game: Game): """ function for printing game on the console """ # obtain coordinates for displaying fields sheight, swidth = screen.getmaxyx() my_coords, enemy_coords = game.display_field(sheight=sheight, swidth=swidth) # print fields and stats on the console screen.clear() display_field(screen, my_coords, cur_player, True, game=game) display_field(screen, enemy_coords, cur_player, False, game=game) stats = game.num_alive_ships() display_stats(screen=screen, statistics=stats[0], my=True, game=game) display_stats(screen=screen, statistics=stats[1], my=False, game=game)
def main(screen: curses.window, mheight: int, mwidth: int): # removing cursor curses.curs_set(0) # setting color for menu curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) # things to be printed prev_game = load_game() str_start_game = "Start New Game" str_load_game = "Load Game" str_exit = "Exit" menu_items = [str_load_game, str_start_game, str_exit ] if prev_game else [str_start_game, str_exit] cur_index = 0 # selected menu item display_menu(screen, menu_items, cur_index) while True: # listen to input key = screen.getch() # handling navigation if key == curses.KEY_UP and cur_index > 0: cur_index -= 1 elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN and cur_index < len(menu_items) - 1: cur_index += 1 # handling Enter button elif key == curses.KEY_ENTER or key in [10, 13]: cur_item = menu_items[cur_index] if cur_item == str_start_game: # adjust length of the symbols Field.recal_sybms(len(str(mwidth))) # start new game start_game(screen, mheight, mwidth) elif cur_item == str_load_game: # adjust length of the symbols Field.recal_sybms(len(str(prev_game.map_width))) # continue last saved game play_game(screen, game=prev_game) elif cur_item == str_exit: return screen.clear() display_menu(screen, menu_items, cur_index)
def process_human_move(screen: curses.window, cur_player: Player, game: Game): """ function for listening to player's input and taking appropriate actions """ buttons_move_cursor = [ curses.KEY_UP, curses.KEY_DOWN, curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_RIGHT, ord('w'), ord('s'), ord('a'), ord('d') ] buttons_shoot = [curses.KEY_ENTER, 10, 12, 13, 14] while True: # get fields my_field = cur_player.my_field enemy_field = cur_player.enemy_field display_game(screen, cur_player, game) # listen to the input key = screen.getch() # move corresponding cursors if key in buttons_move_cursor: move_cursor(key, my_field=my_field, enemy_field=enemy_field, game=game) # shoot at the current location of the cursor elif key in buttons_shoot: process_shooting(screen, cur_player, game, is_human=True) break # save the game elif key == ord('o'): screen.clear() save_game(game) print_to_center(screen, ['The game was saved']) screen.getch() game.turn -= 1 break
def _main(stdscr: curses.window): maxy, maxx = 0, 0 examples = [] count = 1 while 1: # Prompt maxy, maxx = stdscr.getmaxyx() stdscr.clear() stdscr.addstr( 0, 0, "Enter example: (hit Ctrl-G to execute, Ctrl-C to exit)", curses.A_BOLD) editwin = curses.newwin(5, maxx - 4, 2, 2) rectangle(stdscr, 1, 1, 1 + 5 + 1, maxx - 2) # Printing is part of the prompt cur = 8 def putstr(str, x=0, attr=0): nonlocal cur # This is how we handle going off the bottom of the scren lol if cur < maxy: stdscr.addstr(cur, x, str, attr) cur += (len(str.split("\n")) or 1) for ex, buff, vals, err in reversed(examples): putstr(f"Example {ex}:", attr=curses.A_BOLD) for l in buff.split("\n"): putstr(f" | {l}") putstr("") if err: err = str(err) err = err.split("\n") putstr(" Error:") for l in err: putstr(f" {l}", attr=curses.COLOR_YELLOW) elif vals: putstr(" Value:") for x, t in zip(range(1, 1 << 64), vals): putstr(f" {x:>3}) " + repr(t)) putstr("") stdscr.refresh() # Readf rom the user box = Textbox(editwin) try: box.edit() except KeyboardInterrupt: break buff = box.gather().strip() if not buff: continue vals, err = handle(buff, count) examples.append((count, buff, vals, err)) count += 1 stdscr.refresh()
def main(s: curses.window, a: list[str], c: int, o: list[bool]): """Lists system specs""" s.clear() s.refresh() io.printw("System Specs:\n " + platform.uname().system + ", {}, {}, {}".format(platform.uname().processor, platform.uname().machine, platform.uname().version) )