class CursiveException(Exception):
    """Base Cursive Exception

    To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
    a 'msg_fmt' property. That msg_fmt will get printf'd
    with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.

    msg_fmt = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
    headers = {}
    safe = False

    def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        if not message:
                message = self.msg_fmt % kwargs

            except Exception:
                # at least get the core message out if something happened
                message = self.msg_fmt

        self.message = message
        super(CursiveException, self).__init__(message)

    def format_message(self):
        # NOTE(dane-fichter): use the first argument to the python Exception
        # object which should be our full CursiveException message
        return self.args[0]
def get_verifier(context, img_signature_certificate_uuid,
                 img_signature_hash_method, img_signature,
    """Instantiate signature properties and use them to create a verifier.

    :param context: the user context for authentication
    :param img_signature_certificate_uuid:
           uuid of signing certificate stored in key manager
    :param img_signature_hash_method:
           string denoting hash method used to compute signature
    :param img_signature: string of base64 encoding of signature
    :param img_signature_key_type:
           string denoting type of keypair used to compute signature
    :returns: instance of
    :raises: SignatureVerificationError if we fail to build the verifier
    image_meta_props = {'img_signature_uuid': img_signature_certificate_uuid,
                        'img_signature_hash_method': img_signature_hash_method,
                        'img_signature': img_signature,
                        'img_signature_key_type': img_signature_key_type}
    for key in image_meta_props.keys():
        if image_meta_props[key] is None:
            raise exception.SignatureVerificationError(
                reason=_('Required image properties for signature verification'
                         ' do not exist. Cannot verify signature. Missing'
                         ' property: %s') % key)

    signature = get_signature(img_signature)
    hash_method = get_hash_method(img_signature_hash_method)
    signature_key_type = SignatureKeyType.lookup(img_signature_key_type)
    public_key = get_public_key(context,

    # create the verifier based on the signature key type
    verifier = signature_key_type.create_verifier(signature,
    if verifier:
        return verifier
        # Error creating the verifier
        raise exception.SignatureVerificationError(
            reason=_('Error occurred while creating the verifier'))
def get_certificate(context, signature_certificate_uuid):
    """Create the certificate object from the retrieved certificate data.

    :param context: the user context for authentication
    :param signature_certificate_uuid: the uuid to use to retrieve the
    :returns: the certificate cryptography object
    :raises: SignatureVerificationError if the retrieval fails or the format
             is invalid
    keymgr_api = key_manager.API()

        # The certificate retrieved here is a castellan certificate object
        cert = keymgr_api.get(context, signature_certificate_uuid)
    except ManagedObjectNotFoundError as e:
        raise exception.SignatureVerificationError(
            reason=_('Certificate not found with ID: %s')
            % signature_certificate_uuid)
    except KeyManagerError as e:
        # The problem encountered may be backend-specific, since castellan
        # can use different backends.  Rather than importing all possible
        # backends here, the generic "Exception" is used.
        msg = (_LE("Unable to retrieve certificate with ID %(id)s: %(e)s")
               % {'id': signature_certificate_uuid,
                  'e': encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e)})
        raise exception.SignatureVerificationError(
            reason=_('Unable to retrieve certificate with ID: %s')
            % signature_certificate_uuid)

    if cert.format not in CERTIFICATE_FORMATS:
        raise exception.SignatureVerificationError(
            reason=_('Invalid certificate format: %s') % cert.format)

    if cert.format == X_509:
        # castellan always encodes certificates in DER format
        cert_data = cert.get_encoded()
        certificate = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(cert_data,

    return certificate
    def lookup(cls, name):
        """Look up the signature key type.

        :param name: the name of the signature key type
        :returns: the SignatureKeyType object
        :raises: SignatureVerificationError if signature key type is invalid
        if name not in cls.REGISTERED_TYPES:
            raise exception.SignatureVerificationError(
                reason=_('Invalid signature key type: %s') % name)
        return cls.REGISTERED_TYPES[name]
def get_hash_method(hash_method_name):
    """Verify the hash method name and create the hash method.

    :param hash_method_name: the name of the hash method to retrieve
    :returns: the hash method, a cryptography object
    :raises: SignatureVerificationError if the hash method name is invalid
    if hash_method_name not in HASH_METHODS:
        raise exception.SignatureVerificationError(
            reason=_('Invalid signature hash method: %s') % hash_method_name)

    return HASH_METHODS[hash_method_name]
def get_signature(signature_data):
    """Decode the signature data and returns the signature.

    :param signature_data: the base64-encoded signature data
    :returns: the decoded signature
    :raises: SignatureVerificationError if the signature data is malformatted
        signature = base64.decode_as_bytes(signature_data)
    except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
        raise exception.SignatureVerificationError(
            reason=_('The signature data was not properly '
                     'encoded using base64'))

    return signature
def get_public_key(context, signature_certificate_uuid, signature_key_type):
    """Create the public key object from a retrieved certificate.

    :param context: the user context for authentication
    :param signature_certificate_uuid: the uuid to use to retrieve the
    :param signature_key_type: a SignatureKeyType object
    :returns: the public key cryptography object
    :raises: SignatureVerificationError if public key format is invalid
    certificate = get_certificate(context, signature_certificate_uuid)

    # Note that this public key could either be
    # RSAPublicKey, DSAPublicKey, or EllipticCurvePublicKey
    public_key = certificate.public_key()

    # Confirm the type is of the type expected based on the signature key type
    if not isinstance(public_key, signature_key_type.public_key_type):
        raise exception.SignatureVerificationError(
            reason=_('Invalid public key type for signature key type: %s')

    return public_key
class SignatureVerificationError(CursiveException):
    msg_fmt = _("Signature verification for the image " "failed: %(reason)s.")