def renewVehicleRegistration(self): ''' This function renews mutates the vehicle registration of an existing vehicle on the database. It does not return anything ''' # allow registry agent to renew their registration # perform issue ticket steps cursor = sqlCursor.get_instance().get_cursor() regno = input("Enter registry number: ").strip() exist = not(self.reg_exist(regno))# while exist:# check if registraion num exist print('Registration not found') option = input("Enter (1) to enter a different registry number\nPress any other button to return to dashboard: ") if option == '1': regno = input("Enter registry number: ") exist = not(self.reg_exist(regno)) else: SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return try: cursor.execute("SELECT expiry FROM registrations WHERE regno=?;",regno) except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when retrieving data about vehicle with vin number: {}".format(regno)) return cur_expiry = cursor.fetchone()[0] try: cursor.execute("SELECT strftime('%s','now') - strftime('%s',:cur_expiry);",{'cur_expiry':cur_expiry})#calculating time difference in unix timestamp except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when retrieving data about date {}".format(cur_expiry)) return ################################################################################## # renew vehicle registration SQL logic goes here if cursor.fetchone()[0] < 0:#registration is not expired new_date = str(int(cur_expiry[:4])+1)+(cur_expiry[4:]) #slef.get_current_date returns an integer so need to convert it to a string to concatenate #will concatante first 4 letters of the string, which is thhe year, turn it into an integer add1 to it and then #turn it back to a string and concatinate it back to the rest of the dates. try: cursor.execute("UPDATE registrations SET expiry=:new_date WHERE regno=:regno;",{'new_date':new_date,'regno':regno}) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when updating {} and {}".format(new_date,regno)) return else:#registration is expired cur_date = self.get_current_date() new_date = str(int(str(cur_date)[:4])+1)+(cur_date[4:]) #will concatante first 4 letters of the string, which is the year, turn it into an integer add1 to it and then #turn it back to a string and concatinate it back to the rest of the dates. try: cursor.execute("UPDATE registrations SET expiry=:new_date WHERE regno=:regno;",{'new_date':new_date,'regno':regno}) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when updating {} and {}".format(new_date,regno)) return # end logic ################################################################################## print("successfully renewed vehicle registration\n") SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return
def registerMarriage(self): ''' This function does not return anything it simply inserts inputed or generated values into the database. ''' cursor = sqlCursor.get_instance().get_cursor() # allow registry agent to register a marriage # perform issue ticket steps inputs = {'partner1_fname': None,'partner1_lname':None,'partner2_fname': None,'partner2_lname':None} keys = ['partner1_fname','partner1_lname','partner2_fname','partner2_lname'] inputs = self.iterate(inputs,keys)#asks for user inputs prop_form = ['str','str','str','str']#error checking if InputFormatter.iterate_check(inputs,prop_form,keys) == False:return#is this is true it means user returned to dashboard regno = UniqueIDManager.getUniqueRegistrationNumber('marriages')#generate unique number regdate = self.get_current_date() regplace = User.getUserCity()#get the city of the loged in user if self.check_person(inputs['partner1_fname'],inputs['partner1_lname']):#True if partner_1 is not in database print("Enter the following information about {} {}".format(inputs['partner1_fname'],inputs['partner1_lname'])) columns2 = {'bdate': None,'bplace': None,'address': None,'phone': None} keys2 = ['bdate','bplace','address','phone'] columns2 = self.iterate(columns2,keys2)#asks for user inputs prop_form = ['date','str','None','phone']#error checking if InputFormatter.iterate_check(columns2,prop_form,keys2,"null") == False:return#if this is true it means user returned to dashboard try: cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO persons VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}');'''.format\ (inputs['partner1_fname'],inputs['partner1_lname'],columns2['bdate'],columns2['bplace'],columns2['address'],columns2['phone'])) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when inserting {} {}".format(inputs['partner1_fname'],inputs['partner1_lname'])) return if self.check_person(inputs['partner2_fname'],inputs['partner2_lname']):#True if partner2 is not in database print("Enter the following information about {} {}".format(inputs['partner2_fname'],inputs['partner2_lname'])) columns3 = {'bdate': None,'bplace': None,'address': None,'phone': None} keys3 = ['bdate','bplace','address','phone'] columns3 = self.iterate(columns3,keys3)#asks for user inputs prop_form = ['date','str','None','phone']#error checking if InputFormatter.iterate_check(columns3,prop_form,keys3,"null") == False:return#if this is true it means user returned to dashboard try: cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO persons VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}');'''.\ format(inputs['partner2_fname'],inputs['partner2_lname'],columns3['bdate'],columns3['bplace'],columns3['address'],columns3['phone'])) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when inserting data about {} {}".format(inputs['partner2_fname'],inputs['partner2_lname'])) return ################################################################################## # register marriage SQL logic goes here try: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO marriages VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}')".format\ (regno,regdate,regplace,inputs['partner1_fname'],inputs['partner1_lname'],inputs['partner2_fname'],inputs['partner2_lname'])) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when inserting marriage") return # end logic ################################################################################## print("successfully registered marriage\n") SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return
def processBillOfSale(self): ''' This Functions inserts values into the registration table in the database. Some of the inserted values are inputed by the user and some are generated by the database. This function does not return anything. ''' cursor = sqlCursor.get_instance().get_cursor() # allow rgistry agent to process a bill of sale # perform issue ticket steps inputs = {'vin_of_car':None,'firstname_of_current_owner':None,\ 'lastname_of_current_owner':None,'firstname_of_new_owner':None,\ 'lastname_of_new_owner':None,'New_plate_number':None} keys = ['vin_of_car','firstname_of_current_owner','lastname_of_current_owner','firstname_of_new_owner','lastname_of_new_owner','New_plate_number'] inputs = self.iterate(inputs,keys)#asks for user inputs prop_form = ['None','str','str','str','str','None']#error checking, vin and platenumber can be anything if InputFormatter.iterate_check(inputs,prop_form,keys) == False:return#if this is true it means user returned to dashboard try: cursor.execute("SELECT fname,lname FROM registrations WHERE vin=:vin COLLATE NOCASE ORDER BY regdate DESC;",{'vin':inputs['vin_of_car']}) except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when retrieving data from vehicle with vin: {}".format(inputs['vin_of_car'])) return owner = cursor.fetchone() if owner == None or (owner[0].lower() != inputs['firstname_of_current_owner'].lower() or owner[1].lower() != inputs['lastname_of_current_owner'].lower()): #This will check if the most recent owner of the vehicle is the inputed current owner and if it isnt user will be returned to Dashboard print("The inputed vehicle with the vin number {} is not currently owned by {} {}"\ .format(inputs['vin_of_car'],inputs['firstname_of_current_owner'],inputs['lastname_of_current_owner'])) SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return regno = UniqueIDManager.getUniqueRegistrationNumber('registrations')#generate unique number regdate = str(self.get_current_date()) ################################################################################## # process bill of sale SQL logic goes here try: cursor.executescript('''UPDATE registrations SET expiry = '{}' WHERE vin = '{}' COLLATE NOCASE; INSERT INTO registrations VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}');'''.format(self.get_current_date(),inputs['vin_of_car'],\ regno,regdate,str(int(regdate[:4])+1)+regdate[4:],inputs['New_plate_number'],\ inputs['vin_of_car'],inputs['firstname_of_new_owner'],inputs['lastname_of_new_owner'])) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when proccessing bill of sale") return # end logic ################################################################################## print("successfully processed bill of sale\n") SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return
def getUserCity(): #pass in created uid and pwd cursor = sqlCursor.get_instance().get_cursor() try: cursor.execute( "SELECT city FROM users WHERE uid=:uid AND pwd=:pwd", { 'uid': AuthenticationManager.validUid, 'pwd': AuthenticationManager.validPassword }) except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when retieving the user's city from the database") return return cursor.fetchone()[0]
def getUniqueRegistrationNumber(table): #pass in the specific table which we are creating a new id in in order to make sure that it is unique in that table cursor = sqlCursor.get_instance().get_cursor() conn = sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection() try: cursor.execute("SELECT max(regno) FROM {};".format(table)) conn.commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("Error when fetching maximum regid from table") val = cursor.fetchone() if val == None: val = 0 elif val[0] == None: val = 0 else: val = int(val[0]) + 1 #this is the current regno to be used return val
def getDriverAbstract(self): ''' This function will ask the user to input a first name and a last name. All queries are used to retrive data from the database. ''' cursor = sqlCursor.get_instance().get_cursor() fname = input('Enter first name: ').strip() lname = input('Enter last name: ').strip() ################################################################################## # get driver abstract SQL logic goes here if self.check_person(fname,lname):#will return true if the inputed person is not in the database print("{} {} is not in the database".format(fname,lname)) SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return try: cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(*),sum(points) FROM demeritNotices d WHERE d.fname =:fname COLLATE NOCASE AND d.lname =:lname COLLATE NOCASE;''',{'fname':fname,'lname':lname}) except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when trying to retrieve informtion about {} {}".format(fname,lname)) return num_dnotice = cursor.fetchone() if num_dnotice[1] == None: num_dnotice = (num_dnotice[0],0)#change the sum of total demerit points to 0 from None if there are no demerit points try: cursor.execute(''' SELECT sum(points) FROM demeritNotices WHERE fname = :fname COLLATE NOCASE AND lname = :lname COLLATE NOCASE AND (julianday('now')-julianday(ddate)) <= 730 ; ''',{'fname':fname,'lname':lname}) except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when retrieving data about {} {}".format(fname,lname)) return num_points = cursor.fetchone() if num_points[0] == None: num_points = 0#change the sum of total demerit points to 0 from None if there are no demerit points else: num_points = num_points[0] try: cursor.execute('''SELECT t.tno,t.vdate,t.violation,t.fine,r.regno,v.make,v.model FROM tickets t,registrations r,vehicles v WHERE r.fname =:fname COLLATE NOCASE AND r.lname =:lname COLLATE NOCASE AND r.regno = t.regno AND = ORDER BY t.vdate DESC;''',{'fname':fname,'lname':lname}) except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when retrieving data about {} {}".format(fname,lname)) return tickets = cursor.fetchall() if tickets == None:tickets=0 print("-----{} {}'s Driver Abstract-----\nnumber of tickets: {}\nnumber of demerit notices: {}\nnumber of demeritpoints within the past 2 years: {}\ntotal number of demerit points: {}"\ .format(fname,lname,len(tickets),num_dnotice[0],num_points,num_dnotice[1])) option = input("view {} {}'s tickets (Y/N)?: ".format(fname,lname).strip()) start = 0 end = 0 if len(tickets) >= 5: end = 5 else: end = len(tickets) while option.lower() != 'n': for item in range(start,end): print("\n\nticket number: {}\nticket date: {}\nticket description: {}\nticket fine: {}\nvehicle registration:{}\nvehicle make: {}\nvehicle model: {}"\ .format(tickets[item][0],tickets[item][1],tickets[item][2],tickets[item][3],tickets[item][4],tickets[item][5],tickets[item][6])) if item == len(tickets)-1:#at the last ticket option = 'n' break if option == 'n':break option = input('View more tickets (Y/N): ').strip() start = end end += 5 print() # end logic ################################################################################## print("successfully retrieved driver abstract\n") SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return
def processPayment(self): ''' This function inserts values into the tickets table. The inserted values are generated by the user. Queries are used to check if the inputed payment is eligible to be inserted to the databse. ''' cursor = sqlCursor.get_instance().get_cursor() # allow registry agent to process a payment # perform issue ticket steps tno = input("Enter ticket number: ").strip() while not(tno).isdigit(): tno = input("Ticket number must be a digit : ") try:#getting ticket fine cursor.execute("SELECT fine FROM tickets WHERE tno=?;",tno) except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when retrieving data about ticket with ticket number:{} ".format(tno)) return fine = cursor.fetchone() try:#getting the sum of payments cursor.execute("SELECT sum(amount) FROM payments WHERE tno=? GROUP BY tno;",tno) except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when retrieving data about ticket with ticket number:{} ".format(tno)) return cur_payments = cursor.fetchone() if fine == None:#error check if ticket is valid print('Ticket does not exist') SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return if cur_payments == None:paid = 0 else:paid = cur_payments[0] payment = int(input("Enter payment amount,payment required {}$: ".format(int(fine[0]) - int(paid)).strip())) if payment <= 0: print('Payment must be greater than 0$') SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return fine = fine[0] if payment > int(fine):#error check if the payment is bigger than the entire fine print('Payment exceeds fine') SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return cursor.execute("SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','now');")#this will give the current date withhours,minutes, and seconds cur_date = cursor.fetchone()[0] ################################################################################## # process payment SQL logic goes here if cur_payments == None:#True if no payments have been made yet try: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO payments VALUES ('{}','{}',{});".format(tno,cur_date,payment)) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when inserting ticket payment: {}".format(tno)) return else:#payments have been made cur_payments = cur_payments[0] if (int(cur_payments) + payment) <= fine: try: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO payments VALUES ('{}','{}',{});".format(tno,cur_date,payment)) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when inserting ticket payment: {}".format(tno)) return else: print('sum of payments exceeds fine') SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return # end logic ################################################################################## print("successfully processed payment\n") SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return
def registerBirth(self): ''' This function does not return anything it simplies stores the inputed,or possibly generated, values into the database. ''' # allow registry agent to register a birth # perform issue ticket steps cursor = sqlCursor.get_instance().get_cursor() columns = {'fname': None,'lname': None,'gender': None,'f_fname': None,'f_lname': None,'m_fname': None,\ 'm_lname': None,'bdate': None,'bplace': None} keys = ['fname','lname','gender','f_fname','f_lname','m_fname','m_lname','bdate','bplace']#needed to input user in proper order since dictionaries are not ordered columns = self.iterate(columns,keys)#asks for user inputs prop_form = ['str','str','str','str','str','str','str','date','str']#error checking if InputFormatter.iterate_check(columns,prop_form,keys) == False:return#if this is true it means user returned to dashboard if not(self.check_person(columns['fname'],columns['lname'])):#True if person is in the database print("{} {} is already in the database".format(columns['fname'],columns['lname'])) return if self.check_person(columns['f_fname'],columns['f_lname']):#True if father is not in database print("Enter information about {} {}'s father'".format(columns['fname'],columns['lname'])) columns2 = {'f_bdate': None,'f_bplace': None,'f_address': None,'f_phone': None} keys2 = ['f_bdate','f_bplace','f_address','f_phone']#needed to input user in proper order since dictionaries are not ordered columns2 = self.iterate(columns2,keys2)#asks for user inputs prop_form = ['date','str','None','phone']#error checking if InputFormatter.iterate_check(columns2,prop_form,keys2,"null") == False:return#is this is true it means user returned to dashboard try: cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO persons VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}');'''\ .format(columns['f_fname'],columns['f_lname'],columns2['f_bdate'],columns2['f_bplace'],columns2['f_address'],columns2['f_phone'])) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when inserting details of {} {} into the database".format(columns['f_fname'],columns['f_lname'])) return if self.check_person(columns['m_fname'],columns['m_lname']):#True if mother is not in database print("Enter information about {} {}'s mother'".format(columns['fname'],columns['lname'])) columns3 = {'m_bdate': None,'m_bplace': None,'m_address': None,'m_phone': None} keys3 = ['m_bdate','m_bplace','m_address','m_phone']#needed to input user in proper order since dictionaries are not ordered columns3 = self.iterate(columns3,keys3)#asks for user inputs prop_form = ['date','str','None','phone']#error checking if InputFormatter.iterate_check(columns3,prop_form,keys3,"null") == False:return#if this is true it means user returned to dashboard try: cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO persons VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}');'''\ .format(columns['m_fname'],columns['m_lname'],columns3['m_bdate'],columns3['m_bplace'],columns3['m_address'],columns3['m_phone'])) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when inserting details of {} {} into the database".format(columns['m_fname'],columns['m_lname'])) return regno = UniqueIDManager.getUniqueRegistrationNumber('births')#generate unique number regdate = self.get_current_date() regplace = User.getUserCity()#get the city of the loged in user #getting the mothers phone and address try: cursor.execute("SELECT address,phone FROM persons WHERE fname=:m_fname COLLATE NOCASE AND lname=:m_lname COLLATE NOCASE;",\ {'m_fname':columns['m_fname'],'m_lname':columns['m_lname']}) except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when retrieving data about {} {} ".format(columns['m_fname'],columns['m_lname'])) return m_info = cursor.fetchone() m_address = m_info[0]#mothers address m_phone = m_info[1]#mothers phone number ################################################################################## # register birt SQL logic goes here try: cursor.executescript('''INSERT INTO births VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}'); INSERT INTO persons VALUES ('{}','{}' ,'{}' ,'{}','{}','{}');'''\ .format(regno,columns['fname'],columns['lname'],regdate,regplace,columns['gender'],columns['f_fname'],columns['f_lname'],columns['m_fname'],columns['m_lname'],columns['fname'],columns['lname'],columns['bdate'],columns['bplace'],m_address,m_phone)) sqlCursor.get_instance().get_connection().commit() except sqlCursor.get_error() as e: print("error when inserting details of {} {} into the database".format(columns['fname'],columns['lname'])) return # end logic ################################################################################## print("successfully registered birth\n") SysCallManager.ReturnToDashboard() return