Example #1
def demo ( ) :
    c1 = Curve ( y = [0,1] , marks = 1 , marker = "A")
    pl = Plotter ( dpi = 75 )
    g1 = Graph2d ( c1, plotter = pl , titles = "Curve marked with A" ,
                title_colors = "blue")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nA small (75 dpi) window with line marked A from (0,0) to (1,1)."
    paws ( )
#  pl = Plotter ( dpi = 100 )
#  g1 = Graph2d ( c1, plotter = pl , titles = "Curve marked with A" ,
#              title_colors = "fg")
#  g1.plot ( )
#  print "\nA large (100 dpi) window with line marked A from (0,0) to (1,1)."
#  paws ( )
    c2 = Curve ( y = [1,0] , marks = 1 , marker = "B")
    g1.add (c2)
    g1.change (titles = "New curve marked B.")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nAdded line marked B from (0,1) to (1,0) in previous plot."
    paws ( )
    c1.set ( x = [1,2] )
    c2.set ( x = [1,2] )
    g1.change (axis_scales = "loglin", titles = "Same, x axis now logarithmic.")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nSame, x axis now logarithmic."
    paws ( )
    g1.change (x_axis_scale = "lin", titles = "x axis back to linear.")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nSame, x axis now linear again."
    paws ( )
           titles="Limits now 1.2<x<1.8, 0.2<y<0.8.")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nLimits now 1.2<x<1.8, 0.2<y<0.8."
    paws ( )
#  g1.change(y_axis_limits=[0.4,0.6],
#         titles="Limits now 1.2<x<1.8, 0.4<y<0.6")
#  g1.plot ( )
#  print "\nLimits now 1.2<x<1.8, 0.4<y<0.6"
#  paws ( )
           titles="Limits now back to extreme values.")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nLimits now back to extreme values."
    paws ( )
    x=10*pi*arange(200, dtype = Float)/199.0
    c1 = Curve ( x = x , y = sin(x),marks = 1, marker= "A")
    g1.delete (2)
    g1.delete (1)
    g1.add (c1)
    g1.change (titles = "Five cycles of a sine wave, marked A.")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nFive cycles of a sine wave."
    paws ( )
    c1.set(marks = 0, width = 6 , type = "dash")
    g1.change (titles = "A mark gone, bold dashed.")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nTurn off A marker, plot curve as bold dashed."
    paws ( )
    x=2*pi*arange(200, dtype = Float)/199.0
    crvs = []
    for i in range (1,7) :
        r = 0.5*i -(5-0.5*i)*cos(x)
        s = `i`
        crvs.append(Curve(y=r*sin(x),x=r*cos(x),marks=0, color=-4-i,label=s))
    g1=Graph2d(crvs,plotter = pl,titles="Nested cardioids in colors")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nNested cardioids in primary and secondary colors."
    g1.change(titles = ["colors","cardioids","Nested","in many"],
           title_colors = ["red","yellow","magenta","blue"])
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nThe same with four titles in many colors."
    mks = ['.','+','*','o','x','A']
    for i in range (1,7) :
        crvs[i-1].set (color="fg", type = 0, marker = mks[i-1])
    g1.change (titles = "Marked curves", title_colors = "fg")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nChanges color to foreground, types to no lines."
    print "Markers are point, plus, asterisk, circle, cross, and A."
    for i in range (1,6) :
        crvs[i-1].set (marks = 0, type = i-1)
    crvs[i].set (type = 1, width = 4)
    g1.change (titles = "Different curve types.")
    print "\nChanges line types to solid, dash, dot, dashdot, dashdotdot."
    print "Outermost cardioid becomes a thick solid curve."
    paws ()
    ValueError = "ValueError"
    y=transpose (x)
    q1 = QuadMesh ( x=array(xx, copy = 1), y=array(yy, copy = 1) )
    g1.new(q1, plotter = pl, titles = "Round mesh with bites out of sides",
       axis_limits = [[min(ravel(xx)),max(ravel(xx))],
    print "\nQuadrilateral mesh -- round with bites out of its sides."
    paws (  )
    q1.set (boundary = 1, vx = x+.5, vy=y-.5,ktype = "none", ltype = "none")
    g1.change(titles = "Vector field on mesh.")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nVelocity vectors. Try zooming and panning with mouse."
    paws ( )
    q1.set (vx = None, vy = None, z = mag (x+.5,y-.5),marks = 1,
    g1.change(titles = "Lettered contour plot, dashed boundary.")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nLettered contours, with boundary dashed."
    paws ( )
    q1.set (filled=1, type = "dash", color = "white")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nFilled lettered dashed contours, with boundary dashed."
    paws ()
    q1.set(marks = 0,boundary_type="solid",levels=array([0.5,1.0,1.5]),
        filled=1, contours = 1, type = "dash", color = "white",
        width = 3)
    g1.change(titles = "Filled mesh, dashed contours")
    g1.plot ( )
    print "\nFilled mesh (color only) with three dashed contours overlaid."
    print "\nAfter each new palette is installed, hit <RETURN> for the next."
    for i in range(6):
        g1.quick_plot(color_card = pal[i],titles = "Palette " + pal[i])
    #  g1.plot ( )
        paws ( )
    pal = ["vg.gs", "boxed.gs", "vgbox.gs", "nobox.gs", "work.gs"]
    q1.set (marks = 1,boundary_type="dash",levels = 8, filled = 0, color = "fg")
    for i in range (5) :
        pl.set_style (pal [i])
##    g1 = Graph2d (q1, plotter = pl, titles = "Style Name: " + pal[i])
        g1.change (plotter = pl, titles = "Style Name: " + pal[i])
        g1.plot ( )
        paws ( )
    y=transpose (x)
    c1 = CellArray(z=funky)
    g1.replace (1,c1)
    g1.change (color_card = "earth.gp",
            titles ="Cell array, three cycles in theta,r",
            axis_limits = "defaults")

    theta = a2 (0, 2*pi, 18)
    x = cos (theta)
    y = sin (theta)

    ln = Lines (x0 = x, y0 = y, x1 = transpose (x), y1 = transpose (y))
    g1 = Graph2d (ln, plotter = pl, xyequal = 1, titles = "Seventeen pointed star.")
    g1.plot ()
    print "\nAll 17 pointed stars."
    paws ( )

    print "\nNext we will see a lissajous-style animation."
    print "First run without animation mode."
    print "Second run with animation mode."

    anim = Animation2d ( initialize = init, calculations = [calc1, calc2],
                      update = incr, animation = 0, nsteps = 200 )

    g1 = Graph2d ( anim , plotter = pl)
    g1.plot ( )
    paws ( )
    anim.set (animation = 1)
    g1.plot ( )
Example #2
def demo () :

    vsf = 0.
    c = 1
    s = 1000.
    kmax = 25
    lmax = 35

    pl1 = gr.Plotter (" ")
    c1 = Curve ( y = arange (1, kmax+1, dtype = Float) , color = "yellow" )
    g2 = Graph2d ( c1 , plotter = [pl1], titles = ["Bottom of the Barrel", "Top Dog",
                                  "Leftist", "Reaganist"] )
    g2.plot ( )
    paws ( )
    c2 = Curve ( y = sqrt (arange (1, kmax+1, dtype = Float)**3) , color = "blue")
    g2.add ( c2 )
    g2.plot ( )
    paws ( )
    c1.set (marks = 1, marker = "A")
    c2.set (marks = 1, marker = "B")
    g2.plot ( )
    paws ( )
    c1.set (marks = 0)
    c2.set (marks = 0)
    c1.set (width = 3.0)
    c2.set (width = 4.0)
    g2.plot ( )
    paws ( )
    c1.set (type = "dash")
    c2.set (type = "dashdot")
    g2.plot ( )
    paws ( )
    g2.delete ( 1 )
    g2.plot ( )
    paws ( )
    mycolor= ["red", "blue", "yellow", "green", "orange", "purple"]
    markers= ["+", "*", "o", "x", "."]
    c5 = [ ]
    for i in range (len (markers)) :
        c5.append ( Curve (
           y = exp (array (multiply ((1.0+(i+1)/10.), log (range (1, kmax))))) ,
                    color = mycolor [i] , marks = 1, marker = markers [i] ,
                    type = "none" )
    g2.new ( c5 , text="Line style and grid test" , text_color="black" ,
              plotter = [pl1],
              text_pos = array ( [.2, .8]) , text_size = 60 ,
              titles = "Figure 1")
    g2.plot ( )
    paws ( )
    g2.quick_plot ( grid_type = "wide" )
    paws ( )
    part1 = abs (array ( [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, .0000000001] ) )
    c1.new (  y = part1, x = arange (-5, 1, dtype = Float) ,
             type="line" , color = "blue" )
    part2 = array ( [.0000000001, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] )
    c2.new ( y = part2 , x = arange (0, 11, dtype = Float) ,
             type = "line" , color = "blue" )
    g2.new ( [c1, c2] , text = " " , axis_scales = "linlog" , titles = " " ,
              old_plotter = 1,
              axis_limits = array ( [[-6., 10.], [1.e-6, 10.]]))
    g2.plot ( )
    paws ( )
    c1.new ( y = array (exp (multiply (log (10.0), range (-50, 1)))) ,
             x = arange (1, 52, dtype = Float) )
    g2.new ( c1 , axis_scales = "loglog" ,
              old_plotter = 1,
                  axis_limits = array ( [[1., 100.], [1.e-8, 1.]]))
    g2.plot ( )
    paws ( )
    c1.new ( y = array ( [1.e-48, 1.e-21, 0., 0., 0.]) )
    g2.new ( c1 , axis_scales = "linlin" ,
              old_plotter = 1,
                  axis_limits = array  ( [[0., 0.], [0., 0.]]))
    g2.plot ( )
Example #3
c = 1
s = 1000.
kmax = 25
lmax = 35

c1 = Curve ( y = arange (1, kmax+1, dtype = Float) , color = "yellow" )
g2 = Graph2d ( c1 , titles = ["Bottom of the Barrel", "Top Dog",
                              "Leftist", "Reaganist"] )
g2.plot ( )
paws ( )
c2 = Curve ( y = sqrt (arange (1, kmax+1, dtype = Float)**3) ,
   color = "blue")
g2.add ( c2 )
g2.plot ( )
paws ( )
c1.set (marks = 1, marker = "A")
c2.set (marks = 1, marker = "B")
g2.plot ( )
paws ( )
c1.set (marks = 0)
c2.set (marks = 0)
c1.set (width = 3.0)
c2.set (width = 4.0)
g2.plot ( )
paws ( )
c1.set (type = "dash")
c2.set (type = "dashdot")
g2.plot ( )
paws ( )
g2.delete ( 1 )
g2.plot ( )