Example #1
    def test_fftconvolve(self, num_samps, mode="full"):
        cpu_sig = np.random.rand(num_samps)
        gpu_sig = cp.asarray(cpu_sig)

        cpu_autocorr = signal.fftconvolve(cpu_sig, cpu_sig[::-1], mode=mode)
        gpu_autocorr = cp.asnumpy(
            cusignal.fftconvolve(gpu_sig, gpu_sig[::-1], mode=mode))
        assert array_equal(cpu_autocorr, gpu_autocorr)
Example #2
def filter_morlet_gpu(data, sr, omega, morlet_frequency):
    n_chans, n_ts = data.shape

    data_gpu = cp.asarray(data)
    win = cp.array(mne.time_frequency.morlet(sr, [morlet_frequency], omega)[0])

    data_preprocessed = cp.zeros_like(data_gpu, dtype=cp.complex64)
    for i in range(n_chans):
        data_preprocessed[i] = cusignal.fftconvolve(data_gpu[i], win, 'same')

    return data_preprocessed
Example #3
def routine_gpu(data, sr, omega, morlet_frequency):
    n_chans, n_ts = data.shape

    data_gpu = cp.asarray(data)
    win = cp.array(mne.time_frequency.morlet(sr, [morlet_frequency], omega)[0])

    data_preprocessed = cp.zeros_like(data_gpu, dtype=cp.complex64)
    surr_data = cp.zeros_like(data_preprocessed)
    for i in range(n_chans):
        data_preprocessed[i] = cusignal.fftconvolve(data_gpu[i], win, 'same')
        data_preprocessed[i] /= cp.abs(data_preprocessed[i])

        surr_data[i] = cp.roll(data_preprocessed[i],
                               np.random.randint(n_ts - 1))

    plv = cp.inner(data_preprocessed, cp.conj(data_preprocessed)) / n_ts
    plv_surr = cp.inner(surr_data, cp.conj(surr_data)) / n_ts

    return cp.asnumpy(plv), cp.asnumpy(plv_surr)
def go(signal, gpuR, gpuW):
    """ Run demodulation on the GPU
    First store the reference and window data on the GPU using the init_gpu() function. The object returned are 
    required for this function.

    - A (M, N) numpy array (np.float64) buffer for the average of the convolution result along the second dimension of the signal data. This can be considered as the demodulation result for each demodulation channel.  """
    N, k = signal.shape
    M = gpuR.shape[0]

    gpuS = cp.asarray(signal)
    gpuW = cp.tile(gpuW, (N,1))

    results = np.zeros((M, N))
    for i in range(M):
        buffer = cp.multiply(gpuS, gpuR[i,:])
        buffer = cusignal.fftconvolve(buffer, gpuW, mode='same', axes=1)
        buffer = cp.mean(buffer, axis=1)
        results[i,:] = cp.asnumpy(buffer)

    return results
Example #5
    def _filter_data(self, frequency: float):
        n_chans = self.data.shape[0]
        amplitude_percentiles = cp.linspace(0, 100, self.n_bins + 1)

        win = cp.array(
            mne.time_frequency.morlet(self.sfreq, [frequency], self.omega)[0])

        data_envelope = cp.zeros_like(self.data)
        for i in range(n_chans):
            self.data_preprocessed[i] = cusignal.fftconvolve(
                self.data[i], win, 'same')
            data_envelope[i] = cp.abs(self.data_preprocessed[i])

            # normalize analog signal amplitude to make possible to compute PLV through inner product with conjugate
            self.data_preprocessed[i] /= data_envelope[i]
            # normalize signal envelope to make it comparable between different contacts
            data_envelope[i] /= cupy_median(data_envelope[i])
            self.data_thresholded[i] = data_envelope[i] <= (
                cupy_median(data_envelope[i]) * 2)
            # self.data_thresholded[i] = True

        amplitude_bins = cp.percentile(data_envelope[self.data_thresholded],

        self.data_amplitude_labels -= 1

        # deleting envelope to save some space
        # I am jogging here with conjugate and envelope memory because we dont need conjugate during preprocessing
        # and dont need envelope after preprocessing
        # del data_envelope
        # data_envelope = None
        self.data_envelope = data_envelope

        self.data_conj = cp.zeros_like(self.data_preprocessed)
        cp.conj(self.data_preprocessed, out=self.data_conj)
Example #6
 def gpu_version(self, sig, mode):
     with cp.cuda.Stream.null:
         out = cusignal.fftconvolve(sig, sig[::-1], mode=mode)
     return out