def calculate_point(kps_left, sco_left, des_left, kps_right, sco_right, des_right): FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE = 1 index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5) search_params = dict(checks=50) flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params) matches = flann.knnMatch(des_left, des_right, k=2) # matcher = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create(cv2.DescriptorMatcher_FLANNBASED) # matches = matcher.knnMatch(des_left, des_right, 2) goodMatch = [] locations_1_to_use = [] locations_2_to_use = [] # 匹配对筛选 min_dist = 1000 max_dist = 0 disdif_avg = 0 # 统计平均距离差 for m, n in matches: disdif_avg += n.distance - m.distance disdif_avg = disdif_avg / len(matches) # print('disdif_avg:', disdif_avg) for m, n in matches: #自适应阈值 if n.distance > m.distance + 1*disdif_avg: # if m.distance < 0.9 * n.distance: goodMatch.append(m) p2 = cv2.KeyPoint(kps_right[m.trainIdx][0], kps_right[m.trainIdx][1], 1) p1 = cv2.KeyPoint(kps_left[m.queryIdx][0], kps_left[m.queryIdx][1], 1) locations_1_to_use.append([[0],[1]]) locations_2_to_use.append([[0],[1]]) #goodMatch = sorted(goodMatch, key=lambda x: x.distance) # print('match num is %d' % len(goodMatch)) locations_1_to_use = np.array(locations_1_to_use) locations_2_to_use = np.array(locations_2_to_use) # Perform geometric verification using RANSAC. _, inliers = measure.ransac((locations_1_to_use, locations_2_to_use), transform.AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=_RESIDUAL_THRESHOLD, max_trials=1000) print('Found %d inliers' % sum(inliers)) inlier_idxs = np.nonzero(inliers)[0] #最终匹配结果 matches = np.column_stack((inlier_idxs, inlier_idxs)) # print('whole time is %6.3f' % (time.perf_counter() - start0)) # Visualize correspondences, and save to file. #1 绘制匹配连线 plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100 #图片像素 plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100 #分辨率 plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (4.0, 3.0) # 设置figure_size尺寸 _, ax = plt.subplots() plotmatch.plot_matches( ax, image1, image2, locations_1_to_use, locations_2_to_use, np.column_stack((inlier_idxs, inlier_idxs)), plot_matche_points = False, matchline = True, matchlinewidth = 0.5) ax.axis('off') ax.set_title('') # print('inlier_idxs:', len(inlier_idxs)) res = locations_2_to_use[inlier_idxs] - locations_1_to_use[inlier_idxs] return locations_1_to_use[inlier_idxs], locations_2_to_use[inlier_idxs]
def __init__(self, sift_kp_size=16, concat=True, kps_idx=numpy.arange(4, 31, 8)): self.concat = concat self.sift = cv2.SIFT() coordinates = list(itertools.product(kps_idx, kps_idx)) self.kps = [cv2.KeyPoint(i, j, sift_kp_size) for (i, j) in coordinates]
def to_cv2_kp(kp): # assert kp = [<row>, <col>, <ori>, <octave_ind>, <layer_ind>] ratio = get_size_ratio_by_octave(kp[3]) scale = get_scale_by_ind(kp[3], kp[4]) return cv2.KeyPoint(kp[1] / ratio, kp[0] / ratio, 10, kp[2] / PI * 180)
def load_graffiti_help(graffiti_dir, N_imgs, N_data, thresh): # Load graffiti dataset images n = N_data N_points = 10 * n data_files = [ os.path.join(graffiti_dir, 'img{}.png'.format(i + 1)) for i in range(N_imgs) ] imgs = [imageio.imread(fname)[:, :, :3] for fname in data_files] # Build Homographies H = [np.eye(3)] for i in range(1, N_imgs): h = [] with open(os.path.join(graffiti_dir, 'H1to{}p'.format(i + 1)), 'r') as f: for l in f: h.append([float(x) for x in l.split()]) H.append(np.array(h)) # Compute sift descriptors for first image sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(N_points) keypoints0, descs0 = sift.detectAndCompute(imgs[0], None) # Select features with valid x,y coordinates not too close to others descs0 = [d / np.linalg.norm(d) for d in descs0[:N_points]] xy0 = np.stack([[[0],[1], 1] for k in keypoints0], axis=1) ids1 = distint_locs(xy0, thresh) xy0 = np.stack([xy0[:, ii] for ii in ids1], axis=1) sel = xy0[0, :] < np.inf # Should all be true for j in range(1, N_imgs): xyj = h_apply(H[j], xy0) and_lists = [ xyj[0, :] > 0, xyj[1, :] > 0, xyj[0, :] < imgs[j].shape[1], xyj[1, :] < imgs[j].shape[0], ] sel = list(functools.reduce(np.logical_and, and_lists, sel)) # Sort features by their selectiveness descs0 = np.stack([descs0[ids1[i]] for i in range(len(ids1)) if sel[i]]) keypoints0 = [keypoints0[ids1[i]] for i in range(len(ids1)) if sel[i]] Sim =, descs0.T) SimSortList = [np.sort(s)[::-1] for s in Sim] vec = (np.arange(len(descs0))[::-1])**(2) best_idxs = sorted(np.arange(len(descs0)), key=lambda x: SimSortList[x] @ vec) # Select the features and pull out their features xy_ = xy0[:, sel] xy = [xy_[:, best_idxs[:n]]] descs = [descs0[best_idxs[:n], :]] keypoints = [[keypoints0[i] for i in best_idxs[:n]]] # Compute the features for their location in the other images for i in range(1, N_imgs): xy.append(h_apply(H[i], xy[0])) kpts = [] for j in range(xy[0].shape[1]): x0, y0 = xy[0][0, j], xy[0][1, j] size_new, angle_new = get_size_angle(x0, y0, H[i], keypoints0[j]) octv = size_to_octave_desc(size_new) kpts.append( cv2.KeyPoint(x=xy[i][0, j], y=xy[i][1, j], _size=size_new, _angle=angle_new, _response=keypoints0[j].response, _octave=octv, _class_id=keypoints0[j].class_id)) keypoints.append(kpts) # Compute the full descriptors # These include the feature descriptor, x, y, log scale, and orientation FullDescs = [] for kpts, img in zip(keypoints, imgs): h, w, c = imgs[i].shape _, descs = sift.compute(img, kpts) d_ = [(d / np.linalg.norm(d)) for d in descs] dkp_ = [ np.array( list(d_[i]) + [([0] - w / 2) / w, ([1] - h / 2) / h, np.log(k.size), np.deg2rad(k.angle)]) for i, k in enumerate(kpts) ] FullDescs.append(dkp_) return np.stack(FullDescs)
x_0, y_0, _ = tuple(h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 + s * dx_, y0 + s * dy_, 1))) x_1, y_1, _ = tuple(h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 - s * dy_, y0 + s * dx_, 1))) x_2, y_2, _ = tuple(h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 + s * dy_, y0 - s * dx_, 1))) x_3, y_3, _ = tuple(h_apply(H[0, i], (x0 - s * dx_, y0 - s * dy_, 1))) s_new = np.mean([ np.linalg.norm((x_0 - x_3, y_0 - y_3)) / 2, np.linalg.norm(((x_1 - x_2, y_1 - y_2))) / 2 ]) octv = size_to_octave_desc(s_new) angle_new = np.arctan2(-y_0 + y_3, x_0 - x_3) angle_new = np.rad2deg(angle_new + 2 * np.pi * (angle_new < 0)) kpts.append( cv2.KeyPoint(x=x, y=y, _size=s_new, _angle=angle_new, _response=keypoints0[j].response, _octave=octv, _class_id=keypoints0[j].class_id)) keypoints.append(kpts) descriptors = [] Descs = [] FullDesc = [] for kpts, img in zip(keypoints, imgs): h, w, c = imgs[i].shape _, descs = sift.compute(img, kpts) d_ = [(d / np.linalg.norm(d)) for d in descs] descriptors.append(d_) dkp_ = [ np.array(
def main(config): # Build Networks tf.reset_default_graph() photo_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, None, None, 1]) # input grayscale image, normalized by 0~1 is_training = tf.constant(False) # Always False in testing ops = build_networks(config, photo_ph, is_training) tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto() tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=tfconfig) # load model saver = tf.train.Saver() print('Load trained models...') if os.path.isdir(config.model): checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.model) model_dir = config.model else: checkpoint = config.model model_dir = os.path.dirname(config.model) if checkpoint is not None: print('Checkpoint', os.path.basename(checkpoint)) print("[{}] Resuming...".format(time.asctime())) saver.restore(sess, checkpoint) else: raise ValueError('Cannot load model from {}'.format(model_dir)) print('Done.') ########################################################################## new_size = (config.w, config.h) # setup output dir res_dir = os.path.join('res/lfnet/', config.trials) if not os.path.exists(res_dir): os.makedirs(res_dir) # write human readable logs f = open(os.path.join(res_dir, 'log.txt'), 'w') f.write('lfnet\n') f.write('data: %s\n'%cst.DATA) f.write('thresh_overlap: %d\n'%cst.THRESH_OVERLAP) f.write('thresh_desc: %d\n'%cst.THRESH_DESC) # feature matcher handler for visualization FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE = 0 index_params = dict(algorithm = FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees = 5) search_params = dict(checks=50) matcher = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params,search_params) norm = 'L2' global_start_time = time.time() for scene_name in cst.SCENE_LIST: print('************ %s ************'%scene_name) f.write('************ %s ************\n'%scene_name) scene_dir = '%s/%s/'%(cst.DATA_DIR, scene_name) pose_fn = '%s/images.txt'%(scene_dir) img_list = [ l for l in sorted(os.listdir(scene_dir)) if l[-3:]=='png'] img_num = len(img_list) # intrinsic params (same for all img) camera_fn = os.path.join(scene_dir, '') #print('camera_fn: %s'%camera_fn) K, T = bench_tools.load_camera(camera_fn) fx = K[0,0] fy = K[1,1] cx = K[0,2] cy = K[1,2] K_inv = np.linalg.inv(K) img0_root_fn = '%04d'%0 img0_fn = os.path.join(scene_dir, '%s.png'%img0_root_fn) img0 = cv2.imread(img0_fn) old_size = (img0.shape[1], img0.shape[0]) img0 = cv2.resize(img0, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) sx2big, sy2big = 1.0*old_size[0]/new_size[0], 1.0*old_size[1]/new_size[1] sx2small, sy2small = 1.0*new_size[0]/old_size[0], 1.0*new_size[1]/old_size[1] print('sx2big: %.3f - sy2big: %.3f'%(sx2big, sy2big)) print('sx2small: %.3f - sy2small: %.3f'%(sx2small, sy2small)) # get colmap depth map depth0_fn = '%s/%s.png.photometric.bin'%(scene_dir, img0_root_fn) depth0_map = bench_tools.read_array(depth0_fn) depth0_map = cv2.resize(depth0_map, old_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) print('depth0_map.shape', depth0_map.shape) # Get camera pose kp_all_l = [l.split("\n")[0] for l in open(pose_fn).readlines()][4:] header0, kp0_l = [],[] for i, l in enumerate(kp_all_l): if l.split(" ")[-1] == ('%s.png'%img0_root_fn): header0 = l kp0_l = kp_all_l[i+1] kp0_l = kp0_l.split(" ") kp0_l = np.reshape(np.array(kp0_l), [-1,3]).astype(float) q0 = np.array(header0.split(" ")[1:5]).astype(np.float) t0 = np.array(header0.split(" ")[5:8]).astype(np.float) R0 = bench_tools.qvec2rotmat(q0) img0 = cv2.cvtColor(img0, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img0_bw = img0.copy() img0 = img0[None,...,None].astype(np.float32) / 255.0 # normalize 0-1 assert img0.ndim == 4 # [1,H,W,1] # Dump keypoint locations and their features outs = {'kpts': ops['kpts'],'feats': ops['feats']}, feed_dict= {photo_ph: img0}) pts0 = outs['kpts'].T des0 = outs['feats'] kp0 = [] for pt in pts0.T: kp = cv2.KeyPoint(x=pt[0],y=pt[1], _size=2, _angle=0, _response=0, _octave=0, _class_id=0) kp0.append(kp) kp_on_img0 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(img0_bw,2), (1,1,3)) for i,kp in enumerate(kp0): pt = (int(round([0])), int(round([1]))), pt, 1, (0, 255, 0), -1, lineType=16) for img_id in range(1,img_num): # get img print('** %04d ** '%img_id) f.write('** %04d **\n'%img_id) img1_root_fn = '%04d'%img_id img1_fn = os.path.join(scene_dir, '%s.png'%img1_root_fn) img1 = cv2.imread(img1_fn) img1 = cv2.resize(img1, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) # get depth depth1_fn = '%s/%s.png.photometric.bin'%(scene_dir, img1_root_fn) depth1_map = bench_tools.read_array(depth1_fn) depth1_map = cv2.resize(depth1_map, old_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) #print('depth1_map.shape', depth1_map.shape) #raw_input('wait') # get camera pose header1, kp1_l = [],[] # camera pose, pixels list for i, l in enumerate(kp_all_l): if l.split(" ")[-1] == ('%s.png'%img1_root_fn): header1 = l kp1_l = kp_all_l[i+1] kp1_l = kp1_l.split(" ") kp1_l = np.reshape(np.array(kp1_l), [-1,3]).astype(float) q1 = np.array(header1.split(" ")[1:5]).astype(np.float) t1 = np.array(header1.split(" ")[5:8]).astype(np.float) R1 = bench_tools.qvec2rotmat(q1) img1 = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img1_bw = img1.copy() img1 = img1[None,...,None].astype(np.float32) / 255.0 # normalize 0-1 assert img1.ndim == 4 # [1,H,W,1] # Dump keypoint locations and their features outs = {'kpts': ops['kpts'],'feats': ops['feats']}, feed_dict= {photo_ph: img1}) pts1 = outs['kpts'].T des1 = outs['feats'] kp1 = [] for pt in pts1.T: kp = cv2.KeyPoint(x=pt[0],y=pt[1], _size=2, _angle=0, _response=0, _octave=0, _class_id=0) kp1.append(kp) kp_on_img1 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(img1_bw,2), (1,1,3)) for i,kp in enumerate(kp1): pt = (int(round([0])), int(round([1]))), pt, 1, (0, 255, 0), -1, lineType=16) # scale kp to original size (i.e. the big img) for projection # f**k floats in python # let's go h_pts0 = np.vstack([[sx2big*[0], sy2big*[1], 1] for kp in kp0]) h_pts1 = np.vstack([[sx2big*[0], sy2big*[1], 1] for kp in kp1]) rep, N1, N2, M = bench_tools.rep(old_size, h_pts0, h_pts1, K, depth0_map, depth1_map, R0, t0, R1, t1, cst.THRESH_OVERLAP*sx2big) print('rep: %.3f - N1: %d - N2: %d - M: %d'%(rep,N1,N2,M)) f.write('rep:%.3f - N1:%d - N2:%d - M:%d\n' %(rep,N1,N2,M)) ms, N1, N2, M_len, M_d_len, inter =, des0, des1, h_pts0, h_pts1, K, depth0_map, depth1_map, R0, t0, R1, t1, cst.THRESH_OVERLAP*sx2big, cst.THRESH_DESC, norm='L2') print('ms:%.3f - N1:%d - N2:%d - M:%d - M_d:%d - inter:%d' %(ms,N1,N2,M_len, M_d_len, inter)) f.write('ms:%.3f - N1:%d - N2:%d - M:%d - M_d:%d - inter:%d\n' %(ms, N1, N2, M_len, M_d_len, inter)) if cst.DEBUG: # match sift good = [] matches = matcher.knnMatch(des0, des1,k=2) for i,(m,n) in enumerate(matches): if m.distance < 0.8*n.distance: good.append(m) match_des_img = cv2.drawMatches(img0_bw, kp0, img1_bw, kp1, good, None, flags=2) cv2.imshow('match_des', match_des_img) cv2.imshow('kp_on_img0', np.hstack((kp_on_img0, kp_on_img1))) cv2.waitKey(0) f.close() print('Done.')
import cv2 as cv import numpy as np IMAGE_PATH1 = './images/a.jpg' IMAGE_PATH2 = './images/c.jpg' img1 = cv.imread(IMAGE_PATH1) img2 = cv.imread(IMAGE_PATH2) key1 = cv.KeyPoint(0, 0, 1) key2 = cv.KeyPoint(0, 0, 1) img_matches = np.empty( (max(img1.shape[0], img2.shape[0]), img1.shape[1] + img2.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) print(img2[199, 132]) print(img1.shape) print(img2.shape) print(img_matches.shape) img_matches[:img1.shape[0], :img1.shape[1]] = img1 img_matches[:img2.shape[0], img1.shape[1]:img1.shape[1] + img2.shape[1]] = img2, (1, 100), 10, (0, 0, 255)), (img1.shape[0] + 10, 10), 10, (0, 0, 255)) cv.line(img_matches, (10, 10), (img1.shape[0] + 10, 10), (0, 0, 255)) cv.imshow("test", img_matches) cv.waitKey()
mx,my,mz = [],[],[] frames = [] idxs = [] while(cap.isOpened()): #if fc == 0: ret, frame = #frames.append(frame) frame0 = frame gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = np.float32(gray) orb = cv2.ORB_create() pts = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, 3000, 0.01, 7) kps = [cv2.KeyPoint(x=pt[0][0], y=pt[0][1], _size=20) for pt in pts] kps, des = orb.compute(frame, kps) #for pt in pts: # x,y = pt.ravel() #,(x,y), 3, (0,255,0), -1) #if fc == 1: ret, frame = bat = [] idx1,idx2 = [],[] frame1 = frame bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING) if prev is not None: matches = bf.knnMatch(des, prev['des'], k =2) for m,n in matches:
#! /usr/bin/env python from optparse import OptionParser import json from pprint import pprint import cv2 import re import numpy as np import pickle import random import csv import os class SaveClass: def __init__(self, votes, keypoints, descriptors, bodypart, hessianThreshold, nOctaves, nOctaveLayers): self.votes = votes self.keypoints = keypoints self.descriptors = descriptors self.bodypart = bodypart self.hessianThreshold = hessianThreshold self.nOctaves = nOctaves self.nOctaveLayers = nOctaveLayers if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser() # Read the options parser.add_option("", "--train-annotation", dest="train_annotation_file", default="", help="frame level training annotation JSON file") parser.add_option("", "--train-annotation-list", dest="train_annotation_list", default="",help="list of frame level training annotation JSON files") parser.add_option("", "--project-path", dest="project_dir", default="", help="path containing data directory") parser.add_option("", "--mh-neighborhood", dest="mh_neighborhood", type="int", default=10,help="distance from mouth hook for a keyppoint to be considered relevant for training") parser.add_option("", "--positive-training-datafile", dest="train_data_pos", help="File to save the information about the positive training data") parser.add_option("", "--negative-training-datafile", dest="train_data_neg", help="File to save the information about the negative training data") parser.add_option("", "--display", dest="display_level", default=0, type="int",help="display intermediate and final results visually, level 5 for all, level 1 for final, level 0 for none")
count = 0 for kp in keypoints: # print, kp.size print('kp:{}, size:{}'.format(, kp.size)) x = int([0]) y = int([1]) size = int(kp.size) >> 1 # extract angle in keypoint sub window phase_kp = phase[x - size:x + size, y - size:y + size] # extract gradient magnitude in keypoint subwindow magnitude_kp = magnitude[x - size:x + size, y - size:y + size] # create histogram of angle in subwindow BUT only where magnitude of gradients is non zero! Why? Find an # answer to that question use np.histogram non_zero_angle = phase_kp[magnitude_kp != 0] (hist, bins) = np.histogram(non_zero_angle, bins=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) plot_histogram(hist, bins) descr[count] = hist return descr keypoints = [cv2.KeyPoint(15, 15, 11)] # test for all test images test = cv2.imread('./images/hog_test/circle.jpg') descriptor = compute_simple_hog(test, keypoints)
M, mask = cv.findHomography(corners1, corners2, cv.RANSAC, 5.0) # matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist() # Find the Fundamental Matrix F, mask = cv.findFundamentalMat(corners1, corners2, cv.FM_RANSAC) # TODO: This has so much noise it returns a rank 3. Refine F. matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist() # Convert corners to keypoints x1 = corners1[:, :, 0] y1 = corners1[:, :, 1] x2 = corners2[:, :, 0] y2 = corners2[:, :, 1] kp1 = [cv.KeyPoint(x1[idx], y1[idx], 1) for idx in range(len(x1))] kp2 = [cv.KeyPoint(x2[idx], y2[idx], 1) for idx in range(len(x2))] # Visualize corners in image corners1 = np.int0(corners1) corners2 = np.int0(corners2) for i in corners1: x, y = i.ravel(), (x, y), 3, 255, -1) for j in corners2: u, v = j.ravel(), (u, v), 3, 255, -1) fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 16), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
def to_cv2_kp(self, kp): # kp is like [batch_idx, y, x, channel] return cv2.KeyPoint(int(kp[2]/self.sw), int(kp[1]/, 0)
def to_cv2_kp(kp): # kp is like [batch_idx, y, x, channel] return cv2.KeyPoint(kp[2], kp[1], 0)
keypoints_1 = keypoints_1[idx] keypoints_2 = sift.detect_image(img2) # detect features idx = np.where(np.sum(keypoints_2.desc, 1) != 0) # remove zero descriptors from keypoints keypoints_2 = keypoints_2[idx] # feature matching s_time = time.time() matches = sift.match_images(keypoints_1, keypoints_2) # matching between 2 keypoints print("Feature Matching took took {} sec".format(time.time() - s_time)) # transform into cv2 keypoints cv_kp1 = [ cv2.KeyPoint(x=keypoints_1.x[i], y=keypoints_1.y[i], _size=20) for i in range(len(keypoints_1.x)) ] cv_kp2 = [ cv2.KeyPoint(x=keypoints_2.x[i], y=keypoints_2.y[i], _size=20) for i in range(len(keypoints_2.x)) ] # draw the N first matches N = 50 draw_matches(img1, cv_kp1, img2, cv_kp2, matches[:N]) # draw the features on img 1 # img3 = np.array([]) # img3 = cv2.drawKeypoints(img2, cv_kp2, img3, color=(0, 0, 255)) # plt.imshow(img3),
''' PROCESS FRAME ''' global vslog vslog = logging.getLogger('VSLAM') logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)8s %(message)s') mpl_logger = logging.getLogger('matplotlib') mpl_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) def _pickle_keypoints(point): return cv2.KeyPoint, (*, point.size, point.angle, point.response, point.octave, point.class_id) copyreg.pickle(cv2.KeyPoint().__class__, _pickle_keypoints) def writer(imgnames, masknames, config_dict, queue): ''' This funtion creates Frame objects which read images from the disk, detects features and feature descriptors using settings in the config file. It then puts the object into a multi-process queue. This function is designed to run in a separate heap and thus takes everything it needs in form of parameteres and doesn't rely on global variables. ''' #TILE_KP = config_dict['use_tiling_non_max_supression'] USE_MASKS = config_dict['use_masks'] USE_CLAHE = config_dict['use_clahe'] FEATURE_DETECTOR_TYPE = config_dict['feature_detector_type'] FEATURE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE = config_dict['feature_descriptor_type']
return canvas # # Load Images # im1 = cv2.imread( '../image/church1.jpg', 0) # im2 = cv2.imread( '../image/church2.jpg', 0) im1 = cv2.imread( '../image/a.png') im2 = cv2.imread( '../image/b.png') # sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create() sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.DAISY_create() step_size = 5 kp = [cv2.KeyPoint(x, y, step_size) for y in range(0, im1.shape[0], step_size) for x in range(0, im1.shape[1], step_size)] im1_keypts = cv2.drawKeypoints(im1,kp, None) im2_keypts = cv2.drawKeypoints(im2,kp, None) cv2.imshow( 'im1_keypts', im1_keypts) cv2.imshow( 'im2_keypts', im2_keypts) cv2.waitKey(0) startTime = time.time() dense_feat1 = sift.compute(im1, kp) dense_feat2 = sift.compute(im2, kp) print 'time taken for DAISY in sec : ', time.time() - startTime #
def get_scale_hist(train_data_dir, param): kp_file_suffix = "-kp-minsc-2.0.h5" # Check if scale histogram file exists hist_file_name = train_data_dir + 'scales-histogram-minsc-' + str( param.dataset.fMinKpSize) + '.h5' print(hist_file_name) if not os.path.exists(hist_file_name): # read all positive keypoint scales list_png_file = [] # for files in os.listdir(train_data_dir): # if files.endswith(".png"): # list_png_file = list_png_file + [files] list_png_file = list(paths.list_images(train_data_dir)) # all_scales = np.array(dtype=float) all_scales = [] for png_file in list_png_file: # print(png_file) # kp_file_name = train_data_dir + png_file.replace('.png', '_P.mat') kp_file_name = png_file.replace('.png', '_P.mat') kp_file_name = png_file.replace('.jpg', '_P.mat') # print(kp_file_name) # if a matlab keypointed file exists: if os.path.exists(kp_file_name): print("matlab kp file exists") cur_pos_kp =['TFeatures'] cur_pos_kp = np.asarray(cur_pos_kp, dtype='float') all_scales += [cur_pos_kp[5, :].flatten()] # if not else: # print("trying to read ascii kp file...") # look for a Lowe's ASCII keypoint file # ascci_kp_file = os.path.splitext(png_file)[0]+".sift_bak" # print(ascci_kp_file) # cur_pos_kp = readAsciiSiftFile(ascci_kp_file)[0] kpfilename = os.path.splitext(png_file)[0] + kp_file_suffix # print(kpfilename) with h5py.File(kpfilename, "r") as kpfile: kps = kpfile['valid_keypoints'][()] cur_pos_kp = [ cv2.KeyPoint(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], int(x[4]), int(x[5])) for x in kps ] # print(cur_pos_kp) # print(type(cur_pos_kp)) # extract a 1D array of kp scale values all_scales += [x.size for x in cur_pos_kp] # all_scales += [cur_pos_kp[2, :].flatten()] # print(len(all_scales)) try: all_scales = np.concatenate(all_scales) except ValueError as err: print(err) pass # make histogram hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(all_scales, bins=100) hist_c = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) * 0.5 # save to h5 file print("Saving hist file...") with h5py.File(hist_file_name, 'w') as hist_file: hist_file['all_scales'] = all_scales hist_file['histogram_bins'] = hist hist_file['histogram_centers'] = hist_c # Load from the histogram file print("Reading hist file...") with h5py.File(hist_file_name, 'r') as hist_file: scale_hist = np.asarray(hist_file['histogram_bins'], dtype=float).flatten() # print(scale_hist) scale_hist /= np.sum(scale_hist) # print(scale_hist) scale_hist_c = np.asarray(hist_file['histogram_centers']).flatten() return scale_hist, scale_hist_c
def harris_detector(input_img, output_img, n_keypoints, block_size, ksize, scales, threshold): # Get grayscale of the image gray = cv.cvtColor(input_img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) blured_img = cv.GaussianBlur(gray, ksize=(0, 0), sigmaX=4.5) # Get gradients over each coordenate g1 = cv.Sobel(blured_img, -1, 1, 0) g2 = cv.Sobel(blured_img, -1, 0, 1) # Compute the gaussian piramid of each gradient and the image. piramide_g1 = [g1] + piramide_gaussiana(g1, 1, scales) piramide_g2 = [g2] + piramide_gaussiana(g2, 1, scales) piramide = [gray] + piramide_gaussiana(gray, 1, scales) # K is going to store all the keypoints. k = [] # This is going to be the vector of images to return. imgs = [] # For each of the scales. for scale in range(scales): # Get the gradient directions dx = piramide_g1[scale] dy = piramide_g2[scale] # Get the eigenvalues of the corresponding scale of the piramid. data = cv.cornerEigenValsAndVecs(piramide[scale], block_size, ksize) e1 = data[:, :, 0] e2 = data[:, :, 1] # Calculate matrix of harmonic means h_means = harmonic_mean(e1, e2) h_means[np.isnan(h_means)] = 0 # Calculate local maxima peaks = peak_local_max(h_means, min_distance=block_size // 2, num_peaks=n_keypoints, threshold_abs=threshold) print("\tMáximos en la escala ", scale, ": ", len(peaks)) size = (scales - scale + 1) * block_size # Auxiliar array with the keypoints of the current scale. k_aux = [] # For each of the local peaks. for peak in peaks: # Retrieve local maxima coordenates. x = peak[0] y = peak[1] # Calculate the angle of the gradient in that point. norm = np.sqrt(dx[x][y] * dx[x][y] + dy[x][y] * dy[x][y]) sin = dy[x][y] / norm if norm > 0 else 0 cos = dx[x][y] / norm if norm > 0 else 0 angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(sin, cos)) + 180 # Add Keypoints to current vector. k_aux += [cv.KeyPoint(y, x, _size=size, _angle=angle)] # Add keypoints to global keypoints vector with the transformed coordenates. k += [ cv.KeyPoint(y * (2**scale), x * (2**scale), _size=size, _angle=angle) ] # Copy current scale scale_img = np.copy(piramide[scale]) # Draw keypoints over it cv.drawKeypoints(piramide[scale], k_aux, scale_img, 0, 5) # Add it to the return array imgs += [scale_img] # Add all keypoints over the original color image and add it to the return array. imgs = [cv.drawKeypoints(input_img, k, output_img, flags=5)] + imgs return imgs, k
def get_ransac_image_byte(img_1, locations_1, descriptors_1, img_2, locations_2, descriptors_2, save_path=None, use_opencv_match_vis=True): """ Args: img_1: image bytes. JPEG, PNG img_2: image bytes. JPEG, PNG Return: ransacn result PNG image as byte score: number of matching inlier """ # Convert image byte to 3 channel numpy array with as img: img_1 = load_image_into_numpy_array(img) with as img: img_2 = load_image_into_numpy_array(img) inliers, locations_1_to_use, locations_2_to_use = get_inliers(locations_1, descriptors_1, locations_2, descriptors_2) # Visualize correspondences, and save to file. fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=IMAGE_SIZE) inlier_idxs = np.nonzero(inliers)[0] score = sum(inliers) if score is None: score = 0 # # For different size of image, transform img_1 to fit to img_2 # print('img_1 shape', img_1.shape) # print('img_1 type', type(img_1)) # print('img_2 shape', img_2.shape) # ratio = float(img_2.shape[1]) / img_1.shape[1] # print('ratio', ratio) # resize_img_1 = imresize(img_1, ratio, interp='bilinear', mode=None) # print('resize_img_1 shape', resize_img_1.shape) if use_opencv_match_vis: inlier_matches = [] for idx in inlier_idxs: inlier_matches.append(cv2.DMatch(idx, idx, 0)) kp1 =[] for point in locations_1_to_use: kp = cv2.KeyPoint(point[1], point[0], _size=1) kp1.append(kp) kp2 =[] for point in locations_2_to_use: kp = cv2.KeyPoint(point[1], point[0], _size=1) kp2.append(kp) ransac_img = cv2.drawMatches(img_1, kp1, img_2, kp2, inlier_matches, None, flags=0) ransac_img = cv2.cvtColor(ransac_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image_byte = cv2.imencode('.png', ransac_img)[1].tostring() else: plot_matches( ax, img_1, img_2, locations_1_to_use, locations_2_to_use, np.column_stack((inlier_idxs, inlier_idxs)), matches_color='b') ax.axis('off') extent = ax.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buf, bbox_inches=extent, format='png') plt.close('all') # close resources. image_byte = buf.getvalue() return image_byte, score
def auto_correspondences(im1, im2, face1, face2): #Good Features to Track detection + SIFT descriptor im1Gray = cv.cvtColor(im1, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) im2Gray = cv.cvtColor(im2, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # im1Hue = cv.cvtColor(im1, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # im2Hue = cv.cvtColor(im2, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # im1Gray = im1Hue[..., 0] # im2Gray = im2Hue[..., 0] im1Gray = cv.GaussianBlur(im1Gray, (5, 5), 0.1) im2Gray = cv.GaussianBlur(im2Gray, (5, 5), 0.1) x1, y1, w1, h1 = face1[0, 1], face1[0, 1], face1[0, 2], face1[0, 3] x2, y2, w2, h2 = face2[0, 0], face2[0, 1], face2[0, 2], face2[0, 3] corners1 = cv.goodFeaturesToTrack(im1Gray[y1:y1 + h1, x1:x1 + w1], maxCorners=200, qualityLevel=0.05, minDistance=9) # corners1 = np.int0(corners1) kcorners1 = [] corners2 = cv.goodFeaturesToTrack(im2Gray[y2:y2 + h2, x2:x2 + w2], maxCorners=200, qualityLevel=0.05, minDistance=9) # corners2 = np.int0(corners2) kcorners2 = [] for i in corners1: x, y = i.ravel() + face1[0, :2] kcorners1.append(cv.KeyPoint(x, y, 32)) for i in corners2: x, y = i.ravel() + face2[0, :2] # pt = cv.Point2f(x, y) kcorners2.append(cv.KeyPoint(x, y, 32)) for i in corners1: x, y = (i.ravel() + face1[0, :2]).astype(int) #,(x,y),3,255,-1) # cv.imshow('kp1', im1) for i in corners2: x, y = (i.ravel() + face2[0, :2]).astype(int) #,(x,y),3,255,-1) # cv.imshow('kp2', im2) sift = cv.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(nfeatures=4) # kcorners1, des1 = sift.detectAndCompute(im1Gray, None) # kcorners2, des2 = sift.detectAndCompute(im2Gray, None) kcorners1, des1 = sift.compute(im1Gray, kcorners1) kcorners2, des2 = sift.compute(im2Gray, kcorners2) # plt.imshow(im3,), # im1c=cv.drawKeypoints(im1,kcorners1,outImage = None, flags=cv.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) # im2c=cv.drawKeypoints(im2,kcorners2,outImage = None, flags=cv.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) # cv.imshow('kp1', im1c) # cv.imshow('kp2', im2c) bf = cv.BFMatcher() matchesF = bf.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=1) # good = [] # for m,n in matches: # if m.distance < 0.99*n.distance: # good.append([m]) #cv2.drawMatchesKnn expects list of lists as matches. # im3 = np.zeros_like(im1) # im3 = cv.drawMatchesKnn(im1,kcorners1,im2,kcorners2,matchesF,flags=2, outImg = None) # cv.imshow('match', im3) # print(len(matchesF)) m_forward = np.zeros((len(matchesF), 2)) for i in range(len(matchesF)): m_forward[i, 0] = matchesF[i][0].queryIdx m_forward[i, 1] = matchesF[i][0].trainIdx # print kcorners2[np.int32(m_forward[i, 1])].pt matchesB = bf.knnMatch(des2, des1, k=1) # good = [] # for m,n in matches: # if m.distance < 0.99*n.distance: # good.append([m]) #cv2.drawMatchesKnn expects list of lists as matches. # im3 = np.zeros_like(im1) # im4 = cv.drawMatchesKnn(im2,kcorners2,im1,kcorners1,matchesB,flags=2, outImg = None) # cv.imshow('match2', im4) # print(len(matchesB)) m_backward = np.zeros((len(matchesB), 2)) for i in range(len(matchesB)): m_backward[i, 0] = matchesB[i][0].trainIdx # print kcorners2[np.int32(m_backward[i, 0])].pt m_backward[i, 1] = matchesB[i][0].queryIdx return kcorners1, kcorners2, m_forward, m_backward, matchesF, matchesB
def detectAndCompute(self, img, mask=None): assert mask is None, 'mask support not implemented' kps, desc, score = self.extractor.extract(img) kps = [cv2.KeyPoint(x, y, s, 0, r) for (x, y, s), r in zip(kps, score)] return kps, desc
out_fast = cv2.VideoWriter("./fast.avi", fourcc, 24.0, (3840,2160)) out_orb = cv2.VideoWriter("./orb.avi", fourcc, 24.0, (3840,2160)) while(True): ret, frame = if(frame is None): break #check for empty frames (en of video) frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ##Harris mask_harris = cv2.cornerHarris(np.float32(frame_gray), blockSize=2, ksize=3, k=0.04) #2, 3, 0.04 // 2, 5, 0.07 #mask_harris = cv2.dilate(mask_harris, None) cutout = np.sort(mask_harris.flatten())[-500] #sort from smaller to higher, then take index for cutout corners = np.where(mask_harris > cutout) corners = zip(corners[0], corners[1]) kp = list() for i in corners: kp.append(cv2.KeyPoint(i[1], i[0], 20)) frame_harris = cv2.drawKeypoints(frame_gray, kp, None, [0, 0, 255], flags=cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) ##Shi-Tomasi #maxCorners: Maximum number of corners to return #qualityLevel: Parameter characterizing the minimal accepted quality of image corners. #minDistance: Minimum possible Euclidean distance between the returned corners. #blockSize: Size of an average block for computing a derivative covariation matrix over each pixel neighborhood. corners = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(frame_gray, maxCorners=500, qualityLevel=0.01, minDistance=10, blockSize=2) corners = np.int0(corners) kp = list() for i in corners: kp.append(cv2.KeyPoint(i.ravel()[0], i.ravel()[1], 20)) frame_shitomasi = cv2.drawKeypoints(frame_gray, kp, None, [0, 0, 255],
blobframe = cv2.drawKeypoints(gray3, keypoints, np.array([]), (0, 0, 255), cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) cv2.imshow("preview", gray2) cv2.imshow("preview2", frame2) if blobframe is not None: cv2.imshow("previewblob", blobframe) if record and face is not None and center is not None and blobframe is not None: (x, y, w, h) = face (px, py) = center if len(keypoints) > 4: keypoints = keypoints[0:4] else: keypoints = keypoints + ( 4 - len(keypoints)) * [cv2.KeyPoint(2, -1, -1)] print(','.join( [str(x), str(y), str(px), str(py)] + [str([0]) for x in keypoints] + [str([1]) for x in keypoints])) nf = nf + 1 if time() - ptime > 5: # print(str(nf/(time()-ptime))) ptime = time() nf = 0 rval, frame = rval2, frame2 = key = cv2.waitKey(20) if key != -1: # print(key)
def unpickle_cv2(arr): index = [] for point in arr: temp = cv2.KeyPoint(x=point[0][0],y=point[0][1],_size=point[1], _angle=point[2], _response=point[3], _octave=point[4], _class_id=point[5]) index.append(temp) return np.array(index)
def to_cv2_kp(self, kp): return cv2.KeyPoint(kp[1], kp[0], kp[2], kp[3] / np.pi * 180)
def set_blur_range(img, instance_scores, keypoint_scores, keypoint_coords, min_pose_score=0.5, min_part_score=0.5): out_img = img adjacent_keypoints = [] cv_keypoints = [] people_count = [] list_start_blur_y = [] list_end_blur_y = [] list_start_blur_x = [] list_end_blur_x = [] for ii, score in enumerate(instance_scores): if score < min_pose_score: continue new_keypoints = posenet.utils.get_adjacent_keypoints( keypoint_scores[ii, :], keypoint_coords[ii, :, :], min_part_score) adjacent_keypoints.extend(new_keypoints) people_count.append(ii) kc2 = [] #print(ii, "번째 객체") for ks, kc in zip(keypoint_scores[ii, :5], keypoint_coords[ii, :5, :]): if ks < min_part_score: continue cv_keypoints.append(cv2.KeyPoint(kc[1], kc[0], 10. * ks)) if kc[1] < 0: kc2.append([kc[0], 1]) elif kc[1] > width: kc2.append([kc[0], width - 3]) elif kc[0] < 0: kc2.append([1, kc[1]]) elif kc[0] > height: kc2.append([height - 3, kc[1]]) elif kc[0] < 0 and kc[1] < 0: kc2.append([1, 1]) elif kc[0] > height and kc[1] > width: kc2.append([height - 3, width - 3]) else: kc2.append(kc) if len(kc2) >= 3: # 코 nose_y = int(kc2[0][0]) # y축 nose_x = int(kc2[0][1]) # x축 # 오른쪽눈 eye_right_y = int(kc2[1][0]) eye_right_x = int(kc2[1][1]) # 왼쪽눈 eye_left_y = int(kc2[2][0]) eye_left_x = int(kc2[2][1]) #print("> 1.Nose(y:",nose_y,", x:",nose_x,")","2.EyeRight(y:",eye_right_y,", x:",eye_right_x,")", # "3.EyeLeft(y:",eye_left_y,", x:",eye_left_x,")") # y값 최솟값, 최댓값, 중앙값 구하기 value_y = [nose_y, eye_right_y, eye_left_y] min_value_y = min(value_y) max_value_y = max(value_y) mean_value_y = int(sum(value_y) / len(value_y)) # x값 최솟값, 최댓값, 중앙값 구하기 value_x = [nose_x, eye_right_x, eye_left_x] min_value_x = min(value_x) max_value_x = max(value_x) mean_value_x = int(sum(value_x) / len(value_x)) # 블러 크기를 키우기 위한 변수 만들기 value_y_gap = abs(max_value_y - min_value_y) value_x_gap = abs(max_value_x - min_value_x) # 블러 씌울 부분 변수 선언 start_blur_y = abs(mean_value_y - int(value_y_gap * 1.7)) end_blur_y = mean_value_y + int(value_y_gap * 2) start_blur_x = abs(min_value_x - value_y_gap) end_blur_x = max_value_x + value_y_gap if start_blur_x == end_blur_x: end_blur_x += 3 if start_blur_y == end_blur_y: end_blur_y += 3 # 근만씨 동영상 오류 해결중 if abs(eye_right_x - eye_left_x) > 20: start_blur_y = abs(min_value_y - value_y_gap) end_blur_y = nose_y + abs(eye_right_x - eye_left_x) + value_y_gap start_blur_x = abs(min_value_x - value_x_gap) end_blur_x = max_value_x + value_x_gap #print("[",start_blur_y,":",end_blur_y,", ",start_blur_x,":",end_blur_x,"]") elif len(kc2) >= 2: # 코 nose_y = int(kc2[0][0]) # y축 nose_x = int(kc2[0][1]) # x축 # 오른쪽눈 eye_right_y = int(kc2[1][0]) eye_right_x = int(kc2[1][1]) #print("> 1.Nose(y:",nose_y,", x:",nose_x,")","2.EyeRight(y:",eye_right_y,", x:",eye_right_x,")") # y값 최솟값, 최댓값, 중앙값 구하기 value_y = [nose_y, eye_right_y] min_value_y = min(value_y) max_value_y = max(value_y) mean_value_y = int(sum(value_y) / len(value_y)) # x값 최솟값, 최댓값, 중앙값 구하기 value_x = [nose_x, eye_right_x] min_value_x = min(value_x) max_value_x = max(value_x) mean_value_x = int(sum(value_x) / len(value_x)) # 블러 크기를 키우기 위한 변수 만들기 value_y_gap = abs(max_value_y - int(sum(value_y) / len(value_y))) value_x_gap = abs(max_value_x - int(sum(value_x) / len(value_x))) # 블러 씌울 부분 변수 선언 start_blur_y = abs(mean_value_y - int(value_y_gap * 1.7)) end_blur_y = mean_value_y + int(value_y_gap * 2) start_blur_x = abs(mean_value_x - value_y_gap) end_blur_x = mean_value_x + value_y_gap if start_blur_x == end_blur_x: end_blur_x += 3 if start_blur_y == end_blur_y: end_blur_y += 3 #print("[",start_blur_y,":",end_blur_y,", ",start_blur_x,":",end_blur_x,"]") else: # 블러 씌울 부분 변수 선언 start_blur_y = 0 end_blur_y = 0 start_blur_x = 0 end_blur_x = 0 list_start_blur_y.append(start_blur_y) list_end_blur_y.append(end_blur_y) list_start_blur_x.append(start_blur_x) list_end_blur_x.append(end_blur_x) return list_start_blur_y, list_end_blur_y, list_start_blur_x, list_end_blur_x, people_count
import as skid import cv2 import pylab as plt import scipy.misc img = scipy.misc.face() gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.imshow(img) sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create() step_size = 5 kp = [ cv2.KeyPoint(x, y, step_size) for y in range(0, gray.shape[0], step_size) for x in range(0, gray.shape[1], step_size) ] img = cv2.drawKeypoints(gray, kp, img) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.imshow(img) dense_feat = sift.compute(gray, kp)
do_motion_fade = False if do_motion_fade: motion_mask = motion2(new_frame, base) else: motion_mask = None accum = overlay(new_frame, base, motion_mask) final = accum if args.draw_keypoints: new_filtered = [] if affine_new != None: affine_T = affine_new.T for kp in filtered: a = np.array([[0],[1], 1.0]) pt =, affine_T) new_kp = cv2.KeyPoint(pt[0], pt[1], kp.size) new_filtered.append(new_kp) final = cv2.drawKeypoints(accum, new_filtered, color=(0, 255, 0), flags=0) cv2.imshow('bgr', res1) cv2.imshow('smooth', new_frame) cv2.imshow('final', final) #output.write(res1) if args.write_smooth: output.write(final) if 0xFF & cv2.waitKey(5) == 27: break
continue # goto next scene if args.save2txt: out_dir = os.path.join(res_dir, scene_name) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) pts_fn = os.path.join(out_dir, '%d_kp.txt' % 1) np.savetxt(pts_fn, pts0) # convert to cv2 kp for prototype homogeneity kp0 = [] for pt in pts0.T: kp = cv2.KeyPoint(x=pt[0], y=pt[1], _size=4, _angle=0, _response=0, _octave=0, _class_id=0) kp0.append(kp) # draw kp on img img0 = cv2.cvtColor(img0, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) kp_on_img0 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(img0, 2), (1, 1, 3)) for i, kp in enumerate(kp0): pt = (int(round([0])), int(round([1]))), pt, 1, (0, 255, 0), -1, lineType=16) # description des_coarse =[args.feat_name], feed_dict={img_op: patch})[0, :, :, :]
# 匹配对筛选 min_dist = 1000 max_dist = 0 disdif_avg = 0 # 统计平均距离差 for m, n in matches: disdif_avg += n.distance - m.distance disdif_avg = disdif_avg / len(matches) # print('disdif_avg:', disdif_avg) for m, n in matches: #自适应阈值 if n.distance > m.distance + 1*disdif_avg: # if m.distance < 0.9 * n.distance: goodMatch.append(m) p2 = cv2.KeyPoint(kps_right[m.trainIdx][0], kps_right[m.trainIdx][1], 1) p1 = cv2.KeyPoint(kps_left[m.queryIdx][0], kps_left[m.queryIdx][1], 1) locations_1_to_use.append([[0],[1]]) locations_2_to_use.append([[0],[1]]) dis.append([n.distance, m.distance]) #goodMatch = sorted(goodMatch, key=lambda x: x.distance) # print('match num is %d' % len(goodMatch)) locations_1_to_use = np.array(locations_1_to_use) locations_2_to_use = np.array(locations_2_to_use) dis = np.array(dis) # Perform geometric verification using RANSAC. _, inliers = measure.ransac((locations_1_to_use, locations_2_to_use), transform.AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=_RESIDUAL_THRESHOLD,