def update(self): """run the thread""" last_time = time.time() num_frames = 0 while not self.stopped: current_time = time.time() _, img = num_frames += 1 self.frame_time = int(current_time * 1000) if (img is not None) and (not self.capture.full()): if (self._output_height > 0) or (self._flip_method > 0): # adjust output height img_resized = cv2.resize(img, self._output_res) # flip resized image if self._flip_method == 0: # no flipping img_proc = img_resized elif self._flip_method == 1: # ccw 90 img_proc = cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) elif self._flip_method == 2: # rot 180, same as flip lr & up img_proc = cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_180) elif self._flip_method == 3: # cw 90 img_proc = cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) elif self._flip_method == 4: # horizontal img_proc = cv2.flip(img_resized, 0) elif self._flip_method == 5: # upright diagonal. ccw & lr img_proc = cv2.flip( cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE), 1) elif self._flip_method == 6: # vertical img_proc = cv2.flip(img_resized, 1) elif self._flip_method == 7: # upperleft diagonal img_proc = cv2.transpose(img_resized) else: img_proc = img_resized # not a valid flip method else: img_proc = img self.capture.put_nowait((self.frame_time, img_proc)) else: if not self.log.full(): self.log.put_nowait( (logging.WARNING, "RTSPCap:Capture Queue is full!")) # FPS calculation if (current_time - last_time) >= 5.0: # update frame rate every 5 secs self.measured_fps = num_frames / 5.0 if not self.log.full(): self.log.put_nowait( (logging.INFO, "RTSPCAM:FPS:{}".format(self.measured_fps))) num_frames = 0 last_time = current_time
def update(self): """Run the process""" # open up the camera self._open_capture() # initialize variables last_time = time.time() num_frames = 0 while not self.stopper.is_set(): # Capture image current_time = time.time() _, img = num_frames += 1 if (img is not None) and (not self.capture.full()): if (self._output_height > 0) or (self._flip_method > 0): # adjust output height img_resized = cv2.resize(img, self._output_res) # flip resized image if self._flip_method == 0: # no flipping img_proc = img_resized elif self._flip_method == 1: # ccw 90 img_proc = cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) elif self._flip_method == 2: # rot 180, same as flip lr & up img_proc = cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_180) elif self._flip_method == 3: # cw 90 img_proc = cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) elif self._flip_method == 4: # horizontal img_proc = cv2.flip(img_resized, 0) elif self._flip_method == 5: # upright diagonal. ccw & lr img_proc = cv2.flip(cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE), 1) elif self._flip_method == 6: # vertical img_proc = cv2.flip(img_resized, 1) elif self._flip_method == 7: # upperleft diagonal img_proc = cv2.transpose(img_resized) else: img_proc = img_resized # not a valid flip method else: img_proc = img self.capture.put_nowait((current_time*1000., img_proc)) else: if not self.log.full(): self.log.put_nowait((logging.WARNING, "CV2:Capture queue is full!")) # FPS calculation if (current_time - last_time) >= 5.0: # update frame rate every 5 secs self.log.put_nowait((logging.INFO, "CV2CAM:FPS:{}".format(num_frames/5.0))) num_frames = 0 last_time = current_time
def update(self): """ run the thread """ last_fps_time = time.time() last_exposure_time = last_fps_time num_frames = 0 while not self.stopped: current_time = time.time() # FPS calculation if (current_time - last_fps_time) >= 5.0: # update frame rate every 5 secs self.measured_fps = num_frames/5.0 self.logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Status:FPS:{}".format(self.measured_fps)) num_frames = 0 last_fps_time = current_time with self.capture_lock: _, img = if img is not None: # adjust output height if self._display_height > 0: # tmp = cv2.resize(img, self._display_res, interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST) tmp = cv2.resize(img, self._display_res) else: tmp = img # flip image if needed if self._flip_method == 1: # ccw 90 self.frame = cv2.roate(tmp, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) elif self._flip_method == 2: # rot 180, same as flip lr & up self.frame = cv2.roate(tmp, cv2.ROTATE_180) elif self._flip_method == 3: # cw 90 self.frame = cv2.roate(tmp, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) elif self._flip_method == 4: # horizontal self.frame = cv2.flip(tmp, 0) elif self._flip_method == 5: # upright diagonal. ccw & lr tmp = cv2.roate(tmp, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) self.frame = cv2.flip(tmp, 1) elif self._flip_method == 6: # vertical self.frame = cv2.flip(tmp, 1) elif self._flip_method == 7: # upperleft diagonal self.frame = cv2.transpose(tmp) else: self.frame = tmp num_frames += 1 if self.stopped: self.capture.release()
def update(self): """ run the thread """ last_fps_time = time.time() last_exposure_time = last_fps_time num_frames = 0 for f in current_time = time.time() # FPS calculation if (current_time - last_fps_time) >= 5.0: # update frame rate every 5 secs self.measured_fps = num_frames / 5.0 self.logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Status:FPS:{}".format(self.measured_fps)) num_frames = 0 last_fps_time = current_time with self.capture_lock: img = f.array self.rawCapture.truncate(0) # set the frame var to the img we just captured if self._display_height > 0: tmp = cv2.resize(img, self._display_res) else: tmp = img if self._flip_method == 1: # ccw 90 self.frame = cv2.roate(tmp, cv.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) elif self._flip_method == 2: # rot 180, same as flip lr & up self.frame = cv2.roate(tmp, cv.ROTATE_180) elif self._flip_method == 3: # cw 90 self.frame = cv2.roate(tmp, cv.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) elif self._flip_method == 4: # horizontal self.frame = cv2.flip(tmp, 0) elif self._flip_method == 5: # upright diagonal. ccw & lr tmp = cv2.roate(tmp, cv.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) self.frame = cv2.flip(tmp, 1) elif self._flip_method == 6: # vertical self.frame = cv2.flip(tmp, 1) elif self._flip_method == 7: # upperleft diagonal self.frame = cv2.transpose(tmp) num_frames += 1 if self.stopped: self.rawCapture.close() self.capture.close()
def update(self): """ run the thread """ try: =, format="bgr", use_video_port=True) except: if not self.log.full(): self.log.put_nowait((logging.CRITICAL, "PiCap:Failed to create camera stream!")) last_time = time.time() num_frames = 0 for f in current_time = time.time() img = f.array self.rawCapture.truncate(0) num_frames += 1 self.frame_time = int(current_time * 1000) if (img is not None) and (not self.capture.full()): if (self._output_height > 0) or (self._flip_method > 0): # adjust output height img_resized = cv2.resize(img, self._output_res) # flip resized image if self._flip_method == 0: # no flipping img_proc = img_resized elif self._flip_method == 1: # ccw 90 img_proc = cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) elif self._flip_method == 2: # rot 180, same as flip lr & up img_proc = cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_180) elif self._flip_method == 3: # cw 90 img_proc = cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) elif self._flip_method == 4: # horizontal img_proc = cv2.flip(img_resized, 0) elif self._flip_method == 5: # upright diagonal. ccw & lr img_proc = cv2.flip( cv2.roate(img_resized, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE), 1) elif self._flip_method == 6: # vertical img_proc = cv2.flip(img_resized, 1) elif self._flip_method == 7: # upperleft diagonal img_proc = cv2.transpose(img_resized) else: img_proc = img_resized # not a valid flip method else: img_proc = img self.capture.put_nowait((self.frame_time, img_proc)) else: if not self.log.full(): self.log.put_nowait( (logging.WARNING, "PiCap:Capture Queue is full!")) # FPS calculation if (current_time - last_time) >= 5.0: # update frame rate every 5 secs self.measured_fps = num_frames / 5.0 if not self.log.full(): self.log.put_nowait( (logging.INFO, "PICAM:FPS:{}".format(self.measured_fps))) num_frames = 0 last_time = current_time self.rawCapture.close()