def main(args): config.merge_from_list(args.opts) cfg, logger = default_setup(config, args) """ If you'd like to do anything fancier than the standard training logic, consider writing your own training loop or subclassing the runner. """ runner = runner_decrator(RUNNERS.get(cfg.TRAINER.NAME))(cfg, build_model) runner.resume_or_load(resume=args.resume) # check wheather worksapce has enough storeage space # assume that a single dumped model is 700Mb file_sys = os.statvfs(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR) free_space_Gb = (file_sys.f_bfree * file_sys.f_frsize) / 2**30 eval_space_Gb = (cfg.SOLVER.LR_SCHEDULER.MAX_ITER // cfg.SOLVER.CHECKPOINT_PERIOD) * 700 / 2**10 if eval_space_Gb > free_space_Gb: logger.warning(f"{Fore.RED}Remaining space({free_space_Gb}GB) " f"is less than ({eval_space_Gb}GB){Style.RESET_ALL}") if cfg.TEST.AUG.ENABLED: runner.register_hooks([ hooks.EvalHook(0, lambda: runner.test_with_TTA(cfg, runner.model)) ])"Running with full config:\n{}".format(cfg)) base_config = cfg.__class__.__base__()"different config with base class:\n{}".format( cfg.diff(base_config))) if args.eval_only: runner.test(cfg, runner.model) return runner.train()
def main(args, config, build_model): config.merge_from_list(args.opts) cfg = default_setup(config, args) """ If you'd like to do anything fancier than the standard training logic, consider writing your own training loop or subclassing the runner. """ runner = runner_decrator(RUNNERS.get(cfg.TRAINER.NAME))(cfg, build_model) runner.resume_or_load(resume=args.resume) extra_hooks = [] if args.clearml: from cvpods.engine.clearml import ClearMLHook if comm.is_main_process(): extra_hooks.append(ClearMLHook()) if cfg.TEST.AUG.ENABLED: extra_hooks.append( hooks.EvalHook(0, lambda: runner.test_with_TTA(cfg, runner.model))) if extra_hooks: runner.register_hooks(extra_hooks)"Running with full config:\n{}".format(cfg)) base_config = cfg.__class__.__base__()"different config with base class:\n{}".format( cfg.diff(base_config))) runner.train() if comm.is_main_process() and cfg.MODEL.AS_PRETRAIN: # convert last ckpt to pretrain format convert_to_pretrained_model(input=os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "model_final.pth"), save_path=os.path.join( cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "model_final_pretrain_weight.pkl"))
def stage_main(args, cfg, build): cfg.merge_from_list(args.opts) cfg, logger = default_setup(cfg, args) model_build_func = build """ If you'd like to do anything fancier than the standard training logic, consider writing your own training loop or subclassing the trainer. """ trainer = Trainer(cfg, model_build_func) trainer.resume_or_load(resume=args.resume) if args.eval_only: DefaultCheckpointer(trainer.model, save_dir=cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, resume=args.resume).resume_or_load( cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS, resume=args.resume) res = Trainer.test(cfg, trainer.model) if comm.is_main_process(): verify_results(cfg, res) if cfg.TEST.AUG.ENABLED: res.update(Trainer.test_with_TTA(cfg, trainer.model)) return res # check wheather worksapce has enough storeage space # assume that a single dumped model is 700Mb file_sys = os.statvfs(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR) free_space_Gb = (file_sys.f_bfree * file_sys.f_frsize) / 2**30 eval_space_Gb = (cfg.SOLVER.LR_SCHEDULER.MAX_ITER // cfg.SOLVER.CHECKPOINT_PERIOD) * 700 / 2**10 if eval_space_Gb > free_space_Gb: logger.warning(f"{Fore.RED}Remaining space({free_space_Gb}GB) " f"is less than ({eval_space_Gb}GB){Style.RESET_ALL}") if cfg.TEST.AUG.ENABLED: trainer.register_hooks([ hooks.EvalHook(0, lambda: trainer.test_with_TTA(cfg, trainer.model)) ]) trainer.train() if comm.is_main_process() and cfg.MODEL.AS_PRETRAIN: # convert last ckpt to pretrain format convert_to_pretrained_model(input=os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "model_final.pth"), save_path=os.path.join( cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "model_final_pretrain_weight.pkl"))
def build_hooks(self): """ Build a list of default hooks, including timing, evaluation, checkpointing, lr scheduling, precise BN, writing events. Returns: list[HookBase]: """ cfg = self.cfg # cfg.DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS = 0 # save some memory and time for PreciseBN ret = [ SwavOptimizationHook( accumulate_grad_steps=cfg.SOLVER.BATCH_SUBDIVISIONS, grad_clipper=None, mixed_precision=cfg.TRAINER.FP16.ENABLED, cancel_epochs=cfg.MODEL.SWAV.CANCEL_EPOCHS, ), hooks.LRScheduler(self.optimizer, self.scheduler), hooks.IterationTimer(), hooks.PreciseBN( # Run at the same freq as (but before) evaluation. cfg.TEST.EVAL_PERIOD, self.model, # Build a new data loader to not affect training self.build_train_loader(cfg), cfg.TEST.PRECISE_BN.NUM_ITER, ) if cfg.TEST.PRECISE_BN.ENABLED and get_bn_modules(self.model) else None, ] # Do PreciseBN before checkpointer, because it updates the model and need to # be saved by checkpointer. # This is not always the best: if checkpointing has a different frequency, # some checkpoints may have more precise statistics than others. if comm.is_main_process(): ret.append( hooks.PeriodicCheckpointer(self.checkpointer, cfg.SOLVER.CHECKPOINT_PERIOD, max_iter=self.max_iter, max_epoch=self.max_epoch)) def test_and_save_results(): self._last_eval_results = self.test(self.cfg, self.model) return self._last_eval_results # Do evaluation after checkpointer, because then if it fails, # we can use the saved checkpoint to debug. ret.append(hooks.EvalHook(cfg.TEST.EVAL_PERIOD, test_and_save_results)) if comm.is_main_process(): # Here the default print/log frequency of each writer is used. # run writers in the end, so that evaluation metrics are written ret.append( hooks.PeriodicWriter(self.build_writers(), period=self.window_size)) # Put `PeriodicDumpLog` after writers so that can dump all the files, # including the files generated by writers if cfg.OSS.DUMP_LOG_ENABLED: if cfg.OSS.DUMP_PERIOD == 0: dump_log_period = cfg.SOLVER.CHECKPOINT_PERIOD else: dump_log_period = cfg.OSS.DUMP_PERIOD ret.append( hooks.PeriodicDumpLog(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, cfg.OSS.DUMP_PREFIX, dump_log_period)) return ret