def auth_key(self): try: conn = Connections()['mysqldbconnection'] cur = conn.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor) key = Headers()['Key'] athentication = base64.b64decode(Headers()['Authentication']) i = athentication.split(':') username = i[0] password = i[1] where = "WHERE username = %(username)s AND password = %(password)s AND auth_key = %(key)s AND status = 'Active'" values = {'username': (username), 'password': (password), 'key': (key)} query = """SELECT %s FROM %s %s """ % ("*", "users", where) print query print values cur.execute(query,values) data = cur.fetchall() return data except mdb.Error, e: print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) sys.exit(1)
def user_login(self): response = {} try: athentication = base64.b64decode(Headers()['Authentication']) i = athentication.split(':') username = i[0] password = i[1] where = "WHERE username = %(username)s AND password = %(password)s AND status = 'Active'" countValues = {'username': (username), 'password': (password)} count = db.get_count('users',where,countValues) if count ==0: response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Please try with valid user name and password." return response what = "userid,username,first_name,last_name,email,mob_number,user_type,status,owner_uniquecode,DATE_FORMAT(date_created,'%%Y-%%m-%%d') as date_created,DATE_FORMAT(date_updated,'%%Y-%%m-%%d') as date_updated" result = db.get_all('users',what,where,countValues) response['status'] = "Success" response['data'] = result return response except: response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Exception Error." return response
def get_all(self, table, what, where=None, values=None, limit = False, groupby="", order= True): try: conn = Connections()['mysqldbconnection'] cur = conn.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor) query = """SELECT %s FROM %s %s """ % (what, table, where) if order: query = query + Headers()['By'] + " " if limit: query = query + Headers()['Limit'] print query print values cur.execute(query,values) data = cur.fetchall() return data except mdb.Error, e: print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) sys.exit(1)
def get_customer_orders_count(self,customerId): response = {} try: athentication = base64.b64decode(Headers()['Authentication']) i = athentication.split(':') username = i[0] password = i[1] where = "WHERE username = %(username)s AND password = %(password)s AND status = 'Active'" countValues = {'username': (username), 'password': (password)} count = db.get_count('users',where,countValues) if count ==0: return response response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Please try with valid user name and password." return response what="userid,user_type" where = "WHERE username = %(username)s AND password = %(password)s AND status = 'Active'" countValues = {'username': (username), 'password': (password)} user_detail=db.get_all('users',what,where,countValues) owner_id=user_detail[0]['userId'] user_type=user_detail[0]['userType'] where = "WHERE customers.customer_id = %(customer_id)s and orders.status!='pending' and orders.status!='system_error' AND orders.user_number=customers.mobile_number" what = "order_id" if user_type == "sys_admin": where += " and orders.owner_id = users.userid" else: where += " and orders.owner_id = %(owner_id)s and orders.owner_id = users.userid" countValues = {'owner_id': (owner_id),'customer_id': (customerId)} result = db.get_all('orders,customers,users',what,where,countValues) response['status'] = "Success" response['data'] = len(result) return response except: response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Exception Error." return response
def authenticate(): key = Headers()['Key'] host_check = request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] print host_check print key if not key: response = {} response['status'] ="Failure" response['message']="Missing API Key, please provide key to access our system." raise HTTPResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type="application/json") if key != 'VcCz8vqHuJ4UkR4Y4tqC-k734CEsv58cN215R9Dw1': response = {} response['status'] = 'Failure' response['message'] = 'Invalid API Key.' raise HTTPResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type="application/json")
def get_headers(rest_headers): # local site # host = "http://localhost" try: Key = rest_headers['Key'] except: Key = "" try: By = "ORDER BY " + rest_headers['By'] +" "+ rest_headers['Order'] except: try: By = "ORDER BY " + rest_headers['By'] except: By = "" try: if int(rest_headers['Limit']) < 100: Limit = "LIMIT "+rest_headers['Offset']+", "+rest_headers['Limit'] else: Limit = "LIMIT "+rest_headers['Offset']+", 100" except: Limit = "LIMIT 0, 100" try: i = rest_headers['Authorization'].split(' '); Authentication = i[1] except: Authentication = "" try: limit = rest_headers['limit'] except: limit = "500" try: status = rest_headers['status'] except: status = "" try: vtLimit = rest_headers['vtLimit'] except: vtLimit = "" try: vtOffset = rest_headers['vtOffset'] except: vtOffset = "" try: vtStartDate = rest_headers['vtStartDate'] except: vtStartDate = "" try: vtEndDate = rest_headers['vtEndDate'] except: vtEndDate = "" try: searchKeyWord = rest_headers['searchKeyWord'] except: searchKeyWord = "" try: id = rest_headers['id'] except: id = "" headers = {'Host':host,'Key':Key, 'By':By,'Authentication':Authentication, 'Limit':Limit,'limit': limit,'status':status,'searchKeyWord':searchKeyWord,'vtEndDate':vtEndDate,'vtStartDate':vtStartDate, 'vtOffset':vtOffset,'vtLimit':vtLimit,'id':id} mckey = memcache_key(headers) headers['mckey']=mckey Headers(headers)
def get_all_customers(self,customerCount=None): response = {} try: athentication = base64.b64decode(Headers()['Authentication']) i = athentication.split(':') username = i[0] password = i[1] status = Headers()['status'] offset = Headers()['vtOffset'] limit = Headers()['vtLimit'] startDate = Headers()['vtStartDate'] endDate = Headers()['vtEndDate'] searchKeyWord = Headers()['searchKeyWord'] where = "WHERE username = %(username)s AND password = %(password)s AND status = 'Active'" countValues = {'username': (username), 'password': (password)} count = db.get_count('users',where,countValues) if count ==0: return response response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Please try with valid user name and password." return response what="userid,user_type" where = "WHERE username = %(username)s AND password = %(password)s AND status = 'Active'" countValues = {'username': (username), 'password': (password)} user_detail=db.get_all('users',what,where,countValues) owner_id=user_detail[0]['userId'] user_type=user_detail[0]['userType'] if user_type == "sys_admin": where = "WHERE o.user_number = c.mobile_number" else: where = "WHERE o.owner_id = %(owner_id)s and o.user_number = c.mobile_number" # if status select in search if status != "": if user_type == "sys_admin": if status =="active": where += " and c.status = 'active'" else: where += " and c.status = 'inactive'" else: if status =="active": where += " and c.mobile_number NOT IN (select mobile_number from customer_status where userid=%(owner_id)s)" else: where += " and c.mobile_number IN(select mobile_number from customer_status where userid=%(owner_id)s)" # if date select in search if startDate != "" and endDate != "": where += " and c.date_created >= %(startDate)s AND c.date_created <= %(endDate)s" elif startDate != "": where += " and c.date_created >= %(startDate)s" elif endDate != "": where += " and c.date_created <= %(endDate)s" else: startDate = "" if searchKeyWord != "": where += " and (c.first_name LIKE %(searchKeyWord)s" where += " or c.last_name LIKE %(searchKeyWord)s" where += " or c.mobile_number LIKE %(searchKeyWord)s" where += " or LIKE %(searchKeyWord)s )" if customerCount == None: offset = Headers()['vtOffset'] limit = Headers()['vtLimit'] if offset != "" and limit != "": offset_limit = (int(offset) - 1)*int(limit) where += " LIMIT "+limit+" OFFSET "+str(offset_limit)+" " elif limit != "": where += " LIMIT "+limit else: print "send limit with offset" if customerCount != None: countValues = {'owner_id': (owner_id),'status':(status),'offset':(offset),'limit':(limit),'startDate':(startDate),'endDate':(endDate),'searchKeyWord':'%'+(searchKeyWord)+'%' } what = "Distinct(o.user_number)" result = db.get_all('orders o, customers c',what,where,countValues) response['status'] = "Success" response['data'] = len(result) return response else: countValues = {'owner_id': (owner_id),'status':(status),'offset':(offset),'limit':(limit),'startDate':(startDate),'endDate':(endDate),'searchKeyWord':'%'+(searchKeyWord)+'%' } what = "Distinct(o.user_number),c.customer_id,c.first_name, c.last_name, c.mobile_number, c.is_payment_verify,, c.status" result = db.get_all('orders o, customers c',what,where,countValues) if user_type == "business_owner": where = "WHERE userid = %(owner_id)s" countValues = {'owner_id': (owner_id)} what = "mobile_number" customer_status = db.get_all('customer_status',what,where,countValues) for single in result: obj = single mobile_number = obj['userMobileNumber'] block_check = 0 for single1 in customer_status: obj1 = single1 mobile_number_block = obj1['userMobileNumber'] if mobile_number == mobile_number_block: obj["status"] = "inactive" block_check = 1 if block_check == 0: obj["status"] = "active" response['status'] = "Success" response['data'] = result return response except: response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Exception Error." return response
def get_customer_orders(self,customerId,customerCount=None): response = {} try: athentication = base64.b64decode(Headers()['Authentication']) i = athentication.split(':') username = i[0] password = i[1] where = "WHERE username = %(username)s AND password = %(password)s AND status = 'Active'" countValues = {'username': (username), 'password': (password)} count = db.get_count('users',where,countValues) if count ==0: return response response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Please try with valid user name and password." return response offset = Headers()['vtOffset'] limit = Headers()['vtLimit'] what="userid,user_type" where = "WHERE username = %(username)s AND password = %(password)s AND status = 'Active'" countValues = {'username': (username), 'password': (password)} user_detail=db.get_all('users',what,where,countValues) owner_id=user_detail[0]['userId'] user_type=user_detail[0]['userType'] where = "WHERE customers.customer_id = %(customer_id)s and orders.status!='pending' and orders.status!='system_error' AND orders.user_number=customers.mobile_number" what = "business_name,order_id,user_number,owner_number,owner_id,DATE_FORMAT(orders.date_begin,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') as date_created,orders.status,DATE_FORMAT(orders.date_updated,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') as date_updated,delivery_address,customers.first_name,customers.last_name" if user_type == "sys_admin": where += " and orders.owner_id = users.userid" else: where += " and orders.owner_id = %(owner_id)s and orders.owner_id = users.userid" if customerCount == None: offset = Headers()['vtOffset'] limit = Headers()['vtLimit'] if offset != "" and limit != "": offset_limit = (int(offset) - 1)*int(limit) where += " LIMIT "+limit+" OFFSET "+str(offset_limit)+" " elif limit != "": where += " LIMIT "+limit else: print "send limit with offset" countValues = {'owner_id': (owner_id),'customer_id': (customerId),'offset':(offset),'limit':(limit)} if customerCount != None: result = db.get_all('orders,customers,users',"order_id",where,countValues) response['status'] = "Success" response['data'] = len(result) return response else: result = db.get_all('orders,customers,users',what,where,countValues) response['status'] = "Success" response['data'] = result return response except: response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Exception Error." return response
def update_customer_status(self,data): response = {} try: athentication = base64.b64decode(Headers()['Authentication']) i = athentication.split(':') username = i[0] password = i[1] where = "WHERE username = %(username)s AND password = %(password)s AND status = 'Active'" countValues = {'username': (username), 'password': (password)} count = db.get_count('users',where,countValues) if count ==0: return response response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Please try with valid user name and password." return response what="userid,owner_uniquecode,user_type" where = "WHERE username = %(username)s AND password = %(password)s AND status = 'Active'" countValues = {'username': (username), 'password': (password)} user_detail=db.get_all('users',what,where,countValues) owner_id=user_detail[0]['userId'] owner_uniquecode = user_detail[0]['businessCode'] user_type=user_detail[0]['userType'] now = currentdate = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") try: customer_id = data['customerId'] status = data['status'] except: response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Please try Again with valid post fields." return response where = "WHERE customer_id = %(customer_id)s" countValues = {'customer_id': (customer_id)} count = db.get_count('customers',where,countValues) if count ==0: response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Please try with valid customerID" return response if status == "active" or status == "inactive": print "valid customer status" else: response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Please try with valid status" return response what = "mobile_number" result = db.get_all('customers',what,where,countValues) userMobileNumber = result[0]['userMobileNumber'] if user_type == "sys_admin": where = "WHERE customer_id = %(customer_id)s" new_values = "date_updated = %(date_updated)s,status = %(status)s" updateValues = {'date_updated':(currentdate),'status':(status),'customer_id': customer_id} db.update_query('customers', new_values,where,updateValues) else: if status == "inactive": column = ['mobile_number','userid','date_created'] value = [userMobileNumber,owner_id,currentdate] result = db.insert_query('customer_status',column,value) else: where = "WHERE mobile_number = %(mobile_number)s and userid = %(owner_id)s" updateValues = {'mobile_number':(userMobileNumber),'owner_id':(owner_id)} db.delete_query('customer_status',where,updateValues) if user_type == "sys_admin": system_name = "customer_status_by_admin" else: system_name = "customer_status_by_owner" message_detail = self.custom_message(system_name) message = message_detail[0]['messageText'] if user_type == "business_owner": what="business_name" where = "WHERE userid = %(owner_id)s" countValues = {'owner_id': (owner_id)} user_detail=db.get_all('users',what,where,countValues) businessName=user_detail[0]['businessName'] message = message.replace("%business_name%",businessName) message = message.replace("%status%",status) msg_to = userMobileNumber data = {} data['message']=message; data['message_id']=message_detail[0]['defaultMessageId'] data['message_type'] = message_detail[0]['messageType'] data['table_name'] = "custom_default_messages"; data['owner_id']=owner_id data['msg_to']=msg_to data['status']="sent" data['order_type']="customer" result = db.create_log(data) if result == "Failure": print "sms log not created" msg_from = "+16193910014" try: db.sms_send(msg_to, msg_from, message) except: print "sms not sent to customer" response['status'] = "Success" response['data'] = "Status has been updated Successfully" return response except: response['status'] = "Failure" response['message'] = "Exception Error." return response