Example #1
def flow_err_deepflow(fn_in1, fn_in2):
    flow1 = readFlo(fn_in1)
    flow2 = readFlo(fn_in2)
    nx = flow1.shape[0]
    ny = flow1.shape[1]
    #Flip x and y flow
    flow1 = np.transpose(flow1, [1, 0, 2])
    flow2 = np.transpose(flow2, [1, 0, 2])
    flow1 = flow1[:, :, ::-1]
    flow2 = flow2[:, :, ::-1]
    #Perform mapping and then reverse mapping, then perform reverse mapping then mapping
    #Make mesh grid
    fwdmeshy, fwdmeshx = [
        a.astype(np.float32) for a in np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny))
    #Perturb mesh grid by forward flow
    #Round to integers
    fwdx = fwdmeshx + np.ceil(flow1[:, :, 0])
    fwdy = fwdmeshy + np.ceil(flow1[:, :, 1])
    fwdx = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(nx - 1, fwdx))
    fwdy = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(nx - 1, fwdy))
    #Look up flow field using this perturbed map
    fwdremapx = fwdx + flow2[fwdx.astype(int), fwdy.astype(int), 0]
    fwdremapy = fwdy + flow2[fwdx.astype(int), fwdy.astype(int), 1]
    fwdremapx -= fwdmeshx
    fwdremapy -= fwdmeshy
    fwderr = np.sqrt(fwdremapx**2 + fwdremapy**2)
    return fwderr
Example #2
def main():
    usage = """deepflow_simmatrix.py [input_dir]

Expects refframes directory in [input_dir] to be already filled with i-frames

./deepflow_simmatrix_viz.py ./simmatrix/20160412/

For help:
./deepflow_simmatrix_viz.py -h 

Ben Lansdell

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        'path_in', help='input directory with frames already placed in it')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    #Test code
    class Args:

    args = Args()
    args.path_in = './simmatrix/20160412/'

    #Get all files in
    iframes = sorted(glob(args.path_in + 'refframes/*.tif'))
    nF = len(iframes)

    nx_tile = 64

    #Load images
    images = []
    for fn_in in iframes:  # do stuff with image
        # to open a tiff file for reading:
        tif = TIFF.open(fn_in, mode='r')
        image = tif.read_image()
        image = cv2.resize(image, (nx_tile, nx_tile))

    D = np.zeros((nF, nF))

    #Run DeepFlow
    for i in range(nF):
        im1 = iframes[i]
        fn1 = int(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(im1))[0].split('_')[1])
        for j in range(i + 1, nF):
            im2 = iframes[j]
            fn2 = int(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(im2))[0].split('_')[1])
            print("DeepFlow between frame %d and %d" % (fn1, fn2))
            flow_in1 = args.path_in + 'corrmatrix/%04d_%04d.flo' % (fn1, fn2)
            flow_in2 = args.path_in + 'corrmatrix/%04d_%04d.flo' % (fn2, fn1)

            #Read in flow
            flow1 = readFlo(flow_in1)
            flow2 = readFlo(flow_in2)

            ny, nx = flow1.shape[0:2]

            #For each run we compute the average reconstruction error
            fwdmeshy, fwdmeshx = [
                for a in np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny))
            #Perturb mesh grid by forward flow
            #Round to integers
            fwdx = fwdmeshx + np.ceil(flow1[:, :, 0])
            fwdy = fwdmeshy + np.ceil(flow1[:, :, 1])
            fwdx = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(nx - 1, fwdx))
            fwdy = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(nx - 1, fwdy))
            #Look up flow field using this perturbed map
            fwdremapx = fwdx + flow2[fwdx.astype(int), fwdy.astype(int), 0]
            fwdremapy = fwdy + flow2[fwdx.astype(int), fwdy.astype(int), 1]
            fwdremapx -= fwdmeshx
            fwdremapy -= fwdmeshy
            fwderr = np.sqrt(fwdremapx**2 + fwdremapy**2)
            #fwdtracked = fwderr < threshold

            D[i, j] = np.mean(fwderr)
            D[j, i] = D[i, j]

    # Plot distance matrix.
    fig1 = pylab.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    axmatrix1 = fig1.add_axes([0.3, 0.1, 0.6, 0.6])
    im = axmatrix1.matshow(D,
    fn_out = args.path_in + 'similarity.png'

    #Once we've loaded this data we view the similarity matrix
    fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.09, 0.1, 0.2, 0.6])
    Y = sch.linkage(D, method='centroid')
    Z1 = sch.dendrogram(Y, orientation='right')

    # Compute and plot second dendrogram.
    ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.3, 0.71, 0.6, 0.2])
    Y = sch.linkage(D, method='single')
    Z2 = sch.dendrogram(Y)

    # Plot distance matrix.
    axmatrix = fig.add_axes([0.3, 0.1, 0.6, 0.6])
    idx1 = Z1['leaves']
    idx2 = Z2['leaves']
    D = D[idx1, :]
    D = D[:, idx2]
    im = axmatrix.matshow(D,

    # Plot colorbar.
    axcolor = fig.add_axes([0.91, 0.1, 0.02, 0.6])
    pylab.colorbar(im, cax=axcolor)
    fn_out = args.path_in + 'dendrogram.png'

    #Make another version of this plot but bigger and with frame snippets
    #Load all the iframe images and resize
    fn_out_d1 = args.path_in + 'dend_d1_tile.png'
    fn_out_d2 = args.path_in + 'dend_d2_tile.png'
    im_d1 = images[idx1[0]]
    im_d2 = images[idx2[0]]
    for idx in range(1, nF):
        im_d1 = np.hstack((im_d1, images[idx1[idx]]))
        im_d2 = np.hstack((im_d2, images[idx2[idx]]))
    cv2.imwrite(fn_out_d1, im_d1)
    cv2.imwrite(fn_out_d2, im_d2)
Example #3
def continuation(name, segmentation, res_dir, mfsf_in, iframes, rframes):
    usage = """Continue MFSF optic flow fields from separate videos into the one flow field 
whose coordinates are relative to a set of reference frames specified.

./continue_mfsf.py --rframes 1,501 --iframes 1,251,501,751 ./simmatrix/20160412/ ./mfsf_output/

For help:
./continue_mfsf.py -h 

Ben Lansdell

    #Test code
    #name = '20160412'
    #segmentation = './simmatrix/20160412/seg_admm/gpu_MS_lambda_1.00e-04_rho_1.00e-03_niter_3000.npy'
    #res_dir = './simmatrix/'
    #mfsf_in = './mfsf_output/'
    #iframes = [1, 251, 501, 751, 1001, 1251, 1501, 1751, 2001, 2251, 2501, 2751, 3001, 3251, 3501, 3751, 4001,\
    #			4251, 4501, 4751]
    #rframes = [1, 501]

    #name = 'moon'
    #segmentation = './simmatrix/moon/seg_admm/gpu_MS_lambda_1.00e-04_rho_1.00e-03_niter_1000_1,101,201,301,401,501,601,701,801,901,1001,1101,1201,1301,1401.npz'
    #res_dir = './simmatrix/'
    #mfsf_in = './mfsf_output/'
    #iframes = [1,101,201,301,401,501,601,701,801,901,1001,1101,1201,1301,1401]
    #rframes = [1,201,401,601]

    name = 'earth'
    segmentation = './simmatrix/earth/seg_admm/gpu_MS_lambda_1.00e-04_rho_1.00e-03_niter_3000_1,51,101,151,201,251,301,351,401,451,501,551,601,651,701,751,801.npz'
    res_dir = './simmatrix/'
    mfsf_in = './mfsf_output/'
    iframes = [
        1, 51, 101, 151, 201, 251, 301, 351, 401, 451, 501, 551, 601, 651, 701,
        751, 801
    rframes = [1, 101, 201, 301, 401]

    #Prepare output directory

    dr = res_dir + '/' + name + '/continuation/'
    if not os.path.exists(dr):

    #Load MS segmenting results for each reference frame
    u_s = np.load(segmentation)
    u_s = u_s['u_s']

    print u_s.shape

    nR = len(rframes)
    nF = len(iframes)

    nframes = iframes[1] - iframes[0]

    #For each MFSF file
    for vidx in range(nF):
        #Load MFSF data
        fn_in = mfsf_in + '/' + name + '/stack%04d_nref1_nframe%d/result.mat' % (
            vidx + 1, nframes)

        fn2 = iframes[vidx]

        print "Continuing video (frame %d)" % fn2

            a = loadmat(fn_in)
            params = a['parmsOF']
            u1 = a['u']
            v1 = a['v']
        except NotImplementedError:
            print "Failed to read using loadmat, using hdf5 library to read %s" % fn_in
            f = h5py.File(fn_in, 'r')
            #Note the x and y axes may need to be switched here...
            u1 = np.transpose(np.array(f.get('u')), (1, 2, 0))
            v1 = np.transpose(np.array(f.get('v')), (1, 2, 0))

        #Continue paths for both reference frames
        #and save a mask of which paths should actually be continued based on
        seg = np.argmax(cv2.resize(u_s[:, :, :, vidx], u1.shape[0:2]), axis=2)

        for k in range(nR):
            fn1 = rframes[k]
            #Load in flow results for each reference frame to the iframe
            if fn1 != fn2:
                #Make a Stitcher. Takes the second set's flow data as input
                thestitch = Stitcher(u1, v1)
                fn_in = res_dir + '/' + name + '/corrmatrix/%04d_%04d.flo' % (
                    fn1, fn2)
                flow = readFlo(fn_in)
                u0 = flow[:, :, 0]
                v0 = flow[:, :, 1]
                (u, v) = thestitch.run(u0, v0)
                del thestitch
                unreachable = gc.collect()
                #Threshold and label paths that are to be continued with this rframe
                mask = (seg == k)
                u = u1
                v = v1
                mask = np.ones(u1.shape[0:2])

            #Save output matrix
            mdict = {'u': u, 'v': v, 'mask': mask}
            savemat(dr + '/mfsf_r_%04d_l_%04d.mat' % (fn1, fn2), mdict)
def continuation(path_in, mfsf_in, iframes, rframes):
	usage = """Continue MFSF optic flow fields from separate videos into the one flow field 
whose coordinates are relative to a set of reference frames specified.

./continue_dm_mfsf.py --rframes 1,501 --iframes 1,251,501,751 ./simmatrix/20160412/ ./mfsf_output/

For help:
./continue_dm_mfsf.py -h 

Ben Lansdell

	#Test code
	path_in = './simmatrix/20160412/seg_admm/gpu_MS_lambda_1.00e-04_rho_1.00e-03_niter_3000.npy'
	name = './simmatrix/20160412/'
	mfsf_in = './mfsf_output/'
	iframes = [1, 251, 501, 751, 1001, 1251, 1501]
	rframes = [1, 501] 

	dm_frames = [1, 501, 1251]
	forward_mfsf = [[501, 751], [1251, 1501]]
	reverse_mfsf = [[501, 251], [1251, 1001]]

	#Prepare output directory 
	dr = name + './continuation_mfsf/'
	if not os.path.exists(dr):

	#Load MS segmenting results for each reference frame
	u_s = np.load(path_in)

	nR = len(rframes)
	nF = len(iframes)
	nD = len(dm_frames)

	#For each DM file
	for vidx2 in range(nD):
		vidx = np.nonzero(np.array(iframes) == dm_frames[vidx2])[0][0]
		#Load MFSF data
		fn_in = mfsf_in + 'stack%04d_nref1_nframe250/result.mat'%(vidx+1)

		fn2 = iframes[vidx]

		print "Continuing video with DeepMatching (frame %d)"%fn2
		(u1, v1) = read_MFSF(fn_in)

		#Continue paths for both reference frames 
		#and save a mask of which paths should actually be continued based on 
		seg = np.argmax(cv2.resize(u_s[:,:,:,vidx], u1.shape[0:2]), axis = 2)

		for k in range(nR):
			fn1 = rframes[k]
			#Load in flow results for each reference frame to the iframe 
			if fn1 != fn2:
				#Make a Stitcher. Takes the second set's flow data as input
				thestitch = Stitcher(u1, v1)
				fn_in = name + '/corrmatrix/%04d_%04d.flo'%(fn1,fn2)
				flow = readFlo(fn_in)
				u0 = flow[:,:,0]
				v0 = flow[:,:,1]
				(u, v) = thestitch.run(u0, v0)	
				del thestitch
				unreachable = gc.collect()
				#Threshold and label paths that are to be continued with this rframe
				mask = (seg == k)
				u = u1 
				v = v1 
				mask = np.ones(u1.shape[0:2])

			#Save output matrix
			mdict = {'u':u, 'v':v, 'mask':mask}
			savemat(dr + '/mfsf_r_%04d_l_%04d.mat'%(fn1, fn2), mdict)
	#Then do the MFSF frames 
	#forward_mfsf = [[501, 751], [1251, 1501]]
	for vidx in range(len(forward_mfsf)):
		#This is the already shifted one
		vn1 = forward_mfsf[vidx][0]
		vidx1 = np.nonzero(np.array(iframes) == vn1)[0][0]
		#This is the to be shifted one
		vn2 = forward_mfsf[vidx][1]
		vidx2 = np.nonzero(np.array(iframes) == vn2)[0][0]

		print "Continuing video with MFSF (frame %d)"%vn2
		fn_in2 = mfsf_in + 'stack%04d_nref1_nframe250/result.mat'%(vidx2+1)
		(u2,v2) = read_MFSF(fn_in2)

		#Load in v1's MFSF data for both r frames
		for k in range(nR):
			#Create a Stitcher
			thestitch = Stitcher(u2, v2)
			fn1 = rframes[k]

			#Load MFSF data
			#fn_in1 = mfsf_in + 'stack%04d_nref1_nframe250/result.mat'%(vidx1+1)
			fn_in1 = dr + '/mfsf_r_%04d_l_%04d.mat'%(fn1, vn1)
			#(u1, v1) = load_MFSF(fn_in1)
			a = loadmat(fn_in1)	
			u1 = a['u']
			v1 = a['v']
			mask = a['mask']

			#Load in flow results for each reference frame to the iframe 
			#Make a Stitcher. Takes the second set's flow data as input
			(u, v) = thestitch.run(u1, v1)	
			del thestitch
			unreachable = gc.collect()
			#Threshold and label paths that are to be continued with this rframe
			#Save output matrix (inherit the mask from the parent continuation)
			mdict = {'u':u, 'v':v, 'mask':mask}
			savemat(dr + '/mfsf_r_%04d_l_%04d_m_%04d.mat'%(fn1, vn1, vn2), mdict)
	#reverse_mfsf = [[501, 251], [1251, 1001]]
	for vidx in range(len(reverse_mfsf)):
		#This is the already shifted one
		vn1 = reverse_mfsf[vidx][0]
		vidx1 = np.nonzero(np.array(iframes) == vn1)[0][0]
		#This is the to be shifted one
		vn2 = reverse_mfsf[vidx][1]
		vidx2 = np.nonzero(np.array(iframes) == vn2)[0][0]

		print "Continuing video with MFSF (frame %d)"%vn2
		fn_in2 = mfsf_in + 'stack%04d_nref1_nframe250/result.mat'%(vidx2+1)
		(u2,v2) = read_MFSF(fn_in2)

		#Load in v1's MFSF data for both r frames
		for k in range(nR):
			#Create a Stitcher
			thestitch = StitcherReverse(u2, v2)

			fn1 = rframes[k]

			#Load MFSF data
			fn_in1 = dr + '/mfsf_r_%04d_l_%04d.mat'%(fn1, vn1)			
			#fn_in1 = mfsf_in + 'stack%04d_nref1_nframe250/result.mat'%(vidx1+1)
			a = loadmat(fn_in1)	
			u1 = a['u']
			v1 = a['v']
			mask = a['mask']

			#Load in flow results for each reference frame to the iframe 
			#Make a Stitcher. Takes the second set's flow data as input
			(u, v) = thestitch.run(u1, v1)	
			del thestitch
			unreachable = gc.collect()
			#Threshold and label paths that are to be continued with this rframe
			#Save output matrix (inherit the mask from the parent continuation)
			mdict = {'u':u, 'v':v, 'mask':mask}
			savemat(dr + '/mfsf_r_%04d_l_%04d_m_%04d.mat'%(fn1, vn1, vn2), mdict)
Example #5
def main():
	usage = """deepflow_corrmatrix.py [register_dir]...

Generate confidence maps based on optical flow estimation

./deepflow_corrmatrix.py ./register/20160412stk0001/

For help:
./deepflow_corrmatrix.py -h 

Ben Lansdell

	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
	parser.add_argument('dir_in', help='output directory')
	args = parser.parse_args()

	#Test code for interactive dev
	class Args:
	args = Args()
	args.dir_in = './register/20160412stk0001/'

	#args.dir_in = './register/test/'

	#Get the set of reference frames...
	refframes = [int(i[-8:-4]) for i in glob(args.dir_in + 'refframes/*.png')]
	nF = len(refframes)

	threshold = 4
	radius = 6

	#Load DeepFlow results
	for r1 in refframes:
		for r2 in refframes:
			if r1 != r2:

				print("Load DeepFlow between frame %d and %d" %(r1, r2))
				fn_in1 = args.dir_in + 'corrmatrix/%04d_%04d.flo'%(r1, r2)
				fn_in2 = args.dir_in + 'corrmatrix/%04d_%04d.flo'%(r2, r1)

				flow1 = readFlo(fn_in1)
				flow2 = readFlo(fn_in2)

				nx = flow1.shape[0]
				ny = flow1.shape[1]

				#Flip x and y flow
				flow1 = np.transpose(flow1, [1,0,2])
				flow2 = np.transpose(flow2, [1,0,2])
				flow1 = flow1[:,:,::-1]
				flow2 = flow2[:,:,::-1]

				#Perform mapping and then reverse mapping, then perform reverse mapping then mapping
				#Make mesh grid
				fwdmeshy, fwdmeshx = [a.astype(np.float32) for a in np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny))]
				revmeshy, revmeshx = [a.astype(np.float32) for a in np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny))]

				#Perturb mesh grid by forward flow 
				#Round to integers 
				fwdx = fwdmeshx + np.ceil(flow1[:,:,0])
				fwdy = fwdmeshy + np.ceil(flow1[:,:,1])

				fwdx = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(nx-1, fwdx))
				fwdy = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(nx-1, fwdy))

				#Look up flow field using this perturbed map
				fwdremapx = fwdx + flow2[fwdx.astype(int),fwdy.astype(int),0]
				fwdremapy = fwdy + flow2[fwdx.astype(int),fwdy.astype(int),1]

				fwdremapx -= fwdmeshx 
				fwdremapy -= fwdmeshy 

				fwderr = np.sqrt(fwdremapx**2 + fwdremapy**2)

				#Determine based on absolute value of displacement whether 'mapped' or not...
				#perhaps model as GMM/some sort of smoothing....

				#Plot flow data 
				#absflow1 = np.sqrt(flow1[:,:,0]**2 + flow1[:,:,1]**2)
				#absflow2 = np.sqrt(flow2[:,:,0]**2 + flow2[:,:,1]**2)

				#Load reference frame
				fn_in1 = args.dir_in + 'refframes/frame_%04d.png'%r1
				rf1 = cv2.imread(fn_in1)
				fn_in2 = args.dir_in + 'refframes/frame_%04d.png'%r2
				rf2 = cv2.imread(fn_in2)

				hsv = np.zeros_like(rf1)
				hsv[...,1] = 255
				mag, ang = cv2.cartToPolar(flow1[...,0], flow1[...,1])
				hsv[...,0] = ang*180/np.pi/2
				hsv[...,2] = cv2.normalize(mag,None,0,255,cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
				bgr1 = cv2.cvtColor(hsv,cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
				dst1 = cv2.addWeighted(rf1,0.7,bgr1,0.3,0)
				cv2.imwrite('./dst1.png', dst1)

				hsv = np.zeros_like(rf2)
				hsv[...,1] = 255
				mag, ang = cv2.cartToPolar(flow2[...,0], flow2[...,1])
				hsv[...,0] = ang*180/np.pi/2
				hsv[...,2] = cv2.normalize(mag,None,0,255,cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
				bgr2 = cv2.cvtColor(hsv,cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
				dst2 = cv2.addWeighted(rf2,0.7,bgr2,0.3,0)
				cv2.imwrite('./dst2.png', dst2)

				#Overlay with reference frame...
				im_fwderr = cv2.normalize(fwderr, fwderr, alpha=0, beta=255, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U)
				im_fwderr = cv2.cvtColor(im_fwderr, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
				im_fwderr = cv2.applyColorMap(im_fwderr, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
				dst = cv2.addWeighted(rf1,0.7,im_fwderr,0.3,0)
				#cv2.imshow('Error', dst)
				cv2.imwrite('./error.png', dst)

				#Concat into one big image...
				vis1 = np.concatenate((rf1, rf2, bgr1), axis=1)
				vis2 = np.concatenate((rf2, rf1, bgr2), axis=1)
				vis3 = np.concatenate((bgr1, bgr2, im_fwderr), axis=1)
				vis = np.concatenate((vis1, vis2, vis3), axis = 0)
				#cv2.imshow('Error', vis)
				cv2.imwrite('./error.png', dst)

				#Other measures of error include just comparing the flow mapped R1 to R2
				#and vice versa
				#Can use CV's remap function

				rf1_recon = cv2.remap(rf2, fwdmeshx - flow1[:,:,0], fwdmeshy - flow1[:,:,1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
				rf2_recon = cv2.remap(rf1, revmeshx - flow2[:,:,0], revmeshy - flow2[:,:,1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

				#Compare these reconstructions to the original frames....
				vis1 = np.concatenate((rf1, rf1_recon), axis = 1)
				vis2 = np.concatenate((rf2, rf2_recon), axis = 1)
				vis = np.concatenate((vis1, vis2), axis = 0)
				#cv2.imshow('Recon', vis)

				cv2.imwrite('./test.png', vis)

				#Run local comparisons within a window...
				sim1cc = np.zeros((nx,ny))
				sim2cc = np.zeros((nx,ny))
				sim1l2 = np.zeros((nx,ny))
				sim2l2 = np.zeros((nx,ny))
				gr_rf1 = cv2.cvtColor(rf1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
				gr_rf2 = cv2.cvtColor(rf2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
				gr_rf1_rc = cv2.cvtColor(rf1_recon, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
				gr_rf2_rc = cv2.cvtColor(rf2_recon, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

				r2 = radius**2
				for i in range(radius, nx-radius):
					for j in range(radius, ny-radius):
						#Generate window around current point
						pts1 = gr_rf1[i-radius:i+radius, j-radius:j+radius]
						pts2 = gr_rf1_rc[i-radius:i+radius, j-radius:j+radius]
						pts1 = np.reshape(pts1, (-1,1))
						pts2 = np.reshape(pts2, (-1,1))

						#Measure similiarty here
						l2 = np.sqrt(np.sum((pts1 - pts2)**2))/r2
						cc = np.corrcoef(pts1.T, pts2.T)[0,1]
						sim1cc[i,j] = cc if not np.isnan(cc) else 0
						sim1l2[i,j] = l2

						#Generate window around current point
						pts1 = gr_rf2[i-radius:i+radius, j-radius:j+radius]
						pts2 = gr_rf2_rc[i-radius:i+radius, j-radius:j+radius]
						pts1 = np.reshape(pts1, (-1,1))
						pts2 = np.reshape(pts2, (-1,1))
						#Measure similiarty here
						l2 = np.sqrt(np.sum((pts1 - pts2)**2))/r2
						cc = np.corrcoef(pts1.T, pts2.T)[0,1]
						sim2cc[i,j] = cc if not np.isnan(cc) else 0
						sim2l2[i,j] = l2

				#Save these results
				cv2.imwrite('./test_l2_err1.png', sim1l2)
				cv2.imwrite('./test_l2_err2.png', sim2l2)

				cv2.imwrite('./test_corr_err1.png', sim1cc*255)
				cv2.imwrite('./test_corr_err2.png', sim2cc*255)