Example #1
    def simulate_chain(in_prob, affine, **solve_kwargs):
        # get a ParamConeProg object
        reductions = [Dcp2Cone(), CvxAttr2Constr(), ConeMatrixStuffing()]
        chain = Chain(None, reductions)
        cone_prog, inv_prob2cone = chain.apply(in_prob)

        # apply the Slacks reduction, reconstruct a high-level problem,
        # solve the problem, invert the reduction.
        cone_prog = ConicSolver().format_constraints(cone_prog,
                                                     exp_cone_order=[0, 1, 2])
        data, inv_data = a2d.Slacks.apply(cone_prog, affine)
        G, h, f, K_dir, K_aff = data[s.A], data[s.B], data[
            s.C], data['K_dir'], data['K_aff']
        G = sp.sparse.csc_matrix(G)
        y = cp.Variable(shape=(G.shape[1], ))
        objective = cp.Minimize(f @ y)
        aff_con = TestSlacks.set_affine_constraints(G, h, y, K_aff)
        dir_con = TestSlacks.set_direct_constraints(y, K_dir)
        int_con = TestSlacks.set_integer_constraints(y, data)
        constraints = aff_con + dir_con + int_con
        slack_prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
        slack_prims = {
            a2d.FREE: y[:cone_prog.x.size].value
        }  # nothing else need be populated.
        slack_sol = cp.Solution(slack_prob.status, slack_prob.value,
                                slack_prims, None, dict())
        cone_sol = a2d.Slacks.invert(slack_sol, inv_data)

        # pass solution up the solving chain
        in_prob_sol = chain.invert(cone_sol, inv_prob2cone)
    def simulate_chain(in_prob):
        # Get a ParamConeProg object
        reductions = [Dcp2Cone(), CvxAttr2Constr(), ConeMatrixStuffing()]
        chain = Chain(None, reductions)
        cone_prog, inv_prob2cone = chain.apply(in_prob)

        # Dualize the problem, reconstruct a high-level cvxpy problem for the dual.
        # Solve the problem, invert the dualize reduction.
        solver = ConicSolver()
        cone_prog = solver.format_constraints(cone_prog,
                                              exp_cone_order=[0, 1, 2])
        data, inv_data = a2d.Dualize.apply(cone_prog)
        A, b, c, K_dir = data[s.A], data[s.B], data[s.C], data['K_dir']
        y = cp.Variable(shape=(A.shape[1], ))
        constraints = [A @ y == b]
        i = K_dir[a2d.FREE]
        dual_prims = {a2d.FREE: y[:i], a2d.SOC: []}
        if K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]:
            dim = K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]
            dual_prims[a2d.NONNEG] = y[i:i + dim]
            constraints.append(y[i:i + dim] >= 0)
            i += dim
        for dim in K_dir[a2d.SOC]:
            dual_prims[a2d.SOC].append(y[i:i + dim])
            constraints.append(SOC(y[i], y[i + 1:i + dim]))
            i += dim
        if K_dir[a2d.DUAL_EXP]:
            dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_EXP] = y[i:]
            y_de = cp.reshape(y[i:], ((y.size - i) // 3, 3),
                              order='C')  # fill rows first
                ExpCone(-y_de[:, 1], -y_de[:, 0],
                        np.exp(1) * y_de[:, 2]))
        objective = cp.Maximize(c @ y)
        dual_prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
        dual_prob.solve(solver='SCS', eps=1e-8)
        dual_prims[a2d.FREE] = dual_prims[a2d.FREE].value
        if K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]:
            dual_prims[a2d.NONNEG] = dual_prims[a2d.NONNEG].value
        dual_prims[a2d.SOC] = [expr.value for expr in dual_prims[a2d.SOC]]
        if K_dir[a2d.DUAL_EXP]:
            dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_EXP] = dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_EXP].value
        dual_duals = {s.EQ_DUAL: constraints[0].dual_value}
        dual_sol = cp.Solution(dual_prob.status, dual_prob.value, dual_prims,
                               dual_duals, dict())
        cone_sol = a2d.Dualize.invert(dual_sol, inv_data)

        # Pass the solution back up the solving chain.
        in_prob_sol = chain.invert(cone_sol, inv_prob2cone)
Example #3
def construct_intermediate_chain(problem, candidates, gp: bool = False):
    Builds a chain that rewrites a problem into an intermediate
    representation suitable for numeric reductions.

    problem : Problem
        The problem for which to build a chain.
    candidates : dict
        Dictionary of candidate solvers divided in qp_solvers
        and conic_solvers.
    gp : bool
        If True, the problem is parsed as a Disciplined Geometric Program
        instead of as a Disciplined Convex Program.

        A Chain that can be used to convert the problem to an intermediate form.

        Raised if the problem is not DCP and `gp` is False.
        Raised if the problem is not DGP and `gp` is True.

    reductions = []
    if len(problem.variables()) == 0:
        return Chain(reductions=reductions)
    # TODO Handle boolean constraints.
    if complex2real.accepts(problem):
        reductions += [complex2real.Complex2Real()]
    if gp:
        reductions += [Dgp2Dcp()]

    if not gp and not problem.is_dcp():
        append = build_non_disciplined_error_msg(problem, 'DCP')
        if problem.is_dgp():
            append += ("\nHowever, the problem does follow DGP rules. "
                       "Consider calling solve() with `gp=True`.")
        elif problem.is_dqcp():
            append += ("\nHowever, the problem does follow DQCP rules. "
                       "Consider calling solve() with `qcp=True`.")
        raise DCPError("Problem does not follow DCP rules. Specifically:\n" +

    elif gp and not problem.is_dgp():
        append = build_non_disciplined_error_msg(problem, 'DGP')
        if problem.is_dcp():
            append += ("\nHowever, the problem does follow DCP rules. "
                       "Consider calling solve() with `gp=False`.")
        elif problem.is_dqcp():
            append += ("\nHowever, the problem does follow DQCP rules. "
                       "Consider calling solve() with `qcp=True`.")
        raise DGPError("Problem does not follow DGP rules." + append)

    # Dcp2Cone and Qp2SymbolicQp require problems to minimize their objectives.
    if type(problem.objective) == Maximize:
        reductions += [FlipObjective()]

    # First, attempt to canonicalize the problem to a linearly constrained QP.
    if candidates['qp_solvers'] and qp2symbolic_qp.accepts(problem):
        reductions += [CvxAttr2Constr(), Qp2SymbolicQp()]
        return Chain(reductions=reductions)

    # Canonicalize it to conic problem.
    if not candidates['conic_solvers']:
        raise SolverError("Problem could not be reduced to a QP, and no "
                          "conic solvers exist among candidate solvers "
                          "(%s)." % candidates)
    reductions += [Dcp2Cone(), CvxAttr2Constr()]
    return Chain(reductions=reductions)
Example #4
def _reductions_for_problem_class(problem,
                                  gp: bool = False) -> List[Any]:
    Builds a chain that rewrites a problem into an intermediate
    representation suitable for numeric reductions.

    problem : Problem
        The problem for which to build a chain.
    candidates : dict
        Dictionary of candidate solvers divided in qp_solvers
        and conic_solvers.
    gp : bool
        If True, the problem is parsed as a Disciplined Geometric Program
        instead of as a Disciplined Convex Program.
    list of Reduction objects
        A list of reductions that can be used to convert the problem to an
        intermediate form.
        Raised if the problem is not DCP and `gp` is False.
        Raised if the problem is not DGP and `gp` is True.
    reductions = []
    # TODO Handle boolean constraints.
    if complex2real.accepts(problem):
        reductions += [complex2real.Complex2Real()]
    if gp:
        reductions += [Dgp2Dcp()]

    if not gp and not problem.is_dcp():
        append = build_non_disciplined_error_msg(problem, 'DCP')
        if problem.is_dgp():
            append += ("\nHowever, the problem does follow DGP rules. "
                       "Consider calling solve() with `gp=True`.")
        elif problem.is_dqcp():
            append += ("\nHowever, the problem does follow DQCP rules. "
                       "Consider calling solve() with `qcp=True`.")
        raise DCPError("Problem does not follow DCP rules. Specifically:\n" +
    elif gp and not problem.is_dgp():
        append = build_non_disciplined_error_msg(problem, 'DGP')
        if problem.is_dcp():
            append += ("\nHowever, the problem does follow DCP rules. "
                       "Consider calling solve() with `gp=False`.")
        elif problem.is_dqcp():
            append += ("\nHowever, the problem does follow DQCP rules. "
                       "Consider calling solve() with `qcp=True`.")
        raise DGPError("Problem does not follow DGP rules." + append)

    # Dcp2Cone and Qp2SymbolicQp require problems to minimize their objectives.
    if type(problem.objective) == Maximize:
        reductions += [FlipObjective()]

    if _solve_as_qp(problem, candidates):
        reductions += [CvxAttr2Constr(), qp2symbolic_qp.Qp2SymbolicQp()]
        # Canonicalize it to conic problem.
        if not candidates['conic_solvers']:
            raise SolverError("Problem could not be reduced to a QP, and no "
                              "conic solvers exist among candidate solvers "
                              "(%s)." % candidates)
            reductions += [Dcp2Cone(), CvxAttr2Constr()]

    constr_types = {type(c) for c in problem.constraints}
    if FiniteSet in constr_types:
        reductions += [Valinvec2mixedint()]

    return reductions
Example #5
import numpy as np
from cvxpy.reductions.dcp2cone.dcp2cone import Dcp2Cone

n = 5
x = cvx.Variable(n)
y = cvx.Variable()
A = r.rand(n, n)
b = r.rand(n, 1)

l = np.random.randn(5, 4)
c = [cvx.abs(A * x + b) <= 2, cvx.abs(y) + x[0] <= 1, cvx.log1p(x) >= 5]
c.append(cvx.log_sum_exp(l, axis=0) <= 10)
X = cvx.Variable((5, 5))
c.append(cvx.log_det(X) >= 10)
prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(x[0] + x[1] + y), c)

d2c = Dcp2Cone()
new_prob = d2c.apply(prob)


